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January 16, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-16

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Comedy Club
To Open Play
Out Of The City
Saginaw To See The First
Performance Of T h e
Last Of Mrs. Cheyney'
For the first time since the death
of the Union Opera, a campus dra-
fnfatic organization will present a
show out of Ann Arbor.
Following the plan of large Broad-
way companies in opening in an out-
of-town theatre, Comedy Club will
travel to Saginaw where their initial
production of the season, "The Last
of Mrs. Cheyney," will be presented
Thursday night. This will mark the
first time any campus organizations,
except the Opera, has left the city
to present a play.
The entire scenery and stage prop-
erties will be transported to Saginaw
in one of the University trucks. The
company will return immediately to
Ann Arbor where the play will be
presented Friday and Saturday
nights in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
Permission to leave the campus
and the good wishes of both Dean
Alice C. Lloyd and Dean Joseph A.
Bursley were received yesterday.
The direction of "The Last of Mrs.
Cheyney" is under Ferol Brinkman
of Ann Arbor, for a long time con-
nected with professional light opera.
She took the leading role and di-
rected "The Mikado" which played
on the road for two years. She also
directed "The Music Master" for a
professional company which made a
tour of the country. With a wide
range of dramatic experience to her
credit she received the greater part
of her training under Harry Davies,
at one time the first leading tenor
of the Boston Opera Company.
Formal Train Art
Threatens Women
With Sad Worries
With the Sophomore Prom on Fri-
day night, and J-Hop uncomfortably
close, the feminine members of the
campus are worrying not over exams,
but over the details of the forma\
gown to be worn at these affairs.
For not only must one put on the
frock, but the entire evening of danc
ing requires technique in the art of
managing your train. Very few o
the newest formals coming in from
the New York shows are minus these
majestic features, and the campus
has whole-heartedly taken to them.
The so-called fishtail model is
planned for the tall regal person,
whose gown is gracefully draped. The
train itself, as the name implies,
swirls from a central fullness and
ends in a gradual point. If the crea
tion be of lace, one of the most pop-
ular materials with the University
group, the style is particularly suited
While dancing, this style is usuall)
long enough to be fastened to the
little finger by an attached loop.
For the more tailored design to be
worn by a small person, the train
assumes a square cut. One model no
on campus, touches the floor on the
front and sides and then is slit up
the back on both sides whence the
squared train begins. The pleating
which trims the rest of the gown also
finishes the edge of the train. These
shorter trains must be drawn up
from the side so that the frock just
misses the danger of dancing feet.

Houses Show
Little Activity
This Week-End
Two sororities entertained guests
and one announced a pledging this
week-end. A rushing dinner was given.
by one house last night.
Alpha Epsilon Phi
The members of Alpha Epsilon Phi
sorority entertained their providence
director, Mary Weimer, of Akron, O.,
over the week-end.
Kappa Delta
Kappa Delta sorority entertained
last night with a rushing dinner.
White tapers and yellow chrysanthe-
mums decorated the tables. Virginia
E. Lee, '34, was in charge.
Theta Phi Alpha
The members of Theta Phi Alpha
sorority entertained as their guests
this week-end Virginia Hanlon, '32,
Helen McCarthy, '32, and Mary Cos-
tello, '31, all of Detroit.

Returns From Trip

Prof. Karpinski
Returns Fr o m
A Lecture Trip!
Well-Known Mathematics
Authority Collects Books
For University Library
Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, absent on
Sabbatical leave since Aug. 30, re-
turned to Ann Arbor Sunday after
extensive travel.
Professor Karpinski, well-known in
the field of mathematics, has been
collecting books on mathematics for
the University. He was provided with
a fund, given for this purpose by.
Tracy W. McGregor, of Washington,
D. C. The books which he collected
during his absence have been mostly
written in Arabic and Egyptian. He
succeeded in getting a great number
of volumes containing valuable ma-
terial on the sources of mathematics.
During the course of his travels,
Professor Karpinski gave numerous
lectures. At the University of Egypt
in Cairo, his lecture subject was "The
Importance of Greek Mathematics,"
at the Institute of Education at Cairo,
he spoke on "The Importance of
Egyptian and Mohammedan Mathe-
matics"; he delivered another lecture
of similar type at the University of
This was Professor Kapkinski's
sixth trip abroad to collect material
for the mathematics division of the
University; it was his first trip to the
Holy Land. He has been on the Uni-
versity faculty for approximately
twenty-five years.
On the other trips he spent most
of his time in northern and central
Europe, while this time he went down
into the less familiar parts of the
world for research purposes, His aim,
in general-that of finding some of
the primary sources of mathematics
- was the same as on the previous

Education Club Announce Wedding New Seerct Hoiorarv
HearsTak Of Law Graduate ,Fraternity Organizcd Where To Go
H ears Ty O L Another organization in the nature
Another wedding of interest,, to of a sec'ret honor ary fraternity foc Motion Pictures: Michigan, "'De-
Dean Edmowson "2: " "'d."~t~hra
De n Ed o s n u ivty aluminAi was recently i en ors :t r c d Jan. 11. heSign! for Living" with Gary Cooper
kn__wn when Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand members of theclub, The D.ueof and Frederick March; Majestic, "Fly-
Ernst of Dexter announced the mar- Clubs, as it is called, are Wilbur ing Down to Rio" with Dolores Del
Ten questions of self-appraisal ria :e of their daughter Macie Marie Bohnsack, Charles Jewett. Thomas Rio and Gene Raymond; Whitney,
were offered by Dean James B. Ed- to Victor Cadman Anderson. Mrs. Connellan, Robert Hogg, Wallace "In The Money" with Skeets Gal-
monson in his address last night at j Anderson attended Michigan State Graham, Gilbert Burslcy, Graf ton lagher.
the second meeting of the Women's College and has been employed here Sharp, Robert Saltzstein, Catharine Dancing: League Grill Room, Hut,
Education Club, held in the library in the business office of the Uni- McHenry, Grace Maor. Betty Spray, Dixie Inn, Joe Parker's, Preketes'.

Faculty Entertained
With Reception, Tea
Entertaining for Prof. John E.
Tracy and Mrs. Tracy, who was Dr.
Margaret Elliot before their wedding
during the Christmas holidays, Prof.
and Mrs. I. L. Sharfman and 'Prof.
and Mrs. Clare E. Griffin gave a re-
ception and tea Sunday afternoon at
the Michigan League.
About 75 faculty members of the
school of business administration and
the department of economics, with
their wives, were invited to meet Pro-
fessor and Mrs. Tracy. Yellow tapers
matched the spring flowers which
decorated the lace covered table. Mrs.
C. S. Yoakum, Mrs. Charles L. Jami-
son, Mrs. Charles F. Remer, and Mrs.
William A. Paton poured.
Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Phi Beta wishes to an-
nounce the pledging of Wilma Bern-
hardt, '37, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y.

of University Elementary School. His versity for several years.
topic was, "Do You Know How to Mr. Anderson is a gradt
Make Friends?" Law School of the UniverE
Among the interesting questions and is associated with t12
suggested by Dean Edmonson in the of Hayden, Hubbard, anc
self-analysis were, "Are you perpet- at Lansing. He is the son
ually seeking sympathy? Do you in- Mrs. Bert H. Anderson of
sist unduly on the correctness of -
your own opinions? Can you laugh
at yourself? Do you try to find some
point of interest in all people?"
"People do not know how to get
along with each other," Dean Ed-
monson stated, "as evidenced by the
trouble which clubs and social groups
have in running smoothly. If you
accused the average American of
non-co-operativeness, he would re- F
sent it. Yet it is undoubtedly so:
and the basic reason lies in his in-
ability to make successful contacts
with people. President Roosevelt's
success in the last few months is
largely due to his unique gift for In al
getting along with his fellow work- never
ers on an equality basis." of thi
Dean Edmonson went on to sayimany
that a conscious effort on the part CTat
of teachers to develop their capacity Coat
for working with others would great-
ly increase their usefulness both in OVER I
their profession and to the communi- 49 JAC
ty. An informal discussion, in which
the whole group took part, followed A su
the address.
Katherine Coffield, '34, chairman
of last night's meeting, introduced
the speaker. She was assisted in
planning the program by Helen
Crawford, '35, and Betty Smith, '35.
The club is not a closed group, but
is open to any woman interested in
education. Dr. Stuart A. Courtis, of
the School of Education faculty,
sponsors the organization.-

and Harriet Hunt. A group of 580 Oberlin College
students have formed the Oberlin
The definite policy of the United Public Affairs Society, the purpose of
States from how on is one opposed which will be to consider a wide
to armed intervention. -President range of problems, the basic one being
Roosevelt. the economic replanning of society.



lMary IMTcCartly, Mary Jean White


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50 COATS TO CHOOSE FROM . . . $57.00 up
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Good tobaccos... real good tobaccos... that's the reason
for Lucky Strike's fine, smooth quality. We use only
the center leaves of the finest Turkish and domestic to-
bacco plants. Not the top leaves-because those are under-
developed. Not the bottom leaves-because those are in-
ferior in quality. We use only the center leaves-because
these are the mildest leaves-fully ripe for perfect smok-
ing. Only these choice tobaccos are used to make Luckies
--so round, so firm, so fully packed -and no loose ends
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forget-"It's toasted"-for throat protection-for finer taste.

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