Survey Shows
Pa i d Athletes
Becoming Rare
Commercialization Is On'
Decline; 'Scholarships'
Are LosingPopularity
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 18.--(P)--Amer-
ican universities are taking the fi-
nancing of athletic sports out of the
hands of committees, are soft-pedal-
ing athletic scholarships, and are re-
sisting the "commercialization of
athletics," the Association of Amer-
ican Colleges was told here today.
A report of survey made by the
colleges was read at the annual meet-
ing of the group by Daniel Marsh,
president of Boston University. It was
prepared by Thomas S. Gates, presi-
dent of the University of Pennsly-
vania, head of a committee on college
Referring to a report on college
athletics, made in 1928 by the Car-
negie Foundation, Mr. Gates asserted
that "from this report may be dated
the housecleaning on a large scale
that occurred in a good many col-
leges, and the reorganization of de-
partments of physical education and
Facts and figures for the 1933
trend were compiled from more than
200 explanations made by presidents,
deans and directors of colleges and
Committees Curbed
"An increasing number of institu-
tions have taken the financing out of
the hands of committees and have
turned it over to the treasurer, bursar,
or other equivalent officer," the re-
port said.
Preparing the way for this com-
'ment, the report explained that "in
1920 there were 19 college stadia. In
1930 there were 74, seven of them
with a seating capacity of more than
"Extensive schedules of games were
arranged involving travel, and some-
times prolonged absence from classes,
and taking the time and attention of
the students away and diverting
them from the main purposes of col-
lege life that should predominate in
an institution of learning.
"The college atmosphere was per-
vaded by the necessity for the man-
agement of a successful amusement
enterprise whose first interest was to
put up a good show in order to en-
sure financial success. This program
involved the engagement of expert
coaches, whose important function it
was to produce winning teams and an
attractive spectacle.
Les Lindberg,, University of Illi-
nois football and basketball star, has
been nicknamed "Baron" because of
his Heidelberg pompadour.
With the addition of another play-
ing day each week to the hockey
schedule, more co-eds are now able
to rmake use of the Varsity Arena
and the ex(e lent coaching available.
The classes, whi(-h eougregatte shor l.
ly after 1:fi) j. mo. on 'I S~hy,
have now s(ted to ay Wreduksdatys
at the same hour.
Miss Hilda Burr, hield hockey
coach, collaborated with lEddie Low
rey, the Varsity puck mentor, on the
idea of a women's team, and now
both of them are doing what they
can to further co-ed interest and skill
in the fastest of all sports.
so far the group, toughi vcry ('-
thulsiast.ic, is quiite sll . Anytone
who is interested in skating is urged
to come down and join the hockey
players. A great deal of ability or
previous experience at playing is not
necessary, nor need one be a re-
markable skater.
For the first meetings, Lowrey
worked with the co-eds, instructing
them in the arts of passing, stick-
handling, etc. However, due to out-
of-town trips which he has had to
make, the coaching has been largely
taken over by Miss Hilda Burr dur-
ing the recent practices.
Gapl) } Se To
Meeit State a
'Four Horsemen' Reunited 4s Notre Dame Greets Layden
Carnegie To Play
9 Games In 1934
PITTSBURGH, Jan. 17--VP) )-- A
football schedule of nine games for
the 1934 season, including clashes
with some of the country's topnotch
teams, was announced today by Car-
negie Tech.
The schedule: Sept. 30, Geneva,
away; Oct. 6, Miami at home; Oct.
13, Michigan State, away: Oct. 20,
Notre Duie, away; Oct. 27,. Purdue
at home; Nov. :i, N. Y. U., away;
Nov. 10, Temple, away; Nov. 17, Du-
quesne at home; Nov. 29, Pitt at
Pitt Stadium.
Burr, Patterson & Auld Co.
Detroit, Michia&n WIaterville, Ontero
For yrot convenience
AAnn Arbor Store A
A 603 Church St.
-Associated Press Photo
Notre flame's "four horsemen" who ran wild over American gridirons in 1924 to make them the most
latimotis backfield combintation ever assembled, were united at South Bend recently as the alumni gave a'
welcoming banquet to Elmer Layden, newly appointed Irish coaeh and member of "horsemen". Left to
right are shown: Ji nCrowley, now head coach at Fordhant; Layden; Don Miller, now a Cleveland lawyer;
harry Stuhidreher, now coach at Villanova.
Of the original team of "four horsemen and seven mules" one is dead and Miller is the lone member
of the team who is not at the present time or has been actively connected with football in a coaching
position since graduation.
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Single- or Double-Breasted
Starting Line-up Expected
To Be Same One That
Faced Northwestern
The Wolverine wrestling squad will
hold its last home practice today be-
fore leaving for East Lansing where
it meets the strong Michigan State
wrestling team in a dual meet to-
morrow evening.
Although Coach Clifford Keen has
not yet announced the men he will
take along, it is expected that the
starting line-up will be the same as
that which started against North-
western with the exceptions of Ponto
taking part in the 175-pound match
and Viergiver in the heavyweight
Two of the outstanding Spartans
that Michigan will have to face will
be Reavely, one of the best heavy-
weights in the mid-western collegiate
ranks, and Captain Austin, a well-
known 126 pounder. Austin wrestled
against Michigan last year in the
118-pound match but lost to Jimmy
Landrum. Reavely, however, did not
appear in last year's meet.
Last year, Michigan managed to
beantState, 18 to 14, inathedual
meet at Ann Arbor but State has
back most of its regulars and present
appearances seem to make the result
a toss-up.
'The best freshman wrestling squad
Michigan has had in four years,'
that's what Coach Kelly thinks of
his present frosh matmen.
In the 125-lb. division,, the two
best are Rubin and Heavenrich. The
latter went to the finals in the recent
all-campus tournament, losing a
hard-fought titular bout to a varsity
squad-man. There are three stand-
outs in the 135-lb. class: Slocum, fra-
ternity champ, Gardner, and Bowers.
The 145-lb. section boasts Jainott
and Locklin. Bissel, who holds the
all-campus title in the 155-lb. divi-
sion, is the outstanding wrestler in
his class. Kirschbaum, best 165
pounder, a rugged lad who has picked
up quickly since he first came out,
will assuredly be of varsity calibre in
the future.
In the 175-lb. class, Levine, all-
fraternity champ, and Gaber, run-
ner-up in the all-campus 175-lb di-
vision, stand out. Both are strong
boys, but they need experience. The
most promising heavyweights are
Wright, a 250-lb. man-mountain, and
.fHESE TYMES of change and
progress which we do live in! It
doth make a manne marvel from
daye to daye. The latest thing me-
thinks, is that ye Board in Control of
Professional rasslers of this souver-
ayne state hath caught wyse, yea
hath indeed discovered that all hath
not been as all should have been in
ye racquet.
For it doth seem that according
to advyces that these aforesayde
rasslers do commytte all manner of
nuisance in the course of a fyghte.
Zounds, they do indeed so twist and
bend each one the other purely in
spirit of playe that ye cash customers
do realize that ye battle is indeed but
shamm and do threaten vyolence in
returne for being soe defrauded of
gold which, goodness knoweth, is
hard enough come bye in these par-
lous tymes.
Not that I do think that ye fault
lieth entyrely with ye rasselers, for
they do indeed but follow commaund-
ments layd down by certayne man-
ageres to whom they are but cattle.
Hast ever heard ye tale of ye rasseler
who did byte off his owne toe in
thoughte that it was thatte of an
opponent? Professional rasselers in
all truth bear ye report of being
creatures of lowe intelligence, and a
manne, if he be faire and juste, can
February Will Be Busy
Month In Local Sports
Michigan fans will have plenty of
opportunity to see their teams in
action for the month following Feb
rmary 12. The basketball, wrestling,
hockey, swimming and track teams
will appear here in a total of 17 con-
tests, with possibly more to be ar-
ranged. The hockey team leads with
six engagements and basketball is
next with four.
hardly accuse such an one of any
straye intention which happeneth to
be in ye offynge.
Therefore I do command ye axion
of ye board for that it hath warned
these managers for their screwye
deeds and polycies which, in future,
Dame Rumour doth whisper, will be
no further tolerayted.
* * *
WITH THANKS I acknowledge re-
cepit of a letter from Prof.
Ralph W. Aigler, Chairman of the
Board in Control of Athletics, who
is now in Tucson, Arizona taking the
rest and sunshine cure.'
In the letter, Mr. Aigler quite just-
'ly condemns my column of Sunday
in that it condones booing at athletic
contests, which is considered an un-
sportsmanlike performance.
My choice of "condone" was un-
fortunate. I merely tried to explain
the manifestation. in the light that
fundamentally, no personal hatred of
the referee figured in it, and the
intention certainly. was hardly un-
sportsmanlike. I put it down to excess
nervous energy on the part of the
spectators, neglecting to say that it
might be just as well released in a
good, lusty, legitimate cheer, which is
far more sportsmanlike.
$1551-3 for $450
a A
The effort to score another victory
over Chicago, the only Big Ten team
it has. beaten this season, will be
made by Michigan at Chicago Satur-
day night. The contest will determine
whether the Wolverines are to move
up in the second division of the Con-
ference or are to sink to the cellar.
In the earlier game, played here
last week, Michigan scored an easy
34 to 18 win over the Maroons, but
since that time, the Wolverines have
lost two games away from home.
Coach Franklin Cappon is hopeful
that the entire team will be in shape
physically this week-end, however,
and that he will be able to use much
the same line-up he employed in the
first game against Chicago.
It is possible that Cappon will use
Rudness and Allen at forwards, Jab-
lonski at center, and Captain Petos-
key and Tessmer at guards. Or,
Plummer may team with Rudness at
forward, Allen may work at center,
and Petoskey and Jablonski at the
Erratic shooting, in fact an al-
most total lack of scoring ability on
the part of the forwards, has been
Michigan's big difficulty since the
season began. In only a few games,
notably those with Michigan State,
Rutgers and Chicago has the team
demonstrated enough scoring power
to keep its opponents on the defen-
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