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December 13, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-13

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness today
with rising temperatures; to-
morrow snow and colder.

I I C, r




Obligations Of Brotherhood;
AppeArance Of A New Council.



By Robins
Speaker Shows Change In
Russia Since Rise Of The
Communist Regime
Describes Recent
History Of U.S.S.R
Creation Of A New Social
o r d e r Is Credited To
Present System
An account of "the most extraor-
dinary transformation in the history
of the human race" -the shift from
a superstititious, ignorant, Cossack-
whipped Russia to a Communist re-
gime which has asserted itself under
the aegis of -"gods" like Karl Marx,
Friedrich Engels, Nikolai Lenin, and
Josef Stalin - was rendered last
night by Col. Raymond Robins, fore-
most.American authority on the
Speaking in Hill Auditorium on the
Oratorical Association Series, Colonel
Robins described the problems faced
by the Kerensky provisional govern-
ment, the rise of the Soviet system
under the magnetic Lenin, and fi-
nally the 1933 Russia of Stalin, dic-
tator and head of the Russian Com-
munist party.
Says Russia Stands Alone
"No other nation could have paid
the price that Russia has in the last
15 years and survived the gruelling
ordeal," Colonel Robins said. "But out
of the ordeal has come a society in
which there is no unemployment, in
which there is a mechanized and in-
dustrial agriculture, a mass produc-
ion in every factory, improved so-
ciological concepts of habit and cus-
tom in the treatment of member re-
publics, a higher literacy, a stimulus
to invention, anda significant change
in the home ad the family."
With his recent extended trip
through the U.-.S.R. and his experi-
ences in 1917 and 1918 with Keren-
sky, Trotsky, and Lenin as a back-
ground, Colonel Robins told of many
interesting personal encounters with
the men who have aided in the for-
rthulation of the Russian Communist
society today.
'A New Social Order'
"In 1917 I found 'Russia slowly
dissolving away under the Kerensky
rule," Colonel Robins said. "A new
Soviet authority was growing up and
demanding to know just who Keren-
sky was that he should order the Rus-
sian peasant and factory worker
about. I for one was convinced that
the Soviet system was destined to
bring about a new social order."
The victory of the Red Guard in
November, 1917, ushered in the new
Bolsheviki wave, and the Second All-
Union Congress of Soviets was called.
Colonel Robins decided to be at that
meeting and see for himself the char-
acteristics. of the new "gods" whom
many accused of being "German
thieves, murderers, and plunderers."
"I have been in many mass demon-
strations and have heard many a c-
multous ovation," Colonel Robins de-
clared, "but never have I witnessed so
thrilling and so spontaneous a recep-
tion as Lenin received when he en-
tered the meeting hall. He was elec-
tric. He made shivers run up and
down the back of everyone."
Deals With New Rulers

Convinced that the Kerensky gov-
ernment was, in 1918, a "corpse," Col-
onel Robins dealt directly with the
new Soviet rulers, Lenin snd Trotsky.
Through his association with them
he became firmly convinced of their
honesty and integrity, he said, and
was publicly condemned in the United
States upon his return for insisting
that they were not pro-German and
were to attain a permanency of ten-
ure in Russia.
Colonel Robins told of the "un-
importance" of sex in Russia today,
and of the high degree to which Rus-
sian youth has discarded God for
Lenin and the Bible for "Das Kap-
ital," of Marx. Sex is not a problem
in Russia today because of the sim-
plicity of marriage and divorce, al-
though the fact that the birth rate
is extremely high and that the State
is an ultimate provider are also fac-
tors, he said.
Officers To Collect

Michigan Retains Memorial Trophy For Another Year

Director of Athletics Fielding H. Yost and Harry G. Kipke, head of the University's football coaching
staff, are shown above with the Knute K. Rockne National Intercollegiate Football Trophy which was pre-
sented to Michigan's championship football team last night for the second consecutive season.

House Rejects
Senate Bill On
Liquor Control
Compromise Committee
Gets Measure; Governor
Submits New Message
LANSING, Dec. 12- (P) - The li-
quor control bill, described by its op-
ponents as a monstrosity, was shunted
into a conference committee today.
Simultaneously Governor Comstock
let dlown the bars for new contro-
versies by submitting a message al-
lowing consideration of a $30,000,000
public works program, legislative re-
apportionment and loans for munici-
pal ownership of utilities.
The House, after bitterly censoring
the liquor measure passed by the
Senate, rejected its provisions by a
unanimous vote. It was ordered sent
to a conference where a committee
of three House and three Senate
members will seekna compromise.
When the measure will emerge to
the floor for its final test was un-
known, but leaders hoped to have it
out for a vote Wednesday. Conflict
between the houses was pronounced.
The Senate approved 125 state liquor
stores, the House none. The 17
member liquor control commission
was ordered abolished by the Senate
in favor of a three-man body, while
the House favored retention of the
present commission.
Office To Make
Plans For Fee
Payment Soon
Details for registration and pay-
ment of fees for the second semes-
ter are being worked out by the busi-
ness office and will be announced
soon after the holidays, it was said
This is the first time that fees have
been payable each semester rather
than on a yearly basis, and it will
be necessary for students to fill out
a second registrationdblank in Feb-
Until the date when fees are paid,
probably during the second week in
February, class cards now being
handed in will be held in the record-
er's office. Students will be required
to present their receipts at that of-
fice before these cards are turned
over to instructors.
Bay City Bank Is
Looted By Bandits
BAY CITY, Dec. 12--(P) - State
and county authorities throughout
lower Michigan were enlisted in the
search tonight for four armed ban-
dits who held up and robbed the
West Side branch of the National
Bank of Bay City shortly after 9 a. m.
today and escaped with $15,204.90.

Donation Of Books
Are Requested For



An appeal to house presidents to
have their members co-operate in a
project to assist what has been
termed by Prof. Louis W. Keeler of1
the educational school a "most ur-j
gent need" forbbooks at the JacksonI
State Prison library has been deliv-'
ered by Bethel B. Kelley, '34, presi-
dent of theInterfraternity Council.
In a circular letter which was sent
out to all houses last night, Kelley
relates having received a letter from
Professor Keeler describing the con-
ditions prevalent at the prison.
"The men at the institution," Pro-
fessor Keeler's letter states. "are less
and less able to find work to occupy
their time while in prison, with the
result that there is an increasing
amount of time 'during which these
men are locked in their cells each
Professor Keeler's request is for fra-
ternity men to donate to the prison
library such books as they would or-
dinarily leave behind them and which
would not be readily incorporated
into the house libraries.
Arrangements have been made for
books to be collected by council try-
outs if any house is unable to get
their contribution to the council of-
fices in the Union. "If the houses
will co-operate in this project," Kel-
ley said last night, "we will be able
to get a sizeable collection off to theI
prisoners before vacation."
Will Raise Present
price Of Yearbook
1934 'Ensians will go on sale today
and tomorrow for the last time at
the present price of $3.50, Arend Vyn,
Jr., '34, business manager of the
y e a r b o o k, announced yesterday.
Salesmen will be stationed at promi-
nent spots on the campus to take or-
ders, Vyn added.
After vacation the price will rise
to $4.50. Students who have already
paid the first installment of one dol-
lar on their 'Ensians are requested
to pay the remaining $2.50 before
vacation at the 'Ensian offices in the
Student Publications Building, May-
nard St. After that the price for
them will also be raised one dollar.
Senior pictures must be taken by
Friday, Dec. 15, Vyn said, in order
that the 'Ensian may maintain its
publication schedule and be released
in May.
Ford NRA Violation Must
Be Shown. Says Johnson
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. -(P()-
The burden of proof to the claim
that the Ford Motor Co. is operating
in violation of labor provisions of the
recovery act has been placed by the
NRA upon the American Federation
of Labor.
Hugh S. Johnson, recovery admin-
istrator, in explaining today that he

Winner Chosen
From Speech
Class Sections
Levitt Defeats A Field Of
Eleven To Secure Gold
Oratorical Award
From a field of 11 entries repre-
senting the various s e c t i o n s of
Speech 31, Irving F. Levitt, '36, was
chosen by the vote of an audience
numbering approximately 300 as the
winner of a speech contest conducted
yesterday afternoon in Angell Hall.
Levitt was awarded a gold medal by
Charles Rogers, '34, president of the
Oratorical Association and presiding
The other ten speakers were Lewis
Kearns, '35, Don C. Miller, '36, Ro-
man Wiatroski, '36, Erwin S. Simon,
'35, Willis Ward, '35, Richard G. El-
lerby, '36, James H. Wilcox, '36, Ar-
thur L. Manchure, '36, and Jack F.
Livingston, '35.
Levitt discussed the significance of
the figure 1,000,000,000 in his talk
which was given in a humorous
fashion. The other speakers for the
most part chose topics of current in-
terest including whether college ath-
letes should receive remuneration,
whether Detroit should have a sub-
way, and for and against the Fed-
eral constitution.
Econonist Will Deliver
Talk To Law Students
Professor Leonard L. Watkins, of
the Economics Department, will talk
on currency inflation and related
problems at 6:45 p. m. today in the
lounge of the Lawyers Club. This
will be th6 last of a series of talks
dealing with the lawyer in relation to
other fields of interest which have
been given at the club this fall.

NRA Address
TO Be Given
y Professor
Remer Will Speak Before
Group Of Canadians In
London, Ontario Today
Economics Of New
Deal To Be Shown
Teacher Believes That The
Canadians Consider The
NRA Too Nationalistic
The economics of the new deal
will be unfolded to a Canadian aud-
ience today by Prof. Charles F. Rem-
er of the economics department. Pro-
fessor Remer will address a luncheon
meeting of the CanadianhClub at
London. Ontario, one of the oldest
and most highly regarded business
men's organizations of Canada. The
club is at present especially inter-
ested in the economic aspects of po-
litical action.
Canadians are vitally interested in
the political and social revolution
which has come about in the United
States with the advent of the Roose-
velt administration, Professor Remer
says. According to him many Ca-
nadians consider the 'NRA too na-
tionalistic a move on the part of the
American government, and one de-
signed to do in.iury to Canadian
trade. The NRA will receive par-
ticular attention in Professor Remer's
Following the address the meeting
is to be thrown open to general dis-
cussion. Before leaving Ann Arbor,
Professor Remer expressed the hope
that this discussion would enable him
to return much better acquainted
with the Canadian opinion of the
new deal.
Professor Remer's attitude toward
the policies of the Roosevelt admin-
istration is, in general, favorable, al-
though he is somewhat critical of
t h e administration's international
policy. He believes that the United
States purposely refused to achieve
anything at the World Ecoonmic
Conference in London last summer,
and that the conference failed large-
ly because of the attitude of our dele-
While in London, Professor Remer
will make an inspection of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario, particu-
larly of its department of economics.
Mental Disease
Specialist Says
Dunn Is Sane
Testifying that Brent H. Dunn, for-
mer local restaurant owner, on trial
for the murder of John Reinhart, was
sane, Dr. 0. R. Yoder, assistant su-
perintendent of Ypsilanti State Hos-
pital and specialist in mental dis-
eases, appeared as the first witness
for the prosecution yesterday mor-
Dr. Yoder was called by Prosecutor
Albert J. Rapp. He stated that the
examination of Dunn revealed that
the defendant was aware of the dis-
tinction between right and wrong and
was "'weak-willed and 'a drifter."

Kipke Denies Having
Received Yale Offers
.Reports which appeared in yes-
terday's Detroit News stating that
Harry Kipke, head of Michigan's
football coaching staff, had been
offered a post at Yale University
at twice his present salary, were
flatly denied yesterday by Kipke,
who stated that he had been out
of the city for almost 24 hours
before the story appeared and
thatallreports which signified
his acceptance of the "mythical"
offer were pure fabrications.
The only communication which
he has had in relation to the Yale
offer came in the form of a letter
from a man "who may or may not
have any official connection with
that institution," according to the
Michigan coach.
"I have not received an offer
from Yale nor from any other in-
stitution," Kipke said last night,
"nor have I indicated my willing-
ness to accept such offers. The
only letter I have received has
not come directly from athletic
authorities at Yale and I do not
know how authentic it is myself.
And the question of salary most
certainly has not been discussed"
Steps Outlined
For Moving In


Freshmen Must Take
Chance On Grades
Changing To Houses

Dickinson Awards
Rockne Trophy To
Team At Smoker

Michigan Is Described As
Squad Overcoming The
Strongest Competition
Kipke Praised For
Good Management
Tradition, Spirit, F ig h t
And Courage Are Called
Essentials Of Success


Freshmen who are desirous of mov-
ing into their fraternity houses in
February must "take a chance" on
the grades they expect to get and
take up temporary quarters if their
old rooms are rented for the second
semester, Dean of Students Joseph A.
Bursley stated yesterday in response
to an inquiry concerning the exact
steps which freshmen must take in
order to avail themselves of the op-
portunity offered by the resolution
passed last week by the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs.
The resolution granted permission
to freshmen to move in if they re-
ceive 11 h6urs credit and 14 honor
points and get their parents' written
consent. Permission to move must be
secured in each case individually, ac-
cording to Dean Bursley. This writ-
ten consent should be brought to the
dean when application is made for
permission to move, it was an-
Notification Necessary
Under the rooming contracts which
have been signed by all freshmen,
they must notify their landladies that
they intend to move by the evening
of Jan. 28, two weeks before the end
of the semester.
Since grades are often not received,
until after the second semester has
begun, there will be an interim dur-
ing which freshmen intending to
move must seek temporary resi-
Must Get Permission First
Mr. "Bursley was emphatic in say-
ing that they may not move into the
fraternity house during this period,
but must remain out until they have
received official permission.
The minimum scholastic require-
ment for moving into houses and for
initiation of 11 hours and 14 honor
points makes it necessary for the
freshman carrying the customary 15
hours to achieve a C average, al-
though he could miss this one point
by getting a three-hour B and a four-
hour D and still satisfy the require-
Houses To Provide
Tots' Entertainment
Fraternities desiring to entertain
at their Christmas parties boys and
girls from Ann Arbor's neediest fam-
ilies will be able to get in touch with
such children by calling Edith Owen,
of the Ann Arbor Welfare Bureau,

"It is necessary that a football
team be great in tradition, spirit,
fight, and courage to come through
a season of sufficiently difficult
games to be ranked first in the na-
tion," Prof. Frank G. Dickinson of
the University of Illinois, originator
of the Dickinson system, said last
night in presenting the Knute K.
Rockne National Intercollegiate Foot-
ball Trophy to Michigan for the sec-
ond successive year at the annual
Union Smoker.
"There is no substitute for good
management," he continued, "and so
to Harry Kipke, one of America's
greatest coaches, I . present this
trophy on behalf of the Four Horse-
men of Notre Dame and in memory
of Knute Rockne; symbolical of the
fact that Michigan has overcome
stronger opposition than any other
team in America."
Deviating from the theme of foot-
ball, Professor Dickinson denounced
the "debunkers" who have attempted
to convince the youth of today that
ideals, loyalties andother high be-
liefs are declasse.
Denuncees Sophistication
"There is a fer. spirit of .youth
returning now, however," he claimed.
"Students, don't be sophisticated, but
be school boys, and proud of it, or you
will grow old before your time."
Professor Dickinson stated that
football breeds a spirit of loyalty to
all of an institution's programs.
The 1933 football season was called
a peculiar one, reminding Professor
Dickinson of the 1925 season, "the
year of the big mud. This year was
the year of the big bad wind and of
the big bad Wolverine." He stressed
the fact that it was the football
Michigan played, not the rating sys-
tem,.that won the highest honors for
the team, following with a brief de-
scription of the methods 'he uses in
rating teams throughout the nation.
Fielding H. Yost, director of ath-
letics, introduced Professor Dickin-
son, giving a brief resume of the his-
,tory of the Rockne trophy and of
Michigan teams in the last 10 years.
"I know of no better way in which
to select leading national teams than
the one used," he said.
Spirit Should Continue
Professor Dickinson said that he
probably will not be back here to
present the trophy for 20 years, as
Michigan already had more than her
share. "I hope, however, that the
fine supporting spirit exhibited here
tonight will continue throughout the
ups and downs that are inevitable.
A team cannot always win."
It was explained that the trophy
was named after Mr. Rockne because
he always had time to help Professor
Dickinson in his work, and because
of the personal relationship that ex-
isted between them.
Coach Kipke introduced members
of the team individually and pre-
sented to each of them certificates
stating that they were members of
the team receiving the highest na-
tional rating. "I don't know how
we're going to win any more games
with all these good boys going," he
said, "but we might come out ahead
in one or two next year."
Kipke Ridicules Rumored Offers
He did not mention the many rum-
ors that have been circulated re-
cently regarding the possibility of
his becoming coach at Yale Univer-
sity, but said that he had had a
wire from Vassar offering him the
job of coaching the daisy chain there.
Senior members of the team all
spoke a few words when they re-
ceived their certificates, expressing
their pride at having been members
of the Michigan team and the sor-

Sealskin Coat Theft Arouses
Ire Of Prima Donna Os zewska

Maria Olszewska, contralto of the
Metropolitan Opera Company, who
will sing here in the Choral Union
Concert series next Thursday, re-
turned to her hotel garbed in mas-
culine attire, following her appear-
ance at the Masonic Auditorium, De-
troit. She wore an overcoat belonging
to Frederick Schauwecker, her ac-
Someone had stolen her own fur
coat, recently purchased in Berlin,
during the recital. Reputed to have
a value of $1500, it was a black seal
garment with a high fox collar.
Miss Olszewska became angry. Dis-
playing the proverbial artistic tem-
perament, she said, "I have sung in
a thousand concerts, but never before
has anything been stolen from me."
Consequently she decided to remain
in Detroit until Wednesday instead'
of coming directly to Ann Arbor, as
she had planned.

engagements in this country for only
n. vpmnarativelu short time. hrEuhro-

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