Of M.
Awarded National Intercollegiate
Keen Satisfied
<«> _____
'Ace' Bailey Convalescing In Boston Hospital
With Showing
Saturday Niht
Landrum, Harrod Win In
Surprise Battles; Oakley'
Shows Good Form
Ann Arbor will be the scene of the
seventh annual national intercolle-
giate wrestling championship match-
es which will be held here March
23 and 24.
It is estimated that over 130 mem-
bers of teams that have won confer-
ence or sectional titles will be here
competing. Over 30 schools are ex-
pected to present team members.
Among those teams expected are
Indiana, Oklahoma A. &eM., and
Iowa State, teams that always had
ranks near or at the top in wrest-
ling. Indiana, last year's BigTen
champions, will be the defending
Michigan Finished Second Twice
Of the six National meets that
have been sponsored by the N.C.A.A.,
Oklahoma A. & M. has won four
and Indiana the other two. Michi-
gan has finished second in 1928 and
1929, third in 1930 and 1932. The
Wolverines entered only two men in
1931. Last year, Michigan did not
send any team to the meet although
it finished second in the Big Ten
Michigan has had four national
individual champions, Ed Don
George, a heavyweight, in 1928; Bob
Hewitt, 126 pounds, in 1930; Otto
Kelley, 155 pounds, in 1930; and
Earl Dougivito, 155 pounds, in 1932.
George is now a professional and
is considered as national champion
in several Eastern states.
Coach Clifford Keen showed ex-
treme satisfaction with the showing
the Wolverine squad put up Satur-
day night when they downed a pow-
erful Northwestern squad by a 17-11
Jimmy Landrum pulled one of the
surprises of the evening when he
started the Michigan victory by pin-
ning Williams in slightly over half
of the time of the bout. This vic-
tory will probably earn him the Var-
sity berth in the 118 pound class for
the remainder of the season.
Joe Oakley showed excellent form
in beating the Northwestern captain
Seifreth by an overwhelming margin.
Harrod Wins Surprise Victory
Jack Harrod was another surprise
winner of the evening when he man-
aged to open his wrestling career for
Michigan by beating Hanley, a vet-
eran of three years' experience and
considered one of the best men on
the Wildcat squad.
Captain Mosier's defeat at the
hands of Kaufman in the 155 pound
tussle came as a bad disappointment
to the team who had figured him for
a winner. However, Kaufman is rec-
ognized as the best wrestler on the
Wildcat squad and is ordinarily a
165 pounder. He had a slight weight
advantage on the Wolverine captain
and won only by a small time advan-
Mack Sees Tigers As
A. L. Pennant Contenders
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Jan. 15--(WP)
-Connie Mack, preparing to leave
for the South, said today he wouldn't
be a bit surprised to see his former
ace catcher, Mickey Cochrane, pilot
the Detroit Tigers to the American
League pennant this coming season.
"Detroit has a good chance to win
the pennant," he conceded. "In fact
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they
won it.
"The club has a wonderful pitch-
ing staff and has added to its hit-
ting strength with Cochrane and'
Goslin. Even without their addi-
tion, Detroit ought to be even better
next season."
Regular $1.95 and
$2.45 Values
Van Heusen Shirts
Fancy Madras, Figured Whites
-Associv*ed Press Photo
Irving "Ace" Bailey, Toronto Maple Leafs hockey star who is con-
valescing in a Boston fHospital after two delicate brain operations, is
shown with his wife, Gladys, in the first photo taken of him since the
accident which nearly cost uim his life.
Bailey was injured in early December at Boston in a Maple Leafs-
Bruins game when he was charged by Eddie Shore, Bruins' defense
star, suffering head injuries from which surgeons expressed doubts as to'
his possible recovery. Shore has been suspended by the National Hockey
League officials until Jan. 28.
PAINFUL AS THE DUTY IS, I must make a retraction: Sunday's column
contained an editor's note to the effect that the fencing budget ran well
over $300. This is true, because last year's fencing expenses ran to $1,277.73,
and the budget was around $1,500.
But it implied that by cutting out the fencing team, the Board in Con-
trol of Athletics was saving well over a thousand dollars, and that implica-
tion is false. You see, approximately nine hundred dollars of that went to
coaching the sport, and that nine hundred dollars is still going out since
the salary of the coach goes on.
It all happened this way. Mr. Fielding H. Yost made a mistake in
arithmetic. On Saturday The Daily printed a front-page story to the
effect that the Board in Control of Athletics was cutting out the fencing
team to save approximately the sum of $300. In the afternoon, Mr. Yost
came into the office and objected to the statement, pointing out that the
expenses of the team last year amounted to $1,277.73. He forgot to mention
that $900 of Coach Johnstone's salary was arbitrarily charged to fencing,
and that the salary of the coach now is shifted to the budget of some other
athletic activity.
So we were all mistaken, and I print this retraction. I can see no
possible objection to the publicizing of the fact that the Board is saving, on
last year's showing, $377.73 by cutting out intercollegiate fencing. This
year, the fencers presented to Mr. Yost a budget for $300, but the Board
apparently also desires to save $300, and why is certainly no particular
business of the students. It is the business of the Board in Control of
Athletics. They are running athletics here under powers delegated by the
State to the Board of Regents and by them delegated to the Athletic Board.
Of course, there is no harm in merely speculating as to why. Maybe
the last football season was not sufficiently lucrative to warrant the expen-
diture of $377.73 for fencing. Some football salaries, according to report are
increased, which is only right and proper since football supports the rest
of the athletic program. Maybe the University Golf Course takes up a good
deal of money, or its construction has. Maybe the stadium bonds are taking
up a good deal of money.
Anyway, it is quite amazing that the Board, which does business in
the thousands of dollars, cannot afford to continue fencing, although I
never did present fencing as the most exciting of intercollegiate sports to
watch nor tout it as a spectacle in a class with the gladatorial combats of
ancient Rome.
But that is the Board's business, and the squad is agitating for rein-
statement. Coach Johnstone has made no statements, and it is probably
the part of yours truly to do the same.
Ice Squad To
Pucksters Prepare For The
First Conference Came
On Friday
The Wolverine hockey squad, after
breaking even with Michigan Col-
lege of Mines in two games last Fri-
day and tSaturday, returned to the
home rink late yesterday and im-
mediately started intensive practice
in preparation for the opening Con-
ference tilts against Minnesota Fri-
day and Saturday on the Gophers'
The Michigan sextet lost the first
of the two-game series against the
Houghton skaters when the Wolver-
ine defense let up in the last five
minutes of the last period, allowing
Olson, star defense man, to score
three unassisted goals after the
Maize and Blue had piled up a 4-2
Olson's first goal of this last-min-
ute scoring spree was a long shot
from beyond the red line thatno
one saw. The unexpected counter
temporarily demoralized the Wolver-
ine defense and before they could
get set again, he had counted twice
more to give the Miners a 5-4 vic-
tory. It was the Wolverines' first
defeat in five games.
On the following night, the Mich-
igan sextet played a more cautious
game and, aided by an unassisted
goal by Avon Artz, accounted for
their fifth win of the season, 1-0.
Capt. George David and Artz were
the outstanding players in both
games. The Wolverine center is a
rapidly improving hockey player, ac-
cording to Coach Lowrey, gaining a
confidence with every game.
Johnny Jewell, Wolverine goalie,
turned in an excellent performance
on Saturday night, blanking the
Tech team for his first shutout of
the season.
Both games drew the largest crowd
ever to see a hockey contest in the
Upper Peninsula, the teams playing
to capacity crowds in the two tilts.
The longest run from scrimmage is
credited to Willys Terry, of Yale,
who covered 115 yards against Ohio
Wesleyan in 1884.
Faculty members desiring to
enter handball (singles and dou-
bles), tennis and squash tourna-
ments phone 22101, Intramural
Michigan Golf Star
Given Position On
Walker cup Team
Michigan's great golfer, Johnny
Fischer, '34, varsity. golf captain-
elect, who has reigned supreme dur-
ing his two years of college competi-
tion, winning the individual Big Ten
championships in '32, and '33, and
the coveted title of United States in-
tercollegiate champion in his sopho-
more year, '32, has been awarded the
highest recognition open to an am-
ateur golfer in this country. He has
been ceded a position on the U. S.
Walker Cub team, which will embark
for England during the latter part
of April, where it will vie with a
picked squad of British amateurs.
Johnny began his golfing career as
a caddy in his home town, Cincin-
nati. He portrayed the first evidences
of his present dexterity when he won
the city junior title at the age of
fourteen. He repeated the following
year. Two years later, the youth en-
tered the University of Michigan, who
was destined to lead her to the rank-
ing position in Big Ten golf circles
during the past two years.
Aside from collegiate competition,
Johnny has achieved nation-wide
fame by virtue of his efforts in the
National Open and National Amateur
tournaments. In 1932, his second sea-
son of 'big league' golfing, he was
the second low amateur medalist in
the National Open, trailing Good-
man, last year's Open champion. The
same year, participating in the Na-
tional Amateur at Baltimore, Johnny
was low medalist, shooting a remark-
able 132 for 36 holes to tie the record
held jointly by Bobby Jones and
Cockran. Last summer, he broke the
record at Cincinnati.
Johnny will leave school - at the
close of the current semester. Ordi-
narily, he would graduate in June,
'34, but as his invasion of the British
Isles necessitates a temporary depar-
ture from school, he will return in
h -a
I ~l 117^-
&$J ush
Play in the badminton tournament
has so far progressed to the third
round. All entrants are urged to see
to playing off their scheduled match-
es as soon as possible, as in all like-
lihood the tourney's semi-final and
final rounds may have, to be played
off in odd hours during the exam-
ination period, according to Miss Hil-
da Burr, faculty sponsor of the bad-
minton matches.
Hours at which the gym is at the
disposal of the competitors are
carded as follows: Monday, 4:15 to
6 p. m.; Wednesday, 10 to 11 a. m.
and 1 to 4 p. m.; Saturday, 8 to 11
a. mn.
$21.95 to $29.95
$21.95 to $29.95
$5.95 to $7.45
$1.45 to $1.95
HOSE. 60c to 80c
$4.95 to $7.95
PRINTING-Reasonable Prices
Downtown - 206 North Main
Next to Main Post Office Dial 2-1013
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A few extra days may mean
as many dollars saved, when
selecting your formal equip-
: ment. Naturally, the best
values will be snapped up first.
DRESS SUITS $32.50 to $75.
D. B. TUXEDOES $35 to $65
All Accessories
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