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January 16, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-16

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FOOCHOW, China-Sailors of the
Jnited States Navy landed to pro-
sect the lives and property of Amer-
icans present at the scene of Chi-
nese internal warfare.
WASHINGTON - Following t h e
recommendations of President Roose-
vent on the gold policy, the treasury
raised the price of newly mined gold
to $34.45, an increase of 30 cents.
LANSING - Five members were
appointed by Gov. William Comtock
to the Detroit Housing Commission.
This body will supervise work in that
city's tenement districts.
WASHINGTON -Sen. M o r r i s
Sheppard (Dem., Texas) announced
that he will make a speech in the
Senate urging the re-enactment of
the Eighteenth Amendment.
GENEVA -The 78th session of the
League of Nations Council opened.
It was under the chairmanship of
Joseph Beck, 40-year-old Polish for-
eign minister, the youngest president
in the history of the League.
WASHINGTON - Possibility of
ousting Horatio J. Abbott, National
Democratic Committeeman f r o m
Michigan, was seen as Democratic
House members met at the Capitol.
The meeting was occasioned by Ab-
bott's recent message to members of
the State Legislature at Lansing.
x. O:
WILKES-BARRE, Pa.- Pickets of
the United Anthracite Miners of
Pennsylvania attempted to force
nearly 40,000 employed miners out of
1 work by closing the shafts of the
mines in which they are employed.
Four Police To Guard
Star Witness Mae West
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Jan. 15. -
(/) - Four men from the police gang-
ster squad and the district attorney's
office were assigned today to guard
blonde, black-gowned Mae West after
she came to court as the star witness
against Edward Friedman, charged
with robbing her of $12,000 in gems
and $3,400 cash in a holdup nearly
two years ago.

Elementary School Bases Its

Field OfStw
In these days of struggle toward
normalcy and interest in the abnor-
mal, a school for the study and obser-
vation of normalcy is almost a unique
institution. Such, however, is the
University Elementary School, which
has been set up here as a means of
studying normal development in nor-
mal children in normal surroundings.
The study of deviation from the
normal is of minor importance as
compared to the research into the
lives, action, and interests of nor-
mal children, according to Prof. Wit-
tard C. Olson of the education school,
director of research in child devel-
As a physical entity the school was
established in September, 1930. At
that time the pupils were all of nur-
sery school age. Each year another
grade has been added until at pres-
ent the school has pupils as old as
eight and nine. Ultimately those
as old as 13 will be accommodated.
At present there are slightly more
than 100 pupils. The six teachers
are assisted by graduate students.
According to Professor Olsen, the
purpose of the school is to learn of
normal development in children and
how this development can be con-
trolled. In attempting this, syste-
matic records are kept of the growth
of each individual in the school.
These include physical routine rec-
ords such as height, weight, hearing,
and sight.
Records are also kept concerning
dental development, while X-rays
check on the development of the
bones of the body. Checks are also
kept on the intelligence of the chil-
dren. These checks include those on
skills, information, and attitudes as
well as educational achievement.
Speech development is also checked
as to articulation and enunciation.
The records comprise all of these
tests and it is from these that a con-
ception of normalcy is gained.
One of the outstanding features of
the school is the work which is be-
ing done in the field of observation.
This is being carried on not only with
the students but with the parents as
well. Observation is carried on in
the homes of the children in order

ly On Normalcy
that the relations between the par-
ents on the child may be studied.
The children are observed in the
school by means both of photography
and personal observation. The find-
ings from this work and hints as to
possible improvements in home edu-
cational methods are passed on from
the teachers to the parents.
Classes at the school stress pri-
marily learning through activity. No
attempt is made at vocational guid-
ance, since the children are as yet
too young. Attempts are made, how-
ever, to learn of abilities in the child
which may be basic and thus be of
great importance to him in his later
life. The records which are being
gathered may not be of importance
for some time to come, Professor Ol-
son said.
The classes themselves are tech-
nological. The subjects are the ap-
plication of known facts. Some ex-
perimentation is carried on but the
school is fundamentally one for re-
search into the life of the average
child from the ordinary home.
The school is financed partly by
the University, partly by charges
made to the parents for certain ser-
vices, and partly by the help of a
foundation which desires its identity
to be secret.
The NRA and whole presidential
recovery program constitute a transi-
tional phase, moving us toward a
collective society. It is important
that the flexibility inherent in Roose-
velt's policies be maintained. - Dr.
William H. Biddle.

Nassau Geologists
Find Ancient Fossil
(By Intercollegiate Pressl
PRINCETON, N. J., Jan. 14- An
expedition from the Princeton Uni-
versity department of geology, work-
ing in the badlands of South Dako-
ta last summer, discovered the skull
and bones of a monkey-like fossil
primate assigned to the oligocene age,
it was announced here by Dr. Glenn
J. Jepsen, head of the department.
The fossil, he said, was the first
member of the primate group from
the oligocene age ever to be found
on this continent. Although man
and monkey are both among the pri-
mates, he said, the specimen found
was the ancestor of neither, despite
its resemblance to the monkey.
Let the school children learn some-
thing about the rottenness of govern-
ment. - Prof. John Guy Fowlkes.


NRA Has Emphasized Capital-
LaIor Confli t, Says Kinrdon

If your Organization Pic-
ture whas not yet been
taken, there is a short
time left.
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