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March 24, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-24

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Dance Will Be
Given As '37
Class Project,
Freshmen Plan To Have
Floor Show Including
Men As Well As Women
Freshmen women, meeting recent-
ly, decided that the annual freshman
project would again take the form
of a dance similar to last year's "Lan-
tern Dance."
This party, however, will have sev-
eral unique features, Wilhelmine
Carr, general chairman, said in ex-
plaining the project. The floor show,
which was an attraction of last year's
function, will be made different by
the fact that freshmen men, as well
as women, will participate in it.
Although no definite date has as
yet been set, the dance will probably
be held on or about May 27, Miss
Carr said.
Four other committee members to
assist Miss Carr were elected at the
mass meeting. They are Katherine
Kilman, chairman of decorations and
music, Mary J. Greenstone, chairman
of finance and publicity, Jane Ed-
monson, and Elaine Cobo. The last
two 'have not as yet been definitely
assigned to committees.
In addition to the dance, the fresh-
man women will take over the man-
agement of the League Open House
which will be held during the first
part of April. Further plans and com-
mittee appointments will be made
Houses Busy
With Pledgings,
Formal Dances
Houses are busying themselves with
pledgings, initiations, and pledge for-
Alplu, Omega
Members of Alpha Omega frater-
nity announced the recent election of
officers. Morris Koorhan, '36, will be
president; David Begleman, '35, vice-
president; Lewis Gans, '37, secretary;
Julius Ribyat, '37, macer; and Ber-
nard Weintraub, '35D, treasurer.
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Tau Delta fraternity enter-
tained with a formal party last night.
The music was furnished by Roy Gar-
rell's orchestra, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Ebbers attended as chaperons.
Kappa Delta Rho
Kappa Delta Rho fraternity is hav-
ing Lorne E. Yeateman's orchestra
furnish the music for their initiation
formal. Robert Boynton, '37E, and;
John Bedger, '37, are those initiates
honored. Prof. and Mrs. Walter E.,
Lay, Capt. and Mrs. Arthur Custin
and Dr. and Mrs. Franklin L. Everett,

One Fourth Of Women Students
Self Supporting On Campus

Martha Cook To
Honor Alutmnae
This Wek-Ei

a old fv oite in a new guse will U T

Approximately one-fourth of the
wonen on camps are who ly or par-
tially self-supporting at the present
dcte, figures released by Byrl Fox
Bacher, a sistant dean of women, re-
veal. Of the 2,3C0 women students
now in the University, Mrs. Bacher
estimates, more than 372 are em-
ployed in some way, earning room
and board, board, part board, or
small sums of money in dormitories,
tea rooms, and offices.
The number of wonien earning
hoard or board and room or part
board in dormitories and tea rooms
totals 167, with 83 of those employed
in Mlosher-Jordan Halls, Betsy Bar-
bour House and Helen Newberry Dor-
mitory. Eighty-four are working in
the other dormitories, in the League
and in the tea rooms.
Eighty-seven women are working
for their board and room in private
homes; some of these earn board and
room and some, working additional
hours, are paid in cash at the rate of
30 cents an hour.
Part-time clerical and secretarial
work in offices and stores is being
done by 29 women who are paid at
the rate of 40 to 50 cents an hour,
while 113 women are registered for
occasional work such as child care,
clerking, serving, light housework and
typing, and are employed when re-
quests for these types of work come
from faculty and townspeople.
Women Earned $76,404
Last year, Mrs. Bacher said, women
earned a total of $76,404 and the
amount being earned this year will
be approximately the same. In one
place alone the weekly payroll for
women student employees totals $254
which means more than $1,000 for
one month. The monthly payroll for
the- larger dormitories totals about
$2,500, and the approximate sum
earned for domestic service and
maintenance in dormitories, tea
rooms, and homes is $5,500 a month.
This amount is exclusive of the sum
earned in secretarial and clerical po-
sitions for which there is no definite
More women are being employed
this year, stated Mrs. Bacher. Each
organization has taken on a few
more employees, partly because of the
NRA and partly because the indus-
trial situation in Ann Arbor has al-
most eliminated maid service from a
great many homes, so student help is
more in demand.
Scholarship ligh
Immediately at the close of school
a number of women go into summer
positions in which they are often able
to earn the whole of their expenses
for the next school year; others stay
out a year and work, returning to
school after an absence of one or tWo
semesters. Some supplement their
earnings by funds their families are
able to send them; others, particu-
larly seniors are able to obtain tui-
tion loans from the University.

about the very great majority of these
self-supporting women is that their
scholarship standing is high, said
Mrs. Bacher.
"For instance," she explained,
"when we are checking eligibility for
Beta Kappa Rho, sorority for women
who are employed, we rarely find an
ineligibility, and in very few instances
is this failure due to the woman's em-
ployment; it is usually the result of
inadequate preparation for college."
At the present time 114 women are
employed under the FERA, said Mrs.
Bacher, these students being used in
technical assistantships, clerical and
secretarial work, filing and catalog-
Situations In
Austria To Be
Lecture Topic
"Austria, a German Outpost To-
wards the Southwest," will be the
subject of a lecture to be given to-
night by Mr. Wolf-Isbrand Much un-
der the sponsorship of the Cosmo-
politan Club. After a brief historic
introduction showing the relation-
ship between Austria and Germany,
Mr. Much will talk about the politi-
cal and economic situation found in
Austria today.
Vienna was the capital of Ger-
many for several centuries, the em-
porers residing there from the 13th
to the early 19th century. Since 1866
Austria has been separated from the
other German states. "It was only
natural that the German Austrians
wanted to rejoin with the German
empire after the war," says Mr.
Much, "and that attitude is still
prevalent today."
Regarding the present political po-
sition of Austria, Mr. Much says,
"The struggle and bloody fight be-
tween the government and the so-
cialists represents the struggle of for-
eign powers and not the interest of
the population; the tools, as it were,
There will be a meeting of the;
Cosmopolitan Club tonight at 8
p.m. in Lane Hall at which Mr.
Wolf-Isbrand Much will be the
speaker. Following the lecture, in
place of the usual social hour the
Club will hold a get-together
of the socialists are from Czechoslo-
vakia and France." Mr. Much's talk
will stress the fact that the real in-
terest lies in the desire for a close
union with Germany.
He will attempt to show the role
German culture and civilization has
played in Austria. His speech will,
include views on the economic con-
ditions there. The industrial center
lies in the east near Vienna, but
industry is bad because there is no
market. This fact presents another
reason for the desire to join a larger
economic unit.
Mr. Much was born in Stralsund,
Germany, but has lived in Austria all
his life. He received the degree of
Ph.D. at the University of Vienna
where his father is a professor of
history of the early Teutonic tribes.
Having specialized in English and
German languages and literatures,
Mr. Much came to the University in
Sept. on a Carnegie fellowship in Li-
brary Science. He will illustrate his
talk with folk songs and slides.

Dormitory Will Eniertai r PI'y Production and the School of
Music present "The Gocndoliers," a
Guests ByV a iion Show,Gilbcrt and Sulliva Gcmic opera, said
P ardy Qf Junior P1a to sirpass some of their better known
-_compositions in the quality of music,
Eighty guests will be entertained as well as in entertainment value.
today and tomorrow at Martba Cook In presenting this operetta, music
students working under the direction
dormditory for he annual dina of Valentine B. Windt, Miss Emily
Wekend. The affair is tradhikonakyt Whi e, and Bertha Bright Knapp,
held the eekend of J.GP.,and tr Grad., hare discovered that they must
themye of thedcorations and pro kow ow to act and dance, as well as
gram this year-~ii. be taken froinile. to sine,, to keeD) abreast of the timers.
play. Polly Solosth, '34, is geueral Thre, hv been some, te times
chairman in cha.-c. There have been somic tense momients
hirma nargne. w egnurgin the rehearsals. but now' Cas-
The entertainment will begin with silda, the duchess, and all the others,
a tea this afternoon, 'featuring 'a
I parodied fashion show. Eieaneor wtv- ninrge as real persons who act in a
ens, '34, is chairman, and oatrLev aner which is not artificial; they
Stoll, '35, master of cereon er- have verve and dash in this new pro-
ceieionaes.g duction..
ticipating in the show will be Betty Coiined with the acting and sin-
Mayer, '35, Eleanor Anderson, '351 n.isthe dancing, which is moden
Ruth Cox, '34, Barbara Casper, '34, 'in as mner hich a s te
Mary Lou Rumsey, Grad., Doris Einm-a
eix, '3, Mary fohlhaas, '35 .ara timental and amusing theme of
~~tl~a"The Gondoliers.'" and include s such
Runyon, '34, 1-ilia Laine, '36, andaTce Viedese ang cld th
Athenea Andros, Grad. Pouring at t daces as a Vinese tango, called the
tea tables will be Mrs. Delos Parker ahuco, the "Horse Prade," and a
Heath, Detroit, chairman of the march filled with ducal pomp and
Bceremony. The acting itself will be en-
oard of Governors, and Mrs. James hanced by truly expressive body con-
D. Bruce, Ann Arbor. trot: attained through dancing under
A block of seats has been reserved the direction of Miss White.
for the play tonight, and the guests Members of the cast will wear cos-
will attend in a group. Afterwards tumes planned by students in design
a party is to be given at the dormi- associated with Play Production.
tory, and a parody of the play has These costumes have been stylized,
been planned, using the same music
is and the, colors, although brilliant in
and idea. Marable Smith, '34, is in selves have beenuharmoized
charge of the parody, assisted by and blended. "The total effect is a
Sally Lewis, Grad., and Eleanor
BIodgett, '34. Jane Whittle, Grad., is glory of color and brilliance which,
refreshment chairman. however, never touches the bizarre,"
Other chairmen include Eleanor according to one of the very enthus-
Wright, '36, decorations, Kay Porter,, mf the ast. This en-
'35, invitations, Adelaide Schmitt, thusiasm has affected all engaged in
'ra, playireseainsenitt, the production, so that they all seem
Grad., play reservations, Henriettapwith a desire to make the
Freuond, '35, registration and recep- era live again in a new, yet ar-
tion, Betty Hawes, '34, rooms, Edna!tisti
Miller, Grad., meal reservations, Er- ic, way.
na Schmidt, '35, finances, and Donna
It is expected that Mrs. Albert I T
Reeves and Miss Elva Fornerook, De-
troit, former social directors, and Miss
-Alta B. Atkinson, former house di- Junior Girls' Play: Matinee 2:30
rector, will attend. . p.m., and 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Good
Last "Gang Dance Dame" with Frederic March; Majes-
tic, "The World Changes" with Paul
To Be Held T niAJ t Mvuni; 'Whitney, "Master of Men"
with F a y W r a y; Wuerth, "Mr.
Something different in the way of Skitch."
dances was offered at the League last Dancing: Union, League, Chubb's,
night in the form of an after-the- Preketes, Tavern.
theatre dance called the "Gang Cosmopolitan Club: Lane Hall at 8
Dance." The dance will be repeated p.m. Lecture by Mr. Wolf-Isbrand
tonight not only for those who have Much on "Austria, a German Outpost
been to see the Junior Girls' Play Towards the Southwest."
but for others as well.
The dance tonight will be 20 cents JEWISII STUDENTS GIVE DANCE
a person, and will begin at approxi- A tea dance for all first-year Jew-
mately 10:30 p.m. and last until 12. ish students will be held from 3 to 5
Bob Steinle and his Union orchestra, p.m. Sunday at the Hillel Foundation.
which is playing for "Gang's All A diversified entertainment program
There" will furnish the music for will be presented and refreshments
dancing. will be served.

will chaperone. One of the most interesting facts
Phi Kappa Tau
At a recent election of officers, Phi ENTERTAIN SENIORS
Kappa Tau fraternity chose the fol- Helen Newberry seniors entertained
lowing people: Donald Hill, '36P, the juniors of the house with a
President; Richard Roth, '35E, vice dinner at -the Union after the J.G.P.
president; William Mosher, '35E, performance. The party took the form
house manager; Donald Ralston, of a revivalist meeting, with Ruth
'3E, treasurer; Bernard Stilson, '35, Westover, chairman of the occasion,
social chairman. in the role of the Rev. Pearly Gates.
Theta Chi Negro spirituals and speeches in
Theta Chi fraternity entertained Negro dialect heightened the effect.
the mothers and fathers of the mem- -erdact igedth fe
bers at a party last night. There were Clayton, Theresa Mackey, '37, South
several speeches, after which Jean Lyon, and Eleanor Christianson, '37,
Seeley, '36, and Bob Miller, '34, sang Racine, Wis.
for the guests. The mothers' club held Out of town guests at Zeta Tau
a meeting following the program. Alpha for the week end are: Selma
Zeta Tau Alpha Cooper, Detroit, Jane Pincon, Grosse
Zeta Tau Alpha wishes to announce Ile., Donna McCaughna, Grosse Point,
the pledging of Virginia Scott, '35, and Gladys Schroder, Detroit.

Saturday 9 to 12
Tax $1.00

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