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March 24, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-03-24

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Karanis Project
To Be Finished
By Next Season
Work Was Made Possible
By Voluntary Financial
Ma iy Civi izaionis
Found In Remains
Excavations Reveal Rare
Articles In Many-Storied
Egyptian City
(Continued from Page 1)
an earlier church where it is believed
that Paul and Barnabas first began
preaching Christianity to the Gen-
Work Began In 1924
Work at Karanis was begun in
1924 while the finishing touches were
being put on the diggings at Antioch.
Excavations at the site of ancient
Carthage were begun in the same
year but abandoned soon afterwards.
Arriving at Karanis, Professor Kel-
sey foundthat a company dealing in
fertilizer had begun to cart away the
dirt for ,fertilizer. The insanitary
habits of the former inhabitants had
made the soil extremely rich in
nitrogen. An agreement between the
excavators and the company was
reached whereby the excavators first
examined the dirt and then turned
it over to the company.
In order that nothing might be
lost, everything of value that was dis-
covered was carefully photographed.
This precaution proved its value when
the Egyption government passed a
law that all finds of great value had
to be turned over to the National
Museum in Cairo.
City in Three Layers
The city was found to consist of
three layers. The topmost layer ex-
isted during the 4th and 5th cen-
turies A.D. The next layer was placed
between the second and third cen-
turies B.C.
The city of Karanis is one of com-
paratively recent times. Most exca-
vating is done on much older sites.
Another factor of interest is that
Karanis presents a combination of
Greek, Roman, and Egyptian civili-
zation. The native population was
Egyptian, but the city came under
the sway of Alexander the Great and
assumed some characteristics of
Greece. Later it was conquered by
the Romans, and their influence is
Thorough Excavations
Excavations at Karanis have been
more thorough than at any other
place where excavations have been
undertaken, Dr. Robbins said. Every-
thing was photographed, and maps
were made showing every street, all
the houses, and several of the rooms
in the houses.
Numerousearticles of value were
found in a perfect state of preserva-
tion, There were groups of papyri,
glassware, furniture, basketry, woven
articles, and tools and implements of
the various trades. In one place, a
bakery, the diggers found several
loaves of bread. Dry, thin, and
crumbling, that the bakers had evi-
dently left when the city was aban-
doned. Though over a thousand years
old the bread still retained its shape.
City Filled By Sand
"It is easy to understand why the
city is built in levels and why it dis-
appeared," said Dr. Robbins. "It is on'
the edge of the desert and the sand is
continually shifting over it. The an-
cients evidently came to the con-
clusion that it was easier to build
another story on the house and move

upstairs when the sand filled up the
street, than to try and remove the
sand as fast as it came in."
Work at the excavations is now in
charge of Enoch Peterson, a former7
graduate student of the University
who accompanied Professor Kelsey
on his first trip to Antioch.
"Much of the credit for the suc-
cess of the expedition is due to Pe-l
terson," Dr. Robbins declared. "He t
has been very fair and above board in c
his dealing with the Egyptian gov- i

Glee Club Will Give Program At AllCampus Jamboree


Men's Glee Club
And Band Will
Give Program
To Give A Performance
At All-Campus Jamboree
Tuesday Night"
Michigan's Varsity Glee Club will
join with the Varsity Band to present
a program of entertainment in the
Jamboree Tuesday night, March 27 in
Hill Auditorium.
The club will sing a group of eight
songs, among which there will be
Scottish and Czecho-Slovakian folk
songs according to Prof. David Mat-
tern, who will direct the song num-
The Band will accompany the glee
club selections under the direction of
Nicholas Falcone.
The glee club and the band will go
to Flint April 4 to give three con-
certs. In the afternoon they are to
entertain Flint High School. They will
present a program on the radio at
6 p.m. In the evening the glee club
and band will give another group of
numbers for the Civic Association of
New Power Plant I
Nearing Completion
A new power plant for the distri-
bution of electrical currents through-
out the University hospital is now
nearing completion by CWA work-
An accident which occurred last
summer in the power plant now sit-
uated within the hospital itself has
motivated the erection of the new'
building, according to D. A. Gieutt-
ner, of the buildings and grounds
department. He explained that the
accident was caused by overheated
transformers in the power room. A
spark was given off by the switching
mechanism igniting the oil within
the transformers. A terrific explo-
sion followed in which a passing
workman was killed.
As a precautionary move Univer-
sity officials decided to move the
plant outside of the building. It
was pointed out by Mr. Gieuttner
that a recurrence of the explosion
is not likely, as the new power plant
which receives a load of 2,300 volts
steps the current down to 550, 220,
and 110 volts which is then distri-
buted throughout the entire hospital.
ernment and they have expressed
their appreciation for it."
The reports of the expedition have
been published from time to time in
the Michigan Alumnus. Several books
on the subject have been written and
more are planned, it was learned.

Study Of Rural Communities By
r 2 -wW A 1-

correspondence Is A Success

May Is Set As
Closing Date Of
Child Schools
Nursery Groups Continue
To Provide Healthful
Both nursery schools operated lo-
cally under the Federal Emergency
Relief Administration will remain
open until the latter part of May,
according to Edith M. Bader, general
manager of the project in Ann Ar-
The two nursery groups are con-
ducted at Bach school, West Jeffer-
son and Fourth streets, and at Per-
ry school, Packard and Division
There are approximately 80 chil-
dren between the ages of two and
one-half and four and one-half years
enrolled in the two schools. A morn-
ing and afternoon session are con-
Iducted at both centers.
The main purpose of the school is
to take care of the health of those
children who come from homes which
are not financially able to give at-
tention to the welfare of the chil-
dren. Daily health inspection of all
those in attendance is conducted by
a trained nurse.
Those enrolled in both the morn-
ing and afternoon sessions eat their
lunch at the schools. The menus are
planned by an experienced dietician.
The program for the day includes
naps as well as outdoor and indoor
Forestry Men
Speak Before
Flower Society
Dean Samuel T. Dana and Prof.
Shirley W. Allen of the School of
Forestry and Conservation spoke be-
fore the North American Flower Show
in Convention Hall in Detroit Thurs-
day as a part of the Conservation
Day program presented under the
auspices of the Michigan fHorticul-
tural Society.
Dean Dana spoke on "Conserva-
tion" at the afternoon session of the
show, and Professor Allen addressed
the group in the evening on "The
Civilian Conservation Corps." An-
other feature of the Conservation
Day program was the presentation of
conservation pictures by Walter E.
Hastings, official photographerl for
the Michigan State Department of
GRAND RAPIDS, March 23- (A')
-State Senator George Leland, for
18 years a member of the state legis-
lature, died in a hospital here today.
He was 76 years old.

Soph Meds Are 103
Per Cent For Dues
Here's just another of those un-
usual signs found throughout the
country indicating the return of pros-'
perity. This particular sign, how-
ever, has been found locally on the
University campus, all of which
makes the story seem still less plau-
sible. Yet somebody once said: "Fig-
ures don't lie," and here they are! ,
The sophomore medical class hasI
succeeded in collecting 103 per cent{
of its class dues for the school year
1933-34. This unusual and some-
what startling record, according to1
Assistant Dean W. B. Rea, in charget
of class dues, has never before been1
accomplished on this campus, even
the full payment of class dues being
From the 116 members of the class,t
$120 has been turned in. Since thet
yearly dues were $1 per student, thec
excess $4 represents last year's duest
which were paid up by students un-
able to then do so.
Journalist Will
Be Published
O March 281
Paper Issued Fortnightly
During Last Ten Weeks
Of Semester
The first issue of the seventh vol-
ume of The Michigan Journalist, the;
journalism department newspaper
will be published on Wednesday,
March 28.
The paper, issued fortnightly
throughout the last ten weeks of
the second semester, contains local
and national news written by the
journalism students in the Univer-
sity. The purpose of the paper is to
give these students experience in ac-
tual newspaper writing.
The Journalist has a circulation of'
2,200, including University officials C
and faculty members, all state and
high school newspapers, and State
representatives and senators. Out-of-
state circulation includes prominent
civic leaders, various collegiate jour-
nalism departments throughout the
country, and United States represen-
tatives and senators.
The first issue will be published by
the Port Huron Times-Herald. Sub-j
sequent editions will be printed by
newspapers in Adrian, Battle Creek,
Owosso, Lansing, Monroe, Ann Arbor.
Pontiac, and Ypsilanti.

Mrs. Insull Sick

Through friendly and informal
correspondence with more than 100
leaders of rural communities in 22
counties of the State, Prof. Roy H.
Holmes of the sociology department
has, for a year and a half, been car-
rying on a study of rural conditions
which he believes has brought excel-
lent results.
The letters, written mostly by
women who seem to take a keen in-
terest in the work because of the
feeling that they are co-operating
with the University, are of benefit
not only to his studies but to the
communities as well, he said.
This method of study, differing
greatly from the formal question-
naire, is much more effective in ob-
taining the information desired, he
Professor Holmes began this work
in October, 1932, and intends to con-
tinue it just as long as the benefits
derived seem to justify it. The ma-
terial which is obtained is used in
courses on rural sociology. He said
that he thought that this feeling of
friendly co-operation should be stim-
ulated in every community.
LANSING, March 23 -~ (/') - Four
year old Hattie Hutchins was burned
about the face and head here when
a can of kerosene exploded in the
Hutchins home. She was carried to
safety by her mother, Mrs. George

-Associated Press Photo
Mrs. Samuel Insull, wife of the
fugitive Chicagoan, was reported ill
and in bed at Athens. Her attorney,
admitting she was despondent, de-
nied she tried to commit suicide.
Sorority Prospect Not
As Good As He Looks
LAWRENCE, Kan., March 23-
Several Sigma Nu's walked into the
Kappa house which was entertaining
some freshman girl rushees last
night, with an apparently attractive
young prospect for the sorority. The
Kappa's were very favorably im-
pressed and, before long, were in-
quiring about "Miss Jones' back-
Suddenly the rushee's voice slipped
a little and the women began to look
the newcomer over a bit more care-
fully. Before long, "Miss Jones" was
revealed as a boy. "She" noncha-
lantly lit a cigarette and strolled out,
followed by the rest of the Sigma
Club In London May Be
Organized For Alumni
The possibility of the organization
of a University of Michigan Club
of London was seen by T. Hawley
Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association, as the result of
an interview between alumni officials
and Roy D. Palmer, '07E, of London,
Palmer declared that it was his in-
tention, upon returning to England,
to organize the 70 Michigan alumni
residing near London into a perma-
nent organization.
The membership of the club would
include students and members of the
faculty at Oxford University, as well
as distinguished Britishers and hold-
ers of honorary degrees.

Kohler Talks
On Chanres In
Car Designing
States Addition Of Knee
Action Wheels Has Made
Alterations Necessary
That "knee action" wheels have
necessitated important changes in
other parts of the automobile was
brought out by Prof. Henry L. Koh-
ler of the engineering college before
an applied mechanics colloquium on
Thursday night.
"Although this independent wheel
springing has promoted greater rid-
ing comfort," he stated, "its advan-
tages have been lessened by the
greater strain put on the related
parts of the body. With knee action
wheels the frame is called upon to
bear the entire weight of the engine
instead of the axle. This decreases
the resistance of the body to the vi-
brations of both the motor and the
It has also been necessary to use
a different type of tire, he pointed
out. Tires used with the new inven-
tion must have cords running in the
direction of the tread instead of dia-
gonally as the standard type utilizes.
Otherwise the tires would squeal at
high speed, due to, their loose at-
tachment to the axle. Knee action
wheels also increase the susceptibility
of the body to the jarring effect of
wheels when they are slightly out of
"The principal function of this
latest development in the automotive
industry," Professor Kohler stated,
"is the promotion of a greater flexi-
bility in the front springs by reliev-
ing them from the necessity of hold-
ing the wheels in alignment."
New Animal Exhibit
Installed In Museum
A new transparency exhibit has
just been installed on the fourth
floor stairway of the University Mu-
seums Building by the department
of visual education.
This exhibit consists of 24 trans-
parent slides placed in a window and
illuminated by natural light. There
are 18 slides dealing with charac-
teristic studies of Woofie, a pet bad-
ger, owned by Miss Crystal Thomp-
son, of the department of visual edu-
cation. Four slides of Ursa and Ur-
sus, the Museum's bear cubs, and
the remaining two are of a fox and
a bobcat.
In speaking of badger pictures,
Miss Thompson said they were un-
usual because pictures of this type
were very hard to obtain.
Miss Thompson said that she be-
lieved the badger was the most in-
telligent pet she had ever owned.


I Mullison Saddle Stables
Join one of ou: delightful rides. We have at least one ride
with ref'eshments every Sunday - Either a breakfast or
supper ride - Sometimes both. Call us for this Sunday--



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