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May 03, 1934 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-05-03

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llini Baseball, Track, And Golf Teams

To Be Here Saturd

Gridders Will
Meet In Annual
Tennis Team To Be Away,
Playing Western State
And Northwestern
Ferry Field and its vicinity will
have the busiest day of the spring,
Saturday, when Michigan and Illinois
athletes meet in baseball, track, and
golf, while two squads of the Wol-
verine football team hold their an-
nual game, the climax of the weeks
of spring practice. High school foot-
ball coaches will gather in the morn-
ing to witness a Varsity demonstra-
tion of Michigan football. Only the
tennis team will be away, meeting
Western State Teachers on Friday at
Kalamazoo and Northwestern Satur-
day at Evanston. The Wildcats will
furnish the second Big Ten opposi-
tion for the netmen.
Coach Hoyt's traclsmen, hampered
by injuries, may have a more diffi-
cult time defeating the Illini than
was previously expected. The Wol-
verine golfers, playing morning and
afternoon rounds, will attem, to
pass the Illinois obstacle in defense
of their Big Ten title. The Indian
baseball team promises to give the
Michigan nine the stiffest competi-
tion it has met so far.
The track meet will start at 1:30 p.
m., the baseball game at 2:30 p. m.
The football game will begin at 4
p. m.
Track Team To
Meet Illinois
Without Ellerby
I n j u r i e s May Handicap
Ward; Illini Strong In
Sprint Events
Minus the services of their cap-
tain, Tom Ellerby, who is definitely
out of the line-up with a pulled leg
muscle,-Michigan's tracksters will en-
gage in their only home meet of the
season with Illinois Saturday after-
With Willis Ward, Michigan's
strongest threat, also suffering from
injuries, the Wolverines go into the
meet with a handicap that should
be hard to overcome.
The Illini have good performers
in the dashes, quarter mile, weights
and pole vault and may pick up
enough points in other events to take
the measure of Michigan's indoor
The Illini have Seeley, one of tlhe
best pole vaulters in the Big Ten,
with a mark of -13 feet, 10 inches.
For the sprints they have Russell who
was timed at 9.7 for the century last
Saturday and Hellmich, second in
the Big Ten 100-yard dash last year.
Their shot putters, Cook, Kamm
and Cummings, are among the Con-
ference leaders. Miller, who will run
the 440 and 880, is a former national
interscholastic champion and has
been timed at; 48.5 seconds for the
Schoeniger, Illinois' best hurdler,
was third in the indoor Conference
highs this year. For the mile and
two mile runs the Illini will have
Du Fresne, Knight and Lanmejer,
all of whom must be rated above
Michigan's entries unless the Wol-
verines show improvement Saturday.

Coach Hoyt considers his squad
three weeks behind its training
schedule because of the unfavorable
weather which continued until this
week. He is cheered, however, by the
progress shown in time-trials this

Week-End Sports
TRACK - Michigan vs. Illinois.
1:30 p.m., Saturday, Ferry Field.
BASEBALL - Michigan vs. Il-
linois. Following track meet, Sat-
urday, Ferry Field.
FOOTBALL - Annual Spring
Scrimmage. 4 p.m.,Saturday,
GOLF - Michigan vs. Illinois,
Foursomes at 9 a.m., Saturday.
Singles at 1:15 p.m., University
Golf Course.
TENNIS - Michigan vs. West-
ern State, Friday at Kalamazoo;
Michigan vs. Northwestern, Sat-
urday at Evanston.
Gridders Seek.
Alumni Trophy
In Final Game
Fall Football Invitations
May Also Depend Upon
Showing Saturday
When 22 Maize and Blue clad war-
riors trot onto the Stadium football
field at 4:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon
they will be in search of something
more than victory for their own team.
The matters of who receives the Chi-
cago Alumni Trophy and who will re-
ceive invitations to return early for
football practice this fall also hang
in the balance.
The squad of 50 or more players
has been divided into rival camps
for two weeks and the teams are hop-
ing to spring some surprises on each
other Saturday.
Head Coach Harry Kipke, who is
directing the veteran Blue team has
just about decided upon his starting
line-up, although last minute changes
may be made.
James, at quarter; Sweet, fullback;
Aug I and Triplehorn, halves, are
Kipke's starting backfield quartet
which will operate behind the al-
most-all-veteran line of Johnson and
Patanelli, ends, Captain Austin and
Jacobson, tackles; Beard and Borg-
mann, guards; and Ford, center.
With this backfield Kipke appears
to have both the best kicker and
best passer available for either team.
Cedric Sweet is the outstanding punt-
er while Vincent Aug is the only
available passer who can be rated as
of near-Varsity caliber.
Though no scrimmage was held
yesterday due to the large number of
injuries received in Saturday's hard
workout, both Kipke and Franklin
Cappon, coaching the Yellows, sent
their squads through long offensive
and defensive drills.
Cappon, coaching the team which
annually takes a drubbing, would not
say yesterday which 11 men he would
offer as cannon fodder first, although
all of the men on both squads are
sure to see action at some time dur-
ing the regulation game-period.
Individual competition for the Chi-
cago Alumni Trophy always features
the spring game. The silver foot-
ball, given annually to the player, us-
ually a freshman, who shows the most
improvement in spring practice, was
given to Mike Malashevich last year.
Malashevich was the only sophomore
to win a Varsity letter last year.
Indications are that another end
may take the trophy this year, with
Matt Patanelli making a strong bid.
Others who may crash through are
Bud Hanshue, Aug, and Chris Ever-
hardus, following in the steps of his
brother, Herm, who won the honor in
Pete Appleton, expected to be one
of the Baltimore Orioles' starting

pitches in the International league
pennant race, is the same young man
who hurled successfully for the New-
ark club last year. Only then his name
was Pete Jablonowski. He changed it
during the winter.



The Police. . .
* * *

seldom has to go very far to
find it. That old adage holds true
in everything from sports right down
to growing cabbages. . except trouble
shooting in cars and radios. Tues-
day, thirty-eight Michiganu students
travelled forty miles to find trouble
and excitement in Detroit. -They
found it.
It was May-Day trouble that they
were hunting there. The young men
were affiliated, for the most part,
with Socialistic organizations on
Campus. They desired to demon-
Police came along and with signal
brutality even for police, gave some
of the lads a shellacking without
much if anything in the way of ex-
cuse or provocation.
Now this is no place for a discus-
sion of Socialism, Communism, or
any other Ism that you happen to
have on hand, but it does demon-
strate the usual attitude of those
admirable public servants, the police.
You might be led to think that a
man who depends on the public
funds for his coffee and cakes would
be at least civil to that public in the
discharge of his duties. The police,.
for the most part, are not.
Abundance Of
Good Golfers
Vexes Co ac h
Faced with the tremendous task of
picking a four man team from a squad
of nine players of nearly equal ability,
Coach Thomas Trueblood is carefully
putting his Varsity golfers through
practice rounds in preparation for the
dual meet with Illinois, Saturday at
the University Golf Course.
Nothing is known regarding the
strength of the Illini, but Coach True-
blood is having enough trouble trying
to decide on the four men that he
will use Saturday. According to him
competition for places on the squad
has never been so keen.
Coach Trueblood is hoping that Il-
linois will bring a six-man rather
than a four-man outfit, for two men
could be added to the Michigan team
without weakening its strength in
the least.
At the beginning of the week, mem-
bers of the Varsity squad were ranked
in the following order: Kocsis, Cap-
tain Dayton, L. David, Malloy, Mark-
ham, Schloss, Seelye, Menefee, and
Sweet, but scores turned in this week
prove that this ranking is a grouping
of the nine best players, rather than
a rating of their relative ability.
Some of the scores turned in to
date this week serve to bear out this
fact. Markham has posted a 72 and a
77, and yesterday toured the course
in 75. Captain Dayton lists 74 and
76, Seelye, 76 and 79, L. David, 74,
Sweet, 75, Schloss, 76, and Menefee,
74, his best score of the year.
The finals of the annual Open
squash tournament will be held at
3:15, Wednesday. Ray Fiske, student
champion, will meet Ernest Smith

vants, they are bullies. They
illustrate what happens when you
take an ignorant, ill-mannered indi-
vidual and give him authority. He
becomes a domineering menace. It
is not by accident that mothers
frighten their children with the
threat of police. There is a justifi-
cation for it.
I have been stopped twice and been
reprimanded for speeding . . . once in
New Jersey, and once in New York
State. Both times, the servants of
the public were insulting, domineer-
ing, and altogether unjustifiably ar-
rogant. I would rather have been
fined with civility.
The Detroit police are under the
orders of an individual who handed
down the amazing ruling a few
months ago that patrolmen were not
allowed to chew gum while on duty
on the grounds that the habit is ef-
fiminate. The chewing of tobacco
was recommended, as more mascu-
line. Detroit police are apparently
supposed to be "tough". Tuesday's
experience shows that the Detroit
police are "tough". Their language
during the incident was. reported to
be too vile even to fit into the at-
mosphere of the street-cleaning de-
We can only pity the citizens of
Detroit who are under the jurisdic-
tion of this governmental Franken-
stein. It is time that the police in
all cities learned a few things about
public service and ordinary civility
that they "serve".
11 ~
S P it R T S
. Track for Michigan Co-eds
Tentative plans are being discussed
by the women's athletic moguls con-
cerning an All-Campus track meet.
Track has never been tried on the
women's athletic program here at
Michigan, but has always formed one
of the most popular features of the
sports schedules of the eastern col-
leges and prep schools.
Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the
women's sports here at the Univer-
sity, thinks that a field day featuring
track would be a splendid thing to
try. "It would be fine to have a
program in which everybody would
come out-there would be no train-
ing beforehand, of course-and have
a grand time together. We could
arrange for prizes of some sort, and
make the affair one of lots of fun
for all the girls who participate."
The new W. A. A. board, which
will meet some time this week, will
have the matter under consideration.
The ideal time for it, according to Dr.
Bell, would be around the middle of
this month.
Tennis Deadline Postponed
Since penalties for playing the
tennis matches late are so stiff this
spring, the athletic department has
announced that there will be an ex-
tension of time for completion of
the first round. The original date,
which was set at last Monday, has

Waterbor Fractures
Thumb; Out For Year
There seems to be a jinx hover-
ing over the Michigan infield this
year. Stan Waterbor, who broke
in as a regular shortstop his soph-
omore year, played second base
last year, and returned to the
shortstop post this season, will be
out for the remainder of the year
because of a fractured bone in the
thumb of his right hand.
Waterbor sustained the injury'
in the last half of the seventh in-
ning of the game with Michigan
State Tuesday when he fell, trying
to avoid being tagged by the Spar-
tan's first baseman, and landed
on his right hand. An x-ray yes-
terday disclosed that the bone was
Waterbor is the third regular
infielder whom Coach Fisher has
lost this year. George Ford, slated
to be the third sacker, broke his
ankle a week before the eastern
training trip, and Jack Teitel-
baum, regular shortstop last year,
was declared ineligible.
Fisher Seeks
Substitute For
Injured Player

Artz, Paulson, Petoskey,
Regeezi R ali s e Batting
Marks Against State
Coach Ray Fisher has a big job on
his hands now. He must find a short-
stop to replace the injured Waterbor.
Fisher admits that he doesn't know
yet who his selection will be when the
Wolverines face the undefeated Il-
linois nine in the most important
home game of the year Saturday.
In practice yesterday, Jack Parker,
utility infielder, worked at short in
a game with the reserves, and it is
barely possible that he will get the
call Saturday. Coach Fisher has in-
timated that he will try Petoskey
and Regeczi, his two best fielding
outfielders, at the shortstop position.
Lerner In Outfield
The plausible reason for this move
would be to put Lerner in the out-
field, thereby gaining the advantage
of his hitting strength. Lerner has
played first base in the games which
Wistert pitched. He has shown
promise as a hitter in the games and
in practice, and he is a much better
hitter than any of the reserves.
The loss of Waterbor, the only
three season veteran in the infield,
will undoubtedly lessen the defensive
efficiency of the infield, regardless
of who replaces him.
Team Raises Averages
The Wolverine nine has been a
powerful hitting club all season and
the boys demonstrated some of this
power when they combed three Mich-
igan State hurlers for 13 runs and 15
hits Tuesday. Captain Avon Artz
and Clayt Paulson jumped ahead of
the terrific clip at which they've been
hitting. in the State game. Artz's
five hits raised his batting average
72 points, and he's now hitting 413.
Paulson got two hits to raise his
average 11 points to 383. Petoskey
and Regeczi brought their averages
to the 340 mark.

Cavalcade Favored To Restore
Prestige Of East In 60th De

Cavalcade, of Mrs. Dodge Sloan'sI
Brookmeade Stable, his two sensa-r
tional victories in the ShenandoahC
and Chesapeake stakes the most im-
pressive performance of any Derbyk
candidate, is still the favorite to winj
the 60th running of the Kentuckyt
Derby on Saturday.
This hope of Eastern horsemen to
defeat Mati Hari of the West, in
breaking one track record and equal-
ing another, defeated such highly-
rated horses as Singing Wood, Jabot,1
Discovery, Time Clock, and' Agrarian.,
His odds to win the Derby have drop-,.
ped to as low as 3-1.
The impressive filly, Mati Hari, the1
winner of the Derby; PreparationI
Peace Chance, and the fast SirI
Thomas, although they have no such1
;tartling victories to show as those
,f Cavalcade, are heavily supported.
Mati Hari is rated one of the best1
fillies in years, a big money winner
in 1933. But she is closely inbred
and at times unmanageable.
In addition, a filly does not run her
best at the time of the Derby, Regret
being the first and last of the femi-
nine element to defeat a colt or a
gelding in this race: She did it in
And so many think that tempera-
ment, the season, and tradition will
combine to keep Mati Hari from be-
coming the second filly to win the
Derby. Bazaar, Col. E. R. Bradley's
winner of the hopeful at Saratoga
and his hope for a fifth Derby vic-
tory, and Jabot, an Easterner, are
other fine fillies.
Sir Thomas was a maiden before
be entered the Derby Preparation on
Tuesday and he was a maiden after
the race. Peace Chance, owned by
Joseph E. Widener, smashed a track
record held by Twenty Grand as he
swept over the mile in 1:35 4-5 to win
easily, and leave Sir Thomas, the
favorite, far back and out of the
money. But Sir Thomas has shown
fine speed in spring workouts, he
lost the Belmont Futurity last year
to Singing Wood by only a nose, and
in spite of his latest defeat may re-
tain the many Western backers he
has had all spring.
Peace Chance, after this victory,
The rejuvenated St. Louis Browns,
under the guiding hand of Roger
Hornsby spanked the Tigers again
yesterday afternoon, 5-2. Home runs
clouted by Burns and Pepper of the
Browns gave Vic Sorrell, the Bengal's
starting pitcher no end of trouble,
while sloppy fielding by the Detroit
infield reflected itself in the scoring
column. Both teams were credited
with eight hits but the Tiges couldn't
seem to come through in the pinches
with the necessary batting punch or
fielding finesse.
St. Louis 5, Detroit 2.
Philadelphia 12, Boston 11.
Washington 2, New York 2.
Only games scheduled.
St. Louis 4, Cincinnati 1.
Pittsburg 4, Chicago 2.
New York 6, Brooklyn 5.
Only games scheduled.

has jumped from the position
relatively unimportant possibili
one of real contender. Doubt
been expressed as to whether Si:
Wood, leading money winner a
two-year-olds last season, can g
Derby distance of 1 1-4 miles.
Odds have dropped on Agr
a consistent place winner, wh
second in the Florida Derby at
leah, and second to Cavalcade i
recent Chesapeake Stakes.
Clock, long-shot winner of the
ida Derby, and Riskulus, winn
the Agua Caliente Derby but d
pointing in the recent Texas I
have gained prominence th
their winter performances. D
cry and Sergeant Byrne, the
of New York's Little Italy, are a
the more important possibilitie
There is also a host of little-k:
colts and fillies who may or ma
start, one of which, however,
spring a surprise. And the triu
of Burgoo King and Brokers 'I
1932 and 1933, prove that C
Bradley's green and white sill
always dangerous, whether the
that is wearing them is favoi
not. The East, headed by Cava
will be fighting to regain the pi
of the days of Twenty Gran
promises to be one of the best
bies in years.



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the runner-up of the faculty tourney. week.I


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