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March 27, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-27

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as perhaps the greatest single feat on record.
A one-man track team they call him, and with
AndWard is very modest about it all. He can't
understand what the fuss is about.
Last week's Michigan Alumnus put it very aptly
f when it quoted Ward as saying: "What was I
thinking about? Well, there's one advantage in
being in a lot of events. You don't have time to
do any thinking. You just go out there and keep
trying to do your best."
Screen Reflections


Campus Opinion

z EE
f oPEN S
I for PENS I

Downtown --- 20 North Man St.
i 2-10r3tNex tLo Downtown Postoffice
Ty pewriting Paper at Reduced Prices

Published every morning except Monday during t
University year and S3ummer Session by the Board1
Control of Studenit Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associatb
and the Big Ten News Service.
sszociatd0 011 iste reso
E9i3 INhidAL -17Ie1434



Bert Wheeler
Dorothy Lee

Robert Woolsey
Thelma Todd

The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republ ication of all news dispathces credited to it or
not otherwise credited in thi; paper and the local news
published herein. All rights, of republication of, special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the P~ost Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ee ond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
SWz'scrlption during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
#1.0 During regular school year by carrier, $3.75 by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publicati:ns Building, Maynard Street,
don Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 4G East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
WOMEN'S EDITOR..................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William
G. Perris, John C. Healey, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
Wbipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: '.arjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, 'Paul J. Elliott,
Coutney A. Evans, John J. Flaherty, Thomas A. Groehn,
John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Bernard B. Levick, David
G. MacDonald, Joel P. Newman, John M. O'Connell,
Kenneth Parker, William R. Reed, Robert S.Rnuwitch,
Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M.


Ruth Etting
Wheeler and Woolsey are back again at the
Michigan with their usual wise cracks and hi-
larity. Whether you like "Hips, Hips, Hooray" or
not depends entirely upon what you think of these
two gentlemen and their fast-moving, farcical
type of comedy, because there is very little else in
the picture. Of course, there is Thelma Todd's
figure, Dorothy Lee's aren't-you-cute-expression,
and Ruth Etting's singing (which, incidentally, is
presented only once).
"Hips, Hips, Hooray" is a series of scenes that
have been pieced together in a rather helter-skel-
ter manner in order to present an hour or so of
entertainment. There is virtually no plot except
for the fact that the boys are in the cosmetic
business, more or less, and that by some amusing
bluffing they link themselves up with the "Maiden
America" company, which is owned by a very
delectible floozy in the person of Thelma Todd.
They get into one mess after another, are con-
stantly chased by detectives, and finally become
involved in a cross-country automobile race. This
last item puts them in situations which because
of their absurdity are highly entertaining.
Ruth Etting sings "Keep Romance Alive;" Dor-
othy Lee and Bert Wheeler make goo-goo eyes at
each other while singing "Keep on Doin' What
You're Doin'," and Robert Woolsey says "Whoa"
with his typical inflection, which always is good
for a laugh with some people.
Among the added attractions is "Scotland the
Bonnie," a travelogue which is worth the price of
admission alone. There is an "Our Gang" com-
edy, however, which makes one wish that he had'
not paid it.
-C. B. C.

Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregarded.
The names of communicaits will, however, be re-
gardd a cofidntil u~onrequest. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 300 words if possible.
To the Editor:
I wish to call to your attention an erroneous
statement in your editorial of March 24 entitled
"Mr. Farley On His Racket."
You call the Roosevelt program, or lack of pro-
gram, constructively socialistic when it is noth-
ing of the kind for the following reasons: First,
industry under the present administration is not
publicly owned and democratically controlled.
Second, the administration is making no attempt
to make the incomes of the people equal or nearly
equal. Third, it is employing the old capitalistic
taxation method of redistributing income.
The contradictions between the above men-
tioned editorial and Frances Perkins' speech of
March 23 are very striking. Miss Perkins has al-
ways been described as one of the most liberal
members of Roosevelt's cabinet. Yet even after
her declaration of faith in the capitalist system,
you print an editorial calling the present admin-
istration socialistic.
Miss Perkins states that the system must be
revised so that consumption balances production.
If consumption were to balance productiohthe
workers would have to be paid the full value of
their labor. And any system in which the worker
is paid the full value of his labor is not capitalism.
She also says that for the present system to
work properly workers and owners must co-oper-
ate .Anyone should be able to see that there can
be no co-operation between those whose interests
are diametrically opposed. Would one expect co-
operation between the butcher and the lamb?
The Honorable Secretary calls to our attention
the large increase in mail order business in the
cotton belt where farmers have benefited from
acreage reduction on programs. In order to analyse
this statement we must first make an investigation
of the farming methods in that section of the
country. Most of our cotton is produced by tenant
farmers called share croppers, who are living un-
der a slave system as bad as chattel slavery. The
government paid huge sums of money to the own-
ers of cotton producing farms to plow under cot-
ton. Note that this money was paid to farm
owners, not farmers. As a consequence of acre-
age reduction of cotton lands share croppers are
being driven out of their homes by the thousands
with no place to go, and nothing is being done for
them. This is just what we might expect from
the administration for Roosevelt has said that
his aim is to restore profits.
Miss Perkins dreams of a capitalistic society
in which there would be prosperity for all. Now,
prosperity is a comparative term and if there are
any inequalities in the standards of living of dif-
ferent classes of people those with the most are
the prosperous and those with the least are the
poor. Under capitalism inequalities are a natural
result. Therefore we can not have prosperity for
all under capitalism.
-Bradley A. Smith
o egiate Observer

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of contacting the Student Body

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Easter Only One Week Away
If you have in mind
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We shall be happy indeed to show you what our two large stores
have to offer- BIBLES OF EVERY VERSION (King James,
American Standard, Moffatt, Scofield, Smith, Goodspeed trans-
lation and also the Short Bible) - PRAYER BOOKS an d HYM-
NA LS, TESTAMENTS, etc., etc.


An Excellent Assortment of Easter Gree~t g Cards

Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Eleanor
Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean, MarjorieMor-
Mo-rison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
WOMENS BUSINESS MANAGER ....................
.......................... CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Noel Tur-
ner; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Service, Robert Ward; Accounts, Allen Kus; Circula-
tion and Contracts, Jack Efroymson.
ASSISTANTS: Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Ros-
enthal, Joe Rothbard, George Atherton.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Fleld, Louise
10lorez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds.
FRESHMAN TRYOUTS: William Jackson Louis Gold-
smith, David Schiffer, William Barndt, Jack Richardson,
Charles Parker, Robert Owen, Ted Wohlgemuth, Jerome
Grossman, Avner, Kronenberger, Jim Horiskey, Tom
Clarke, Scott, Samuel Beckman, Homer Lathrop, Hall,
Doss Levin, Willy Tomlinson, Dean Asselin, Lyman
Bittman, John Park, Don Hutton, Allen Ulpson, Richard
Hardenbrook, Gordon Cohn.
Professor Waite Looks
At The Detective Story. ..
Waite is becoming quite an author.
Last week we announced publication of his latest
book, "Criminal Law In Action." Now we find,
leafing through the magazines, that he has an
article in the current Scribners, called "If Judges
Wrote Detective Stories."
The article as well as the book is well worth
reading. In it Professor Waite points out that
' the realities of arrest, search, and detainment of
criminals are at marked variance with the popu-
lar conception of them presented in detective Pic-
tion and entertained by the public.
In the ordinary mystery story the police in-
vestigate every clew that their ingenious minds
hit upon, detain everyone in any way implicated,
and make no bones about arresting all possible
suspects. In real life, Professor Waite points out,
this procedure is illegal. Written warrants are
necessary for all criminal-capture activity unless
the officers of the law have reasonable grounds
for belief of built -and it is extremely difficult
to convince the courts of reasonability.
It makes no difference if the criminal is cap-
tured, or if irrefutable evidence of his guilt is ob-
tained; no conviction can be had, if the counsel
for defense knows his business, when the police
stray so much as one inch from the tortuous path
that leads through the thicket of arrest and
search technique
The police don't always know this, of course,
and sometimes a mistake slips by. But the bene-
fit, which may accrue to the public in such cases
are illegal.
Whether he. knows it or not, Professor Waite's
article is an eloquent plea for criminal justice re-
form, "In nine-tenths of the cases before the
courts," he says, "the judicial rules of arrest are
invoked to save the, guilty." A code which oper-
ates nine out of ten times in favor of the wrong
party is a bad code, and ought to be abolished.
Indoor Track,
Willis Ward :. .
M ICHIGAN'S track team has just
completed its most successful in-
door season in years. The Big Ten and Butler
Relay championships,. two triangular and one
dual victory - that's the record they've put on
the books.
Now that it's over, bououets are being handed


State Street

MAoin Street

Sunday's concert in the Faculty Series was both
well-chosen and creditably performed. Mrs. Case
and Miss Nelson were graciously received and pre-
sented their four numbers with marked co-opera-
Clementi's B-fiat major Sonata, with which Mrs.
Case and Miss Nelson opened the program, seemed
to lack in performance both the precision of at-
tack and the excellent interpretation which char-
acterized the numbers to follow. The audience
was most receptive to the Saint-Saens variation
of Beethoven, in which Mrs. Case and Miss Nel-
son had ample opportunity to exhibit music dis-
tinguished by its logical and highly accurate work-
manship. This is truly a Saint-Saens piece, for
only the slightest traces of the great German mas-
ter are discernable in its charming and enter-
taining finish.
Miss Newell opened her group of numbers
with Tschaikovsky's Conzonetta, in which she did
not seem quite able to fully grasp the sensitivity
and deep personal element so closely associated
with this Russian composer. In the Mozart "Men-
uett" and the "Alumblatt" of Wagner-Wilhelmj,
however, her presentation was highly pleasing.
Her interpretation of Mozart's great classicism
evidenced the lucidity and melodiousness which
is requisite. The efficiency with which she per-
formed Kreisler's "La Gitana" was roundly ap-
Mrs. Case and Miss Nelson closed the concert
with Tailleferre's "Jeux de Plein Air" and the
"Coronation Scene" from Moussorgsky's opera
"Boris Godounoff" arranged for two pianos by
Lee Pattison. The harmonious, folk-like qualities
of the former seemed well adapted to these two
women, especially Miss Nelson, whose work here
was delightful. The depth and power of the
latter number was at times vivid, at other times
somewhat obscured, yet it did not ever actually
-R. S. It.
To alternate with the Varsity Band and the
Varsity Glee Club tonight at the Jamboree, the
Ukranian Choir, from Detroit, under the direc-
tion of Leo Sorochinski, will sing two groups
of Ukranian Folk Songs.
"The Gondoliers" opens Thursday night at the
Lydia' Mendelssohn Theatre.
As Othr1s See It
-- - -- --i'
Bobby Jones knows now what the hemlock
tastes like. Fancy his stumbling and fumbling
and staggering and reeling through 18 holes and
totaling up the card to learn that par was grin-
ning at him in malicious triumph. His score was
76. Is the word ignominy? Let it go at that.
But ignominy is no rare portion for a golfer.
In fact, we dare to venture that everyone who has
become seriously involved in that game has known
those dark and dreadful moments when all was
lost, when there wasn't the sliayhtest uhiff of

,.. , ? .i,




It has been proposed that the school week at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology be short-
ened to five days. The boys of this school will
have no classes on Wednesday afternoon or Sat-
urday morning if the plan is adopted.
One professor: "I am utterly opposed to it. I
think the thing is absolutely absurd. Any ten-
dency to turn the school into a factory is most
Another: "I am in favor of the experiment. It
would give the students more time for their work
as well as more time for their recreation."
After much consideration we have voted
this week's "boner" prize to the professor at
Clemson College who rushed into an empty
classroom, cursed the class for cutting, and
then discovered he had come to an eight
o'clock instead of a nine.
The catalog published by the Oklahoma A. & M.
College lists a course, "Nut Culture," with this
explanation, "study of pecans, walnuts, etc., not;
One of the industrious freshman tryouts
has asked me to use his following master-
piece. It is to be sung to the tune of "Reuben,
insull, insull, ive been sinking
all my dough intuh your stock
wont yuh plees cum home n help me
get my trousers out of hock?
(Yes, that's what Daily tryouts do in their
spare time).
When a scientist conserves energy, they call
it wonderful and marvelous; when a college man
does it, they call it laziness.
There is a story concerning a freshman at
Ohio State University who wanted to trans-
fer to the University of Vienna because he
heard that it was one long loaf.
Necking and dancing, says the University of
Maryland Daily, can be distinguished. One is
done to music.
* * *
Perhaps the smallect college in existence is
Huron College in London, Ontario, where a fac-
ulty of five teaches twenty students.
bones of par lie moldering in vanquished me-
moriam to Bobby Jones.
But there are those - and their name is legion
+an mham ] m rr i hp fa .. n n ii, ir ri+- tycita


MAY9-10-11-121 1934




Earl V. Moore, Musical Director
Frederick Stock, Orchestra Conductor

Eric DeLamorter, Associate Conductor
Juvo Higbee, Young People's Conductor

c.+e i .- ----- !Gp

L UCREZ IA BOR I .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
Metropolitan Opera Association


ROSA PONSEL LE...............Soro
Metropolitan Opera Association
JEANETTE VREELAND..................... Soprano
American Concert and Oratorio Singer
COE GLADE......................... . Contralto
Chicago Civic and other Operas

PAUL ALTHOUSE.......................
Metropolitan Opera Association
ARTHUR HACKETT.......................
American Opera and Concert Singer
THEODORE WEBB-........................
American Oratorio Singer
CHASE BAROMEO...... . . .
Chicago, LaScala, and South American Operas
GUILA BUSTABO.......... ........... .
Young American Virtuoso


. Tenor

-. Baritone
.. Pianist
. . . Pianist

MISCHA LEVITZKI................
Distinguished Russian Player
MABE L ROSS RHEAD................
Choral Union Accompanist
PALMER CHRISTIAN ................
University of Michigan Organist

. .

The University Choral Union. ..300 Voices The Stanley Chorus..........40 Voices
Chicago Symphony Orchestra.. 70 players Ninth Symphony............Beethoven
Young People's Festival Chorus 400 Voices The Seasons. ..............Haydn

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