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January 19, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-19

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.

'Roosevelt Or Ruin,' Says Coughlin



1.. . ... ....,.

VOL. XLIV No. 84

Graduate School: All graduate stu-
dents who expect to complete their
work for a degree at the close of the
present semester should call at the
office of the Graduate School, 1014
Angell Hall, .to check their records
and to secure the proper blank to be
used in paying the diploma fee. The
fee should be paid by the end of
G' G: Carl Huber, Dean.
University Radio Talk: "Nursing as
a Career" will be discussed by Marian
Durell, Director of Nursing, Univer-
sity Hospital School of Nursing, at
2:00 o'clock this afternoon over sta-
tion WJJR.
To the Members of the University
Senate: At the meeting of the Uni-
versity Council on Jan. 15, the fol-
lowing resolutions were adopted, sub-
ject to the approval of the Board of
Regents. It is planned to formulate
these resolutions into a communica-
tion for the consideration of that
Board at its February meeting.
1. That the name of the Board in
Contorol of Athletics be changed
to the Board in Control of Phys-
ical Education.
2. That the Chairman of the Board
in Control of Physical Education
be made a member of the Uni-
versity Council ex officio.
3. That to administer the require-
ments in physical education a
Health Committee be established
Composed of the following:
(a) The Administrative Head of
the College or School con-
cerned, or his representative.
as Chairman.
(b) A representative of th<
Health Service.
(c) A representative of th
Board in Control of Physica

(d), In cases involving womer
students, the Dean of Wom-
en or her representative.
4. It is understood that, in accord
ance with the regulation of th,
Regents, all recommendations o:
the Health Committee requir
joint, that is, unanimous action
5. That all students entering th<
University shall take a physica
examination as now given.
6. That all students entering th(
Secondary Schools shall be re.
quired to complete satisfactorily
without academic credit, a one-
year course in Physical Educa.
tion and that any requiremen
for a given student beyond this
one-year term shall be made bi
the Health Committee in ac
cordance with the needs of the
individual concerned.
7. That the Health Committef
shall decide whether or not
student entering the Universit
with less than two years' credi
from other institutions of highe7
learning has satisfactorily met
the one-year requirement ir
Physical Education, and shal:
upon the basis of the physical
examination taken at the timc
of admission, determine whether
or not further Physical Educa-
tion is necessary and shall desig-
nate the amount and nature of
any further work required,
8. That any individual requirement
in Physical Education, made by
the Health Committee in addi-
tion to the one-year course,
shall be considered as a healtl
and not as a credit requirement.
9. That all questions of substitu-
tions or exemption from the
above requirements, except those
already established or deter-
mined by previous action of the
Regents, be referred to the
Health Committe for decision.

but that they suggest for the
Council's approval other forms
of penalty if the usual warning,
probation, suspension or expul-
sion be found inadequate.
2. That after being admitted to
any course by an authorized rep-
resentative of the faculty, there
having been no misrepresenta-
tion of credentials, the student
should have an opportunity to
complete the required work of
the course without impediment
from rules of eligibility unless
suspended or expelled from the
University by disciplinary au-
Louis A. Ifokins.
Academic Notices
Candidates for the M.A. in History:
The language examination for the
Master's Degree in History will be
given in Room B, Haven, at 4 p. in.,
Sociology 141: Transportation fa-
cilities will be in front of Union at
8:30 Saturday morning for the trip
to Detroit.
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution);:
view Questions 61 to 71, omitting 69
and second part of 68, are due Tues-
day noon, Jan. 23.
Mathematics 202 and 294. Second
Semester): The hours of meeting of
these courses has been changed a
follows: Math. 202 (Theory of Func-
tions) will meet MWF at 8 (Room
3010 A.H.) and Math. 294 (Integral
Equations) will meet MWF at 9
(Room 3010 A. H.). The course in
Theory of Integration is not a prere-
quisite for the course in Integral
Events Today
Delta Epsilon Pi will meet at the
/Iichigan Union 8:00 p. m. It is es-
ential that all members be present
~o settle accounts.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Meeting for 'En-
Aian picture at Dey's studio at 5:00
. m. Important that all members be
)resent in uniform.
Polonia Circle meeting tonight in
he Michigan League. All members
re urged to come as entertainment
s planned.' This will be the last meet-
ng of the semester. Members of Pol-
sh class of Chadsey High School, e-
roit, will present a variety program
Af dancing and music.
Theosophy: "The Riddle of Life
nd How Theosophy Answers It,"' by
lnnie Besant, will be discussed at
he regular meeting of the Ann Ar-
)or Theosophical Society at 8:00 p.
n., Michigan League. All interested
Ann Arbor Branch of the A.A.U.W.
neeting at 3 p. in., Michigan League.
'rofessor John B. Waite, of the Law
School, will speak on "Criminal Law
n Action." Tea will be served to the
ocal branch and to the members of
'he State Board of the A.A.U.W. who
ire meeting here.
Stalker Hall: Reception Tea. For
students and faculty members at 4:30
. m.
Members of the Young People's
Society of the Church of Christ (Dis-
Aiples) are cordially invited to attend
% party tonight in the social rooms
Af the church. An admission fee of
ten cents will be collected.
You are also requested to attend
the next meeting on Sunday January
21, because important business is to
be, transacted.
Hillel Foundation: Regular Friday
evening services will be held at the
Foundation at 7:30 p. m.

Coining Events
Detroit Auto Show: The Automo-
tive classes and the Student Branch
of the A.S.M.E. are sponsoring a trip
to the Detroit Auto Show and the
Society of Automotive Engineers
meeting on Monday, Jan. 22. The
group will leave by bus from the W.
Eng. Arch at 3:30 p. m. and will re-
turn about midnight. Cost of trans-
portation will be between 85c and
$1. Tickets to the show are free to
tudents in the party. Those who
w ant to make the trip must sign the


Three universities claim the honor
of being Alma Mater to James Mel-
ton, popular radio tenor, who will be
featured with George Gershwin in a
concert by Leo Reisman's orchestra
to be held 3 p. in., Sunday, at Or-
chestra Hall in Detroit. Charles Pre-
vin will act as conductor.
Melton, who was born in Moutrie,
Ga., began his college career at the
University of Florida, continued it at
the University of Georgia, and was
finally graduated from Vanderbilt
After graduation he journeyed to
New York and haunted the Roxy
the tre until he was givenran audi-
tion. This led to a minor part in
one of the big Roxy stage shows, but
in less than a year he was being
paid as much as the three college
presidents received together.
When George Gershwin cast about
for the most outstanding typically
American singer to be soloist on his
first tour he selected Melton, who
has made an amazing reputation
over the air and as first tenor with
the Revellers.
Gershwin, himself, will be heard
as piano soloist in his own "Concer-
to in F," and the famous "Rhapsody
in Blue," besides playing a group of
shorter piano numbers. Liberal se-
lections from Gershwin's operettas
will be offered by the orchestra.

-ssociated Press Photo
Father Charles E. Coughlin (left), Michigan priest, is shown as he
told the House of Representatives coinage committee that President
Roosevelt's devaluation of the dollar was a step in the right direction
and that it was a case of "Roosevelt or ruin."
Outbreak f Anthrax Drives
Families From Village Homes

MEDIA, Pa., Jan. 18. -t(/P) -Get
out !
That notice has been served on
every family in the village of Sack-
ville. The 80 homes in the 135-year-
old wool mill community have been
ordered abandoned because of an
outbreak of a dangerous disease, an-
The order was given Thursday by
R. H1. Sack, who personally owns the
Cwineil Ed
Its Existence
(Continued from Page 1)
question of whether that body was
to have entire authority over distri-
bution of funds to be raised by the
Undergraduate Council in a campus
Good Will drive in February. The
Daily's contention that the council
had been formed merely to assist in
the detection . of deserving cases
among the student body, supported
by Dean Bursley, aroused violent ex-
ception at the meeting yesterday.
Of the 23 groups contained in the
council, only 12, exactly the mini-
mum for a quorum, were represented.'
A motion that the body "state pub-
licly that it is an organization exist-
ing in its own right" deadlocked the
body, 6 to 6. Only one member ex-
pressed the opinion that the group
might better have served the needy
students on campus by compromise
and co-operation.
Despairing of accomplishing any-
thing further, the group then unani-
mously accepted a motion by Wag-
ner that they permanently disband.,
list on the bulletin board outside of
Room 221, W. Eng. by 3 p. m. today.
Stalker Hall - Sunday:
12:15 Seminar on Applied Christian-
ity. The Study and Discussion
of Jesus' Teaching on Sim-
plicity of living as it has a
bearing on modern behavior.
4:00 International Student Forum.
Tea and infornal discussion on
plans for the next semester.
6:00 Wesleyan Guiid. Worship serv-
ice including talk by Ernest
Angles, a Bolivian student, on
"War in the Chaco." All wel-
7:00 Fellowship and supper.
Lutheran Student Club: Regular
meeting Sunday, 5:30 p. in. at Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall, E. Washington
St. at S. Fifth Ave. Professor Wahr
will speak on the Nazi Movement in

dwellings and is president of the
Sackville Mills Co., on which the vil-
lage depends for its livelihood.
It is to protect the 100 children
from the disease that he has ordered
the settlement vacated, Sack said. He
added that "a reasonable time" will
be given the residents in which to
But fathers and mothers are shak-
ing their heads. Working folk who
live in a village without sewers, run-
ning water or electricity can ill afford
to transplant their families to an-
other town.
"We are not afraid of an epidemic"
Sack asserted. "There has been one
death from the disease and a number
made ill. Wool workers do not fear
the disease, as it is not serious if
treated promptly."
The anthrax first was contracted
in the carding room of the mill,
where sorters are believed to have
handled wool from a diseased animal.
"Wool sorters disease" is another
name for the disease, caused by bac-
Workers are wearing masks and
gloves to prevent infection, Sack said,
Telling of his efforts to protect
non-workers, Sack said "we have
been soaking the ground throughout
the village with gasoline and burning
it to get rid of any germs that may
be there."
Three hundred persons are affected
by the order to evacuate Sackville,
which is three miles south of Media,
Delaware county seat and ten miles
southwest of Philadelphia.
Advocate Federal
Support Of Opera
SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 18. -(A)
-Lucy Gates, a granddaughter of
Brigham Young, noted figure in the
early history of Utah and in the
Latter Day Saints church, advocates
government-subsidized opera.
Miss Gates, a coloratura soprano
who retired from the concert stage
a few years ago after a career that
took her to Europe, was elected Wed-
nesday as chairman of the "Commit-
tee for Advancement of National
Opera." She announced the organi-
zation's intention to produce opera
at popular prices in all cities of 100,-
000 or more in America, using local
musicians and artists as nuclei for
permanent organizations in these
is Guest of the
January 25, 26, 27

Collapse Of Defendant In
Strange Slaying Case Is
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Jan. 18.- Will Dr. Alice
W'ynekoop break under the strain the
state of Illinois is subjecting her to
in an effort to put here in the electric
chair for the death of her daughter-
in-law, Rheta?
This is the question that is puzzling
the hosts of "murder fans" who are
pushing their way into the criminal
court room each day, eager to catch
every word of testimony, and eager
to watch every emotional change of
expression that comes to the gaunt
face of the 62-year-old woman de-
fendant, whose iron will to see the
trial through is amuch an enigma
now as it was in the beginning.
Her chief attorney, W. W. Smith
pictures her as a woman who "may
die at any minute" from heart dis-
ease. Her daughter, Dr. Catherine,
who remains constantly at her moth-
er's side in the courtroom, gives it
as her professional opinion that Dr.
Alice will die before the jury ever has
a chance to ballot on her guilt or in-
Defendant Carrying On
But Dr. Wynekoop herself is carry-
ing on, and she is doing so without
the moral support of her son, Earle,
in whose behalf the state hopes the
jury will believe she killed Rheta
to rescue Earle from an unhappy
marriage tie. He is still among the
missing, giving rise to speculation
among some of the "murder fans" on

George Gershwini Also To
Appear In Concert Of
His Own Cornpositiols

10 That subject to the action of
the Board of Regents, the regu-
lations enumerated above should
take effect at the beginning of
the first semester of the 1934-
35 college year.
The following two resolutions,
which dlo not require action by the
Board of Regents, were also passed
by the University Council:
1. That the Disciplinary author-
ities of the University be re-
quested not to increase academic
requirements as penalty for mis-
conduct or infraction of rules,

Sun. Aft. at 3:15 :ORCHESTRA HALL Prices
Jan. 21 Detroit - 75c to $2.00 & Tax
JAMES MELTON,. Tenor Idol of Radio

Enlids Today
This Year', Most
Exciting Revel!
A joy ride through
melody Heaven!
With ZO20l0
10,00 D. .a
l41iR 1A 1 r/ z UiiI U



_____________-LAST TIMESi TODAY --------_






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