Fall Styles Stress Exotic Note;
Eel Grey, Black, Pastels Seen
Luxurious Effects Shown
For New Evening Wear
Stylists have been able to issue a
Fall fashions as designated by
Schiaparelli, Chanel, and other Paris
designers have been seized upon by
American buyers and copies of every
conceivable wardrobe need are avail-
able now in all shops. An exotic
Chinese influence is seen in metallic
trimming on dresses and decorative
buttons on afternoon dresses. Fan-
tastic embroidery about the should-
ers of a black crepe gown was the
only trimming for one particularly
clever dress, emphasizing this Chi-
nese note.
Sunday night dresses are either
suavely sophisticated, carried out in
black satin with mirror clips at the
throat, or they are a riot of color
and design, after the popular Mae
West vogue which has seized the
country. A particularly striking gown
of pansy-blue velvet is entirely un-
trimmed, being saved from plainness
by its intricate cut. Fur trimming ac-
centuates many gowns of this type,
because it is not confined to infor-
mal wear it is a popular method of
contrast. A Viennese copy features
ermine trim on severely cut black
velvet. Erinie reveres on a plain
black crepe evening dress is a Chanel
contribution of note.
Lounging outfits are an important
item in college wardrobes. Satin, in
pastel shades for robes, is incredibly
smart with matching satin slippers.
few decrees on fall fashions in spite
A fascinating lounging pajama of of the garment workers' strike. They
Chinese red made a splash of color all agree that materials and trim-
in one show window. Its most ap- mings will be emphasized, both be-
pealing feature is a red bone cigar- ing more elaborate. Velvets and sat-
ette-holder fastener at the neck of ins with fur and jewelled touches
the pajamas, attached by a gold is withxurand eell
chain. give a luxurious effect.
imBlack is the usual favorite with eel
Twin sweater outfits are being par- gray running a close second, al-
ticularly emphasized for wear this though some experts believe that the
fall. The sweater of scarlet with an latter is a passing fad. Jewel shades
eel-grey jacket adds a note of color will be used for evening as well as
to one's ensemble. Other contribu- the ever popular white. One partic-
tions of rust and brown or two
shades of blue are meeting with fa-
vor. The heavy angora wool dresses
with the bunchy shoulders are avail-
able in every color from the popular
brightest imaginable shade of green.
Wooden buttons, metal belts and
unique sleeves are individualistic
notes which make school outfits
The demand of college women for Rn
sensible campus shoes is being satis- Fine Sad
fied by the shops.
ular frock in white carries out a
nautical effect with a black and
white sailor collar. Another dinner
gown in black is effective yith a
jacket of braided cloth. Evening caps
of light weight velvet and metal
cloth are "in" again, while evening
wraps are of velvet and metal cloth
in either full-or three-quarter length.
Skirts for street wear will be eight
to 10 inches from the floor. The wide
shoulders that are so popular may
be toned down later in the season.
Hats are extre, either placed square-
ly on the head, giving the halo ef-
fect, or sharply tilted over the right
tdemy ...
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We know what it takes
on Campus to get along
ND just what it takes - we have.
wooly, oh-so-tailored tweeds, whetl
The rugged,
her it be coats,
top coats, or suits. The soft, shaggy woolen dresses, to
wear solo, now, or under fur coats when the air turns
chill. The simple swish afternon dresses for that mad
two weeks of rushing.
The frou frou Lovely Lady eve-
ning frocks to subdue the fraternity stag line.
The dainty bits of nothing to go beneath it all.
corduroy pajamas for lazing and lounging.
'The right
7V1 Ual
shoes, the right hats, the gloves, and handbags.
Yes, even your room is not forgotten: blankets,
sheets, towels, lamps (shedding not too much, not too
little light for the nights of cramming), gay chintz chairs.
curtains and pillows to make your room the cheery hang
out for homesick young things.
So hie yourself, Mackwards, all you finicky Miss
Collegiates, if you would know the what's what, and want
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