Campus League
All-Star Hockey
Team Is Chosen
Two Of Title Winning Chii
Psi Team Are Listed On
Honorary Sextet
Five fraternities placed men on
the All-Campus hockey team selected
annually from the ranks of the inter-
fraternity hockey league by Tommy
Prouse, former Michigan player, in
collaboration with The Michigan
Each year six outstanding players
are thus honored for their ability and
sportsmanship and ten men are
awarded honorable mention. The
first team this year is, in the opinion
of Prouse, who was a member of the
last Wolverine championship sextet,
the finest group of hockey players
that the I-M league has produced.
Brien was named at left wing be-
cause of his part in the series to
determine the fraternity to whom the
title would be awarded. Heyliger as
potential Varsity center on next
year's team deserves the center posi-
tion, and Berryman rounds out the
forward line as a smooth skater and
beautiful stick handler. Lambda Chi's
giant defense man, Schaupner, is se-
lected to play the defense on the left
side because of his ability to break
up dangerous scoring plays. Harvey
Durand is honored with the other de-
fense position, both because of his
all around ability as. a hockey player,
and because he is, in the opinion of
all officials and opposing players the
greatest sportsman on the ice. Mat-
thews as the goalie of the champion-
ship team,,as well as holding the low-
est goals per game average of any
net guardian in the league, is the
unanimous choice for that position.
The ten other players who were
awarded honorable mention, were
forwards: Chuck Kocsis, Lambda Chi
Alpha; Bub Muzzey, Chi Psi; Dick
King, Rinkey Dinks; Theron Gifford,
Phi Psi; Lee Cockran, Frieze and
Cornice; Chuck Tarbox, Rinkey
Dinks. Defensemen: Bill Borgmann,
Delta Tau Delta; John Lilly and Fred
Mitchell of Chi Psi. Goalie: Don
Stewart, Theta Chi Wings.
Baseball Opens
After Vacation
The annual Interfraternity base-
ball tournament will begin on April
17 when ten leagues of five teams
each will play their first games, it
was announced yesterday by the In-
tramural department.
Sigma Nu, the defending cham-
pions, will attempt to hold their
present title and to lengthen their
winning streak of 16 straight games
ning the crown the last two years.
which they have established in win-
Fifty fraternity teams have been
entered in the softball competition
this sping, comprising a total of 10
leagues. Each league will play a total
of 10 games from the start of the
season April 17 until the final games
are played May 7. Under this ar-
rangement, each team will meet the
other four in two games.
The leagues are made up of the
following teams: League No. 1-
Kappa Delta Rho, Theta Delta Chi,
Delta Kappa Epsilon, Alpha Rho Chi,
ndj Alpha Tau Omega; League No.
2- Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Chi,
Kappa Nu, Tau Kappa Epsilon and
Delta Chi.
League No. 3- Alpha Delta Phi,
Zeta Psi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Kappa
Sigma, and Phi Kappa Psi. League
No. 4- Alpha Chi .Sigma, Trigon,
Delta Sigma Pi, Chi Phi, and Psi- UVp-
silon. League No. 5 - Phi Kappa Tau,,
Alpha Kappa. Lambda, Pi Lambda
Phi, Phi Kappa, and Delta Tau Delta.
League No. 6- Theta Xi, Alpha
Sigma Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi
Delta Epsilon, and Phi Alpha Delta.
League No. 7-Phi Sigma Delta,
Beta Theta Pi, Phi Gamma Delta,
Theta Chi, and Phi Beta Delta.
League No. 8-Phi Sigma Kappa,
Phi Chi, Alpha Omega, Triangle, and
Phi Lambda Kappa. League No. 9 -
Delta Alpha Epsilon, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Nu,'
and Sigma Phi. League No. 10-Phi
Mu Alpha, Chi Psi, Delta Phi, Tau
Delta Phi, and Phi Kappa Sigma.
Finals of the A-Campus swim-
ming meet will take place at 4 p.m.
today, according to an announce-
ment by Intramural officials in
charge of the meet.
Forty Wins For Them Say Dean Brothers
Revised Tigers
Are Conceded
Chance To Win
-Associated Press Photo
According to Paul (left) and Jerome "Dizzy" Dean, St. Louis Car-
dinal hurlers, National League pitching records of 1934 will show over
40 victories for the two of them. Paul, who won 22 games for Columbus
in the American Association last year, claims that he will turn in at
least 25 wins in an effort to show that he is better than his brother,
who in 1933 established himself as one of the best moundsmen in the
The Bulldogs And Wolverines
Will Fight It Out At Columbus
For four years Matt Mann has been
seeking a dual meet for his Wolver-
ine swimmers with Bob Kiphuth's
Yale outfit-literally kneeling in sup-
plication before the adamant Mr. Ki-
phuth. All to no avail. Mr. Kiphuth
has had a record to protect, and was
going to let no young upstart out of
the West endanger that record.
Mann's latest appeal came this year
when he challenged the Eli's to a meet
here after the National Intercollegi-
ates, or at New Haven, while the
Michigan} team was travelling in the
East. No go. Kiphuth's boys had
won 125 dual meets without a defeat
and were still quite proud of the fact
that they had been the last collegiate
team to defeat Michigan.
Bulldogs Don't Forget
It seems that back in 1928 and 1930,
when swimming at Michigan was
young, the Eli's took two dual meets
Prom the Wolverines in the New Ha-
ven pool. They haven't forgotten it.
Last year the haughty men from
Yale deserted the rarified atmosphere
of their own Eastern Intercollegiates
to dip a disdainful toe for the first
time in the proletarian waters of the
National Intercollegiates - in fact,
they played hosts to the ruffians from
the Big Ten who walked away with
first and second, leaving Yale a paltry
fifth behind Northwestern, Michigan,
Princeton, and Rutgers.
"I'd Be Disappointed"
Despite their meager reapings last
year, Matt Mann has, no illusions
about the strength of this year's Bull-
dog team. "They got two hot relay
teams and a flock of swell individual
stars. I really wouldn't be surprised
to see them win -but I'd be darned
disappointed if they did!"
'The Eli's had everything their own
way in the Atlantic seaboard com-
petition this year, taking the Eastern
Intercollegiates by a wide margin. In
Pierson, Savell and Livingstone, they
have a versatile trio that hopes to
cop the medley relay title and take
several individual firsts. Livingstone,
free styler, is the team's star, capa-
ble of taking points in the 50, 100,
and 220 events as well as giving the
relay teams a flying start. However,
intercollegiate rules limit a man to
three events, including relays. Ki-
phuth will probably use his star in
both relays, hoping to take two firsts
and the 16 points which go with
Savell Is Good
In the breast stroke, the Eli's have!
Savell, a man who they believe will
defeat Northwestern's Intercollegiate
champion, Don Horn, and also!
strengthen the medley relay.
Pierson, who swims back-stroke for
Yale, is the best in the East, but com-
parative times show that Taylor
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Drysdale and Andy Fela of Ohio
State, should take him.
The battle between the Bulldogs
and the Wolverines in the medley re-
lay should be worth going miles to
see. Mann expects Drysdale to get
a commanding lead over Pierson, in
the first hundred and counts upon
Lawrence and Renner to maintain
that lead over the faster Yale swim-
mers, Savell and Livingstone.
Give 31 Frosh
Numerals For
Indoor Track
Thirty-one freshmen indoor track-
men, some of whom will be possible
Varsity competitors in the future,
have received their numerals it was
announced yesterday. The squad was
successful in its indoor competition
this winter, having defeated both Il-
linois and Ohio State freshman
teams in dual telegraphic meets.
Those receiving numerals are:
Frank W: Aikens, Sioux Falls, S.D.;
John M. Connolly, New Rochelle, N.
Y.; George H. Good, Duluth, Minn.;
Clare W. Graves, Albany, N. Y.; Win-
ston Moore, Ludlow, Vt.; Harry E.
O'Connell, Glenn Falls, N. Y.; Rob-
ert D. Osgood, Lakewood, O.
Edmond F. Devine, Joseph V.
Fisher, Henry W. Hall, Sanford M.
Ladd, and Hamlin L. Tanner, Ann
Arbor; Howard R. Davidson, Harold
W. Sears, Frederick C. Stiles, and
John H. Uhl, Grand Rapids; Clayton
E. Brelsford, Harry W. Brelsford, and
John McKee, Birmingham.
John Mair, Flint; Paul W. Pinker-
ton, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Stanton J.
Schuman, Winnetka, Ill.; Edward
Sharfstein, Bradley Beach, N. J.;
Theodore B. Steinhauser, Rochester,
N. Y.; Sam Stoller, Cincinnati, O.;
Walter D. Stone, Lynbrook, N. Y.;
Richard B. Swegles, Detroit; Barton
W. Wardell, Tonawanda, N. Y.; Ar-
thur A. Whiting, Red Bank, N. J.;
Flomer M. Williams, Detroit; and
Fred H. Zajonc, Brighton, N. Y.
-Benny Bass, former world's feath-
erweight and junior lightweight box-
ing champion, has been made de-
fendant in a divorce action brought
by his wife.
I. a
Experts Of Other Teams
Watch Detroit Club In
Spring Drilling
Pennant breezes are blowing in the
Tiger camp. Convinced that the De-
troit ball club is finally headed some-
where, experts from all Big League
training diamonds in the Southland
have made it a point to visit Mana-
ger Cochrane's lair in sunny Lake-
land, Fla.
Three prime factors stand out as
reasons for Tiger optimism. The play-
ers are as a group stronger hitters;
the pitchers have shown themselves to
be more effective; and above all, ev-
ery man on the team has more snap
and go than any Tiger team pos-
sessed while Bucky Harris held the
managerial leash.
Hopes On Cochrane
The hopes of Detroit rest primarily
on one man, Mickey Cochrane, the
Philadelphia importation. Manager
Mickey has two jobs. One is to supply
a much needed punch to the batting
order in addition to doing a capable
job of backstopping, and the other is
to supply inspirational leadership to a
group of players who are mechani-
cally good ball players but who need
that certainspark that has been long
missing from the Detroit personnel.
Pete Fox, Gerald Walker, and Goose
Goslin will patrol the outfield on op-
ening day. Fox is a second year man
who made good as a rookie. Walker
is the supposedly temperamental ball-
hawk and present question mark
among the Tiger veterans. Jonathan
Stone, promising young outfielder,
was sent to Washington in exchange
for the fading Goslin. Cochrane was
roundly criticized for what was then
termed an awkward deal. Yet the
Goose will provide much of the need-
ed batting strength that was so sore-
ly needed last season.
Greenberg At First
irank Greenberg is an apparent
fixture at first base. He has over-
come a fielding weakness and can still
hold his own with the sluggers. Vet-
eran and dependable Charley Gehrin-
ger is the keystoner. He will do much
toward steadying a comparatively
freshman infield. Picking from Marv
Owen, Bill Rogell, Herman Clifton,
and Frankie Parker for the short-
field and third base positions will be
ticklish business. Rogell is a cer-
tainty at one of the positions. Qwen's
health is doubtful, Parker has not
shown that he can hit, and Clifton,
though flashy both at bat and in the
field, is a doubtful quantity.
Cochrane has a capable hurling
staff. Bridges is the ace, closely fol-
lowed by Big Fred Marberry. These
two will bear the brunt of the work.
Frasier, Sorrell, and Fischer will help.
If Rowe can argue his arm into plenty
of work, he will join the first string
line. Eldon Auker, Luke Hamlin, and
Steve Larkin, all rookies, will proba-
bly stick.
Baer Maps Plan Of
Battle For Carnera
March 27-(P)-Max Baer announced
today that he would either play a
waiting game or seek an early knock-
out in his heavyweight title fight
with Champion Primo Carnera, June
Announcing his plan of battle af-
ter two days of light preparatory
workouts, the Californian made no
secret of his strategy.
Either, Baer said, he will rush Car-
nera off his feet from the opening
gong, hoping to catch the champion
in retreat and off balance, or else
he will play a waiting game, feinting
for an opening as Carnera comes in.
On The Things He Is Sore About.
*~ * *
Now's the time to plant your garden,
Burrow down five feet through snow --
Plant your seeds and watch them harden,
Goodness knows, they'll never grow!
Baseball laddies in their cages
Waiting for the touch of spring .,..
Waiting will augment their ages,
But that's all that it will bring!
Soon it will be time for fishing,
I think fishing's rather nice
But it isn't that I'm wishing
To go fishing through the ice!
* * * . e
STATE STREET BEER (pentameter by intention)
Nay come, oh lovely vernal season of the year
With springtime garlands twined about thy brow ...
Come, and bring thou with thee State Street beer
The path to Main Street's wet to travel now!'
Some say Main Street's for beer, and State for vittles
And that the latter is the college near
Others uphold the fight for beer and skittles ...
I will sell out for good old State Street beer!
* * *, * *
I am out gunning for the prof that pesters
Innocent boys and girls with midsemesters!
And I am also after Charley Hoyt
How can I e'er forget he done me doit?
I had presented myself before the wicket
Trying to enter Ferry Field without a ticket.
Failing, I had the Intramural Building tried
When with unfailing optics they me eyed
And in due course of time they had me collared
I in great mental anguish hollered
To track Coach Hoyt who idly stood nearby
They of course asked him if he knew this guy.
Hoyt, you see, should have known me railly
For I had interviewed him for the Daily.
"No," said the coach as they drug me to the door
"I have not ever seen this guy before!"
So I am still out after Charley Hoyt,
For, in the hour of need, he done me doit!
Competition Among
Ball Players Is Keen
As the deadline draws near, the
dqy of departure on the Eastern
training trip Sunday, April 8, the
rookies and reserves of the Michigan
baseball nine are getting on edge.
The nine lettermen from last year
are sure of making the trip, and a,
Coach Ray Fisher intends to invade
the Eastern diamonds with 16 ball
players, there will be room for cnl
seven others.
Coach Fisher will be forced to sc.
sect these seven others solely on th
basis of their performance in the
Field House, for it appears unlikel.
hat the squad will g t in ven
veek of outdoor practice before it
The batting practice in the cages i"
furnishing Fisher with a line on hi;
infielders and outfielders, while the
hurling of the pitchers in the nets**
affords him the "dope" on them.
The rookie pitchers and batters
know- that upon their performance,
rests their chances of making the
trip; therefore when a pitcher faces
a batter in the nets, a royal battle
ensues. The pitcher tries with all the
power in his arm, to throw the ball
past the batter, and the batter tries t Dcr 4
Toronto Sextet
Looks Cood In
Beating Winns
DETROIT, March 28- Still smart-
ing from their 3-1 defeat at the hands
of the Toronto Maple Leafs in the
third game of the play-off series for
the National League championship,
the Detroit Red Wings yesterday went
through a light practice session in
preparation for the fourth game of
the series to be played tonight at
Detroit hockey followers were forced
to admit that the Toronto outfit
looked powerful on the ice Monday
night and the general opinion is that
the Wings will have to play stellar
hockey to prevent the Canadian ag-
gregation from tying up the series at
two games each. In this event, the
fifth and decisive game will be played
in Detroit Friday night.
Wilf Cude, sensational goalie re-
cently acquired by Detroit from the
International League, was the De-
troit hero of Monday night's game.
Crouched in the nets behind a defense
which was being demoralized by the
bewildering attack of Toronto's fast
skating forwards, Cude turned aside
thrust after thrust as Primeau, Con-
acher, Jackson, Cotton, and Doraty
swept in with a beautiful passing and
brilliant stick handling attack. Sev-
eral times Wilf out-guessed Toronto
forwards who were in the clear, div-
ing out of his net like a squirrel to
smother hard shots.
The Wings are in only fair physi-
cal condition following the Monday
night battle. Doug Young again in-
jured his ailing foot and will proba-
bly not be used tonight unless neces-
sity demands. Johnny Sorrell's knee
is not responding to treatment as
well as might be expected and Cap-
tain Herbie Lewis is nursing an in-
jured shoulder incurred when he col-
lided with Red Horner, powerful Ma-
ple Leaf defense man.
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