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March 28, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-28

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Publication in the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all iembers of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presdent until
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.


VOL. XLIV No. 130
Students who have failed to renew
their driving permits are hereby
warned that all old permit tags of
the green on white color combina-
tion, which were issued during the
first semester, became void as of
March 25, 1934. Any further driving
with these tags attached will be con-
sidered a violation of the Automobile
The foregoing statement does not
apply to those students who have re-
newed their applications and are
waiting until the new permit tags
are available.
W. B. Rea,
Assistant to the Dean.
Actions of the Administrative
Board: The Administrative Board of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts has recently taken the
following actions:
A student was suspended indefi-
nitely because of dishonesty in the
final examination of Geology 1.
A student was given an E grade in
English 32, he was placed on proba-
tion for the second semester of the
current year, and three hours and
three honor points were taken from
his total record because of plagiar-
ism in the work of that course.
A student was given an E grade in
English 2, he was placed on proba-
tion for the second semester of the
current year, and six hours and six
honor points were taken from his
total record because of plagiarism in
the work of that course.
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular meeting of the Faculty of the
School of Education will be held on
Tuesday (instead of Monday) April
3, at 12 o'clock noon in the Michigan
Union. A special order relating to the
proposed reorganization of courses
Education Al and B20 will be taken
Freshmen Students in the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
whose surname begins with the letter
A to L inclusive may receive the
five week marks in their work by
calling at Room 102 Mason Hall be-
tween the hours of 10 to 12 and 1:30
to 4 on Tuesday an Wednesday.
The students whose surname begins
with the letter M to Z inclusive may
call at the same room during the
same hours on Thursday and Fri-
University Radio Talk Over WJR:
2:00 p.M., "The Awakening of Plant
Life Following Winter," Bradley M.
Junior Year in Germany: Students
interested may obtain information in
the German Department Ofiree, 204
U.H. on Tuesdays and Thursdays -
mornings between 10:00 and 11:00.
Seniors School of Educatio may
order your invitations and announce-
ments in the office of the School of
Education Wednesday and Thursday,
March 28 and 29, from 9 to 4 o'clock.
This is your last chance to order.
Physical Educaqtin for Women:
Registration for the outdoor season
will take place in Barbour Gymna-
slum this week on Thursday and
Friday from 8:30 to 12 and 1 to 5
and Saturday 4:30 to 12. The out-
door season begins on Monday, April

Academic Notices
Sixth Freshman Lecture in Hy-
giene for Men, will be given in Wa-
terman Gymnasium, Thursday and
Friday, March 29 and 30, at the
following times: Thursday, 3:15, 4:15
and 5:15; Friday, 3:15 and 4:15. This
requirement includes all freshmen in
the regular physical training groups,
and others that have been excused
from these groups.
Lectures And Concerts
French Lecture: Mr. Louis Chap-
ard will give the fifth lecture on the
Cercle Francais program: "Un chef
de brigands au XVIII siecle: Louis
Dominique Cartouche." Wednesday,
March 28, at 4:15 o'clock, room 103,
Romance Language Building.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured at the door.
Good Friday Organ Recital: Pal-
mer Christian, University organist,
will give the following program of
Good Friday music, Friday, March
30, at 4:15 o'clock inHill Auditorium,
to which the general public, with the
exception of small children is in-
Toccata per l'Elevazione . Frescobaldi
Choral Prelude: "o Sacred
Head" .....................Bach
Choral Prelude: "When on the
Prologus tragicus .......Karg-Elert
Good Friday Music
(Parsifal) ............... Wagner
Golgotha ................:. Malling
Hora Mystica ..............Bossi
Crucifixion (Passion
Symphony) ......... . . . ...Dupre
Exhibition: The College of Archi-
tecture and the Architectural Society
are showing one hundred original
drawings of the Walt Disney studios
portraying "The Art of Mickey
These drawings are hung in the
third floor exhibition room of the
College of Architecture and may be
seen daily from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.,
March 22 to 31. To cover the cost of
bringing this exhibition to Ann Ar-
bor the small admission charge of
ten cents is being made.
Events Today
Phi Beta Kappa: The annual
meeting of Phi Beta Kappa will be
held at 4:15 p.m., room 2003 Angell
Hall. At this time the routine busi-
ness of the Chapter for the year will
be transacted. Members are urged to
be present.
Eta Sigma Phi: Meeting at the
League at 7:30 p.m. All members are
urged to attend.
Phi Sigma: Regular meeting at
8:00 p.m., Room 23 N.S. (Note
change in room.) Program in charge
of recent initiates. Papers to be giver
by B. T. Ostenson, J. B. Griffin and
A. T. Miller. Second half of the pro-
gram is a surprise.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Short business
meeting 7:30 p.m. at Union. Discus-.
sion of spring initiation. All member3
please be present.
Sigma Rho Tau: Regular meeting
at 7:45 p.m. in the Union. General
meeting will be extemporaneous dis-
cussion and practice in parliamen-
tary law in the form of a Board of
Directors' meeting of the XXX Cor-
poration considering the appropria-
tion of ten million dollars for re-
search in the possibilities of stream-
lined train. Members are urged to do
some reading on streamlining before
the next meeting. Also finals in in-
tercircle story telling contest; stories
to le not more than seven minutes.,
Preliminaries in project speaking con-
test for circle meetings.1

prepared to give a two to five min-
ute speech or reading.
Chemical Engineering Seminar:
Mr. H. C. Sung will be the speaker
at the Seminar at 4 o'clock in room
3201 E. Eng. Bldg. on the subject,
"Fundamental Factors Controlling
the Distribution of Chemical Prod-
ucts in Oil Cracking."
Student Economics Club meets at
Union at 8 p.m. Students concentrat-
ing in economics and graduate stu-
dents in that field are invited.
Transportation Club: An impor-
tant meeting will be held in Natural
Science Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Pro-
fessor Stalker will speak on "Air Mail
and the Air Lines." All interested are
invited to come whether members of
the club or not.
Sphinx Meeting this noon at the
Luncheon for Graduate Students
at twelve o'clock in the Russian Tea
Room of the Michigan League Build-
ing. Professor Howard McClusky will
talk informally on his "Impressions
of Europe as Seen from an Auto-
mobile." Professor McClusky has just
returned from a trip in Europe dur-
ing his sabbatical leave.I
University Girls' Glee Club: Reg-
ular meeting will be held promptly
at 7:30. Please be on time as we have
a program to give next week and the
rehearsal is needed.
Sophomore Engineers: The class of
1936 Engineers will meet in Roon
348 W. E., at 9 a.m. for discussion
and decision in regard to class
jackets. It is urged that attendance
be prompt in order that the meeting
may be terminated as soon as pos-
This assembly, in addition, will be
an opportunity to settle class dues,
which many are undoubtedly desir-
ous of doing, so come prepared to do
your share.
Michigan Technic Tryouts meet in
Room 3036 E. Eng. Bldg. at 5:00 p.m.
Second semester freshmen and soph-
omores are invited.
Theosophical Club: Public meet-
ing in the Michigan League Building
at 8 p.m., to which all interested are
invited. The objectsof the Club is "To
study Theosophy as a means of gain-
ing a deeper understanding of life's
purposes and of raising human
standards on intellectual, ethical,
and spiritual lines."
Drama Group of the Junior
A.A.U.W. meets at 8 o'clock with
Miss Dorothy Malcolm, 1606 Cam-
bridge Road.
Freshman Rendezvous Club meets
at 7:30 p.m., at Lane Hall. Avail
yourself of this opportunity for fun
and fellowship. All freshmen fellows
are welcome to co-operate and par-
ticipate in our varied program of
hikes, bull sessions, sports and
dances. Come and bring your friends.
A series of special Holy Week pro-
grams are being held throughout th
week in the Upper Room of Lane
Hall. The program this afternoon
will present Mr. Cecil A. Blue who
will give an appreciation of Negro
poetry. All interested are invited to
attend at 4:30 p.m.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will preach
at 7:30 p.m., First Methodist Church,
on the subject "Can Anybody Live
Without Sin."
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Service of Holy Communion today
Iat eight o'clock.

Coining Evens
Iota Alpha: Regular meeting on
Thursday at 7:30 p.m., room 3201
E. Engineering Bldg. Professor James
K. Pollock, of the Political Science
Department will address the group.
Faculty Rifle Shoot tomorrow
night at 7:30 R.O.T.C. gallery. All
faculty members cordially invited.
Tea for former residents of Mo-
slier-Jordan Ilalls: A tea is to be
held Thursday, March 29, in Jordan
Hall from 4 to 5:30 in honor of all
former residents of Mosher-Jordan
Halls. The University Men's Glee
Club will give a program of songs.
No invitations will be issued.

Faculty Pianist
Is :Feature O
Band Program
New Liszt Fantasy Tran-
scription Notable In An-
niversary Concert
The world premiere of Liszt's
"Hungarian Fantasy" as arranged for
piano and military band is to be the
feature number of the first concert
in celebration of the Diamond Jubi-
lee of the Varsity Band, to take place
Monday night in Hill Auditorium.
Though Prof. Nicholas D. Fal-
cone is in New York City undergoing
medical treatment, his brother Leon-
ard, bandmaster at Michigan State
College, will conduct the band in this
first concert of the 1934 season. The
organization was founded in 1859 un-
der its present name, though it was
little more than a mandolin club, and
is this year celebrating its three-quar-
ters of a century of unbroken exist-I
Prof. Joseph Brinkman of the
School of Music will be the piano so-
loist with the band at the Monday
concert, playing the Liszt number as
arranged for piano and band by Nich-
olas Falcone. Though for years this
has been a popular number for piano
and orchestra, the Varsity Band will
present it for the first time in its
new transcription.
Professor Brinkman was the soloist
last spring when the band played
Borghi's "Piano Concerto in D ma-
jor," a number originally arranged for
strings and clavecin but transcribed
by Leonard Falcone for piano and
military band. It was the first time
this number had been played by any,
band except that at Michigan State,
and the success which marked its
introduction prompted the director to
include a piano-and-band number in
the coming pogf am.
The remainder of the program will.
include: Berlioz's overture to "The
Roman Carnival"; the Chaconne
from Holst's "First Suite in E fat";
the Ballet Suite from Delibes' "Cop-
pelia"; the andante and march from
the beloved "Symphony Pathetique"
(No. 6) by Tschaikowsky; and "Isol-
des Liebestod" from the Wagner op-
era, "Tristan und Isolde."
Essentially the same program will
be played by the band the following
day in a joint concert with the Varsity
Glee Club at Flint, under the auspices
of the Flint Presbyterian Church So-
ciety and Michigan alumni.
H~ell-Week May
Be Substituted
By 'Ideal eek'.
(Continued from Page 1)
ership ability, according to Mary
Savage, '35, president. Delta Zeta re-
ports that their probation week goes
under the heading of "courtesy
week" while Alpha Omicron Pi feels
that the week preceding their initia-
tion is not sufficiently severe to war-
rant its abolition. Aphi Phi mem-
bers echoed that opinion, and Kappa
Kappa Gamma reported that senti-
ment is enough in favor of hell-week
to sanction its maintenance.
Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Gam-
ma, Sigma Kappa and Pi Beta Phi
have taken no action as yet, nor have
Kappa Delta or Alpha Gamma Delta.
The last two, however, report a sen-
timent favoring a limitation of hell-
week activities.

-Associated Press Photo
A. Ross Hill (above), former presi-
dent of the University of Missouri,
led a fusiunist ticket opposing Dem-
ocrats for municipal control in Kan-.
sas City.
24 Colleres To
Model -Leaguie
(Coninued from Page 1)
and Mexico; Port Huron Junior Col-
lege: Denmark, Sweden, and Aus-
tralia; Wayne University: Iraq, Po-
land, Panama, Turkey, and Russia
(the latter as an observer); and West-
ern State Teachers College: Bolivia,
Great Britain, and Colombia.
Representatives of the Internation-
al Relations Club, under the super-
vision of Robert French, Grad., presi-
dent, and Prof. Howard B. Calder-
wood, of the political science depart-
ment, faculty adviser, have been vis-
iting colleges throughout the State
in order to acquaint them insofar as
possible with the parts they will play
at the assembly.
The program for the assembly, as
I previously announced, will include
meetings and discussions of the sec-
ond committee of the igague on Tar-
iffs and Trade Barriers, the third
committee, which is concerned with
disarmament, and the sixth commit-
tee, on minorities. Chairmen of the
above committees are, respectively,
Charles H. Walker, '35, Philip T. Van
Zile, '36, and Charles D. Braidwood,
"'Thcot of'f ?,2a ia a9always coil-
cerned itselC~wt reality. The m is-
ery o hor'e'" c'l, 1dren ad their
soC:iL reco er, 'i C acurate t UinT e
Road To Life." I mnselfs Aw them."
W U NT 11
Hoopla Niac



Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements with
Classified Advertising Department.
The classified columns close at five.
o'clock prevoua. to day of insertions.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in Advance-11e per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Minimum three lines per insertion.
Telephone Rate-15c per reading line for
one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines perinsertion.
By Contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month. . ... .......8c
4 lines .O.D., 2 months......3c
2 lines daily, college year ..7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year ....7c
i00 lines used as desired......90c
300 lines used as desired........8e
1,000 lines used as desired ......7c
2.000 lines used as desired ...6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch of
7'4 point Ionic type, upper and lower
case. Add 6c per line to above rates for
all capital letters. Add 6c per line to
above for bold face, upper and lower
case. Add 10 per line to above rates for
bold face capital letters.
Bring your title
Associated Motor Services, Inc.
311 W. Huron, Ph. 2-2001
'Gondoliers' Will Open
At The League Tonight
(Continued from Page 1)
rection of Professor Moore, as well as
that of Professor Mattern.
"The Gondoliers" is considered by
the director. as a step toward the
ideal of the union of the theatre
arts, and according to Prof. James
Hamilton of the School of Music,
it "has proved a realization for the
need of both acting and singing in

LOST: Sliderule with initials "S.W."
Lost Tuesday, March 27. Call As-
gar, 327 S. Division. Ph. 3823. Re-
ward. 404
PERSONAL laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problem of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. 2-3478, 5594.
611 E. Hoover. 9x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
WANTED: Bids for 300 page manu-
script to be typed during Spring
Vacation. Triple copies. Apply Box
43. 403
suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
cago Buyers. Temporary office. 200
North Main. 5x
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. lx
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
opera. A production of this type has
been needed on the campus for some
time, and it is hoped that this initial
attempt will become an annual
EA_ frTS--.w A IO\SE.

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There will be



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Alpha Nu meets in the Alpha Nu
room, fourth floor Angell Hall, at'
7:30 p.m. An informal discussion ses-
sion will be held during which any
subject that a member wishes to
raise for discussion will be consid-
Athena Literary Society will hold
tryouts for membership at 7:30 p.m.
in the Athena room, foutrh floor of
Angell Hall. Those interested come

at Law"

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Gone Mad






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Good Hats are bland Mad( and bhould be Cleaned and Re-
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and Block them the right way as low as 56c.
W. W. Mann 617 Packard Street (Near State)


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