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December 06, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-06

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Diagonal Stripes Find Wide Favor Plans For Women's Athletiks Junior A.A.U.W. Holds Art E
. rr DeM aMVaried Christmas Party
saDscu 9sse Aana ers Meetmn The Junior Association ofUnvrToH
sity Women will hold CaChristmas
W.A.A. entertained the intramural cording to Mary Stirling, '35. Partici- progam tonight in the Unon Th In So
members will meet or inner fol-
managers of the sororities and dor- pation points will be given. lowed by contract bridge and other
[la $mitories at tea at 4:15 p. m. Monday Clarabel Neubecker, '36, urged all games planned to suit a variety of Offering t
in the lounge of the Women's Athletic active members of W.A.A. to wear the tastes. to purchase
Building. A 'business meeting was W.A.A. badge on sale at Moe's At- Miss Mildred Weer will direct the the art ec

held afterwards. The group gathered
informally before the fire at the
farther end of the room. Miss Dor-
othy Biese and Miss Marie Hartwig
of the physical education department
poured, and Margaret Arnold, '33,
manager of intramural sports, offi-
ciated at the meeting.
Marian McPhee, '36, reported that
the handicap bowling tournament has
been postponed until Jan. 8 to enable
more students to complete the three
scores necessary for qualification.
Betty Bell, '36, announced that
fencing would start next week with
Coach John Johnstone instructing.
The beginners are to meet at 7:15
p. in., and the intermediates at 8:00
p. m. W'ednesdays in Barbour Gym-
nasium. W.A.A. will provide masks
and foils.
Thirty-three teams have entered1
the intramural basketball tourna-
ment, according to Elizabeth Cooper,
'34. The interclass teams will consist
of those players on the intramural
teams who display the greatest skill.
Thus for the first time, the interclass
teams will be invitational instead of
Likewise riflery is getting under
way this week. Captain A. B. Custis
of the R. 0. T. C. will instruct every
'afternoon from 4 to 6 p. m. in the
basement of the Women's Athletic
Building. The highest score computed
from the average of the individual's
five best scores made during the
shooting season will determine the
Today is the last that students will
be admitted into the intramural bad-
minton tournament managed by
Betty Cady, '34. Miss Hilda Burr of
the physical education department
will assist from 10 to 11 a. m. Satur-
days in Barbour Gymnasium. Two
persons comprise a team.
Dance Club for advanced students
will be held at 7:30 p. m. Wednes-
day and for beginners and at 3:00 p.
m. Wednesdays for intermediates, ac-

letic store. Any woman automatically
becomes an active member of W.A.A.
upon acquiring 50 W.A.A. athletic
points. 300 W.A.A. points entitles the
student to a small "M", 600 to a
W.A.A. pin, and 1,000 to a large "M."
Alpha Delta Pi was awarded the!
volley ball cup for defeating Alpha Xi
Delta in the intramural tournament.
Alpha Phi, Jordan, and Kappa Delta
are still competing for honors in the
intramural hockey contest.
The following houses were repre-
sented at the meeting: Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega, Chi
Omega, Collegiate Sorosis, Alpha
Omicron Pi, Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha
Xi Delta, Sigma Kappa, Phi Sigma
Sigma, Alpha Delta Pi, Delta Delta
Delta, Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta
Zeta, Apha Phi, Delta Gamma, Kappa
Delta, Theta Phi Alpha, Adelia Chee-
ver House, Helen Newberry Residence,
Martha Cook Dormitory, Mosher Hall,
Jordan Hall, and Betsy Barbour
SEdueaion Students
Hol Get-Together
A travesty on the Grand Opera,
written by George Ade, was featured
in the assembly for students in the
School of Education yesterday at
University High School.
Singers featured in the drama,
which was entitled "The Janitorio,"
were Miss Odina B. Oison, teacher of
music; Edward E. Freed, teacher of
dramatics; and Earl D. Burnett,
teacher of music, all of the University
High School staff.
Miss Cordelia M. Hayes' 10th grade
French class rendered several French
Christmas carols.
June O. Warsaw, '34, gave some
edifying comments on "Magic and
Mathematics." She is a student
teacher in University High School.

-Associated Press Photo
Diagonal stripes, fashion's touch of smartness this season, are
shown to advantage in these two models. The ever-distinctive black
and white combination is used in the cocktail gown at the left. The
evening frock is of maize colored satin with a gold stripe.

Most desired in the production of
the legend is the spiritual quality.
It is not an imitation of the medieval
dances, but is the organization's own
interpretation of the meaning as de-
duced from selected material and
outside readings on the background
of the Middle Ages, including the so-
cial and economic life,
The purpose is to create the legend
through symbolical dances in their
own designs or terms of this day, sug-
gesting the middle ages. The back-
ground is necessary to interpret the
legend with medieval quality.
Costume Jewelry
Of Wood 4nd Silk
is Found Popular
What if you have pawned the fam-
ily jewels for bread in these trying
days, they're all out of style any-
way. The only thing that's really
good now is wood, so as long as
there are a few logs left in the old
lumber pile, you're all set as far as
the season's costume jewelry is con-
Jewelry is all barbaric; that is, it's
very large, very jingly, and exceed-
ingly exotic. Bracelets are much worn
since the high neckline prevents
necklaces from being popular. They
are for the most part very wide and
most popular in wood, of course.
Others which have just made their
appearance are broad bands of
braided silk which actually button
on with large wooden knobs.
Often there are rings to match the
bracelets, extra large too, and some-
times a necklace is included in the
set. One or two of the buttoned-on
bracelets have necklaces to match,
which button with the same large
buttons somewhere in the region of
the nape of the neck.
Colors in all sorts of jewelry are
exceptionally bright, just the shades
one would expect an Indian chief to
favor, and gold is shown much more
than silver.
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Ber-
keley Square" with Leslie Howard
and Heather Angel ; Ma j estic,
"Broadway Through a Keyhole" with
Russ Columbo and Constance Cum-
mings; Whitney, "Savage Gold" and
"~Hello Trouble."
"Hancing: League Grill Room-
Stunt night, Hut, Dixie Inn, Joe Par-
ker's Preketes.

"Personality in a Changing World"
was the subject of a talk given the
Roundtable by Prof. Bennett Weaver'
recently at the League. Prof. Weaver
stressed the fact that, contrary to
common belief, the personality of the
individual is not being torn down
by the speed and complexity of mod-
ern life, but rather is offered far
more opportunity for self-expression
and expansion. The tendency of the
modern young man to attack the
present social orders is no more than
a waste of time which might be de-
voted to study of oneself and work
within oneself, functions which are
essential to the man who would at-
tempt to study social conditions, Prof.
Weaver stated.
The first class of problems which
faces the, modern youth are those
associated with time, he said. Stu-
dents especially complain of lack of
time for their various pursuits. Prof.
Weaver offered the philosophy that
"there is no such thing as time."
Orderliness of endeavor and the vi-
tality resultant from sensible diet and
sleep are the best methods for com-
batting these difficulties, he added.
The second class of problems dis-
cussed was that associated with the
acquisition and retaining of facts.
Instead of blaming professors for as-!
signing too much work, students
should concentrate on developing the
aptitude for holding facts in the
right relationships, Prof. Weaver
stated; it is a talent which can be
acquired by anyone.
The third and most important of
the problems Prof. Weaver discussed
was the changing ideals of a new
era. One must not be afraid to re-
linquish old standards, he said, but
must be sure that the new are big-
ger and greater. "But," he added,
"we must never forget that there are
certain fundamental ideals which are
indisposable and to which we must
All students living in fraternity
houses at Marquette University have
their names, characteristics, and pe-
culiarities listed with the police.

The question of whether or not
traditions should be maintained is
one that troubles almost every cam-
pus. Recently Harvard voted to abol-
ish one of its oldest, and the Univer-
sity of Akron to continue one of
theirs under question.
Last week, President A. B. Conant
of Harvard, acceding to the wishes of
students in the yard, agreed that
Harvard University's college bells
should remain silent in the morning
until 8:40 a. m.
From the time the university was
founded until 1886, the bells rang
each morning at 7 a. m. to call the
students to compulsory chapel serv-
ices. In the latter year compulsory
chapel was abolished, but the tradi-
tional 7 a. m. bells remained on the
For years undergraduates, catching
that last few minutes of sleep before
8 a. m. classes, have cursed the tra-
ditional bells as they roused the en-
tire campus.. A controversy between
the students and college officials had
been going on for years until the new
head of the institution decided what
the students wanted was more im-
portant than ancient traditions.
By a close vote of 385 to 363, stu-
dents at the University of Akron last
week voted against abolishing the
tradition prohibiting smoking on the
University campus.
The question was brought to a
vote by the student government lead-
ers when the Buchtelite, undergradu-
ate newspaper, questioned the use-
fulness of the ancient tradition.
Faculty members retained a some-
what, neutral attitude on the ques-
tion, a great many of the professors
and deans holding that it was a mat-
ter for the students to decide.
Nevertheless, it was understood4
that a final decision on the matter
would be placed in the hands of the
faculty by President Hezzleton E.
Yale University s t u d e n t s have
launched a drive for $20,000 to be
used to support charities in New Ha-
ven and educational projects aided
by Yale in Labrador and China.

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