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January 16, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-16

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-."Estabished 189)
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service
' ssoriatd lllegixat 4r s
(935 r # cum~u134=
The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispathces credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
- Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
'Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. -
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylson Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR........ .......... BRACKLEY SHAW
;DRAMA EDITOR-..........._...... JOHN W. PRITCHARD
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, William
G. Ferris. John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr..
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: 'Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
rAthr W Cartens, Sidney Frankel, :Roland L. Martin,
M4a ,orie Weorn. . :,,
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTE: Marjorie Beck, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: C. Bradford Carpenter, Ogden G. Dwight,
s I'ii a. Elliott, Courne 0A. -vans , Thomas E. Groehn,
John- Ke f, Thomras<. n A.eee,- sichau'd H. LorchGDavid
G. Macdonald, Joel P. Ne vman, Kenneth Parker, Wil-
Biam R. Reed, Robet S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair,
Arthur S. Settle-, -Marshall D. Siverman, Arthur M.
Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer, Florence Harper, Marie
Held, Eleanor Johnson Ruth Loebs, Josephine McLean,
Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie Resnick, Kathryn
Rietdyk, Mary obinson, Jane Schneider, Margaret
Teephone kklaI4
WOMEN'S BusINss MANAGER ... .........
.................... CATHARINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess. Van Dunakin, Milton Kra-
mer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal, Joe Rothbard,
James Scott, David Winkworth.
Jane Bassett, Virginia Bell, Mary Bursley, Peggy Cady,
Virginia Cluff,, Patricia Daly, Genevieve Field,' Louise
Florez, Doris Gimmy, Betty Greve, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Louise Krause, Barbara Morgan, Margaret
Mustard, Betty Simonds. 5
College Humor
"cks icg.ga ..
C OLLEGE HUMOR has officially
recognized Michigan's 1933 foot-
ball team as National Champions. That, i it-
self, should cause considerable surprise among the
student body and make them more sure than ever
that the team was among the greatest Michigan
has produced, since there has been a feeling on
campus for several years that University of Mich-
igan teams and players were usually forgotten by
College Humor sport writers.
Two seasons ago, although Michigan went
through the season undefeated and untied to win
the National Championship under the Dickinson
6ating, College Humor awarded its private laurel
wrath to Southern California. Add to this the
fact that College Humor's All-American selections
for the past few years have been very shy of
$ichigan players and you can see just why that
miagazine's sudden recognition of this year's team
as t the nation's best is so surprising as well as
gratifying. Yes, we are pleased and honored to
read that Charles E. Parker, well-known New
York sports writer, feels "that the so-called myth-
ical football championship for the season just
past belongs to Michigan without question," and
says sQ in the current issue of College Humor.
Screen Reflections

Four stars means extraordinary; three stars definitely
recommended; two stars, average; one star, inferior;
no stars, stay away from it.

new things, as in this play, that are to be con-
tended with before decision is reached.
"Design For Living" presents the questionable
situation of two young artistics living together
with one feminine artistic. Srange as it may seem
the manner with which this situation is put over
doesn't seem to be the -least bit out of color, some
may disagree with this, and the constant occur-
rence of the familiar Noel Coward dialogue helps
to bring the observer into the swing of the theme.
Miriam Hopkins as Gilda, Frederick March as
Tom, and Gary Cooper as George, of course can't
attempt to compare with the original New York
cast of Noel Coward and the Lunt-Fontaine duo,
but their attemp is a sincere one and worhy of
Gilda meets Tom and George aboard a train;
friendship and then love eome to the fore, so
a gentleman's agreement is reached. Tom has a
play accepted, leaves George and Gilda, to return
while George is away doing some painting. The
three meet the morning after, Gilda goes to her
friend Plunkett and they come to Utica, New York,
married, give a party for influential friends for
Plunkett's advertising campaign only to have the
inseparables get together again and pick up where
they left off.
Flip the Frog, Coming Attractions, and the
News are added subjects of about the average
run and help set up the fine feature, as some one
has said, commonly known as "Exit."

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be con-
strued as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disrearded.
The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors
are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less
than 300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
This is written not to take a side in any cur-
rent controversy but to commend those who sign
their own names to their contributions. It ought
to be a fairly common opinion among those of us
who find instruction and entertainment in reading
Campus Opinion that sniping from cover of an-
onymity is poor sportmanship. The campus world
should be like the big one in which one makes
choices and takes the consequences.
Norman Anning.
The Future of the Detroit Civic
DETROIT is fated not to see "All's Well That
Ends Well." The Shakespeare opus was to
be the Civic Theatre's next attraction: the game,
unfortunately, has been called because of rain.
Detroit audiences either didn't know that the
Civic had reopened, or else they were't sure where
it was. Net result: no box office and a temporary
The hey-day of stock companies in the Michi-
gan metropolis was and is not. The immediate
question, of course, is whether that day will re-
turn. Thomas Wood Stevens, Civic director, thinks
it will.
Denizens of the city sighingly reminisce regard-
ing the years when Jesse Bonstelle and her com-
pany of embryonic stars, many of whom later
became nationally famous stage figures, stood
them up in the rear of the Garrick Theatre. Later
Miss Bonstelle took over the old Temple Beth-El,
converting it into an unique sort of playhouse.
There her company never quite succeeded in mak-
ing the financial grade, but -the Bonstelle Players
continued to be a revered Detroit institution, even
after the group was converted into a Civic The-
Two years ago Miss Bonstelle died. Detroit
mourned, and then, in its stolid, business-like
fashion, decided that the Civic Theatre was a
thing of the past. The conclusion was wrong, but
Detroit never found it out. The announcement
of Robert Henderson's appointment as director
created a mild stir; Mr. Henderson worked val-
iantly, selecting excellent plays and renowned
guest stars, but it was in the end futile. The
theatre folded up anyway.
This fall the organization reopened, under the
direction of Mr. Stevens. Its former house was
no longer available, having been converted into
a talkie-and-vaudeville emporium. The company
engaged the auditorium of the art institute, the
existence of which most citizens didn't suspect.
"Tour du Monde," "The Late Christopher Bean,"
and "The Pigeon" were all that they had a chance
to present. Press agentry was weak, advertising
was weaker. Seats were discouragingly vacant.
Many people had never heard of "Tour du
Monde," which is a dramatization of Jules Verne's
"Around the World in Eighty Days." Besides,
look at Post and Gatty. A lot of prospective
customers had recently seen "Christopher Bean"
in the movies. Finally, "The Pigeon" is not one
of Galsworthy's better known plays. These facts
tended to keep away even those sharp-eyed folk
who detected the Civic Theatre advertisement,
which was sandwiched in between the Cass and
a block of behemothian movie ballyhoo. Again
the theatre closed.
Thomas Wood Stevens told me Saturday that
there is a probability of a reopening once the
national recreation program goes into effect. The
past run, he said, had the function of reminding
Detroiters that they had a theatre. Also, it is
desirable for the organization to find itself an
"angel"- commonly known on Broadway as one
who barters cash for a pash, but truly any person

who will finance a show for any reason what-
soever. These conditions working out favorably,
the Civic Theatre should fling wide its doors some
time this spring, Mr. Stevens intimated, There
is little probability, he stated, of radio perfor-
mances for publicity purposes between now and
the reopening.

stage shows; it's lethargy. I register herewith
a devout prayer that Thespis may smile benign-
antly on Mr. Stevens in his efforts to revive an
admirable and necessary institution.
As Othrn:s See It
THE announcement by the National Chamber of
Commerce that Detroit is one of six American
cities which have such good health records they
will be barred from the 1934 National Health
Conservation Contest in order to give other com-
munities a chance at the prize is gratifying.
It is well recognized that Detroit's favorable po-
sition is due in great measure to the health con-
servation measures carried on energetically here.
Health Commissioner Vaughan has ben congrat-
ulated many times before for his successful lead-
ership of this field, and doubtless will be many
times again.
A contributing factor not so well known is the
low average age of Detroit's residents. This means
that the city not only has a low normal death
rate and a high normal birth rate, but that its
citizens generally have youth and strength to
aid them in fighting off disease.
A third element is the climate. The other five
healthiest cities in the United States are Mil-
waukee, Syracuse, New Haven, East Orange and
Brookline. Detroit and Milwaukee are on the
Great Lakes, while the others likewise enjoy vari-
able, generally moist weather, without long-con-
tinued extremes of cold, heat or dryness. In
other words, the climate is refreshing and invig-
orating, and induces activity without causing ex-
The fact that all six healthiest cities share the
same weather is something which ought to give
residents in other parts of the country something
to think about. What can Miami or Los Angeles
or the rest of the cities in the much-advertised
"sunburn belt" say to this? What do the ad-
vocates of mountain air or desert dryness say?
Or those who sing the charms of the magical
salt-water breezes, or the delights of never-end-
ing summer?
Those places may be all right to visit, but right
here and ever-changing storms, sunshine, clouds,
winds and clear, bright days is the healthiest place
to live.
-The Detroit Free Press
(Editor's Note - The following letter was pub-
lished in the correspondence section of a recent
issue of Today, weekly newspaper.)
To The Editor:
I want to write you about a matter which has
been borne in very deeply on me since coming to
China. In your June issue and in other student
publications I read with profound interest the re-
sults of the student poll on pacificism which orig-
inated with the Oxford Union and was initiated in
the United States by the Brown Daily Herald.
The results of this poll give tremendous grounds
for. encouragement but one cannot help but feel a
little concerned lest students may believe their
duty has been done when they have registered
themselves in profound opposition to war. This
negative phase of the struggle to get rid of war is
a truly basic one, but it is only half of the battle.
China has probably had millions of people who
would not be willing to fight for the country under
any circumstances. There are many more who are
uncompromisingly opposed to civil war. And yet,
both international and civil war have poured their
sorrows upon China. There must be erected a
responsible and effective machinery to do away
with the causes of international and civil war.
When hostile bombing planes are flying above the
city it is rather late for a pacifist to wish that he
had worked toward the perfection of such peace
After living in China these years and looking
from this distance at the part of United States in
the effort to organize world peace on a basis oi
political and economic justice for all countries,
one cannot help but feel that American war re-
sisters have their most important job directly in
front of them, in changing the isolationist and

self-centered relations to world life.
We know that this is no new emphasis for THE
INTERCOLLEGIAN, but the inadequacy of being
merely war resisters has come home to us in many
tragic ways during these past months.
Lyman Hoover.

I ." M

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Collegiate Observer



The father of a freshman at the University of
Alabama claimed that his son became mentally
unbalanced in studying there, and is suing the
University for $30,000 damages.
Two Ohio State freshmen walking across
the campus yesterday engaged in a very in-
teresting conversation.
"What else are you carrying this quarter?"
inquires the first.
"Five hours of Astronomy."
"Why do you want to study that stuff? It's
nothing but superstition."
And then they wonder why freshmen Eng-
lish is required.
McGill University students have turned out in
such numbers for ping-pong matches that the
school has built a special bleacher section to ac-
commodate all spectators.

I _ -- V.- ,,II
'U _________________h,
FULL AET **$4.5

CM] - GV

Gilda ............. Miriam Hopkins
Tom.............Frederick 'March '
George ............... Gary cooper
Plunkett .,... Edward Everett Horton
Ben Hecht's movie version and Ernst Lubitsch's
production of Noel Coward's original play, "De-
sign For Living," smacks of the play in many
respects, in fact enough of them to make it a
success, and the minus sign attached above is for
the deviation from plot, dialogue and atmosphere
created inthe!-play itself,
As was the case in "Another Language," as
presented on the screen, the hemmed-in atmos-
phere, that to the audience must have helped put
across the unique ideas presented in both, is lost
on the screen and is herein flavored with new

The author of "No Nice Girl Swears" has
written an editorial entitled "No Girl Goes Col-
legiate." She urges all girls to appear stupid, stat-
ing that to be called dumb blonde is truly a com-
pliment; for, says the authoress, the recipient of
the title has succeeded in concealing her real in-

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