President Roosevelt Gets First Poppy Farms,Schools Marine Planes Embark On Mass Fli
an In County Have
[ere Polluted Water 1
GeSurveyShows Evidences
Table Of Impurity At Various
Il Locations m!
In an attempt to improve sani-
tation and health conditions in rural
schools and homes, surveys in Wash-
tenaw County are being carried on by
the university, under the direction
of Dr. Lloyd R. Gates, instructor in
hygiene and public health. Approxi-
mately 75 schools and 140 farms
have been inspected in these surveys,
which are the first of their kind to
be made in the state.
In examining the schools, samples
of the drinking water are taken,
lighting facilities are tested by means
of a foot candle meter, and the gen-
eral layout and condition of the
school building are recorded. Ac-
cording to Dr. Lloyd, scientific reports
obtained from these surveys will make
it easibr to eliminate haphazard
spending of government money and
labor which marked some CWA proj-
ects for repair work on country
Samples of the water supply are
brought back to Ann Arbor from
each school and farms tested by Prof.
Herbert R. Emerson, Director of the
Pasteur Institute. Evidences of a
polluted water supply have been
found in three schools and 11 farms.
- For the farm surveys, samples of
both milk and water are tested, and
a detailed report is made on the con-
dition of the stock, and of the farm
Co-operating with the university
examiners are the Washtenaw County
Planning Commission, directed by
Prof. Lewis Gram of the engineer-
ing school, the City Health Depart-
ment of Ann Arbor, and Miss Cora
Hayes, Rural School Commissioner.
Five men, all of whom have had
training in survey work, are em-
ployed on the enterprise, and are as-
sisted by 29 students. It is estimated
that it will take three months to com-
plete the work.
-Associated Press Photo
Eighteen marine pursuit planes are pictured in formation over Quan-
tico, Va., as they began a mass formation flight to Quantonamo Bay,
Cuba, to become part of the navy fleet maneuvers in the Caribbean.
-Associated Press Photo
Little three-year-old Muriel Morgan travelled all the way from the
home for widows and orphans maintained by the Veterans of Foreign
Wars at Eaton Rapids, Mich., to present the first "buddy poppy" to the
year to President Roosevelt. James E. Van Zandt, commander-in-chief
of the veterans' organization, stands behind the President's desk.
Curtis And Isaacs Talk
At Medical Convention
Dr. Arthur C. Curtis, secretary of
the School of Medicine; and Dr. Ra-
phael M. Isaacs, professor of internal
medicine at the Simpson Memorial
Institute, spoke before the Associa-
tion of American Physicians Wednes-
day in Atlantic City.
They left Ann Arbor Saturday and
expect to return sometime this after-
noon. While there they also attended
the American Society For Clinical Re-
They were accompanied by Dr.
Frank N. Wilson, Dr. Paul S. Barker,
and Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis of the de-
partment of internal medicine.
Adams To Go To Europe
For Research On Treaty
According to members of the Wil-
liam L. Clements Library staff, Di-
rector Randolph G. Adams, who has
been in the East for the past three
months, is expected to leave for Eur-
ope either today or tomorrow to do
research work on the peace treaty of
Dr. Adams conferred with Regent
William L. Clements in New York
Tuesday, about the proposed trip, but
their decision was not made public.
Regent Clements, returning from
Florida, is making several purchases
at the auction sale of the Terry book1
Survey Shows
Job Increase
For Graduates
COLUMBUS,.O., May 2.-(/P) -Im-
proving business conditions have
smoothed the road for the 1934 college
A survey of Ohio State University
departments today showed hundreds
of seniors already arranged for posi-
tions upon graduation in June.
The university announced that
prospects for employment are much
better than a year ago. Members of
the educational faculty, however, de-
clined to make a prediction, saying
the outlook for.teachers depends on
settlement of school finances. Most of
the dental seniors have made con-
tracts; nearly all graduates in flori-
culture, dairy technology, poultry hus-
bandry and agricultural engineering
have been placed, and other agricul-
tural departments report improved
employment prospects.
Demand in several engineering de-
partments is reported as "greater than
the supply" with representatives of
various industries coming to the cam-
pus to negotiate with students for the
first time in three years.
Aided by the financial backing of
.he CWA, wind tunnel experiments
;onducted in the aeronautical engi-
aeering department are now being
devoted to a new phase of this re-
search field, according to Prof. Mil-
ton J. Thompson, who is in general
charge .of the investigations.
In general, wind resistance experi-
ments have been carried on in tun-
nels where an approximately uniform
flow of air has been maintained. In
the correlation of experimental re-
sults obtained from laboratories all
over the country, certain serious dis-
crepancies have been found which
have long puzzled the authorities.
It is now believed that these vari-
ations in wind resistance measure-
ments are the result of the failure on
the part of experimentalists to pro-
vide a sufficiently uniform and non-
turbulent flow of air to correspond
with actual wind conditions in the
atmosphere through which the air-
planes must fly, Professor Thompson
pointed out.
The new experimental work in the
aeronautical laboratory has been de-
signed to investigate these recent
theories of air turbulence, or varia-
tions in the speed and direction of
air movements. It has been found
that spherical balls and disc-shaped
objects are best adapted to study the
effects of air turbulence, and the lat-
est investigations have been based on
models of these general shapes.
The actual testing of the wind rep
sistance produced by the various
types of airplanes is conducted by
the use of different sizes of. airplane
wings, whose behavior in wind tun-
nel experiments has been of primary
importance in the development of
airplane, designs, Prof. Thompson
The aeronautical laboratory hopes
to check their experimental data
against open-air flight conditions
when the research has sufficiently
progressed and when financial sup-
port makes possible such a project.
At the meeting of the Michigan
Botanical Seminar yesterday after-
noon in the Natural Science Build-
ing, Miriam G. Groner, Grad., read
a paper on "The comparative physi-
ology of green and chlorophyll-de-
ficient types in maize."
See Our Window-
302 South State St.
iany of whom were graduates of the se of ny d s r Law enforcement officials and slot-
rniversity and knew about the ex- teof ny invha or oganizy machine owners are in agreement
ension service offered by the library, tyof intretedinbtem sthat it is undesirable for money to
egan to request material soon after be paid out to the players of slot-
heir appointment. machines.
Sends Out Letter Despite the best efforts of the
After these initial requests, W, D. . V I1p owners, the players do occasionally
[enderson, director of the Extension win;but, says Sheriff Jacob B. An-
division of the University wrote form City bureaus dres, winners may glory only in the
etters to all CCC camps, that their excellence of their skill, or their luck
irectors might become acquainted for the flow of money shall be uni-
vith this service and participate in d B Udget directional.
hie advantages which it offers. "Because of numerous complaints
Thus Miss Edith Thomas, director The growth of certain divisions of that slot-machines are being operatedn
f the library extension service, ex- the city government may necessitate throughout the county Sheriff An-
lains the numerous requests which reorganization of departments to pro- dres stated, citizens are warned that
ave been received since the latter vide greater space for them, it was wahn coplints re mofsaed dit
art of March for material. When- revealed at the budget committee when complamts are made direct,
ver possible the service is trying to meeting of the common council Tues- anyone having a machine in opera-
11 needs in the Michigan district. day night. tion will be prosecuted."
3the middle of April, after less Reussfricaedpcehv It has not been decided just yet
Requests for increased space have about the legal status of baffle-
ontaining 1,962 pamphlets, clippings, been made recently by the public boards. Any money In sight, how-
hian a month of service, 193 packages works unit, the city clerk's office, and ever, will be sufficient cause for con-
eading lists, pictures, and posters the police department. fiscation
ad been sent to 27 camps. Slides Though every effort is being made
nd exhibits are also made available, to pare the budget figure to the STUDENTS OFFERED JOBS
Desires Are Varied amount expected to come in from Mr. A. U. Hunt, representative of
It is difficult to carry on educa- taxes, Ald. Leigh Young, chairman of the Jewel Tea Company, manufac-
ional programs in these camps be- the committee, said Tuesday that turers and distributors of grocery
ause of the diverse training which only $3,500 of the proposed $92,000 products, will interview University
ie members have had before enter- reduction has been made. He added men on Friday and Saturday, May 4
ng them. Many are former college that it would "almost be a miracle" and 5, for work with the company
tudents while others have not been if the entire sum is lopped off. after graduation.
hrough high school. But in general At the next meeting of the com- Students interested are asked to
he desires of the camps include such mittee Friday night the city park de- make appointments today with Miss
ubjects as Business English, Fores- partment and the poor department Mildred D. Webber at the office of the
ry, Vocational Guidance, Geography, budgets will be considered. This will University Bureau of Appointments
"ivics, Recreation, and Technical conclude the hearings of the various and Occupational Information, 201
tudies, Miss Thomas stated. departments. The final budget will Mason Hall. Literature relative to
The camps being served are for the I be presented to the council for ap- the positions open can be obtained
host part located in the northern sec- proval at its meeting May 21. at the Bureau.
4 t) l
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