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March 27, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-27

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To Matt Mann ... .
* * *
THOSE engineers are at it again.
I mean the engineers who so
bravely drew their slide-rules a cou-
ple of weeks ago and gave me some
statistics on how fast a major-league
pitcher throws a baseball. Now they
have gotton their guessing-sticks out
again and are delving deeper.
One of them happens to be a naval
architect, which means that he is
going to work in a boat-foundry or
whatever it is that turns out ships.
Now he has gone and gotten an idea
for Matt Mann, Michigan's swim-
ming coach.
He was sitting around the other
day and sighing for some dimensions
of world's championship swimmers.
It seems that there is some correla-
tion between speed and ideal length,
and according to his ideas most of the
sprint champs should be long and
lanky while the longer distance men
could be shorter.
The fundamental fallacy in his
argument is that he doesn't take into
consideration the difference in the
horse-power, so to speak, of the in-
dividual swimmer. Anyhow, maybe
Mann can give him some dope on
the speed-length ratio.
HAVE been thinking lately how
lamentable it is in sport that na-
ture cannot biologically select and
differentiate until we have a strain
of stream-lined men for the speed
events in both track and swimming.
I suppose that stream-lining varies
with the individual, however.
In swimming it would be very help-
ful since the main factor is the over-
coming of water-resistance. You can
gauge that resistance on a boat model
over in the naval tank in the west
engineering building. The models
are towed along at varying speeds
from a moving brdige across the tank,
and their resistance is measured on
scales introduced into the towing
Now if Mr. Mann really wants an
up-to-date streamlined swimming
team for the next season, the best
thing for him to do is to get the
loan of the tank over in the engi-
neering building and put the whole
freshman class through the drag tests
to dtermine which, at varying speeds,
have the least resistance to water
while being dragged through it. Then
he could select the streamlined fresh-
Wonderful, no?
All-Campus Swim
Meet Starts Today
The climax of the intramural
winter sports season will be reached
tomorrow night when the finals of
the all-campus swimming meet are
held in the Intramural Pool. Prelim-
inaries begin at five p.m. today.
Eight events will be held and each
contestant may enter riot more than
two. The caliber of the swimmers on
the campus is high this year, and
with most of the fraternity winners
entered, many hard battles and fast
times are expected.

Broken Ankle
Will Keep Ford
Out For Season
Titular Hopes Of Baseball
Team Dimmed By Injury
Of Sophomore Star
Michigan titular hopes in the Con-
ference baseball race were dimmed
somewhat yesterday, when George
Ford, sophomore star who was to hold
down the third base job, broke his
ankle in practice. The injury will
keep Ford out for the entire season.
It was too dark in the Field House
for batting practice yesterday, so
Coach Fisher had his candidates
practice leading off first base. Taking
his turn, Ford took his leadoff and
dashed for second base, trying to beat
the catcher's throw. Coming into
the bag, he caught his spikes on it
and snapped his left ankle, break-
ing it.
His injury came as a severe blow
to Coach Fisher's plans for the in-
field, and it will undoubtedly greatly
impair the Wolverines' chances of
finishing with the leaders in the Con-
ference title race.
Fisher said of Ford: "I counted up-
on him as being my best infielder this
year." On the freshman nine, last
year, Ford proved conclusively that
hb was Varsity material. He fielded
exceptionally at third base, had a
rifle arm, and showed promise of de-
veloping into a dangerous hitter. Un-
til yesterday he had been hitting the
ball hard in the cages.
The loss of Ford will force Coach
Fisher to revise his plans for the in-
field. It appearedas if Regeczi would
play first, Oliver, second, Waterbor,
short, and Ford, third, with Paul-
son as the leading catching candidate.
Now, Fisher may shift Oliver to third,
where he played during the latter
part of last season, or else he may
use Paulson at the hot cornea but
the occupant of the keystone sack will
be problematical.
Nine Wolverine
Wrestlers Will
Receive 'M's'
Wrestling awards were announced
yesterday by Coach Cliff Keen. Elev-
en Varsity awards will go to Captain
Art Mosier, Don Fiero, S. Rubin, S.
Freedman, Jim Landrum, Ralph Nea-
fus, Louis Parker, Joe Oakley, Hilton
Ponto, Jack Harrod, and John Spo-
Secondary awards will go to George
Lawton and Carroll Sweet.
The team captain for the 1934-35
squad will be elected at a team ban-
quet to' be held at a later date.
"The national Intercollegiate meet
held here last week-end was a huge
success," Keen, who was manager of
the tournament, said, "and I want to
thank all of those who contributed to
its success, especially the Varsity
"The national committee was high-
ly pleased with the reception which
the meet was accorded here in Ann
Arbor, and I feel that those who saw
it have a better appreciation of what
is going on in collegiate wrestling cir-
cles, and its possibilities," he added.
Night football practice will con-
tinue in the Field House until the
weather permits outdoor drills.
Harry G. Kipke, Coach

Michigan's Track
To A Great Star
ANN ARBOR, Feb. 18 -Led by
Willis Ward. phenomenal colored
star, who won three events, Michi-
gan's track team defeated Ohio State
59 to 35 in the Field House last night.
ANN ARBOR, Feb. 25- Willis,
Ward, Michigan's one-man track,
team, repeated his remarkable Ohio
State feat of accounting for 15 points,
as the Wolverines won an easy vic-
tory over Michigan State and Michi-
gan Normal at the Field House last
night, amassing a total of 60 points.
CHICAGO, March 3-(A") -Willis
Ward, husky Negro all-around star,
won three events today to lead Mich-
igan's contenders for the Western
Conference indoor track title to an
impressive victory over Chicago and
Northwestern in a triangular meet
at the University of Chicago Field
CHICAGO, March 10- (P)-Mich-
igan rode to the Western Conference
track championship tonight on the
6 foot, 1 inch frame of Willis Ward,
its Negro all-around star, who hustled
from one part of the University of
Chicago field house to another, to
win three events.
INDIANAPOLIS, March 25- (R')-
The University of Michigan, led by
the versatile Willis Ward, tonight won
the second annual Butler University
indoor team championship with a
point total of 18%/4. Ward tied the
world record in the 60-yard dash,
jumped 6 feet, 5 7-8 inches to beat
his own Butler Relay's record, and
with his second in the high hurdles
scored 13 points of the team's win-
ning total.

Wolverines Begin Preparation
For Two National Swim Meets
By ART CARSTENS, one of the most difficult tasks in sport
From March 30 to April 14 Michi- in avowing his intention to try for
gan's undefeated Varsity swimming both the National Intercollegiate and
team will compete in two national
meets and five dual encounters, trav- A.A.U. meets on successive week-ends.
eling to New York City and back to The team is being pointed for the
do so. Intercollegiates in which Mann hopes
Primed to shoot the works in the to regain the crown lost to Northwest-
attempt to regain their National In- ern at New Haven last year, but the
tercollegiate title the Wolverines meet chances for an A.A.U. title for the
the country's best at Columbus Wolverines appear bright enough to
(Ohio) this week-end, then return make Mann try to keep his men at
to the same pool a week later to swim the peak for the latter meet.
in the National A.A.U. against the Yale's name is conspicuous by its
pick of the nation's athletic clubs. absence from the list of dual meets
Without returning to Ann Arbor the again this year. Mann would com-
team will swing east during Spring ment on it only to the extent of say-
vacation meeting the Newark A. C. ing that Coach Kiphuth and he could
on April 9 and Columbia University,, not get together on dates. His un-
New York A. C. and Brooklyn A. C. usual reticence was suspicious, how-
on successive nights. ever, especially since there are stories
Coach Matt Mann has set himself about the Yale-Michigan feud going
S-- -around. It appears that Yale has not
F" " lost a dual meet in the last 125 such
Flve rcicked As affairs, having defeated Michigan in
their last meeting. The Eli's are a
little reluctant to give the Wolverines
Union Bowlers a chance to break that string.
The next best thing to a Yale-
For State Meet Michigan meet however will be the
dual between the N.Y.A.C. and Michi-
- gan - the teams that are expected to
A team of five students has been finish one-two in the A.A.U.'snext
selected to represent the Union in the week.


Orchids To Captain Custis a1
One of the most consistently hard-
working, and unjustly obscure teams
on the campus is the women's rifle
squad. During recent weeks the co-
eds who have been competing in the SMi
telegraphic intercollegiate meets have Tail
turned in nearly perfect scores. In SU
one of the meets shot off last week
a score of 494 out of a possible 500
was achieved. $3
This excellent score was shot off
in a meet won by Missouri, with 498
points. Michigan came in second,
with 494, while Maryland ran a close
third with 493. Nebraska and Penn. --__
State were fourth and fifth, with 484
and 483, respectively.
All this is only part of the story,
however. The individual scores turned
in by members of the Michigan sharp-
shooting squad have been even bet-
ter, to turn in a team score as high
as that. In the course of these re-
cent weeks' competition, three have
shot perfect scores. Dorothy Ed-
munds, Patricia Woodward, and Eil-
een Lay have made it an even 100
at least once this season.
The next closest to perfection have
been 99's, turned in by four members
of the squad. Eileen Lay, Rosalie
Steele, Jean Turnbull, and Dorothy
Edmunds are the members to shoot
the 99's.
The team average for the season is
higher than most of their competitors
have made in specific meets, coming
to 491.5. To give credit where it is
due, Captain Arthur B. Custis has
for some years coached the Michigan
rifle team, which has shown up bet-
ter in intercollegiate competition
than anyother co-ed team entered
wearing the Maize and Blue.
H ill Aud. 50c Mar. 27


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REGARDLESS of that abomin-
able ogre, the Ann Arbor Wea-
ther Man, next Sunday is the day
when gay young bloods thumb
their noses at Old Man Winter,
blossom forth in sartorial splen-
dor, and attendchurch. So with a
prayer to the far-famed bunny
who lays multicolored eggs, we
make the following suggest to those
of you who would do Easter up
FIRST -- What is Easter with-
out a new suit? If the Old
Man comes through with that ex-
tra allowance, we can think of no
better place to spend it than at
Saffell & Bush. Stop by and take
a look at the White Norfolk out-,
fit in Harris Cloth that they're
featuring now. Shirred back ...
Talon tailored trousers. . . Three
inverted pleats. . . Breast pockets
buttoning from the side . . . Full
belt It laid us low.
SECOND - No outfit is complete
without a new pair of white
bucks. Personally we like them
dirty (the shoes), but Easter is
one day when nothing but the best
will do. The Campus Bootery has

Quarry Inc., realizing this, has
some special Easter bargains in
the way of shaving creams, lo-
tions and talcums for the would-
be, well-groomed man. A Barba-
sol set caught our attention. . .
5 blades . . . cream... and a razor
for only 50 cents. Other sets
at special reduced prices even low-
er than this.
* * *
FOURTH - It would be a sory
predicament, indeed, if one were
all dressed up on Easter with no
place to go. Of course there's
church in the morning for the
ambitious. But after church,
what? .Ah, yes, one must eat. And
eat and The Parrot are synony-
mous. Take the girl in there for
dinner after church or in the eve-
ning. It won't break you and
you're sure to be satisfied.
FIFTH - Have you been think-
ing of Easter gifts? Then you
should stop by at Calkins-Fletch-
er's and take a look at their tie
and pipe racks. The assortment is
unlimited and they're all nifty
numbers. They "can be had" in
walnut, mahogany, and maple ...
in green, cream, or lavender. The
price is one buck and up (and



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