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January 11, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-11

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Jack And The Beanstalk


In Lydia Mendelssohn


Children's Play
Opens Today
For First Time
University students Will
Act In The Production
Of Nursery Tale
The nursery tale of "Jack and the
Beanstalk," the first production of
this year's Children's Theatre, will
open with a matinee at 3:15 p. m.
today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
in the League. Matinees will also be
given tomorrow and Saturday with
an evening performance at 8:30 p. m.
The play, which is directed by Rus-
sell McCracken, is an adaptation by
Charlotte Barrows Chorpenning, who
is associated with the.Chicago Chil-
dren's Theatre. The cast includes sev-
eral University students as well as
townspeople and high school stu-
Jack Stalter, an Ann Arbor High
School student, plays the leading role
of Jack, the little boy who climbed
the beanstalk and found happiness
and riches. Betty Spooner, acts the
role of the giant's wife, while Paul
Bauer, '34, takes the part of ,the
giant, and Robert Hogg, '34, is the
cruel landlord. Other University stu-
dents taking part in the production
are: Charlotte Johnson, '34Ed., Jean
Van Cleaf, Spec., Camilla Bowman,
'35, George Minger, '34, and Theo-
dore Barash, '35. The entire cast of
the play totals 16, if one reckons
in both parts of the Bossy Cow.
Oren Parker, '34A, in designing the
sets for the play, and Kay Mac-
Gregor, '34, and Betty Lyons, '34, in
making the costumes, have kept in
mind the story book type of stylized
presentations, with emphasis on color
and line.
Jack Conklin, who graduated in
1931, has composed four selections
for the play, which will be presented
for the first time in Ann Arbor. Mr.
Conklin also has composed a suite
for violin and piano which won him
recognition in a National Chamber
Music contest last year. It was played
by Prof. Joseph Brinkman and Prof.
Wassily Besekirsky at a National
Music Convention in December in
Lincoln Neb., and because of its very
enthusiastic reception there, is being
presented locally at a faculty concert,
Jan. 21.
Mr. Conklin's other numbers will
be played by Elizabeth Leslie, '34SM,
violin, Helen Snyder, Grad., flute,
and Mr. Conklin, piano.
Dr. Wilker Raises
Objections Against
Children's Marals
Prof. Margaurite Wilker, of the
education school and director of the
Nursery School at the University ele-
mentary school, supports Mrs. Laura
F. Osborn, president of the Detroit
school board, in her ban against Alice
in Wonderland illustrations as sub-
jects for school wall murals.
According to an article in a re-
cent Detroit newspaper, Miss Wil-
ker explains her stand in the opinion
that bizarre characterizations of the
old nursery stand-bys are too much
for the mind of the very young child
who has not learned to differentiate
the real from the purely imagina-
"Introduced at the correct time,
the imaginative stories and pictures
are fine," Dr. Wilker said, "but they
must come when the child knows

what it is ot make-believe. Certain-
ly the Alice in Wonderland pictures
are amusing to the adult and to the
child of eight or nine but they are
definitely out of place in the lives of
children of three or four.
"The same is true of the Santa
Claus myth. The very young child
can't understand the story and ap-
preciate the jolly Kris Kringle idea.
Too often the well-meaning parent
will find that he horrifies his child
when he suddenly appears with a
brilliant red costume.
"As for putting the bizarre char-
acters of Alice in Wonderland into
life size murals - that would be go-
ing a little too far!" Dr. Wilker said.
"It is just as though one took a hor-
rible but amusing little figure from
his library table and magnified it
many times for use as a statue in
Grand Circus Park."

Stages League Play

Russell McCracken, director of
"Jack and the Beanstalk," which will
open this afternoon at the League.
This is the first of this year's Chil-
dren's Theatre productions.
Dr. Whitehouse
Gives ATalk On
Emergent Home
Dean Of Albion College
Speaks On Importance
Of Home And Marriage
Admitting that the "frontiers of
the home" have changed along with
other social manifestations, Dean
William W. Whitehouse, of Albion
College yet emphasized to members
of the Ann Arbor Women's Club
Tuesday, that "I see no institution
on the horizon to take the place of
the home."
Speaking on "The Emergent
Home," Dr. Whitehouse stressed the
importance of the home as an ap-
proach through confidence to culture
and citizenship. To fulfill its best and
highest functions, the home, he said,
must be based on increasing intelli-
gence in mating, on intelligence on
child guiding, and on a rational
standard of living. "The reform
agencies," he explained, "recognize
the rule that the things that thwart
the boy gangster from becoming the
adult gangster are meeting a good
mate and acquiring a good job."
Formula For Happy Marriages
"Extensive research," he pointed
out, "has shown that marriages are
more successful if the wife is without
influence from her mother; if the
husband's parents are happily mar-
ried; if husband and wife agree on
major questions; if they have a re-
ligious education; and if the court-
ship has lasted from three to five
years, making the impulse more ob-
jective and less romantic." He agrees
that we must have romance, but sug-
gested a "respectiable alliance be-
tween the heart and the head."
Dr. Whitehouse explained that
since the American child costing on
an average of $18,000 by the time he
is prepared for life, is no longer an
asset but a liability, no more children
should be bred than can be adequate-
ly cared for. "It is right," he said, "to
'replenish the earth' but don't litter
In conclusion Dr. Whitehouse
urged a rational standard of living
and expressed the greatest hope on
the government's recovery program.
Offer New Numbers
In Leayge Feature
"Stunt Night" in the League Grill
Room last night offered something
new on the program in the nature of
an interpretation of "The Volga
Boatman." Louise Pliss, '34, es-
corted to her place at the piano by
the giant in the cast of "Jack and
the Beanstalk," gave her interpreta-
tion of Russian peasant life.
Don Strouse, '35, drum major from
the University of Michigan Band,
played two saxophone numbers,
"Saxophobia," and "Smoke Gets In
Your 'Eyes." He was accompanied
on the piano by his sister, Miss Mar-
garet Strouse.
The trio, composed of Jean Seeley,
'36, Ernestine Richter, '36, and Edith
Perrin, '36, sang the number which
was so popular in the Sophomore
Cabaret, "Beautiful Doll," and also
"Deep In The Blue."
We Specialize in All Lines
Of Beauty Culture ...


Prof. Palmer
Gives Picture
To University
League Is To Be Honored.
With Picture Of Famous
Woman Graduate
A large picture of Alice Freeman
Palmer, which at one time hung in
her study at Cambridge, was sent
to the University of Michigan during
the recent vacation, and has now
been sent to the League to be hung
there. The picture was given to the
University by Prof. Frederic Palmer,
of Haverford College.
"As the most distinguished woman
graduate of the, University of Mich-
igan, it is appropriate that her pic-
ture be hung in the building serving
as the center of women's activities,"
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
the president, said in sending it to
the League. Alice Freeman Palmer
received her A.B. degree from this'
university in 1876, and her Ph.D. de-
gree in 1882. She also received hon-
orary degrees from Columbia Uni-
versity, and Union College. She was
president of Wellesley College from
1881 to 1887, and Dean of Women at
the University of Chicago from 1892
to 1895.
Her husband, Prof. George Herbert
Palmer, was for many years associ-
ated with the department of phi-
losophy at Harvard University.
Although the room in which the
picture will be hung has not yet been
determined, a place where it can be
well-displayed will be chosen, Miss
Alta B. Atkinson, business manager
of the League, said.
Discussion Meeting Held
By Students And Faculty
Mrs. Charlotte Hume, Secretary of
Harris Hall, was in charge of the
usual Wednesday discussion meeting
held yesterday in the Hall for the
Episcopal students and faculty mem-
bers. Rev. Henry Lewis, director of
St. Andrew's church, was present to
welcome the faculty.
"Recent Trends in Literature" was
the subject discussed last night by
Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the
English department at a dinnerj
meeting of the Junior group of the
American Association of University
The meeting held at the Union was
under the chairmanship of MissI
Blossom Bacon.

Glitter As Much As
You Can, Say Our
Fashion Wise Owls
For the gay, giddy sophomores, the
coming Prom means everything. It
also means a parade of all the in-
genious features in the new spring
styles. But there must be those who
will be wearing the "old" formal,
whether they would or no.
Wear your sequins while you can
for the season soon will be past, and
the same applies to velvets. The
rough uncut material in deep jewel
tones seems the best the winter has
produced. Although the regal type
of person can wear lame and the
sweeping styles complimentarily.
But whatever the gown, you can
choose your accessories admirably

Sororities Busy
With Mid-Week



Honorary Sorority Holds
Formal Musicale; Dance,
Teas, And Dinners Held
Organizations are busy with mid-
week activities, which include teas,
musicales, and dinners.
Chi Omega
The members of Chi Omega sorori-
ty entertained at a faculty dinner
last night. The guests present were:
Prof. and Mrs. DeWitt H. Parker;
Prof. and Mrs. Walter B. Pillsbury;
and Prof. and Mrs. Alfred H. Stock-

among the present array. There's no Delta Omicron Pi
one whom a scintillating tiara won't Delta Omicron Pi held a formal
suit, and the college smart set is musicale recently at the home of
showing its wisdom in getting finger- Mrs. O. E. Hunt.-
waves that are adapted to the mode. The program included piano selec-
While ear clips that shine and brace- tions by Sarah Lacey, '34SM, and a
lets galore are the mode. One must piano duet by Miss Lacy and Betty
fairly glow in the dim lights. Walz, '35SM. Miss Genevieve Sproat
Your feminity can be brought out; gave a violin selection, and Kathryn
in gloves to match or contrast your Hildebrand, '35, sang.H
frock, however severe be its lines. Mosher Jordan Halls
Mitts, in lace, velvet, or metallic fab- Mosher Jordan Halls are holding
rics are the clever gesture. Some the annual winter supper formal on
striking gold lame ones caught our Friday night. Both halls will bti
eye at a recent ball. Reaching from decorated with tapers and ycllow
elbow to wrist, they fitted snugly in nse. m utilre1wa.l m.an efesn frts
ripples to the outside, and then the 9 p. m. until 1 a. m. and refreshmeets
fullness was distributed in a shirred will be served in the latter part of
ruffle. The same shirring is de- the evening.
rufle. hedin amye shitringisdgIn Mosher Hall Eddie Tolan and
'eloped in a tiny velvet muff bag, his orchestra from Detroit will play.
just large enough for the finger tips,, Nancy Atkinson, '36, is in charge of
and zipping down the inside forNnyAkis,3, smhrgo
hankypnroom.the dance. Her committee includes
hanky room. Jane Fitzgerald, '37, Virginia Ulrich,
Sandals remain the shoe for danc- '35, Mary Lambie, '37, and Dorothy
ing ladies. They can be cut out as Leake, '35.
much as desirable, although this is In Jordan Hall the music will be
one time you can afford to be ex- furnished by Al Cowan and his seven-
treme. Nothing is equal to a shoe piece orchestra. Martha Bowen, '34,
that's fragile and dainty in appear- social chairman, is in charge. As-
ance. We've seen ultra-cut out mod- sisting her are Marian Brooks, '35,
els, in methal cloths, leathers, and in Nancy Sheppar:d, '35, Barbara Mor-
satin with sparkling jewels on the gan, '35, and Leah Ackerman, '34.
center strap. So let this ball be the The residents of Mosher Hall are
final sway of your winter luxuries, entertaining their friends at a tea
and glitter to the best of your ability, this afternoon. Dean Alice Lloyd and
Mrs. Byrl Bacher will pour.
ELIMINATE GRAFT POSSIBILITY Lenore Le Gendre, '34, social chair-
(By Intercollegiate Press) .man, is in charge of the tea and
ATHENS, O., Jan. 10. -Feeling assisting her are Jean Hoover, '36;
that there was "too much opportu- Mary Lambie, '37; Rebecca Elles, '35;
nity for private gain" in having sen- Lucille Lucas; Doris Vater, '36; Bet-
iors take charge of the renting of ty Parrish, '37; Helen Erick, '35;
caps and gowns at commencement Rosemary Neuhas, '37; and Mary-
time, Ohio University officials have anna Chockley, '37.
decided to take over the renting of
the academic regalia this commence- A lovely woman is the epitome of
ment. The result will be a reduction i luxury. But you can't have a lovely
of about 50 cents in the fee to grad- woman in democracy. -Joseph Her-
uating students. gesheimmer.

Zeta Tau Alpha entertained Mrs.
Helen Prophet, East Lansing, na-
tional inspector of the sorority for
several days recently. A 'tea was giv-
en in her honor Sunday afternoon.
inter Formal
Martha Cook
In a modernistic setting\ of black
and silver, Martha Cook Dormitory
will give its annual winter formal
tomorrow night. At 11 p. m. sup-
per will be served in the dining room,
with firelight, candles and roses fur-
nishing the appropriate atmosphere.
Max Gail's orchestra is to play.
The party is under the general
chairmanship of Kathryn Cofield,
'34. The decorations have been
planned by Lucy Cope, '35A, assisted
by Harriette Cook, '35A, Donna Rose,
'3,6A, Jeannette Schroeder, Grad.,
Barbara Ferguson, '34, Mary Kohl-
haas, '37SM, and Gertrude Schutz,
'3G. Eimilia Shemiot, '34Ed., is in
charge of finances, with house ar-
rang~ements made by Doris Camp-
bell, '34, and Florence Shaw, '34Ed.,
assisted by Virginia Whitney, '35,
Edith Engle, '35, Mary Jane Clark,
'35, and Kathlyn Porter, '35.
Miss Margaret Ruth Smith, social
director, and Miss Sara Rowe, house
director, will chaperone.

Visiting Inspector

New Members
Are Initiated
Into Phi Sigma
Prof. W. U. Hobbs Gives
Initiation Address And
Lecture On Exploration
Twenty-five students in the biolo-
gical sciences were honored Wednes-
day night, by initiation into Phi Sig-
ma, national honorary biological so-
The ceremony was held in the Mu-
seum Seminar Room and was pre-
sided over by Jean Arnold, pre ident
of the local chapter. The initiation
address was given by Prof. W. H.
Hobbs of the Geology department,
who gave an illustrated lecture on
"Methods in Polar Exploration."
The new members include: Roger
Conant of the Toledo Zoological Park,
who "has done some fine work in the
field of Herpetology," and the follow-
ing twenty-four studens who are
engaged in work on the campus:
Joseph R. Bailey, '35, Harold J. Bro-
die, Grad., Robert L. Brown, Grad,
John S. Crosby, '34F&C, Helene A.
Dedrick, Grad., Howard L. Faber,
Grad., William C. Frohne, Grad,
Elizabeth N. Giesen, Grad., James B.
Griffin, Grad., Don Hayne, Grad.,
Mary Lois Jotter, '35, Dorothy Kopf,
Grad., Kenneth B. McGlone, An-
drew H. McNair, Grad., Sister Sylvia
Meisinger, Grad., Curtis L. Mendel-
sen, '34, Burton T. Ostenson, Grad.,
Neil D. Richmond, Grad., Chester C.
Roys, '34, Marion R. Schmidt, Grad.,
William H. Stickel, '34, Donald G.
Thomas, '34, Alfred F. Whiting,
Grad., Blanche C. Wu, Grad.
Where ToGo
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Right
To Romance" with Ann Harding;
Majestic, "Duck Soup" with the Four
Marx Brothers; Whitney, "Alice In
Wonderland" and "Between Fighting
Dancing: League Grill Room, Hut,
Dixie Inn, Joe Parker's, Preketes.
Children's Theatre: "Jack And the
Beanstalk" in Lydia Mendelssohn,
3:1.5 p. m.

. .ri... ...



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