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April 05, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-04-05

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Comedy Club
Will Tour With
'A Little Love
Hopwood Prize Play Will
Have Run In Ann Arbor
Following Vacation
The cast for "A Little Love," Hop-
wood prize play by Vincent Wall,
Grad., which Comedy Club is taking
on tour during spring vacation, is
headed by Ruth Hussey, Grad., and
David Zimmerman, '35, in the roles
of Constance and Maurice, who are
deeply in love.
The secondary leads are carried by
Ann Verner, '35L, and Jay Pozz, '35,
as Anne and Guy, who are also in
love. However, in order to inherit a
fortune from their uncles Maurice
and Anne go through with a marriage
ceremony which is to be followed by
a Mexican divorce. On the return
from the "hypocrites' honeymoon"
however, the two find that their es-
capade is not looked on very favor-
ably, and complications develop.
At present it is planned that the
first showing of the play will take
place April 11 in Birmingham, then
it will go to other Michigan cities, in-
cluding Jackson and Grand Rapids.
"A Little Love" will also have an
Ann Arbor run shortly af ter vacation.
Other parts in the play will be'
taken by Lester Grifliths, '36, Bar-
bara Van Der Vort, Mary Potter, '37,
William Dixon, '36, Frances Man-
chester, '34, and Clarence Moore,
Oriental A Topii
Of Adelaide Adais

Interested Spectators At Easter Contest l ,Ut:m ( , Carnival Chairman 6 A $ I Closiny Ni

Miss Adelaide Adams of the fine
arts department spoke on "Oriental
Art," at a recent meeting of the Ann
Arbor Woman's Club.
Miss Adams, in addition to con-,
trasting the simplicity of materials
and detail of the painting of China
with the multiplicity of Western art,
stressed the symbolism and scholarly
training of the Oriental artist.
She spoke also of the delicacy of
the materials employed by the Chi-
nese painters, who use finely woven
silk or bamboo paper with highly re-
fined "Chinese ink" and water col-
ors as their medium.
In contrast to the Western custom
of hanging many pictures, Miss Ad-
ams spoke of the Oriental practice
of displaying only one or two scrolls.
Honor Students Feted
At Martha Cook Dinner
A formal dinner was giveg last
night at Martha Cook dormitory in
honor of the girls with the highest
scholarship record for last semester.
Katherine Coffield, '34, was in charge.
Mrs. James D. Bruce, one of the
Board of Governors, was a guest.
The girls honored were Laura Mil-

f ,o
A record crowd of 30,000 joined in the annual Easter Monday egg-
rolling festivities on the White House lawn. Wide-eyed spectators were
"Sistie" and "Buzzie" Dlail, grandchildren of the President. Left to
right: Howard Thurston, the magician, Sistie, RBuzzie, and Mrs.
Pracaieulily is Keynote Sought
For Stormy Weather Insmbie
There's no use in concentrating on person who despises and detests rubl)
yourl new spring suit quite yet or in bers, as aren't we all.
laying in too great a stock of frocks If with all this you combine a
in all the fragile pastel shades, for it rubberized hat of the same material
seems that for some time the most as the raincoat or a matching felt
important items in any wardrobe will which will not appear absolutely
be the rainy day apparel. waterlogged, you are sure of being
If you are one of those ,benighted suitably clad. And if you can com-
individuals who still labors under the bine suitability and practicality with
delusion that the proper garb for wet chic you have attained something
weather is a conglomeration of va- very different from the old-fashioned
rious items which are so old that it out-of-the-attic rainy day look.
doesn't matter whether or not they
get soaked, you merely show your r
ignorance. (lin E i Not(l es
There's nothing as depressing as
garments which have seen better A dSm rU(l4.'
days, and goodness knows a rainy
day is gloomy enough. The modern Ieen A lI udVen
idea is to select a very special stormy
weather ensemble which will be A number of notables gathered at
sturdy enough to withstand the force the tea which President and Mrs.
of the elements. Ruthven gave yesterday for students
The raincoat is of course the first and faculty members. Mrs. Ruthven
essential. There are numerous kinds, received i a charm in t gown
ranging from the warm leathery ones in which black predominated.
to transparent garments which are Barbara Sutherland, general chair-
featured in gay colors. There has re- man of the J.G.P., poured and was
cently been a great campus vogue for assisted by Hilda Kirby finance
checked raincoats. One recently seen chairman of the play. Miss Suther-
was of tiny black and white checks land wore a grey dress with a dark
and was born with a black skirt and blue redingote coat and Miss Kirby's
hat. frock was black with a diagonal gold
Simple wool dresses or sweaters stripe.
and skirts of shades that match or Miss McCormick was seen in blue
harmonize with the coat seem to fit with a printed collar and cuffs and
best into the rainy weather scheme Julie Kane, also wore blue, with a
of things. And above all, good, sen- blue and white checked collar and
sible shoes are the most important jabot. Charlotte Whitman, the fem-
accessories. These should certainly be inine lead in the J.G.P., was receiving
rubber soled if you are the type of congratulations in a spring-like print
-- ---_ - of green, black, and white.
VASSAR STUDENTS EARN $22,000 Barbara Jean Owens, of late a
Students at Vassar College, once chorus girl in the play, looked like
known as a college for rich men's anything but a typical chorine, in a
daughters, are earning a total of brown skirt which was combined with
$22,000 toward their own college ex- a red blouse trimmed with fur epau-
penses this year. lets.

ler, Grad., an all-A student, Thelma
Solosth, '34, Marabel Smtth, '34,
Rosaria Reyes, Grad., Prances Allen,
'34, Marion Bertsch, '35, Mary Tyler,
'36, Helen Crawford, '35Ed., Edith
Engle, '35, Lillian Ogoroskin, Grad.,
and Virginia Kirkwood, '35.
Where To Go1
Art Cinema League: "Road to
Life"; 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Open House: League at 8 p.m.,
Dancing in ballroom.
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Hi
Nellie" with Paul Muni; Majestic,
"George ' White's Scandals" with
Rudy Vallee; Wuerth, "I am Su-
zanne" and "Sin of Nora Moran";
Whitney, "Dancing Man" and "Big
Time or Bust" with Regis Toomey.
(;erle Francais: Professor A. O.
Lee will speak at a1:00 p.m. in
Dancig: League Grill Room and
b:llroom; 111i-fat IIn, Tavern, Den,
Piutw(-s of the cast and choruses o[
"Oang's All There," 1934 Junior Girls
Play, may be ordered by anyone in-
terested at Russell McCracken's of-
fice in the League preferably before
spring vacation, announced Barbara
Sutherland. '35, chairman.

Wednesday, Thurs., Friday Only
Oak leather on women's and children's
shoes. Coinposiion sol ,s oiln n's. With
regular rubber heels.
.-Pil on While You Wait ta Sulio-

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