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January 19, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-19

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fair today and
colder; tomorrow
r and warmer.




Keep Study Halls
Road Show.





ig Parley.
in. Sets

Congressmen Pledge HoUse Harmony To President


Conmmitt cc
e s General

Je[ails Will
Decided Later

iold A
' Is The
So Far


ve date and general topic
nual Spring Parley were
ast meeting of the parley
n 4ommittee, appointed
y Jule Ayers, '33, to plan
ze for this year's discus-
purpose of settling the
of the coming parley, the
nmittee will meet Feb. 18
ue. All campus organiza-
have representatives at
ng, with the continuation
g as a central committee.
is headed by Edward H.
'36. It was stressed by
t the parley is not spon-
y individual campus so-
up, but that all organiza-
nvited to send members
teir representative on the
'opic Suggested
iould A Student Believe,"
e most favored topic sug-
far at the preliminary
vith emphasis placed on
at, if accepted, it would
al discussion of student
e date suggested has been
last of February or the
ys of March, but all these
be finally decided when
committee meets, lead-

-Associated Press Photo
Rep. Arthur H. Greenwood of Indiana, Democratic whip, and a group of his aides called at the White
House to promise the House's support of legislation recommended this session by the chief executive. Front
row, left to right: Representatives Wesley Lloyd, Washington; Lawrence Lewis, Colorado; Greenwood; John
W. Flannagan, Jr., Virginia, and Luther Johnson, Texas. Second row: Jed Johnson, Oklahoma; John Miller,
Arkansas; James Mead, New York; Mrs. Edith Rogers, New Hampshire; Harry Haines, Pennsylvania, and
Fred Bierman of Iowa. Back row: Jennings Randolph, West Virginia; Claude Parsons, Illinois; Numa
Montet, Louisiana, and Carl Weideman of Michigan.

Phil Pack Cites Section From
Liquor Bill ToSupport Stand

"-and all other acts and parts
of acts, general, special or local,
and all ordinances and parts of
ordinances inconsistent with or
contrary to the provisions of this
act are hereby repealed."

pring Parley last year, heldI
general question of "What
tes an Education," was held
:1 and April 1 and 2, but it
i the aim this year to hold
earlier date. At the 1933
ttendance was so great that
estimated between 250 and
le were turned away because
of space. All who attended
the move as one that is of
ie to the undergraduate, for
is general discussion of top-
are considered to be of more
ssing interest to the think-.

of lack
real vah
it permi

That quotation from the State Li-
quor Bill was offered yesterday by
Phil Pack, representative from the
Ann Arbor district in the Michigan
House of Representatives, as an an-
swer to the charge of E. E. Lucas,
president of the Common Council,
that Mr. Pack "is talking through
his hat" when he says the east of
Division Street charter provision was
repealed by the bill.
Opinions Differ
"Mr. Lucas evidently does not
think this repeal section controls,"
Mr. Pack said in a special message
to The Daily, "but I still differ with
The quoted phrase upon which
Mr. Pack bases his claim, and upon
which he says he is supported by a
number of lawyers in the Lansing
legislature, appears in Section 52 of
House Enrolled Act No. 2, the so-
called Liquor Control Bill.
The section lists in detail a num-

ber of public acts which are repealed
by the bill and then, in conclusion,
the quoted phrase appears. Mr. Pack
believes that this phrase is intended
to cover all previous laws concerning
the sale of intoxicating beverages,
and that the Division Street law is
included in the meaning of the word
Meanwhile, Dean Alice C. Lloyd
charged yesterday that, "for adver-
tising purposes," the "newspapers
and news reels are still exploiting"
the question of Prohibition. Her
statement follows:
Impoutance Exaggerated
"Because Prohibition and its re-
peal has been for over a decade a
political issue in this country, the
whole question of drinking has as-
sumed in people's minds an exag-
gerated importance. Now for ad-
vertising purposes, the newspapers
and news reels are still exploiting
'the question. It is to be hoped that
a less self-conscious and hysterical
attitude will come soon. Temperance
is again a matter of education in-
stead of one of legal Prohibition. A
community dedicated to education
should be interested in relegating the
subject to its proper place."

ing student.
To Stimulate Thinking
It was brought out that the pri-
mary purpose of the parley is not
to attempt to arrive at definite con-
clusions upon given questions, but
rather to stimulate thinking upon,
these topics, and partciularly think-
ing that will eventually lead to in-
dividual definite ends.
Among others who are on the con-
tinuation c o m m i t t e e are Prof.
Charles F. Remer of the economics
department, Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, University religious counselor,
Theodore Hornberger of the English
department, Sherwood Messner, '34,
and Clinton Sandusky, '34.
Nine Students
Are Initiated
By Alpha Nu
The semi-annual initiation Ban-
quet of Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sig-
ma, National Literary andDebating
Society, was held last night at the
Michigan Union, following the cere-
monies conducted during the after-
The newly initiated men are as fol-
lows: Alvin Zander, '35, Karl Nelson,
'37, Paul K. Von Bergen, '37, Arthur
C. Marlow, '36, Frank C. Aldrich, '37,
Robert J. Janda, '35, James V. Fink-
beiner, '35, Charles R. Ashton, '34,
and Norbert J. Haase, '36."
An address was given by Prof. John
H. Muyskens, Associate Professor of
Phonetics, speaking on the subject,
"The Present Turmoil," in which he
showed the growth of the "organism
of truth from the era of superstition
into the era of long description,'
thence into the era of empiricism,
and finally into the era of objective

Soph Prom To
Be Attended By
ManyTon h
Tickets Have Been Sold
Out A Week For First
Class Dance Of Year
Over 250 couples will attend the
last large social function of the se-
mester, the Soph Prom, which will
take place tonight from 9:30 p. m.
until 2 a. m. at the Union.
The tickets were sold out almost
a week ago, making this a record
ticket sale for any class dance. The
number attending has been limited to
well below the capacity of the Union
ballroom, estimated at about 300
couples, and it is anticipated that the
majority of the crowd will be soph-
omores, since most of the tickets were
sold before the sale was opened to
members of other classes.
Jimmy Garrigan's band which will
be featured has proved a great draw-
ing card. It has been very popular in
Chicago and has been booked to play
soon at a large dance at Purdue Uni-
Wencel Neumann, chairman of the
committee, and Ruth Judson, Royal
Oak., will lead the grand march at
midnight. During the march a flash-
light picture will be taken of the
The Union lounges and the Pendle-
ton library will be open to those
attending the dance and the Union
taproom, which is usually closed to
women, will serve refreshments. Dean
Alice Lloyd has also granted late per-
mission until 2:30 a. m. to women
Evergreens and southern smilax
will mask the walls of the ballroom
and the focal point of the decorations
will be a large shield over the fire-

Co-Opera live
Council Ends
Its Existence
Body Votes Unanimously
To Disband In Stormy
Meetiig Over Powers
Refuses To Become
Subservient Group
Organization Deadlocked
On Attempt To Declare
Itself Independent
The Co-operative Council, by a
unanimous vote of members present,
yesterday decided to disband and
"return its rights to collect and dis-
tribute money to the Undergraduate
Refusing to accept the position of
subserviency to the Undergraduate
Council outlined for it at the meet-
ing by Dean Joseph A. Bursley, and
unable to muster a sufficient major-
ity to declare itself "an organization
existing in its own right," the co-op-
erative group gave up and closed its
five weeks' history.
In a meeting which Kendall Wood,
'34, president, said had been called
as "a challenge to The Daily," be-
cause of an editorial published Sun-
day, the leaders of the group dra-
matically insisted to the end on the
powers which they said were theirs,
and added the phrase about "its
rights to collect and distribute mon-
ey" to its final motion an indication
that they had conceded nothing to
The Daily. %
Will Fight Undergraduate Body
Militant leaders, headed by Martin
Wagner, Grad., declared that the
Undergraduate Council was not rep-
resentative of the student bdy and
that they would organize undflcially
to fight it by whatever ueans they
could find.
If the Co-operative Council could
not exist as an entirely independent
body, with the right to do anything
not conflicting directly with Univer-
sity rules, it would not be "a chicken
under the wing of the Undergradu-
ate Council," with no powers except
those specifically delegated by the
latter body or that of suggesting
matters for its approval.
Dean Bursley had previously told
the council that obviously two stu-
dent organizations having jurisdic-
tion over activities of the student
body could not exist side by side
Neither is there any logical reason
for dividing the campus sphere be-
tween two such groups, he said.
Bursley Supports The Daily
As the Co-operative Council had
been set up and encouraged by the
Undergraduate Council, Dean Bur-
sley called the former "of necessity
a creature of" the latter. He also
said that he agreed with the points
taken in The Daily's editorial.
The dean had also said that there
was no reason why the Co-operative
Council should not be able to gain
membership on the other council
after it had been recognized by the
Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs, buthe said that he thought
it would be advisable for the new
council to first prove its permanence.
Disagreement between The Daily
and the new group -arose over the
(Continued on Page 2)

Stars As Mrs. Cheyney

*I * *
Comhiedy Club
To Give New
Presentation Of 'The Last
Of Mrs. Cheyney' To Be
Given In League Theatre
Comedy Club's second presentation
of the year, Lonsdale's "The Last of
Mrs. Cheyney," will open at 8:15
p. m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Ferol Brinkman is directing
the production, which will also be
given at 2:30 p. m. and at 8:15 p. m.
Frances Manchester,'34, is fea-
tured in the role of Mrs. Cheyney,
with David Zimmerman, '34, also well
known for work in campus dramatics,
playing opposite her as Lord Dilling.
Billie Griffiths, '35, as Mrs. Wynton,
and Ann Verner, '34L, as Lady Frin-
ton, also play important parts.
Other members of the cast include
Barbara Van Der Vort, '34, Ruth
Hussey, Grad., Birney Van Benschot-
ten, '35L, Clarence Moore, '34L, Frank
Funk, '35, Herbert Milliken, '34L,
William Wagenseil, '36E, and Wayne
Toland, '35L.
The "Last of Mrs. Cheyney" opened
last night in Saginaw, where the
entire house was sold .out, Sally
Pierce, '35, business manager for the
play, said yesterday. Twenty-one
people, including the cast, property
men, stagehands, and director, made
the trip to Saginaw. The sets were
taken up yesterday in one of the Uni-
versity trucks.
Patrons for Comedy Club include
President and Mrs. A. G. Ruthven,
Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley,
Dean and Mrs. W. R. Humphries, Mr.
and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Dean
Alice Lloyd, and Dr. Margaret Bell.
Anyone desiring to become a patron
of Comedy Club should call the box
office in the League, Miss Pierce
said. Tickets for the play are on sale
daily at the box office.
To Meet For
Large Advance Sale And
Small Number Of Booths
Require Early Decisions
A meeting for all independent stu-
dents planning to attend the 1935
J-Hop will be held at 7:15 p.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 23, it was announced
yesterday by Samuel Hazelton, chair-
man of the booths committee.
Hazelton urged that all indepen-
dents who want to become members
of one of the booths at the dance,
which is to be held Friday, Feb. 9,
in the Intramural Gymnasium, at-
tend the meeting so that the com-
mittee may know approximately how
many booths to save.
More than 300 tickets for the
dance have already been sold, John
Garrels, chairman of the tickets com-
mittee, said yesterday, and stated
that the sale of tickets is to be
strictly limited. They may be pur-
chased from Slater's, the Union desk,
or from committeemen.
A drawing of the decorations for
the Hop is now on display in a State
Street store, together with photo-
graphs of the members of the com-
mittee, and portraits of Hal Kemp
and Henry Busse, the band leaders
for the dance.

Board Of Directors Must
Be Assured Of Success
Before Starting Plan
The Fraternity Buyers Co-opera-
tive gathered more members yester-
day and, in the opinion of Maxwell
T. Gail, '34, Interfraternity Council
secretary-treasurer, will most assur-
edly be incorporated in the near fu-
Favorable action was indicated by
five more houses, although definite
application has not been Made. The
houses are Alpha Delta Phi, Psi Up
silon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi, and
Zeta Beta Tau. Others interested will
be visited by Gail and Bethel B. Kel-
ley, '34, council president, who have
stated that they will be pleased to
outline the plan of either house man-
ager or the members of the house in a
"If we get 15 sure members, I be-
lieve the board will begin operation,"
Gail said last night. A cautious policy,
has been indicated on the partof
the board of directors in order that
the organization may be assured of
success before it makes any contracts.
Applications are being received for
the position of buyer for the co-op-
erative, it was announced yesterday.
Applications should be sent to the
co-operative care of the Interfrater-
nity Council, Gail said.
Claims Music
slSol e Forte
Autograph Seekers Fail
As Expatriate Maestro
Leaves After Concert
Succinctly, curtly, and briefly
Sergei Rachmaninoff expressed his
opinion of present-day Russia -"I
am not a politician-I am a musi-
The spare, expatriate Russian, who
played brilliantly before a nearly-
filled Hill Auditorium last night, dis-
missed world affairs in a clipped
statement following his concert.
He was tired. Apparently having
played strenuously, it was very evi-
dent that he desired to leave as
quickly and expeditiously as possible.
He even dismissed an autograph-
hunter with the words, "My hands
are so very tired"
But he expressed his approval of
Hill Auditorium. "Of course I have
played here so many times before,
he said in an unmistakable accent.
"It is very good in acoustics - won-
derful." He evidently had no regard
for his audience.
Hardly two minutes after his last
encore, he already had on his
gloves and scarf, Smoking a cigarette
in a long, amber holder, his replies
to well-wishers were short and per-
"Thank you, I am happy I pleased."
"Good evening - thank you." "No, no 7
signatures, please;" his only desire
seemed to depart with celerity.
The most noticeable thing about
his appearance was his famous con-
vict hair-cut. Closely cropped to
within a quarter inch of his almond-
shaped head, the hair looked like
bristles. Slightly drooped from their
usually erect position, his shoulders
and arms had had considerable strain
during the performance.
Following the number dedicated to
the late Prof. Albert Lockwood, the
audience paid tribute to Mr. Rach-
maninoff's artistry by rising. And at
the beginning of the C-sharp Minor
Prelude, which he withheld until
nearly the last encore, a ripple of
delighted applause ran over the au-

dience. But other than these times,
his personality did not project itself
beyond the edge of the stage. Im-
perious and dignified, he displayed
brilliant technique rather than a dis-
play of emotion.
VTATV ern I'PTCTZ ifkri'ITT 'hIA

More Houses
Plan To Joi
Buyers Co-(
Fraternity Buyers Co.
erative Will Probably
Fifteen Members
Needed To Be


President-a-Month Is
Proud Boast Of Cubans
HAVANA, Jan. 18. -()-(uba's
presidents since the fall of Gerardo
Machado on Aug. 12, 1933:
Alberto Herrera, Aug. 12, 1933.
Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, Aug.
13, 1933, to Sept. 5, 1933.
Ramon Grau San Martin, Sept.
10, 1933, to Jan. 15, 1934.
Carlos Hevia, Jan. 15, 1934, to Jan.
17, 1934.
Carlos Mendie%, Jan. 17, 1934.
Lorch Is Appointed
CWA Project Head
Prof. Emil Lorch, director of the
College of Architecture has been ap-
pointed chairman of the advisory
committee of a CWA project which
is to record permanently phases of
the architecture of the country's
early history.
At present four architects are in
Ann Arbor undertaking a survey of
various buildings from an historical
and architectural point of view. The
group is headed by Herbert G. Wen-
zell of a Detroit firm. A beginning
is being made in Washtenaw county
with the George Wahr residence on
Division Street. The group is in-
vestigating houses of the Greek re-
vival of the first half of the Nine-
teenth Century.
About 20 architects in Michigan
are at present engaged in similar

Organize Club
Of Independent
Sophomore Lits
Society Headed By James
Eyre; Purpose 'Foster
Good Fellowship'
The first concrete attempt to or-
ganize a permanent social and polit-
ical group of independent students
of the class of 1936 culminatedin
the formation of the Michigan In-
dependent C 1 u b. last Wednesday
The society is composed of stu-
dents in the Literary college, whose
purpose is "to promote good fellow-
ship, better representation in stu-
dent government, and a more sincere
interest in school affairs."
James Eyre was elected president
at the organization meeting, pre-
sided over by Gerald Johnson. Other
officers elected were Gerald John-
son, vice-president; William Orn-
stein, secretary; and Philip Glaser,
The constitutional committee is
composed of James Eyre, chairman,
L e o n a r d Gartenburg, and Philip
Glaser. Other committee heads ap-
pointed are: Gerald Newman, so-
cial; Charles Boettjer, publicity; and
Leonard Gartenburg, advisory coun-
'T'hp next mttivns ro~f thae(.lilh will I


Jones Says Scholar's Position
Needs Better Interpretation

That literary scholarship is as im-
portant, if not more important, than
contemporary criticism and creative
expression, and that a better under-
standing needs to exist between the
two, is the opinion of Prof. Howard
Mumford Jones of the English de-
partment, who delivered the fourth
University lecture yesterday after-
noon in Natural Science Auditorium.
The subject of Professor Jones' lec-
ture was "Literary Scholarship and
Contemporary Criticism."
That a conflict exists between the
two aforementioned phases is unde-
niable, Professor Jones asserted. The
severist critics of the college profes-
sor and his work, critics like H. L.
Mencken and Ludwig Lewisohn, com-
pletely misunderstand the functions

really means, not that the scholar
should become a literary critic, but
that he should be aware of relative
values in the field of his special la-
There is a difference in the mean-
ing of literature as interpreted bythe
scholar and by the creative artist, he
"I trust that no scholar is blind
to the aesthetic appeal of a literary
work, but for purposes of scholarship
the work must be looked upon, not as
aesthetic experience, but as docu-
In his opinion, the world at large
looks to scholarship for a guidance
which it is not the business of schol-
ship to give. He went further to say
that the true occupation of the scho-
lar is that of an historian of litera-


Adams To Study Peace
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