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December 13, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-13

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DECEMBER 13, 1933


.w .

Wolverine Pucksters

To Meet Colgate

Tonight At Coliseum

+ .___ .

Kipke Going?
* * *
WITH EMOTIONS as thoroughly
mingled as a dish of Hungarian
goulash, I ponder rumors to the ef-
fect that the Yales (the Laughing
Yales of this season) and the much
bedraggled and beaten Dartmouths
are angling for our Coach Kipke.
The Bulldogs gained the sobriquet
of "Laughing," because several mem-
bers of the team apparently refused
to take the game particularly serious-
ly and met defeat after defeat with
a grin which would do credit to a
Cheshire cat. I can tell them right
now, that if Harry Kipke goes down
there to teach them football as she
is played in the middle-west, they will
have to cut out a good deal of the
merriment and tend strictly to their
So now we know that the reams
and reams of explanations about
Eastern de-emphasis for the good old
English idea of playing the game for
the game's sake et cetera, et cetera
ad nauseam are just so much un-
qualified eyewash. Yes, the Yales and
the Dartmouths have at last come out
into the open and committed the
overt act (if these rumors are indeed
true) which proves that they are far
more deeply interested in the football
business than the University of Mich-
igan. Apparently de-emphasis is just
great stuff . . . if you don't lose foot-
ball games.
Well, if the Yales and the Dart-
mouths are really thinking of picking
up a good coach, I don't think they
could go better than selecting Harry
Kipke. Kipke knows how to handle
his teams, knows modern football
thoroughly, and consistently out-
smarts the opposing coach in tactics
for any given encounter.
BUT I QUESTION whether, even
with a winning Kipke team, the
Yales could consistently fill the Yale
Bowl. Would Eastern crowds appre-
ciate the defensive type of football
with which the Wolverines have dom-
inated the mid-western picture in
past years? I very seriously doubt it.
They are used to the old offensive
type of ball game in which one team
gets the ball and marches up the
field by rushing, maybe trying one
pass which is slightly similar to
puntingto the opposition by hand,
and so forth.
That is not good football. Good
football is not the most spectacular.
You are not as thrilled with a for-
ward pass which is completed with
the receiver twenty yards away in
the open as you are with one which
drops into the clutching paws of one
of a group of offensive and defensive
players all clawing for it frantically.
In fact, the most exciting game I
saw this season was played by the
Normal College over in Ypsilanti. I
got in at the final quarter, with
Ypsilanti trailing by some few points.
Then the local boys turned on the

wiithi tIhA newPSIJ0

Veteran Maroon
Lineup To Face
Maize And Blue
Lowrey To Start Players
That Defeated Dearborn
And Amherstburg
Courtis Available
Coach Howie Starr Will
Present Powerful Team
In First Western Trip
For the first time in history a Col-
gate hockey team will make its ap-
pearance in middle-western United
States tonight when Coach Howie
Starr's Maroons oppose Michigan's
Varsity pucksters at the University
Arena at 8:00 p. m. today.
The Maroon team from Hamilton,
N. Y., has been a power in Eastern
hockey circles for years, but is making
its first invasion of the Middle West,
playing several Canadian teams and
crossing the border into Michigan for
tonight's battle,.
Coach Eddie Lowrey announced
that the Maize and Blue will be at
full strength since the return of Wal-
ter Courtis, substitute left wing, to
the squad. According to the coach,
the team is in top shape and ready
for the battle with Colgate's heavy
Lowrey is standing pat on the line-
up that defeated two Michigan-On-
tario league teams in earlier starts.
The Colgate squad is a versatile
group of athletes if advance notices
can be believed. Six members of the
squad played on this year's Varsity
football team; one was football man-
ager, Captain Galbraith is a Varsity
pole vaulter, one is a ranking tennis
and squash player, while one is a la-
crosse star.
The Maroons will offer a veteran
forward wall composed of Galbraith
and Tompkins at the wings and
Jones at center. All of these men are
playing their third year of Varsity
hockey and are reported to form a
scintillating offense.
Another veteran will be at right
defense. Ed Pumphrey has won two
hockey letters already. Teaming with
him on defense will be two sopho-
mores, Everett Hoff in the goal and
Marty McDonough at left defense.
Hoff was the star of last year's fresh-
man outfit.
McDonough has already distin-
guished himself in the gridiron, hav-
ing run 80 yards for a touchdown
against Syracuse this fall.
Michigan Colgate
L. David......RD.....Pumphrey
Chapman......LD.... McDonough
Artz ...........C.........Jones
Sherf.........RW. Galbraith (C)
G. David (C) ...LW.....Tompkins

Cochrane Becomes New Manager Of Tigers

-Associated Press Photo
The Detroit Tigers finally consummated a deal with the Athletics,
whereby Mickey Cochrane comes to the Detroit club to act in the
capacity of player-manager. Cochrane (right) is shown talking things
over with Rogers Hornsby, manager of the St. Louis Browns.
Preliminaries In All -Campus
Wrestling Meet To Start Today,

Determined Frosh H o1l
Regulars In Scrinnage;
Allen Leads Scorers
Bennie Oosterbaan was in charge
of the Varsity cagers yesterday after-
noon, due to the fact that Coach
'Cappy' Cappon had left for Grand
Rapids with eight members of the
B team for the Calvin College en-
Scrimmaging was the order of the
day, and a strong but inexperienced
yearling outfit gave the first string
five a stiff workout.
Varsity Plays Yearlings
After a half hour of scrimmaging,
the Varsity had only managed to run
up a small lead on the determined
frosh. Oosterbaan then sent in his
third-stringers, and C o a c h Ray
Fisher substituted a new yearling
At the start of the workout Ooster-
baan had Allen at center, Ford and
Plummer at the forwards, and Capt.
Petoskey and Oliver at the guards.
All five men broke into the scoring
column during the afternoon, Allen
the most frequently. George Ford
continued his good play of last Sat-
urday night.
Meyer of the frosh scored their
lone field goal, - but other members
of the outfit sank occasional free
throws. Pattenelli, Jennigs, and Sol-
omon were outstanding first year
Workout Not Satisfactory
The workout was not entirely sat-
isfactory from the Varsity angle,
however, due to the absence of their
eight best reserves. Tessmer, Ta-
magne, Jablonski, Regeczi, Johnson,
Borgmann, and Lewis had all left
for the furniture city.
Coach Cappon has not, as yet,
named the men who will accompany
the team on their Christmas vaca-
tion trip to the East. It appeared
likely, however, that Manny Fish-
man would still be unable to play
due to an injured ankle.
Coach Cappon and his selected
squad will leave Ann Arbor Friday
for their game with Pennsylvania at
Philadelphia Saturday night.

Presenting one of the best w
tling cards in its history, theP
Campus tournament will start w
the preliminary matches coming
at 4:00 this afternoon.
The schedule of matches has
yet been completed but there are
pected to be over 100 competitors
the championships in all of the ei
divisions. About 60 members of1
Varsity squad and about 45 memo
of the freshman squad, not includ
those students who are not on eit
squad, have been e n t e r e d.I
weigh-ins took place yesterday af
noon at the Intramural Buildingo
Waterman Gym.
Berger Is Outstanding
The 118 pound division will i
a strong freshman contingent d(
inating the field. Berger is the o
standing one of the lot because
his excellent showing so far this y
in practice. However, Don Fiero
the best representative of the Var
squad and, because of more exp
ence, is the favorite of the fi
Duiker is another strong Varsityt
Seymour Rubin appears to be1
class of the 126 pounders. Rubin t
part in several Varsity meetsl
year, winning one and losing two.
1931, while a freshman here at Mi
igan, he won the State A.A.U.
pound championship. He has b
an active member of the freshm
and Varsity wrestling squads for1
past two years and will have a w(
of experience in hard competition
carry him through the meet.
Yearlings Strong
The freshmen will enter two str


candidates in Slocum and Bremer,
both of who have been the best look-
ing of the yearling squad this year.
Both are expected to give Rubin
a hard tussle for the title.
The Varsity squad will fight it out
for the 135 pound title with Fried-
man, Fiero, Taylor, and Collville
standing in front of a long line of
opponents. Friedman wrestled in sev-
eral Varsity meets last year although
he did not earn a letter. Fiero won
the title last year and has been show-
ing up well in practise. Taylor was
the runner-up in the State A.A.U.
meet last year and has been improv-
ing very rapidly this year. Collville
was one of the best on the freshman
squad last year, but a lack of practise
this year may prove to be his un-

)ut- doing.
of Bissell Leads Division St-t'
eari Bissell of the freshman squad holds
,sis the first place in the 155 pound divi- Christmas Excursion
Seri- sion. The strongest sort of competi-
eld. tion is expected from both Jaros and BUS RATES
enl Marschner of the Varsity squad.
The 165 pound card will present
the Parker, Lawton and Dauksza, already
0ok well-known to Ann Arbor wrestling Sault Ste. Marie
last fans as providing interesting battles. Mackinaw City, St. Ignace
In Ponto switched from the 165 to the Newberry, Petoskey
ch- 175 pound class and in doing so may Cheboygan, Gaylord
118 have to meet up with Neafus who and intermediate points
een was runner-up in last year's State on our line.
nan A.A.U. meet.
the The heavyweight fight will have Write for rates and
orld two freshmen as the outstanding fig-Wreerats
to ures in Wright and Hanshue, both reservations
All-State tackles last year, the for-. Great Lakes Motor Bus Co.
mer a 250 pounder from Mt. Clemens 917 Ashmun S. S. Marie, Mich.
ong and the latter weighing 190 pounds.

power, and goodness knows how,f
scored three touchdowns. It was not
good football, but I nearly went crazy
with excitement.
Then again, I don't think Coach
Kipke, with all due respect for his
ability, would be quite as effective
lacking his outstanding staff of as-
sistants. Each man is an outstanding
specialist in his particular coaching
field, and I don't think you will find
such a staff of assistant coaches in
the nation.
However, all these considerations
are probably void anyway. because I
am forced to regard these rumors,
at least at the present time, as strict-
ly the bunk; I doubt that Harry
Kipke has been contacted by author-
ized representatives of either of the
two institutions named, and I wonder
whether he would go anyway.
Gordon Templin, All-City end of
Northwestern High in Detroit, is as
successful in his academic pursuits
as on the gridiron. He will graduate
with honors in January.


COTY TOILET SETS-New, moderr$90
Inlay compacts, choice of toilet water .
We have just received a shipment
of these stunning cut glass bottles . C
Fiancee, Springtime in Paris,
Evening in Paris, for as low as . . . .
An ideal expression at Yuletide,
Now (Pioneer) per pound, as low as . .5Q
Compact assortment of full size Cutex $ 25
nail preparations in a neat zipper case .
-and win Her with a box of
Supreme Chocolates

for Him
Contains the shaving
bowl, lotion, and _ .5
special talc . . . . . .
All sizes and
Other Ben Wade Pipes $2.50 to $5.00.
LECTRO-LITE -the mystery lighter $ 0
No flints, no combustibles, as low as . .
Full grain leather, three compartments c
Other Prices to $7.50.
Four colors, attractively wrapped 1*79
Pen and Pencil....... . . . .


! Walk-Over put reverse English on
this shoe. Instead of a narrow, pointed
toe, they made it narrow and squarish,
a French type. And it's certainly click
gives a kickoff to their step. We call

"There IS a
Santa Claus"
says the girl
who gets




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