been offered bus transportation by various individ-
uals who asked only a percentage deposit on the
ticket price. They may be honest, but there is a
great opportunity for them to disappear after col-
lecting a number of these contributions.
So, if you would protect your own interests, be
sure that you do your business with agents who
are authorized and have reliable companies stand-
ing behind them.
4 0
Campus Opmion
Publishedeeymrigecpt odydrn h
University year andSummer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tir'ni 4-1 the Big Ten News Service.
' yOciated tOif af _rg1
1933 O bNi cOV 1934
The Associated Press is exciusivelir entitled to t!--e use
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Telephone 4925,
NIGHTl EDITORS: A. Ellis Bpll, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
Nam G. Ferris, John C. Healey, F. Jerome Pettit, George
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Eleanor Blum, Lois Jotter, Marie
Murphy, Margaret D. Phalan.
REPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Plliott, Courtney
A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas
Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski,
Thomas H. Kleene, Richard E. Lorch, David G. Mac-
Donald, Joel P. Newman, Kenneth Parker, William R.:
ReedRobert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Arthur S.
Settle, Marshall D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur
M. Taub, Phiip T. Van Zile.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hanmer,
Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean. Marjorie Morrison, Sally Place, Rosalie
Resnick, Mary Robinson, Jane Schneider.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
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ham, Minna Giffen, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Janet
Jackson, Isabelle Kanter, Louise Krause, Margaret
Mustard, Nina Pollock, Elizabeth J. Simonds.,
'Zoo In
Budapest'. .
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 500 words if possible.
To The Editor -
The statements regarding the three alumni of
the University in your editorial, "Old Michigan,
Mother of Men" which appeared Nov. 30, were
very unfortunate and suggest the desirability of a
little care in checking doubtful sources of infor-
mation. The records in the case are all easily
available. .
According to the editorial Dr. William J. Mayo,
'83M, of the Mayo Clinic, "we understand got the
sack from the Medical School," while Stewart Ed-
ward White, '95, and Franklin P. Adams (F.P.A.),
"were booted in their freshman years." Reference
to the Alumni Catalogue and the records of the
Registrar's Office will show how absurdly wrong
these statements were.
Dr. Mayo is listed in the Alumni Catalogue as a
graduate of the medical class of 1883 and refer-
ence to the annual catalogue for the year '95-'96
shows his name as included with that class. Stew-
art Edward White was graduated with the class
of 1895, and his name is so listed in the con-
temporary records. Franklin P. Adams, however,
was only enrolled in the University for two se-
mesters. He entered college in 1899 and received
credit for his first semester's work; financial diffi-
culties, however, necessitated his withdrawal in
May, 1900. Inquiry among certain members of
the faculty who knew him well while he was here
will be ample evidence of that fact. Moreover,
there is no record of any disciplinary action on
the part of the faculty. Despite his relatively
short career at the University Frank Adams has
always been very proud of his connection with
the University.
The esteem in which the University has held
these three men is evidenced by the fact that
Dr. Mayo holds two honorary degrees from the
University, an A.M. in 1900 and a Sc.D. in 1908;
White received the honorary degree of A.M. in
1903; and Adams an A.M. in 1914.
In view of these facts we can dismiss as naive,
to say the least, the charge of "indelicacy" on
the part of certain officers who were responsible
for the selection of these names as among the out-
standing alumni of the University. Quite another
direction also might be suggested for that "long
boney editorial finger." Perhaps it is best to say
nothing of the "soft but distinct hiss."
The circumstances suggest an apology to those
three distinguished alumni of the University.
-Wilfred B. Shaw,
Director of Alumni Relations.
Editor's Note -
Mr. Shaw's statements are quite true. The Daily
regrets its egregious mistake.
of health and that an unhealthy skin is occasion-
ally due to some internal derangement.
Thus it becomes apparent that the hygiene of
the skin deals with all the factors important in
maintaining physical well-being, such as moderate
physical exercise, a proper amount of sleep, fresh
air, sunlight, a nutritious diet, the control of con-
stipation, and the drinking of generous amounts
of water to aid in the elimination of toxic prod-
ucts from the body.
The local hygiene of the skin resolves itself in
frequent bathing. Where the skin, especially of
the face, is excessively oily, it should be washed
morning and night with hot water and a good
soap. A satisfactory soap is one which does not
contain an excess of free alkali. Soap is a good
cleanser and little more can be expected of it.
The majority of expensive soaps differ from those
of fair price either in the incorporation of a supe-
rior quality of scent or of a small amount of med-
ication. The period of application of a soap is
ordinarily so short that little therapeutic value
can be expected from the average medicated soap.
Where the complexion is oily, face creams should
be used sparingly if at all. As the skin is nourished
solely from its underlying blood supply, it appears
obvious that the so-called "tissue building" creams
have no real place among toilet accessories. It is
impossible to nourish the skin through external
The frequency with which the scalp should be
shampooed is an individual matter. In the case
of the healthy scalp, usually once a week for men
and once in two weeks for women is a good
average. Where the scalp is excessively oily or
scaly, it should be shampooed more frequently.
Care should be taken that the soap is thoroughly
rinsed out and that the scalp and hair are then
thoroughly dried. The brush and comb should be
kept scrupulously clean. As they occasionally
prove a means of spreading diseases of the scalp,
the practice of using other people's combs and
brushes should be discouraged. Daily brushing of
the scalp is advisable. This not only stimulates
the scalp, helps keep it clean, but also makes the
hair smooth and glossy. Frequent massage stim-
ulates the circulation and is an aid in keeping the
scalp supple. The use of fine combs and the prac-
tice of combing out dandruff should be discouraged.
The daily wetting of the hair to facilitate combing
is inadvisable insofar as it removes the normal
supply of oil and makes the hair dry and brittle.
That this procedure "rots the roots" is obviously
without grounds and belongs to that group of
superstitions to which the story that the hair is
a hollow tube, the end of which should be singed
to prevent loss of nutrition, is also a member.
Musical Events
the Art Cinema League's latest of-
ring, was rated highly in The Daily - perhaps
o highly - the fact still remains that it is not
e kind of show which the League should, or is
pected to present here. It was a re-run in the
st place, having been shown at the Butterfield-
ntrolled Michigan last summer, but in addition,
d more importantly, it did not have the ele-
mts of true "art," with either a capital or lower
se A.
It should be stressed that there is no market
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for shows of
e stamp of "Zoo in Budapest." You can see 200-
d of the best of the ordinary shows here during
e year. But you cannot see "art." And that is
:at the Art Cinemha League is supposed to show
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Last year the Cinema League made an enviable
cord on campus for a first-year organization.
uis year, too, an auspicious start was made
th "Le Million," a racy French musicomedy,
ich was "art" with the small a, and with "Be
ine Tonight," featuring the singing of the Polish
aor, Jan Kiepura, who is "Art" with the cap-
l A.
We urge the Art Cinema League to present a
ried program, including many foreign pictures,
ssibly two French, two German, and two Rus-
n, if, in the concensus of the Executive Board,
is is a fair representation of the best Conti-
ntal films of the hour.
Maybe somebody who should have known better
is meddling with the Cinema League's choosing
len "Zoo in Budapest," with Ham Gene Ray-
nd, and wistful but un-arty Loretta Young, was
ought here. The meddling member or members
the Executive Board should pause and think of
e name of their organization - Art Cinema
!ague - before they select again.
Emphatically, there is a place in Ann Arbor for
Art Cinema League. There is no place for an
ganization which specializes in second-run
oos in Budapest."
acketeering ..
W ITH the approach of Christmas
vacation comes the possibility of a
:urrence of the rackets that last year at this time
ded in loss of money and time by a number of
idents and resulted in the arrest of one agent.
tat is, the unfounded selling of transportation,
To The Editor:
I read Professor Slosson's letter in The Daily,
recently, with much pleasure and appreciation.
He most ably brings attention to the problem of
the many alternatives in relation to the question
of war and points out how complex the matter
of peace really is. But I disagree with the formula
that Professor Slosson has. True, it is his personal
one and it' may suit him; but he ignores what I
think to be one of the most important factors in
war and peace - propoganda. Propoganda is
always a great tool of government in war time.
Through its use in a country, war can be abso-
lutely justified in the minds of citizens. In the
World War the Allies supposedly fought to save
the world from German militarism. In addition
to this the United States was supposedly also
making the world safe for Democracy. Germany
fought to save the Fatherland from the aggression
of the Allied forces. In the eyes of the respective
nationalities each was fighting for the just cause
and the other was wrong.
When war was imminent Professor Slosson
would oppose it unless he expected "the total
benefits to humanity from participation to out-
weigh its numerous, great, and certain evils."
This is all very well, but is a person capable of de-
ciding such a question impartially when a gov-
ernment propoganda bureau is circulating most
convincing evidence that the war will be of abso-
lute benefit to humanity? When a war is already
in progress Professor Slosson would support his
government unless he believed "that the victory of
the enemy would be better for humanity." Would
he have such a belief in the face of a barrage of
patriotic war propoganda?
An illustration of the situation involved was
cited by Fenner Brockway when he spoke here
about two weeks ago. Immediately preceding the
the World War the labor parties of England were
unitedly against war and went so far as to state
that they would not defend their country in case
of a war. When the war came only a negligible
number refused to fight; war propoganda had its
dynamic affect. Perhaps Professor Slosson would
be one of the few exceptions but I doubt if he
would be able to resist social pressure only because
of a personal opinion.
Truth Seeker
Student Health
The basis of judgment of last night's concert
must be, perforce on its own merits, and not by
comparison with any other symphony concert,
namely, with the Boston Symphony, the only other
symphony concert of this season so far. For the
orchestra is of an entirely dissimilar type, a small,
up-and-coming city orchestra; the program was of
an altogether dissimilar make-up, though it con-
tained a Brahms symphony as did the Boston.
The result was enjoyment of an unlike nature,
not intense, or serious, as the enjoyment of the
Boston concert.
Therefore, on its own merits the concert last
night had its appeal for the audience, with the
program made up in the main of easily assimilated
music. The Berlioz overture to "Beatrice and Ben-
edict" was done with Berlioz, the orchestrator, in
mind, for all the orchestral effects and tonal con-
trast was nicely brought out, unextravagant, and
different from the well-known Berlioz as they
were. It had the necessary "delicacy of execution"
which Berlioz stipulated.
The Brahms Third Symphony was conducted
with great meticulousness: every phrase carefully
enunciated, each melody fastidiously picked out.
The unity of the various choirs was a pleasure to
hear, the woodwinds, the horns, doing finely co-
ordinated work. The tonal characteristic, then,
was precision; in fact, the total effect was of
precision with sufficient nuance to keep it alive
and moving. The first three movements in partic-
ular, were clearly handled, in keeping with the
"subtle suggestion of romanticism," with dignity
and reserve. The performance decidedly pleased
the small but appreciative audience.
The Dukas number "Le Peri," with its reminis-
cences of the "Sorcerer's Apprentice," was suc-
cessfully done, with well-worked out glimmer and
glitter, to carry through the wonders of the Per-
sian fairy-tale. The "overcoats and galoshes"
number kept the audience thoroughly entertained;
for this one, a Roumanian Rhapsody of George
Enesco was full of diverting rhythm and singable
melodies. One could imagine oneself sitting in a
beer garden watching a group of gayly-costumed
dancers going through the routines of a Slavic
To complete the enjoyment of the concert, pro-
gram notes were supplied, giving the background
of the works and suggestions as to the type of
music to be expected.
-Saly Place.
DEC. 15
Call her ,up
Out-of-town calls are easy to make, quick an
inexpensive. Below are shown Station-to-Station
rates for three-minute calls "fromn Ann Arbor to"
representative- points.
(4:30 a m.- (7:00,p.m.- (8:30 p.m.-
7:00 p.m.) 8:30 p.m . 4:30 a.m.)
Alpena $1.15 $ .85 $ .60
Chicago ...........1.05 90 .60
Cleveland, 0. . . ,.. .70 .60 .40
Detroit ........ .30 .30 .30
Grand Rapids-......-.80 .60 .40
Marquette .1.80 1.35 .90
Port Huron-------.60 45 .35
(On a call costing 50c or more, a Federal tax applies)
at Dey's
Spedding' s
Rentseh ler's
I .il
........... 11111'4
St's a good number to keepIn mind.
You'll want it if you've
a book, or key or fontain pen, then
if your ve by chance
Scoat, a badge, or hat
will help to find the o'ner. But that
is n't all. If you would like to
a room, or have one rented, the
same litte number will do it. A lot
of oilier things too . . . try it
The Theta Chi fraternity at Rutgers Col-
lege recently received the following message:
"Pete, for gosh sakes write! We are living
in torture during the intervals of your letters."
The missive was signed by 10 members of the
Zeta Tau Alpha sorority here. The president,
vice-president, and keeper of the seal, were
among those who affixed their signatures to
this declaration of dependence. Also included
were the i ushing chairman, who interluded,
"and I do rush" and the historian who re-