Nationalistic Teaching Is Called
Remote Possibility In Schools
The possibility of our schools being
forced to teach a program of intense
nationalism such as that which char-
acterizes the schools of Italy, Ger-
many, and Russia is very remote, in
the opinion of Edith L. Hoyle of
University High School. Miss Hoyle
bases her assertion on the fact that
under the present school system, the
elementary and high schools are ab-
solutely free from any federal or state
supervision and even the local boards
of education give the schools a rela-
tively free hand in the points of view
which the teachers take.
The attitude which the teachers
take toward controversial questions in
history is considered a fair barometer
of the extent to which an intense
spirit of nationalism has invaded the
schools. At an open discussion meeting
Because of the rapid increase in the
number of camps operated by govern-
ment, social, and private organiza-
tions, a new course in the problems of
camp leadership will be given for the
first time by the School of Educa-
tion in physical education during the
1934 Summer Session, according to
its annual summer announcement.
The school of education will offer
this year as last year a number of
four-week courses of particular in-
terest to school people who find it
inconvenient to attend the full eight-
week session. The full session will ex=
tend from June 25 to August 17.
In addition to the courses designed
to meet the needs of graduates and
professional teachers the Summer
Session will provide in this school a
number of courses especially given for
undergraduates. A large staff and a
wide variety of courses will be in-
cluded in the 1934 Summer Session
in the School of Education.
of history teachers held during the
sessions of the Michigan Schoolmas-
ters' Club, Miss Hoyle proposed the
presentation of all the known facts
concerning incidents in history,
whether or not -they showed the
United States to be in the right. Prac-
tically all of the teachers present
supported this point of view.
In regard to American policy in for-
eign affairs, it was suggested at the
same meeting that all the facts in
the case, so far as they are known,
should be presented to the students
and that they should then be left
to make up their own minds about the
matter. Although children in the lower
grades are anxious to know the opin-
ion of the teacher in such matters, this
should not be given if the teacher
thinks it will influence the pupils
in their own decision, Miss Hoyle
One of the aims of modern educa-
tion as brought out by M. R. Key-
worth, superintendent of schools in
Hamtramck, at the general session of
the Schoolmasters' Club, is to develop
the ability to use the most effective
and reliable methods in searching
for the truth. In commenting on this
goal, Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education said that, in his
opinion, the best method of teach-
ing controversial subjects is to let
the pupils decide for themselves after
the facts have been presented. "Too
many teachers give their own per-
sonal viewpoint of the matter and do
not even let the pupils discuss it,"
he said.
Civil Service
Jobs pen In
Various Fields
University Bureau Posts
Notices Of Government
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of examinations
to be given by the United States
Civil Service Commission and the
New York State Civil Service Com-
The following United States Civil
Service examinations were anounced:
Senior Scientific Aide in Taxonomic
Entomology, $2000; Topographic
Draftsmen, $1620 to $2600-1 to 4
years of topographic experience re-
Positions open in New York to non-
residents of the State are: Assistant
Bacteriologist, Assistant State Lab-
oratory Secretary: requirements,
shorthand, foreign languages, science
background, library training, and
editorial experience and Junior State
Laboratory Secretary.
There are also various positions
open to residents of certain cities and
counties of the State of New York.
These announcements are on file at
the office of the Bureau, 201 Mason
Recommendations for candidates
for the Michigan Alumni Undergrad-
uate Scholarships, which are awerded
each June to 50 high school students
throughout the State, are now being
received in the offices of the Alumni
Association here.
The recommendations will be
turned over to the University com-
mittee, which will make the final se-
lection of scholarship winners.
Taught daily. Private
Gren Studio uet
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695
Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of Insertions.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance-11c per reading line
(on basis of fiv average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone Rate-15c per reading line for
one or two insertions.
14c per reading ine or three or more
10% discount. If paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month...... ...Be
4 lines. E.Q.D., 2 months.... .3c
2 lines daily, college year ......7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year ....7c
100 lines usedaasdesired ......9C
300 lines used as desired.......Be
1,000 lines used as desired...7c
2.000 lines used as desired ...6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch of
71 point Ionic type, upper bztd lower
case. Add 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Add 6c per line to
above for bold face, upper and lower
case. Add 10 per line to above rates for
bold face capital letters.
IAUNDRX 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
Bring your title
Associated Motor Services, Inc.
311 W. Huron, Ph. 2.2001
LOST: Black brief-case full of music.
Reward, Max Gail, 601 E. William
St. Phone 2-1238 or 4917. 443
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 5x
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
Lost: One English
Aloldg ; Harvard
The faculty committee, which each
month selects a "book-of-the-month"
for the Pendleton; Library of the
Union announced yesterady that
their choice for the current month
is "Testament of Youth" by Vera
In commenting on the selection of
this novel, Prof. Erich A. Walter of
the English department, who assist-
ed Prof. Howard M. Jones and Prof.
Louis A. Strauss, said, "the author
tells of her experiences as a student
at Oxford, of her work as a nurse
during the World War, and of her
return to Oxford and her attempt
to readjust herself to university life
after the tremendous experience in
the war. Later, after leaving Oxford,
the book tells of her struggles to re-
adjust herself to the life of post-war
Professor Walter added that the
book should be of special interest to
University students because of what
it tells of university life in England,
and of the struggles to readjust the
values of university life to the chang-
ing world.
TOPEKA, KAS., May 2 - (P) --
Discovery that "panchito" a monkey
at Gage park, is a 'dunker"' has
stirred amateur scientists to argu-
After watching him dunk cookies
in approved style, they raised the
question as to whether it was a nat-
ural or acquired characteristic.
If natural, some argue, then those
who dunk are reverting to type. Ifj
acquired, others say, it proves dunk-
ing is aesthetic.
Jlampooners Lagh
(By Intercollegiate Press)j
NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 2. - Two
years ago the ibis, sacred stuffed bird
of the Harvard Lampoon, undergrad-
uate humorous magazine, disappeared
from the Lampoon office. Harvard
suspected no one but Yale. Yale was{
profoundly innocent. The ibis still is
Last week Harvard was just as in-
nocent, though greatly pleased over
the mysterious disappearance of
Yale's $1,000 football mascot, Hand-
some Dan II, a thoroughbred English
Suspicion this time pointed to the
Harvard Campus.
So far, about the only clue the
Yale students have is a telegram:
"The bulldog for the ibis." That
looked as though the Lampoon staff
knew something of the affair. The
Lampoon editors denied it.
At the latest writing, Yale was
threatening to sue somebody, or worse.
What "worse" might mean was sug-
gested when editors of the Lampoon
charged that Yale men tried to kid-
nap them and hold them as hostages.
' Medical Professors
To AttendMeeting
Prof. H. B. Lewis of the Medical
School, and Prof. C. H. Stocking of
the College of Pharmacy will repre-
sent the University at the annual
meeting of the American Association
of Colleges of Pharmacy and the
American Pharmaceutical Associa-
tion, to be held in Washington May
7 to 14.
Dedication of the new home of the
American Institute of Pharmacy "to
those who have given their thought
to the improvement of public health
and to further advancement of science
in Pharmacy" will be made during the
Professor Lewis, while at Wash-
ington, will. lecture at the George
Washington Medical School, and also
at the University of Virginia.
TAM--Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. 1x
Colleo'e Editors
Move To Join
National Group
Newsmen At Washington
And Lee Seek American
Newspaper Guild
LEXINGTON, Va. May 2 - The
first move on the part of a group
of college newspapermen to join the
American Newspaper Guild, national
organization of newspaper editorial
employes, has been made by the
Junior American Newspaper Guild
chapter at the Lee School of Journal-
ism at Washington and Lee Univer-
Eight advanced students of jour-
nalism comprise the chapter here,
which requires that its members must
be at least juniors or seniors and
have better than average grades.
Journalism faculty members can be
associated with the chapter only in
an advisory capacity, the organiza-
tion being purely a student outfit.
Those students who join it must
be intending to enter newspaper work
as a career, and no one now or in-
tending to be a publicity man can
Among the members are a former
and a present editor of the Ring-
tum Phi, student newspaper; the
managing editor and the news editor
of the paper, a sports writer and
three staff members of the sheet.
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