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April 22, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-22

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Announce Cast
For Production
Of Kaufman Hit
Pierce, Whiitmian Appear
i 'Once In A Lifetime,'
Play Production Show
The cast for "Once in a Lifetime,"
Play Production show to be given this
week, April 24, 25, and 26, will in-
clude five principal roles to be played
by Sally Pierce, '35, John Silberman,
'34, Jack Nestle, '34, Charlotte Whit-
man, '35SM, and Goddard Light, '35.
"Once in a Lifetime," by George
Kaufman and Moss Hart, is a fast
moving farce on life in the great
movie capital, at the time of the
great panic when the talkies were first
introduced. Bound to succeed in this
environment, "where all dumb peo-
pl get along well," is the magnetic,
good-natured, and lovable but dumb
young vaudeville actor, played by
Miss Pierce, whose last major role
on campus was that of Elizabeth in
"Elizabeth the Queen," appears .as
the wholesome vaudeville actress
whose common-sense makes her the
brains of the voice culture company
which she forms with Light and Sil-
berman. Silberman plays the role of
the actor in his early thirties who
has spent the major part of his late
twenties in concocting one scheme or
another to get himself and his friends
out of vaudeville and into Big Money.
Miss Whitman, who had the fem-
inine lead in this year's Junior Girls
Play, appears as Susan, the ingenue
who rises from the extra ranks
through the efforts of Light, who fails
to see how very, very bad. her acting
is because of his infatuation. The
director Glogauer, in charge of these
various characters, will be taken by,
Nestle. Characteristically, Glogauer.
was the first man to refuse to buy the
Vitaphone so now he buys everything.
The remainder of the large cast in-
cludes Virginia Frink, '35, Elizabeth
Griffiths, '35, Harry Pick, '34, Truman
Smith, '35, John Hirt, '34, Virginia
Chapman, '35, David Zimmerman,
'35, Charles Harrel, '34, Louise Pliss,
'34, Henry Austin, '34, Charles Baird,
'35, Bessie Curtis, '35, Danial Shurz,

Florence Reed In A Scene From 'Macbeth'

Plan Elaborate
Color Scheme
At Military Ball
Former Head Of Local.



Unit To Attend iDnce
To Be Held April 27


Guests at the Military Ball on Fri-I
day evening, April 27, will be treated
to something novel in the way of mar-
tial decorations, according to Don W.
Lyon, '34A, graduate member and
chairman of the decorations com-
mittee. Lyon will be assisted by Don-
ald C. Anderson, '34A, who designed,
the Slide Rule dance decorations this
Present plans call for more elabo-
rate decorations than heretofore at-
tempted at Military Balls on the
Michigan campus. In attempting
to break away froi the more or' less
traditional decorations of previous
years, the committee has decided on
a scheme never before attempted in
the Union ballroom.
The plan calls for a combination of
the decorative features with the col-
ored light system employed in the
ballroom. The entire color scheme
will be worked out to harmonize with
any one of the rapidly changing col-
ored lights, thus producing a great
number of varied effects.
In honor of the visiting officers who
are here for a two weeks' "refresher".
course, each of the branches of the
army will be represented in the deco-
rations. The feature point of the
decorations will probably be kept
veiled until the start of the march
of the sabers, which is scheduled for.
There are still a few tickets avail-
able, which may be pocured at the
Union, R.O.T.C. Headquarters, Bal-
fours', or from the Committee.
Word has been received from
Washington that Major and Mrs. Ba-
sil D, Edwards will be here for the
Ball. Major Edwards, who left the
campus last fall after heading the lo-
cal R.O.T.C. for four years, is now in
the office of the Assistant Secretary of
War in Washington.

Florence Reed as she appears in the sleepwalking scene from
"Macbeth," the fifth play of the 1934 Dramatic Season. The play
will run for eight performances beginning June 5.

Several formal parties and the for-
mal dance given at the League for
delegates to the Model League of Na-
t ions Assembly meeting here this
week-end, together with the infor-
mal dance at the Union, made Fri-
day night one a gaiety.
The scope of colors in which frocks
are appearing has widened now in-
cluding, in addition to the brilliant
jewel shades and black, always char-
acterized by the term "ever-popular,"
the various pastel tints heralding
A great number of the best known
women on campus attended the Sig-
ma Phi informal party Friday night.
Barbara Sutherland, secretary of the
League, was seen in a pearl grey frock
with a smart contrasting coat of blue,"
while Julie Kane, newly elected chair-
man of the 1935 Junior Girls Play,
chose a blue print dress with a short
jacket. Betty Aigler, president of,
Panhellenic, wore a gown of the new
gold shade. Louise French appeared
in black with a light blue collar,
trimmed with flowers. Mary O'Brien
used a white bow to relieve the se-
verity of her black frock, and Mary
Neil wore navy blue. Jean Laitner
chose green, while Mary Jean Pardee
wore tan with a brown belt. Virginia
Randolph appeared in pink, and Mary
Sabin wore black with a white collar
Black Popular
Black was chosen by most of the
women guests at the Theta Xi for-
mal dance Friday night. Jane Bas-
sett was one of the women gowned in
black, while Harriet Hunt wore a gold
crepe jacket over a black skirt. Jane
Reed appeared in a soft grey crepe
fashioned with a low decollete bor-
dered by a huge white ruffle. Spring
green crepe de chine was chosen by
Pauline Brooks while Kate Landrum
wore ivory crepe with pansies of the
same shade at the neckline.
Seen at the Delta Sigma Delta par-
ty were Dorothy Hammersly in a
pale blue crepe gown, and Vedra Alex-
ander in a white crepe evening en-
semble with a finger-tip length coat,
Miss Virginia Stabler, Lansing, wore
black sheer with metallic thread
trimming, and Miss Esther Cramp-
ton, Lansing, chose black with a white
satin top.
A formal dance followed the ban-
quet given delegates to the Model
League of Nations. Assembly meet-
ings in the Leaguesballroom. Kather-
ine McHenry chose pink satin with
short puffed sleeves and the new high
neckline. Betty Davis, deputy secre-
tary-general of the Model Assembly,
was charming in pink net with ruf
lies at the shoulder and at the high
Turquoise, Purple Seen
About 200 couples danced at the
Union Friday night, to the music of
Bob Steinle's band. Among them

were Jean Seeley in a turquoise crepe
with white lace inserts in the sleeves,
Jane Peter in black chiffon with a
bright flower corsage, Betty Bergener
in pale purple satin, and Marion
Holden in black crepe with white or-
gandie puffed sleeves. Mary Andrews
was there in red with a gold girdle,
and Mary Savage chose blue with a
white linen collar. Ann Timmons,
chose green with a gold trim, while
Dorothy Sprau wore light blue. Helen
Strand appeared in a black sheer
crepe gown with a black patent-lea-
ther silk belt. Wilhelmina Carr,
chairman of the freshman women's
project this year, chose pale yellow
with gold shoes. Kay McGregor chose
black with red slippers. Donal Ham-
ilton Haines, of the journalism de-
partment,, and Mrs. Haines were
there, Mrs. Haines gdwned in black.
NEV YORK, April 21.- (AP) - The
Government today described James
Joyce's book "Ulysses" as "reeking"
with obscene matter and unfit for
importation. The criticism was con-
tained in a brief to appeal the de-'
cision recently of Federal Judge John
M. Woolsey, who adjudged the book
a worthy contribution to American

OW is the time to have
your permanent wave.
We give them with a ma-
chine or without. ZOTAS
a specialty.
Phone 9616


Read The Clossifieds

------ - ------


MARSHALL, Ill., April 21.-(/1),-
Hubert C ioore; 31 years old, a high.
school teacher was sentenced to
death for slaying his wife, Marjorie,
"because the floors were always dirty
and the sink full of dishes," was
denied a'change of venue today for his
'36, Ruth Cohen, '35, Paul Auble, '35,
Barbara VanDerVort, '34. The parts
of, supers will be taken by Florence
Roth, '34, Lilian Fine, '36, Eleanor
Chase, '35, Louise Crandall, '34, Mir-
iam Stark, '36, Marjorie Oostdyke,
'34, Howard Fettes, '34, and Jay Pozz,

'Adelia Cheever
Wins Prize Forj
Adelia Cheever house won first
prize of a silver cup for the most
original booth at Penny Carnival held
in Barbour gymnasium last night.
It was called "The Mad Hatter Tea
Party," the theme being drawn from
"Alice in Wonderland." Everyone in
the famous party was there, includ-
ing Alice, the Hatter, the Rabbit, and
the Dormouse. The refreshments at
the booth were pink lemonade and
Delta Zeta sorority was awarded
honorable mention for their repro-
duction of John Dillinger in the "Dix-
ie Pen." A model cell was construct-
ed, and a living model of the notor-
ious criminal, complete with tradi-
tional stripes and ball and chain, sat
inside whittling 'a pistol. The uni-.
formed guards outside the cell were!
vending Dixie cups of ice cream.
The booths this year showed both
variety and ingenuity. Fortune-tell-
ing, grab-bags, fish ponds, and every
kind of game were featured. The
Alpha Phis shined shoes for one cent
an inch, and Sorosis advertised the
first sale of "beer east of Division
street." Another novelty this year
was the slot machines with candy
bars for prizes. Helen Newberry dor-
mitory gave away kisses for pinning
the tail on the pig.
A prize of a two-pound box of can-
dy will be given to the booth making
the most money. The Carnival is an
annual affair, the proceeds of which
go to the W.A.A. Marie Metzger, '35,
was general chairman.
l o balk On Modern
Theories Of Matter
Modern conceptions of matter will
be the subject of the University lec-
ture to be given by Prof. Ernest F.
Barker of the physics department in
Natural Science Auditorium Thurs-
day, April 26.
Professor Barker will discuss re-
cent experiments that have brought
light on the subject of the ultimate
nature of matter, and will develop in
non-technical terms the wave theory
and the arguments that have been
presented in favor of it.

r -v..
I 3





Whre ToGo

of / he HOTEL BOOK-CADILLAC, Detroit




Dancing: Chubb's, Den, Tavern,
Preketes, Hi-Hat Inn.
Motion Pictures: Majestic, "Won-
der Bar" with Dick Powell; Michigan,
"Riptide" with Norma Shearer;
Whitney, "Shriek in the Night" with
Ginger Rogers; Wuerth, "Dinner at
Eight" with Lionel Barrymore.
The Graduate Outing Club is spon-
soring a supper hike at 5 p.m. today,
according to Charles Brewington,
president of the organization. The
party will meet at Angell Hall. The
charge for supper will be 25 cents. If
you have not ;already made reserva-
tions phone 4988 between 12 and 2
p.m. today.
Indi'vidual Version
of the
S h ee- -SuI
--navy shieers.
-checked shcers
--printed sheers
- -dotted sheers
Priced surprisingly low
$14,75 upards
605 East William
Just a Block from State Street
-^ -


T1ele/hone 2-3251 for Your Appyin/uutM


__ _ ___ -



r 4h~

''t* ,,
f ...

Get It

Adorable Dresses
For Only . 8 95
TWENTY-FIVL OF THEM - everyone formerly
higher priced and every one the very last word in new
spring fashions!
Gayly Patterned Prints - Colorful Stripes - Polka
Dots and dark sheers . . . all dresses are accented with
frilly collars and cuffs of muslin and organdy or with
tailored linen and piquc trims, There are -also three
knitted frocks in this grotip - pastel blue and bcige.
Of course, you do not want to.feel. extrayagant-but
you have a right to treat yourself to at least one of

1 .

at Saunder's Canoe Livery, and paddle
up the peaceful Huron River, enjoying
Ann Arbor's most healthful recreation.

' ',
,'; ,
I ,

W th nItC l
*-ith pastel contrast
In this fascinating collection
you'll find light prints with
dark and light backgrounds
... garden prints . . field
prints..,. diagonals... checks
... frocks with lingerie trim
or with jackets of hip and
finger tip lengths.



( N~aw .,





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