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March 24, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-24

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A Washington

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v ...~aawaoe~ v44,4Viu44Ul~lil UUyU 1U lfBy KIRKE SIMPSON
that sort of stuff, they simply keep quiet. NoWAHyTKMrKE2SisoN
good politician ever tells the truth; if he did, he WASHINGTON, Mar. 22-Disclosure that Presi-
a woldn' bea gdd plitiiandent Roosevelt was flirting with the notion~ of
wouldn't be a good politician, recalling ex-General Billy Mitchell for aviation
Mr. Farley need not go far to discover the es- service of some sort sent shivers of apprehension
sential truth of these items. He need only look through army and navy high command circles.
at that apple of his own Irish eyes, Franklin D. till prsond the spge a forces.
Roosvel, t se tht thy ae pactcalandHe still personifies the separate air force idea
Roosevelt, to see that they are practical and which they believed and hoped was dead.
utilized. Now, Roosevelt is an honest man. Not hTheyieh a nde hasda
evenSentorSiieonD. essspekin inallhis The President has in mind, he has said, a re-
even Senator Simeon D. Fess speaking in all his vamping of national aviation "policy" after study
republicanism will deny that. But did Roosevelt by a suitable group of his own selection. Just how
tell the people the truth in the 1932 political cam- far that might be regarded as implying presiden-
paign? Did he mention even once that his po- tial support for cutting the military air forces
litical philosophy was what would have been con- los formy anr rm
sideedin hatdistnt ayradcalOf ourloose from both army and navy as a separate am
sidered, in that distant day, radical? Of course of national defense is questionable.
not. Roosevelt was out to win. He knew that Mr. Roosevelt is a former assistant naval see-
the way to win was to say nothing and to say it retary himself. It has been generally supposed
pleasantly. He did just that, and not until he that he, like the naval high command, regards the
reached the White House did his constructively naval air force purely as a fleet auxiliary, just as
socialistic program unfold itself. Roosevelt, a the army general staff looks upon its air corps as
good politician, played the politician's game on seci al te lnd defns
the politician's one principle: don't feed the ani- -_utfh a de .
mals salt.
It may well be this necessity for smiling bland- IT IS WORTHY of note that long before the air
It my wll e tis ecesit fo smlin blnd- mail controversy arose, the Roosevelt adminis-
ness which ntekeeps so many men - strong,hrard, tration had taken definite steps to annul some as-
These men like to say what they think. Politics ects of the national aviation policy worked out
Thse gmein li tonn' say what they thinkls in President Coolidge's time by the presidential
is a game in which men can't say what they think board headed by the late Dwight Morrow. It has
and still be successful. The result is that a suprd hedbycesoa ydw navy irs.Ires
large number of capable men keep out of politics suppressed the offices of army and navy air secre-
which is, of course, the country's loss. taries created on recommendation of that board',
giving only commercial aviation the dignity of
"little cabinet" rank.
Mitchell's court martial for insubordination was
M usical Events an indirect part of the circumstances that led to
creation of the Morrow board. It followed loss in a
"- line squall of the navy dirigible Shenandoah and
OPERA BROADCAST I was virtually forced by the navy due to Mitchell's
THIS AFTERNOON remarks about that disaster.
"LOHENGRIN," by Richard Wagner, is to be
broadcast this afternoon from the Metropoli- THE NAVY has this assurance of continuation
tan Opera House over the National Broadcasting of the aviation policy it has established: The
Company at 1:45 p.m., under the auspices of the President has just approved a navy report con-
American Tobacco Company. Lauritz Melchior tending that there is no need of any important
will sing the title role. change in present navy organization. No specific
The resume of the opera is as follows: mention of the air arm of the service was made.
The opera opens with a colorful orchestral The very absence of a reference was significant.
prelude which has as its theme the significance of Whatever the final outcome, it is highly doubt-
the Holy Grail, the cup used by Jesus Christ at ful that Mr. Roosevelt is thinking now in terms
the Last Supper. of a single and independent military air force
for operating purposes. He may, however, have in
Act I. Henry the Fowler, King of Germany, mind consolidation of all aviation design and
holds court beneath the Oak of Justice on the prcurement unctions, eithervernnt-ownd
banks of the River Scheldt. Duke Godfrey of or government-subsidized.
Brabant, brother of Elsa, has disappeared and she
is charged with his murder by Frederick of Telra- 'HE EXPECTED Norris effort in the senate to
mund, to whom her hand had been promised in ITl XETDNri foti h eaet
expand the unique anti-politics rider he put on
marriage. So certain was he of her guilt, that he, the Tennessee Valley Au ority act bobbed up
married Ortrude. The Kinghhas Elsa brought serenely in the measure to give full guarantee to
before him. In response to the charge he orders home loan bonds.
that justice be administered through ordeal by _____n__d.
battle and requests the accused girl to name her I
champion. Elsa believes that an unknown knight It took the form of prohibiting under penalty
about whom she has dreamed will come to her any "partisan or political test" for the army of
aid. There is a commotion among the mer field workers of all sorts eventually to be em-
nearest the river and they report a swan-drawn ployed by the Home Owners Loan corporation in
boat with a warrior standing in $he prow. Alight- hmodernization of dwellings.
ing, he bids the swan farewell, turns to Elsa and "This is going to be one of the largest business
states that he has come at her summons. If he institutions, if not the largest, in the United
should be victorious he asks that she promise States," Norris said in presenting his proposal to
never to inquire whence he came, his rank or his the senate. "It has and will have agents and attor-
name. She promises. The stranger fells Telra- eys in every city, town and hamlet in the cou-
mund but mercifully spares his life. Elsa is proven try.
innocent and the crowd cheers lustily.
Act 1I. Ortrude consoles Telramund by remark- THAT VIEW of the futuve of the corporation
ing that the strange knight won by magic; if he serves to explain why Senator Norris deferred
could be compelled to divulge his name and es- effort to enlarge on his Tennessee Valley Au
tate, his power would end. Elsa, alone, has the thority patent. And just as in that initial case,
right to learn this secret. Elsa appears in her senators who may have seen in the expansion of
window. Seeing her, Ortrude sends Telramund the home loan machonery some additional outlet
away and calls Elsa. Feigning repentence and for job petitioning constituents who besiege them,
begging protection, she succeeds in implanting found it difficult to explamntheir apposition.
the seeds of doubt in the girl's heart. Trumpets
announce the dawn of Elsa's wedding day and Senator Norris contributed the first report on
the courtyard bustles with preparations. As Elsa how the anti-politics thing has been working for
approaches the church in her bridal procession, TVA officials.
all shout "Hail! Elsa of Brabant." Ortrude and "It has been the savior of those who are oper-
Telramund interrupt the procession by denounc- ating it," he said. "One member of the TVA board
ing both Elsa and the knight. The King refuses told me that but for this provision he would have
to listen and the pair are driven away in dis- been compelled to resign; that he could not have
grace. Elsa, trembling with fear and grief, af- carried on; that the pressure (for political ap-
firms her trust in her defender and the wedding pointments) was too great."
procession is resumed.
Act fI, Scene 1. Before the curtain rises, the A SSUMVING such a flow of employment under
orchestra plays the "Epithalamium" prelude. The IiOLC operations as s ggested. obviousl by
music grows softer, the curtain rises upon the making party sponsorship an unwritten condition
bridal chamber. The bridal procession enters, of taking on help a vast political mahinecouki
singiig the familiar "Bridal Chorus." Saluting the be built up. The temptation to leave it open to
couple they depart and it is then Elsa shows the such use is strong on democratic house members

first doubt in her heart. The knight gently re- and senators facing re-election. The Norris pro-"
proves her. Finally she demands to know his posal will have its hardest going 'if and when it
name. At this moment, Telramund rushes into reaches the house for that reason.
the chamber with drawn sword. Elsa quickly To anyone except Norris an attempt to de-
hands her husband his sword and he strikes the nature that job of politics in an election year
would-be-assassin dead. might seem an impossible task.

MAY 9--10-11-12

1 934





Earl V. Moore, Musical Director
Frederick Stock, Orchestra Conductor

Eric DeLamorter, Associate Conductor
Juva Higbee, Young People's Conductor

~I,. -- - ----------_________ ____________

LUCREZIA BOR ......................
Metropolitan Opera Association
ROSA PONSELLE.....................
Metropolitan Opera Association
JEANETTE VREELANDSD.................. .
American Concert and Oratorio Singer
COE GLADE.............................
Chicago Civic and other Operas
PAUL ALTHOUSE ............ ......... .
Metropolitan Opera Association
ARTHUR HACKETT-...-................
American Opera and Concert Singer
THEODORE WEBB ........... ...... . ....
American Oratorio Singer


.... Contralto


.,.. Tenor


CHASE BAROME0.................
Chicago, LaScala, and South American
GUILA BUSTABO ............. .... .
Young American Virtuoso
MISCHA LEVITZKI.... ............
Distinguished Russian Player
MABEL ROSS RHEAD .................
Choral Union Accompanist
PALMER CHRISTIAN .................
University of Michigan Organist

..... Bass
.. . ......Violinist
.......... Pianist
........ . Pianist
.. . ..Org anist

The University Choral Union. . 300 Voices The Stanley Chorus . . .. 40 Voices
Chicago Symphony Orchestra . 70 players Ninth Symphony... . . . .Beethoven
Young People's Festival Chorus 400 Vbices The Seasons ........ ....Haydn
American Premiere (specially translated The Ugly Duckling . ...... English
into English) of "Song of Peace" (Ein The Waters of Babylon Loeffler
Friedenslied) ...... .......Robert Heger
Season tickets $5.00, $7.00, $8.00 (if Festival coupon is enclosed deduct $3.00).
Orders by mail will be filled in adiance in sequence and Will be sieno't about April 20,
at purchasers' rsks unless fee of t1c is'edclosed for egit afion
CHARLES A. SANK, President
School of Music, Ann Arbor, Michigan




C ll egate Observer
A professor at the University of Delaware asked
his class to write a paper in the first person and
one of the papers submitted was a story of Adam.
Here is a sign recently seen on the Uni-
versity of M4aryland campus:
Services at the - - -church:
"Do You Know What bell Is?"
Underneath was printed in smaller letters:
"Come and hear our organist."
e * 4
There is a story going the rounds about a
finishing school in Illinois to vhich a varnish
manufacturer sent his daughter for a little polish.
Students at the University of California must
pay 50 cents for each day that they kept a bookI
narl "f2n +^t. lir.e

First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair
10 :45-Morning Worshwp.
"John the Baptist--The
Religion of a Changed Life
Dr. Fisher
For University Students
3:30 P.M. - International Student
Forum. Fellowship of Faiths. Dr.
Roy W. Sellars, speaker. on "Hu-
manism-Its Teachings Regarding
World Brotherhood."
6:00 P.M.-Wesleyan Guild Devotion-
al service. Mrs. F.B. 'Fisher, speak-
er, Subject, "The Place of Medi-
tation in the Life of the Student."
7:30 P.M.-Lenten Preaching Mission
"Can You Explain Human
Dr. Fisher
Albert E. Buss, of Detroit, soloist
and song leader.
St. Paul's Lutheran
{Missouri Synod)
We LA Liberty and Third Ss
March 25, 1934
9:30 A.M. - Lenten service in Ger-
10:45 A.M. - Regular morning service
"The Mounted King"
5:30 P.M. - Fellowship and supper.
6:30 P.M. - Student-Walther League
meeting. A stereopticon lecture on
Archeology entitled "TheStones
Cry Out," will be presented. The

Hillel Foun dation
Corner East Unt rsity and Oaklaind
Dr. Bernard Ieller. Director
March 25, 1934
11:45 A.M.- Sermon at the Michigan
League by Dr' Bernard Helier-
"The Truth About the
-A Review of Conrad Moehlman's
book, "The Jewish Christian
4:00 P.M. - Meeting of the class in
Jewish Ethics.
7:15 P.M.-Class in Jewish history.
8:15 P.M. -Open houses.

Zion Lutheran
Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A.M. - Bible School - Topic:
"At the Foot of the Cross"
10:30 A.M. - Service-
"The King Is Come"
5:30 P.M. - Student supper,
0:45 P.M. - Student discussion hour.
7:30 P.M. -
Cantata by the Church choir
"ie Paschal Victor"
Directed by Allan B. Callahan
St. And rews
Episcopal Church
DIvislon at Catherino Street
Sunday, March 25
8:00 A M. - Holy Communion
9:30 A.M. - Church School
11:00 A.M.- Kindergarten
11:00 A.M. - Morning Prayer and ser-




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