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January 19, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-19

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have had a Speech prerequisite, and the group
itself is a course yielding University credit.
Comedy Club, on the other hand, has been forced
to stand entirely on its own feet: its success is
thus the more laudible.
Tonight the Lonsdale comedy, "The Last of
Mrs. Cheyney", is to be given its first campus
showing. It is apt to be an excellent production.
It is to be hoped that additional Comedy Club
presentations will soon be "taken on the road."

--; . 1 i



Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
no stars, stay away from it.

i !lYlA PCMO.M nttO D AVMI4L

- .rI g .G.- - - - - - °'1- - :C .,- - - - ,
Established 1890
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year.and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the- Big Ten News Service.
55dcittd lotIit__rsp
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathcees credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$ .50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Mchigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Tlephone 4925
CITY EDITOR'.... a.................BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR.....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William
G. Ferris, John C. Healey, George Van Vleck, Guy M.
Whipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Arthur W. Car-
stens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin, Marjorie
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
Paul J. Elliott, Courtney A. Evans, Thomas E. Groehn,
John Kerr, Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David
G. Macdonald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, Wil-
liam R. Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair,
Arthur S. Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, Arthur M.
Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
Held, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean,
Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn
Rietdyk, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .....................
............................ CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, JackB E-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
mer, John Og'i, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
James Scott, David Winkworth.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursey, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Cluff, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field, Louise
Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, .Betty Simonds.
Keep Study Halls
open Week-Ends .. .
B OTH study halls in the General Li-
brary, as well as the Angell Hall
study hall, have been closed throughout the cur-
rent semester on Friday and Saturday nights and
all day Sunday. Economy necessitated the ar-
rangement, according to University authorities.
It was explained at the Library that an attend-
ance count in the study halls was kept and these
periods were found to be the least popular of any
during a week. The fallacy of the conclusion lies
in the fact that this census was taken early in the
year when students were not so much in need of
a place where they might study on weekends, and
the number present was naturally lower.
However, at this time of year, all of us find it
necessary to do most of our reviewing for exam-
inations at these very times, but are without a
suitable place for it. Fraternity houses, dormi-
tories, and even rooming houses are naturally not
appropriate places for intensive sudying on week-.
ends, for there are always a few who have other
plans which necessitate a good deal of noise and
confusion in their execution.
Realizing that the Univeriity has found it
necessary to economize in all possible ways, we
still feel that there must be some other expendi-
tures which could be cut down sufficiently to pro-
vide funds which would enable library authori-
ties to keep the study halls open -if not all the
time, then at least on week-ends immediately
prior to final examinations. It would be providing
what a university is expected to provide - a place

in which students can find the required atmos-
phere for concentrated studying We can under-
stand how it has been necessary to reduce the li-
brary staff approximately 25 per cent, and the
allottmenit of funds 22 per cent, but the Univer-
sity should not fail to fulfill this obligation to
students even though some other unit may have
to suffer as the result We wonder, for instance,
how much it costs to enforce the auto ban.
Comedy Club
Road Show . .
T HAS BEEN a good number ofj
years since a campus dramatic or-
gaization of the first magnitude has taken a pro-
duction out of Ann Arbor. Yesterday Comedy
Club exported "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney" to
Saginaw for a single night stand. The old state-



Handsome..J..........Joe E. Brown
Duke.. . ........... Johnnie Mack Brown
Gaga...................Frank McHugh
The Baroness ............ Thelma Todd
People who enjoy Joe E. Brown's sense of
humor will find this picture as amusing as some
of his other features, but for those who are not
so wrapped up in such antics will have to turn to
the added features for their entertainment.
Handsome is a sailor who runs into everything,
including women in general, the Admiral's daugh-
ter, and other incidents in particular. Duke in-
vents a robot airplane, falls in love with the
daughter, and proves a general hero all around.
Gaga acts dumb (which isn't hard for McHugh
anyway), steals Handsome's gal from him by using
the "Handsome system," while the Baroness and
friend spend their time trying to steal the plane
from Duke for his robot airplane. This proves to
be plot number 789903X common to many a
comedy seen and aside from Brown's occasional
facial gestures nothing to write home about or
go leery over. Aside from this the film burned
during one part (this has happened frequently
lately) aiding and abetting to the entertainment
of course.
Added to this is: a Musical Brevity "That Goes
Double," with Colombo, "Where's That Tiger?"
(taken from the show of ages ago by the same
name; Tiger Rag), a Betty Boop "Parade of the
Wooden Soldiers" (so-so) and the Paramount
News. This of course is a lot of trash, which re-
minds me, The World's Fair Follies are coming to
town Sunday. Oh! You must go!
Cam pus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disrearded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than/300 words if possible.
To the Editor: -
The letter signed by "A Good American" re-
garding the R.O.T.C. struck me this morning right
between the oatmeal and the stewed apricots. It
was delicious oatmeal, although slightly scorched.
It was not long before I grasped the full swing
and import of the letter; I was filled with a glor-
ious realization of the author's inspiration, of the
sublimely soaring cadence of patriotism that
surged and pullulated within him. I stood and
sang three bars of "Battle Hymn of the Republic",
and then marched quick-time to my class in
There are, however, a few points which I would
like to have the panegyricist elucidate. They are,
viz, and to wit, viz.: (1) How would you propose
to wage a war without maiming veterans? (2)
What were the policies of Woodrow Wilson?
(3) What does the R.O.T.C. know about the Na-
tional Students' League? (4) What does the
R.O.T.C. know? (5) What causes the pictures of
Washington and Lincoln to flinch?
I am sure that Mr. A.G. American will be only
too glad to clarify these few ambiguities, and thus
complete the conversion of another errant soul to
the lambent salvation of feudalism.
- The Second Noble Kinsman
To the Editor: -
At the meeting of the Co-operative Council yes-
terday afternoon, a resolution was adopted that:
the Co-operative Council disband and return to
the Undergraduate Council the power to collect
and distribute all monies accruing from the Good
Will Fund. This procedure was the result of the
destructive attitude of the Undergraduate Council
and the Michigan Daily from the time it was made
clear that the Co-operative Council was to be
more than a means of contacting various needy
students through its member organizations. A
conflict of opinion arose when an editorial en-
titled "Co-operative Council and Good Will Drive"
stated that the Co-operative Council" was not to
have any power of distribution at all" and that
"Its sole function, as far as the Good Will Fund
is concerned was to be and will be the employment
of its representatives as an instrument for the
detection of need."

As far as such a function is concerned, it would
be obviously much more efficient for the Under-
graduate Council to contact the various church
and liberal organizations directly, and therefore,
it would be not only useless but entirely worthless
to create a special body solely to perform that
In refutation of the editorial in question how-
ever we wish to state that the Co-operative Coun-
cil was an organization existing in its own right,
and that its constitution guaranteed it the power
to collect and distribute monies derived from the
Good Will Fund. The unsocial and misleading
nature of this editorial violated these rights and
made ineffectual any function the Co-operative
Council might otherwise have performed.

co-operate with this "Gentlemen's Club" unless
they change their organization to make it a de-
cent and representative for the students.
Throughout this unfortunate affair, the atti-
tude of the Dean of Men, in trying to consiliate
those with opposed viewpoints, is to be highly
commended and approved.
Signed; Kendall B. Wood
Adrian Jaffe
M. J. Wilsie
Ex-members of the Executive Committee, Co-
operative Council.
Musical Events
Rachmaninoff has proclaimed himself a "ro-
manticist," in interviews and as perhaps never
before in Ann Arbor, last night in his concert.
Hitherto, his performances have been purely in-
tellectual feats; last night, there was a directed
emotional content that makes the recital mem-
orable. That is, the romantic, subjective, self-dis-
closing qualities that are typical of the nineteenth
century were controlled by the cold, intellectual,
and discriminating genius that has usually pre-
dominated in Rachmaninoff's concerts. Details
that are the product of year's of thought and
trial may have been lost in the facility of tech-
nique that is his, and that is always astonishing
and overpowering and fascinating to an audience.
The Schumann "Symphonic Studies" were a de-
light in their contrasts of mood and spirit. It
was due to the clean-cut touch, the sureness of
his hands, that made the'staccato chords in the
second variation,dthe singing tone of the twelfth,
and the crystal brilliance of the last, successful.
But, it was effortless, seemingly; it all was simple
technically, alive melodically, rich and deep in ef-
fect. Rachmaninoff's own teacher and friend,
Anton Rubinstein, won his greatest triumphs with
the Schumann Studies.
It was particularly fitting that the personality
of Professor Lockwood, himself a pianist of Pro-
fessor Lockwood, himself a pianist, who was a
friend to his students, a friend to his colleagues,
a cultured scholar and a musician, a man whost
mind was keen and filled with genial humour,
should have been brought to the attention of the
public by the playing of the B-flat minor So-
nata of Frederick Chopin at the hands of this
great pianist, Rachmaninoff. It works out into
a whole, with each movement an evolutionary
unit in the contour of the total. Rachmaninoff
does not repeat himself, in the repetitions of the
sections, he plays mezzo-forte where before he
played softly. In the famous Funeral March,
(which gave the particular significance to the
memorial to Prof. Lockwood), after the serenity
of intermezzo, came the return of the sombre
march with an almost brutality, and where be-
fore, the climax had come in a passionate out-
burst, in this last section came gently and as if
there were reconciliation. There were liberties
taken with rhythm; an ease and accentuation, or
a hurry for emphasis, in the scherzo, which in
this sonata is the second movement. The first and
last movements were done in the grand manner,
with speed and expedition.
Rachmaninoff's own compositions on this pro-
gram, Three Tableaux Etudes were spun out with
rippling speed, with happy melody and colorful
zest, somewhat reminiscent of somebody else, De-
Bussy, Chopin, and Rachmaninoff of the G-minor
prelude, respectively
From the Sonetto del Petrarca to the Hungarian
Rhapsodie the last group was Lisztian, in turn of
melody and brilliant fireworks. Liszt will always
be popular to the fire-eating public, with its dash
and splash.
In his expansive mood, Rachmaninoff played
four encores, his own "Troika," a piano arrange-
ment of the "Bumble-bee", the C-sharp minor
prelude, and Hopak.
The audience arose, applauding, after the
Sonata settled in the thought that, to paraphrase
Dickens "there never was such a pianist."

4/}a ...... ..."ur s.

~I I

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Sinclair Lewis - WORK OF ART
Anne Parrish - SEA LEVEL
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Dashiell Hammett - THE THIN MAN
Hillel Bernstein - L'AFFAIRE JONES

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has the pleasure to present
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Leader of the Housto i-Everest Expedition
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Thursday, January 25th at 8 P. M.
Tickets Now at Wahr's 50c and 75c


N., .

.. . .




A professor at the University of Maryland came
into a very noisy classroom: "Gentlemen, order!"
"Beer!" shouted one of the mcmbers of the
O yes, times change. Why, it wasn't so long ago
that the word "depression" denoted only a hill
turned upside down.
- Daily Illini

RIGHT NOW is the lime to rent those

vacant roonms.

'Withini a ionth there


I like a cow
Because she fails
To crimsonize
Her finger nails
-Indiana Daily Student
Well girls here's your chance to a bid to the
J-Hop. The column received this letter this morn-
ing from the University of Arizona.
Dear Mr. Bernard;
While glancing through a recent edition
of The Michigan Daily we noticed the bandis
that were scheduled to play at your annual
J-Hop. We are leaving here, the University
of Arizona, for home Jan. 4 for our mid-va-
cation and as it happens we have opportu-
nity to pass through Ann Arbor the clay of
the J-Hop. If you could arrange to obtain
"dates" for the two of us -that is dates
that will meet our approval - we would
appreciate it. We admit this is a strange
request but we have a very good reputation
on the University of Arizona Campus and
all our intentions are strictly honorable.
However the one catch is this. Would the
girls be so kind to send in their photographs

wil be many changes in Vs uent rooms
and those who use the ClassifiedAds
ill not, find. themselves with vacant
TODAYa *.aCall 24214 or s top at the
self of t~is medium.a
CASH RATES .. 11c a Line
CHARGE RATES... 15c a Line

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