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December 13, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-13

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Procedure in Case of Articles Stolen
or Missing: Notice should be given at
the Business Office, Room 3, Univer-
sity Hall, with the utmost promptness
whenever any article, whether owned
privately or by the institution, dis-
appears under circumstances which
indicate theft.
Shirley W. Smith.
University Radio Talk: "Water
Colors in Painting" will be the sub-
ject of a talk by Dr. Jean Paul Slus-
ser,. Assistant Professor of Drawing
and Painting, over station WJR at
2:00 o'clock thisafternoon.
Women Students planning to re-
main in Ann Arbor for the vacation
can secure information as to desirable
housing arrangements by calling at
the office of the Dean of Women.
University Women In Drnitories:
University dormitories will close for
the holiday vacation at 8 p.m. on Fri-
day, December 15. Any women resi-
dent wishing to remain after that
time elsewhere must secure permis-
sion from the Office of the Dean of
Junior Literary College Students:
Class dues of 50 cents are payable
to the following members of the Fi-
nance Committee: Virginia Morgan,
Dorothy Wikel, Virginia Cluff, Mar-
garet Starr, and Richard Brandt. All
dues must be paid before Dec. 15.
Eligibility for Junior Literary Class
officers and committee members will
be declared Friday, December 15, at
12 o'clock noon. Everyone not pay-
ing his dues before aforementioned
'time will be declared ineligible for
office. A list of ineligible officers and
committeemen will be published Jan-
uary 3, 1934, and appointments to fill
vacancies will be made by the Presi-
Scabbard and Blade: The newly
initiated men who did not get their
membership certificates at the last
meeting may cal for them at the
R.O.T.C. Headquarters before Fri-
J-Hop Committee: All J-Hop com.-
mittee members are requested to have
their pictures taken at one of the of-
ficial 'Ensian photographers as soon
as possible. Appointments should be
made at once and all sittings made
before Friday, Dec. 15. There will be
no cost to individuals.
Michigan Dames: Please communi-
cate with Mrs. David Tyree, 1314
S. University, phone 5338, if you have
outfits to turn in for the hospital
dolls. More outfits are needed and all
Dames are urged to secure patterns
and make the clothes still needed, if
it is possible for them to d so.
Academic Notices
French 2, French 32: Attention is
called to the fact that extra sectins
of French 2 at 8, 11, and 1, and of
French 32 at 8 and 1, have been ar-
ranged. For further details consult
the Supplementary Announcement.
Geology I: Make up bluebook
Thursday at 4:00 in Room 3056 N.S.
Geology 31: The second bluebook
of the course will be given on Friday,
January 5, in Room 25 A.H.
Speech 54 (Play Production): The
examination letter for this course is
incorrect. It should be "B".k
Directed Teaching-Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
do direct teaching next semester are
required to pass a Qualifying Exam-
ination in the subject which they ex-
pect to teach. This examination is

administered by the School of Edu-
cation and will be held in the audito-
rium of the University High School
on Saturday morning, January 13;

of Dissolved Gases in Liquids."
Research Club meets in room 2528
uctive notice to all members of the East Medical Building at 8:00. The
ce -of the Assistant to the President following papers will be presented:
"Diocletian's Tax Reform in
1934, starting sharply at 8 o'clock. Egypt, 297 A. D.," by Professor
The examination will consume about A. E. R. Boak.
four hours' time; promptness is there- Maya Calendar and Eclipses," by
fore essential. Professor Carl E. Gutc.
C. O. Davis, Secretary A meeting of the Council will be
School of Education held at 7:30 p.m.
Teacher's CertificateCandidates: Earhart Seminars: The seminars
The School of Education is developing for scholars and fellows will hold a
a personnel record folder for each combined meeting in Room 307, Ha-
candidate for the Teacher's Certifi- ven Hall at 7:30 p. m.
cate; each candidate is required to
furnish certain information for this A. I. Ch. E., Student Branch: Dr.
folder. This requirement is ordinarily James Aston, Professor of Metallurgy
fulfilled in Education Cl. However, at Carnegie Institute of Technology
students who have entered the Uni- will address the combined meeting of
versity with advanced credit in edu- the Metallurgical Group and the A. I.
ational Psychology and those who Ch. E., Student Branch in room 3201
have not furnished information for East Engineering Building at 7:30 p.
the personnel folders during the elec- in. His subject will be "The Develop-
tion of Education Cl. are expected ment of the Aston Wrought Iron Pro-
to meet this requirement on Satur- cess." The A.I.Ch.E. Freshman Award
day morning, January 20 at 8 o'clock, will also be made. Refreshments will
in Room 4200 U.H.S. (From one and be served.
one-half to two hours will be neces-
sary.) Every candidate for a Teach- Forestry Club meeting this evening
er's Certificate to be granted by the at the home of Dean Dana, 2031 Hill
University before September 1, 1934 St., Christmas party and stunts.
must meet this requirement. Everyone bring a small gift for the
C. O. Davis, Secretary, grab bag.
School of Education.
Women's Fencing Classes: Classes
Comprehensive Examination in Edu- will meet at 7:30 and 8:15 p. m. today
cation: All candidates for the Teach- In BarbouraGymnasium. Members are
er's Certificate are required to pass a equipment is limited. a
Comprehensive Professional Exam-
ination c o v e r i n g the prescribed Chemical Engineering Seminar:
courses in Education. The next exam- Mr Charles R. Owens will be the
ination of this kind will be held in M.Car e . emillbe 4 he'l
the auditorium of the University speaker at the Seminar at 4 o'clock
High School on Saturday, January 13, in room 3201 E. Engineering Building
1934, beginning at 9 o'clock. Any stu- on the subject, "Water Film Coeffi-
dent who will have completed all of cients in a Forced Circulation Evap-
the required courses in Education by orator."
the end of the present semester is-
eligible to take the examination at French Club: Christmas party
this time. All students who expect to promptly at 8:00 at the League. Mem-
take the examination at the time in- bers are asked to bring a ten-cent
dicated should leave their names im- gift accompanied by a French jingle.
mediately with the Recorder of the
School of Education, Room 1437 Uni- Quadrangle: Meeting at 8:15 p. m.,
versity Elementary School. Graduate at the Club Rooms, Michigan Union.
students who will take a degree in C. D. Thorpe will speak on the topic,
February are exempted from this "The Use and Abuse of English."
C. O. Davis, Secretary Phi Sigma: Meeting at 8:00 p. in.,
School of Education Room 1139 N. S. Dr. A.H. Smith will
give an illustrated talk on "Two-
spored Mycenas." Initiation will be
_.Lectures And Concerts held for candidates who were unable
American Chemical Society Lee- to be present at the spring initiation.
ture: Harrison E. Howe, Editor of
"Industrial and Engineering Chem- Transportation Club: Meeting at
istry" will speak on "Children of the 7:30 a. m. room 1213 East Engineer-
Depression" at 2:00 p. m. Friday, De- ing Building. Professor Pawlowski will
cember 15. It is surmised that the talk about the new 100 mile-an-hour
lecture will deal with new chemicals trains.
and processes spawned by the depres-
sion. There will be a display of Freshmen Girls' Glee Club meets
samples. Immediately after the le- in the Grand Rapids Room at the
ture the annual business meeting and League at 8:30 sharp before they
election of officers will be held. go caroling."
Foods And Their Relationship To University Girls' Glee Club: It is
Diseases. This lecture will be de- necessary before the holidays to have
livered by Dr. Herbert W. Emerson, one more meeting of the club to dis-
Director of Pasteur Institute and cuss some important business. Every-
Professor of Bacteriology, on Dec- one please be at the League in the
ember 13, Wednesday at 3:00, Ann club room at 7:30.
Arbor Chamber of Commerce. This
lecture is sponsored by the Ann Arbor Varsity Glee Club rehearsal from
Restaurant Association, and should 7 to 8 p. in. Wednesday instead of
be of interest to public health stu- Thursday.
dents and the public in general.
Luncheon for Graduate Students
Christmas Music: Palmer Chris- in the Russian Tea Room of the
tion, Professor of Organ, will devote Michigan League. Cafeteria service,
the program this afternoon at 4:15 Dr. Carl Guthe, member of the Grad-
o'clock in Hill Auditorium to a wide uate Board and Director of the Mu-
range of "Christmas music." The seum of Anthropology, will describe
general public with the exception of the research work in anthropology
small children is invited without ad- now being carried on by the Uni-
mission charge to listen to the fol- versity.
lowing numbers:-
Nowowiejski: Fantasie "Weihnacht Graduate Outing Club will sponsor
in der uralton Marienkirche zu Kra- a skiing party. Meet at the top of
kau"; Foote: Christmas; Walther: the hill north of Green house in Ar-
Partita on "Jesu, Meine Freude"; boretum at 3:00 p. m.

Bach: Choral Prelude on "Jesu Meiri
Freude;" Karg-Elert: Fugue and Comedy Club: Tryouts this after-
Chorale on "Jesu Meine Freude;" noon for the January show. League
d'Antalffy: Christmas Chimes; Guil- Garden Room at 4:00.
mant: Alsatian Noel "Sleep well P
Thou Heavenly Child;" Hure: Com- Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Regular meetig
munion for the Midnight Mass; Fer- 7:30 p. m., Michigan Union, room
rari: Waloon Christmas Rhapsody. posted.
Lee Emerson Bassett, President Na-
Eves Today tional Association of Teachers of
Chemistry Colloquium at 4 p. m. Speech, and Professor Julio Del Torc
Speaker: C. C. Meloche, who will talk will both appear on a program open
on the subject "The Determination free to the public in room 302 Mason


Hall, 8 p. n. Professor. Del Toro will
speak on The Spanish Drama. Spon-
sored by Zeta Phi Eta.
Sphinx meeting this noon at the
Vanguard Club: A meeting will be
held at the Vanguard Club House on
Thayer St.. 7:30. Gordon Halstead
will introduce" the subject, "Indian
Independence" and a discussion will'
Mixed Badminton Tournament: Stu-
dents wishing to take part in the
tournament today are asked to bring
at least one new bird and to report
to Barbour Gymnasium promptly at
7:30 p. m.
S.C.A. Forum: The last of the series
of forums and lectures on the Fine
Arts will be given today, 4:15, Room
"D", of Alumni Memorial Hall. Pro-
fessor Parker, head of the philosophy
department, will give the final lec-
ture, based on the previous lectures.
Harris Hall: Faculty-student con-
fab this afternoon from four to six
at which time tea will be served.
The Theosophical Club (Point
Loma, Calif.), will hold a public
meeting in the Michigan League
Building, at 8 o'clock. Subject, "What
happens after death." These meetings
are free and all are cordially invited.
Questions are welcome.
Lutheran Student Club: There will
be a caroling party this evening.
Meet at the Zion Lutheran Par-
ish Hall, E. Washington St. at S.
Fifth Ave., promptly at 7:45 p. m. The
club has been invited to go to the
home of Alberta Stein after the car-
Faculty Wives and Michigan,
Dames: The home-making group of
the Michigan Dames plans to spon-
sor a nursery for the care of small
children on Wednesday and Thurs-

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns ciose at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-lc per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
1:c per reading line for three or more
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reating line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines perrinsertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month............... ...c
4 lines E. 0. D 2 months........3c
2 lines daly, college year.......7e
4 lines E. . D., college year.......7c
100 lines used as desired.........9c
300 lines used as desired.......c
1,000 lines used as desired.......7c
2,000 lines used as desired ........ 6
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eig t readting lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add.
6c per line to above rates for eli capital
letters. Adid 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The aboverrates are for 7V2 point
TAXI--Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. Only standard rates. Ix
Investigate Merger Of
Northwestern, Chicago
EVANSTON, Ill., Dec. 12. - (Big'
Ten) - Committees of faculty andl
alumni are investigating the proposed
merger between Northwestern Uni-
versity and the University of Chicago.
Although the concensus of student
opinion is definitelynagainst such a
link, executives interested in complet-
ing the deal remain mute.
Students of the professional.-schools

new suits ana overcoats. Will pay
3, 4, 5, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann
Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x
PASSENGERS To Toledo. Room for
seven. Low rate. Leave Friday
afternoon. Phone 2-2359 or 8754.
WANTED rides for one or two to
Kansas City, Missouri or Wichitaw,
Kansas. Jacob Alder. Dial 7200.
WANTED a ride to Gary, Ind., by
woman. Will share expenses and
help drive. Friday p. m. Phone
2-2591. 219.
WANTED -- Passengers to Phila-
delphia or near vicinity. Leaving
Friday. Call 4418. 213
DRIVING to Baton Rouge through
Nashville Saturday. Return for
Jan. 3 classes. Wanted two pas-
sengers to share expenses. Sedan.
Call Mr. George, 8320 after six p. M.



FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001.
1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large com-
fortable cabs. Standard rates.
LIRETTE'S shampoo and finger wave
75c every day. Dial 3083. 103
WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3739.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x



LOST: Leather bill fold. Near Water-
man Gymnasium. Reward. Call
2-1298. Mr. Worth. 216
LOST: One Wisler's Hydraulics, Fri-
day in West Engine Building. Name
in front. Please Phone 2-3236. 212
REWARD: Lost, '3 important note-
books in Waterman Gym, Nov. 29.
Call Fred Gould. 6539. 221
LOST: Man's Bedford wrist watch.
Metal band. Phone 2-1241. Reward.
LOST: Two blankets early Saturday
morning, opposite 521 Church.
Call 9622. Reward. 217

APARTMENT to sub-let during the
Christmas holidays, 409 Forest
Plaza. Call 2-3458. 210
man. Student preferred. None other
need apply but experienced man.
Fair Store, 200 N. Main. 218
STUDENT Saleman to sell the new
University Model Kadette Jr. Radio
during Xmas vacation. University
Radio Sales. Room 416 Ann Arbor
Trust Bldg. 224
FOR SALE: Tuxedo suit with black
vest; perfect condition; 42 stout,
$15. Phone 2-3406. 222
Iowa State C o 11 e g e has been
awarded the 1934 national A.A.U.
wrestling meet. Dates for the meet
have not been set.


1 of Northwestern University nave
day afternoons, December 13 and 14, given several demonstrations of their
from 2:00 until 5:00 p. m. There will desire to retain Northwestern in its
be competent supervision, including
a trained nurse. For further informa-
tion as to place, etc., kindly call Mrs-. Manlif Branin, 513 Elm Street, in-
Fohl, 5484. All mothers interested are stead of in Stalker Hall. Mothers
urged to communicate promptly in who have engagements are invited
order to facilitate adequate arrange- to leave their children in the care
ments. of those in charge as usual. Also, at
the Masonic 'Temple, for the conven-
Coming Events ience of those attending the Amer-
Observatory Journal Club will meet ican Home Open House, there will be
at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, Decem- a group to care for the children
ber 14, in the Observatory lecture taken to the room reserved for the
room. Dr. Heber D. Curtis will speak purpose.
on the subject "Design of Large Tele-
scopes." Tea will be served at 3:45.
Delta Epsilon Pi will meet at the SPECIAL
Michigan Union on Friday, December
15, at 8:30 p. in. This will be the
last 1933 meeting.
W.A.A. Board* Supper Thursday at The Ann Arbor Rail-
6:00 at the Women's Athletic Build- -
ing. All members are expected to be road will operate a spe-
present. cial train
A National Student Conference on
Students in Politics will be held in
Washington, D. C. during the days .
December 29 thTugh the 31st with a
challenging array of outstanding '
speakers and leaders. Any Michigan
students interested in attending it from Toledo to aCCm-
or in knowing more about it should modate returning stu-
be piresent at a meeting at Stalker
Hall (cor. of State and Huron dents'
Streets) on Wednesday night at 7:30.
Everyone invited. Lv. Toledo 8:30 p.m.
Michigan Dames: Mothers with Ar. Ann Arbor 9:40 p.m.
young children will meet this week
on Thursday, December 14, from 2:30 This train will make
until 5:90 p. m at the home of Mrs. all connections from East
and South.
BALLROOM Order tickets now in
DANCING TAUGHT advance. Phone 5511 --
3 Nickels Arcade
say musical critiCs
New ... with plenty of class ... a bookstand and
magazine rack combined with 5-tube superheter-
odyne SPARTON, a radio for any room in the
home. You will marvel at the amazing triumph
of tone quality, extra selectivity and sensitivity.
615 East William Phone 7912


Phone 9142 and 5672

CHUBB'S 10 A.M. -8 P.M.



200 Mixed Voices, Unaccompanied Frederick Alexander, Conductor
Christmas Music from Italy, Germany, France, and America.
Finest Choir in 25 Years at Ypsilanti
Thursday, Dec. 14, 8 P.M. Tickets 25c

C IC A O 4 rd. trip
New fast service - three direct daily schedules

from the
in Hill Auditorium
Thursday, Dec. 14, 8:15
Tickets at the School of Music
$1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00




Matinees lOc - Evenings 15c
Now Playing!




"THE CRADLE SONG" - Dorthea Wieck
Tomorrow Night at 11 O'clock
The picture that's twice as wise and three
times funnier than "When Ladies Meet"


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