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March 27, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-27

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L Ri A T1EIN Labor Leaders In Washington Strike Conference

Columbus Speaker
(By Intercollegiate Press)
COLUMBUS,- Junior college co-
eds don't smoke, whatever their older
sisters on regular college campuses
may do about it.
This, at least, was the information
given officials attending the annual
convention of the American Associa-
tion of Junior Colleges.
A round table discussion by pri-
vate junior college officials revealed
that out of approximately 100 such
schools represented, only eight girls'
institutions and six co-educational
schools permitted women students to
smoke. Some of those permitting it
require written permission of parents.
Some of the speakers said that in
co-ed schools which ban smoking
there was a tendency to wink at in-
fractions by men, but discipline the
feminine offenders. One delegate
said his school banned smoking be-
cause of the old prejudice against
"nice girls" using the weed.

Aid For Cold
Ailments Seen
In Ephedrine
Ephedrine has proven extremely
beneficial in the treatment of such
ailments as colds. hay fever, sinus
trouble, epilepsy, and bronchial dis-
eases, Dr. K. K. Chen, director of
pharmacological research in the Lilly
Research Laboratories, Indianapolis,
pointed out yesterday in his lecture
on "Ephedrine" in the Chemistry
Doctor Chen stated that this drug
was isolated from the "Ma Huang,"
a herb used by the Chinese for cen-
turies to relieve coughs, to produce
sweating, and to reduce fever, but
only the chemical properties were
examined at first. Together with
Professor Schmidt of the University
of Pennsylvania, he began research
work in the pharmacological appli-
cation, with successful results.
Since the "Ma Huang" grows
abundantly in China, and is also
raised in Indian and Europe, the
supply is almost inexhaustible, he

-Associated Press Photo
Labor chieftains in the general automobile strike controversy are shown as they conferred in Wash-
ington prior to their discussions with President Roosevelt. Left to right, seated: William Collins of Detroit,
American Federation of Labor organizer for auto workeis; Frank Morrison, federation secretary; William
Green, federation president. Standing: Alexander Mariks of Pontiac, Mich., and Frank Dillon of Flint, Mich.


University Chemists Develop
Process Qf Water Separaioii
A continuous process for separat- "Is it active chemically?"
ing heavy water from the ordinary "It is less active than ordinary
beverage kind has been developed by 3 water. It is slower to take part in
three University chemists and will chemical changes."
be presented before a meeting of the "How heavy is it?"
American Chemical Society next "It is about 10 per cent heaviers
week in St. Petersburg, Fla. than common water. It weighs about
Michigan scientists who have been 1.11 times as much for the same
experimenting with the recently dis- volume."
covered heavy water are Profs. Leigh "Why do some investigators think
C. Anderson, John R. Bates and Jo- it might be used to treat cancer?"
seph O. Halford. "Perhaps because it is less active
Ordinary well or tap water con- and might slow the action of can-
tains about one part heavy water cerous growths. It has been sug-
to 5,000 parts of the kind we drink. gested that heavy water becomes
The chemical name of heavy water more concentrated in the human
is deuterium oxide. Deuterium is the body during the years of life and
scientific name for heavy hydrogen may be the cause of old age."
which was discovered two years ago "How much heavy water have
by Prof. Harold C. Urey of Columbia you?"
university. The problem of chemists "After several months work we
is to separate the heavy from the have obtained 40 cubic centimeters
light liquid, so that the heavy may of 50 per cent concentrated water.
be used for research. After a few years we hope to obtain
The Michigan professors describe about two quarts of pure deuterium
heavy water as a "vital tool to chem- oxide for use in experiments at
ical investigations" because its heavy Michigan."
hydrogen can be made to replace Forty cubic centimeters is less than
light hydrogen in various chemical one-twelfth of a pint. The processes
compounds and change the prop- for obtaining heavy water depend
erties of the compounds. upon the fact that deuterium, or
Here are their answers to questions heavy hydrogen having an atomic
about heavy water: weight of two compared with one for
"Is it good to drink?" ordinary hydrogen, remains longer in
"Well, its present market price is a body of water which is broken up
$40 a gram, which is about $10,000 into hydrogen and oxygen by passing,
for an eight ounce glass. Would any- an electric current through it. As the
one care to buy a glass of it for volume of water is reduced by taking
beverage purposes?" off oxygen and hydrogen, the con-
"Does it freeze like ordinary centration of heavy water becomes
water?" greater. .
"Its melting point is about 39 de- This process is repeated many
grees Fahrenheit. Ordinary water times before pure heavy water is ob-
melts at 32 degrees. Heavy water tained. The Michigan development
boils at 214.7 degrees, while the boil- makes the process continuous, with
ing point of drinking water is 212 less labor and consequently less ex-
degrees Fahrenheit." pensive.
Items trom Other Camruses

IP1k(11 Cliaims
Maehine Aw"e Is
Almost Euided
Colum ila Professor Sees
rTim When Labor Will
Practically Disappear
(By Intercollegiate Press)
NEW YORK, March 26. - Prof.
Walter B. Pitkin, the Columbia jour-
nalism teacher who gained interna-
tional fame with his book, "Life Be-
gins at Forty," looked genially
through his horn-rimmed spectacles
and foresaw the day when:
Money will be as cheap as labor
- and labor will be as cheap as dirt.
Labor will disappear almost com-
The decline in wages will have
gone further than it has to date.
The decline in the earning power
of dollars will have gone on to the
point where, perhaps, 7 per cent in-
terest will be considered fair.
Then he went on to envision hap-
pier things, such as:'
Despite the decline, the things the
average American will be able to en-
joy will be greatly multiplied.
Fewer people will be considered for
jobs after they pass 40, but in the
handling of large, expensive machin-
ery, and in the professions, where
personal service must be rendered,
the man who has passed 40 will be
the man saught.
The life span will be increased be-
cause those who have passed 40 will
not have to do heavy work.
"We are practically through with
the machine age," he said. "It will
be only a matter of a few decades
before people have forgotten it, and
will be living in the power age, the
presence of which at first will seem
like catastrophe, but which will be
the greatest blessing we ever had.
-.yon; wa- extra
"dollars for your

Phone 2-1214. Place advertisements wI U
Classified AdvertIsing Departmeni;.
l'ie classified columnlrs close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertions.
Box Numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
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LOST: Black fountain pen. Moore's
non-leakable. Probably in 1209
Angell Hall. Phone 7708. Reward.
LOST: Lower part of Sheaffer foun-
tain pen. Finder please call 7415.
PERSONA! laundry service. We take
individual interest in the laundry
problem of our customers. Girls'
silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
Call for and deliver. 2-3478, 5594.
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cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
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TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. 1x
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
PERMANENTS: Our $5 steam .oil
permanent with oil shampoo, $3,
this week to next. Raggedy Ann
Shop. Dial 7561. 11x
MONDAY and Wednesday, Ma el or
shampoo andt finger wave, 5(h,
Raggedy Ann Shop. Phone 7561.
Bring your title
Associated Motor Services, Inc.
311 W. Huron, Ph. 2-2001



HAMILTON, N. Y., March 20.-- PALO ALTO, Calif., March 24. -
For 25 years astronomers of Colgate According to Stanford University ge-
University have bemoaned their lack *ologists a huge area of the Santa
SClara valley is slowly sinking. The
of means to show the true beauties city of San Jose has sunk 4 feet in
of the heavens. Yesterday, a student the last 14 years, and a similar set-
making, for some unknown reason, tiing is report ed over a large district
an exploring tour through the long su'rrounding the city. The hall of
deserted attic of one of the college records in San Jose has sunk six
inches during the last year.
buildings fell upon, both literally and A professor at San Jose State Col-
figuratively, a five-inch reflecting lege stated that the situation was
telescope apparently mislaid for a "nothing to be alarmed at." However,
quarter of a century. Prof. Cyrus F. Tolman, Stanford ge-
-- ologist, said that the sinking may be
PITTSBURGIH, March 21.- The due to "a slow readjustment of earth
men of Carnegie Tech are becoming stresses prior to a rupture along the
San Andreas fault, which of course
clothes conscious. A committee was wudgv iet nerhuk.
would give rise to an earthquake."
appointed yesterday to select models
for a male style show to be held L i V7E in F REiN C
Soon. Residential Summer School (co-eduea-
The committee will base its selec- tional) ,Sune 27-Aug. 1. Only French
spoken. Fee $150. Board and T'Iuition.
tions on the appearance of the can- Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced.
Write for circular to Secretary, Rnesideyn-
didates and their ability to wear .l r(-nch summer School
clothes. They will wear the newest | McGILl. UNIVERSITY
- h- ~nr. ~nci cimp+ we f Moncreal, Canada

Precisely the model you
need! Latest design..low-
est price! Conmplere! j"isy
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ence! A small initial pay-
ment,and it isyours! Py
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Rider's Pen Shop
128 soa sth '-reel


Go By Greyhound
Take a Greyhound bus this va-
cation . . . you'll save precious
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Whose story is it?
Hie SHOVW) arapefiuit in aftit
'Queen b kisser and haol ywood hailed
him asa grenis'/



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