R 6, 1933
. .. ... . .. .. .. .
Rough Play Mars
Fast Game;Sherf
Is High Scor er
Defeat Dearborn In Season's Opener,
. ,
Wolverine Five
Loses Because
Of Bad Shooting
Columbia Is Gleeful Over Bid
To Rose Bowl- They Should Be!
Twenty-Three Penalties
Meter Out To Teams In
Hectic Battle
Goaies Play Well
L. David Turns In A Good
Performance In Debut
On First Team
Michigan's first hockey victory of
the season was chalked up against
the Dearborn A. C. team last night,
4 to 3, amid a flurry of penalties,
and pot shots at the net. Twenty-
three times were men sent to the
penalty box, thirteen of them Wol-
verines and ten Dearborn men.W -
Lawrence David, a sophomore and
a newcomer to the Wolverine de-
fense line, performed' brilliantly for
the winners. Not only did he break
up Dearborn scoring plays repeated-
ly, but scored the first goal of his
Michigan career single-handed in the
first period to put the Wolverines
ahead. He ably filled the post left
vacant by Neil Gabler, star of last
year's defense.
Jewell Stars on Defense
Johnny Jewell, Michigan's goalie,
stopped thirty-five shots during the
battle, fourteen of them raining on
him ii the vain last-minute stand
of the Dearborn skaters. Time and
again the stocky net-man threw him-
self full-length in front of the goal
to make almost impossible stops of
hard Dearborn shots. The Dearborn
goal tender checked eighteen poten-
tial Wolverine scores, allowing only
one pass in each of the last two pe-
Michigan scored first in the initial
period when Johnny Sherf, left wing
of the Wolverine offense, made a sen-
sational solo dash down the ice and
lifted the puck neatly past the op-
posing goalie's gloved hand. This
score, coming after seven minutes of
play, was followed in two minutes by
Nacarrots' counter for the A. C. From
a pile-up in front of Michigan's goal
the Dearborn center slid the rubber
past Jewell into the corner of the
Then as the first period neared the
close, Larry David, the Michigan
right-defense man, carried the puck
the entire length of the Arena and
flipped it into the net unassisted.
Second Period Faster
The second period was much fast-
er, and witnessed the majority of
penalties against both teams. Play
on each side was ragged. Arthurs
and Valenti counted for scores early
in the period to even the score, two
all. This excited the crowd and play-
ers further, and mix-ups were fre-
quent. After ten minutes of this
period had elapsed Avon Artz weaved
his way through the opposing first-
line defense and passed to Sherf, who
scored easily.
The final period started with a
much slower and smarter brand of
hockey displayed on both sides. The
score stood even at three points and
neither team was taking chances on
penalties. In the fifth minute of play
the flashy Sherf streaked through the
entire Dearborn defense with the
puck and, unassisted, shot it between
Luther's feet for the winning point.
From then on it was a case of
Dearborn throwing defense to the
winds and sending all five men into
Wolverine territory. Ted Chapman
and Larry David proved their worth
at this point by keeping the puck
well back of the red marker, and
Jewell stopped long shots that Dear-
born drove at him. Greco and Ar-
thurs repeatedly tried for the net,
both long and short shots, but the
Michigan defense tightened and pre-
vented a conversion.
Sherf was easily the star of the
game on offense, with his solo dashes
down the rink and heads-up defen-
sive play.
Michigan Dearborn
Jewell ........ Goal ........Luther
L. David ...... R.D............ Vail.
Chapman .. . ... L.D........Arthurs
G. David (c) . . R.W........ Valenti
Sherf ...........L.W..........Greco
Substitutions: Michigan -Stewart
for Chapman, Onderdonk for Artz,
McAcheron for G. David. Dearborn
-Trimarco for Vail, Duggan for Na-
Scoring: Michigan -Sherf, 3; L.
David. Dearborn - Nacarrots, Ar-
thurs, Valenti.
Penalties: Michigan - G. David, 4;
Sherf, 5; L. David, 2; Chapman; Mc-
Acheron. Dearborn - Arthurs, 6;
Trimarco, 2; Nacarrots; Valenti.
hockey Begins In Blaze Of Penalties
Toronto Mourns Athlete ....
* * *
WELL THE ICE-CUTTING INDUSTRY is on again locally and for the
benefit of those who want to know, the Michigans beat the Dearborns
last night four to three by scoring more goals than the visitors. I am here
to state that while Lowrey's gang did not exactly play a game of ring-
around the rosie, their hockey was more than somewhat ragged.
Put it down to the fact that it was the opening game of the season,
add one finicky referee, mix well with the Dearborns and you have last
night's battle. The Michigans scored most of their goals due to a lament-
able tendency on the part of the Dearborns to leave only one defense man
in front of the goalie while the rest of them put on a "Custer's Last Stand"
act around the Maize and Blue net with Jack Jewell, Michigan net minder,
playing a swell Custer without benefit of moustache.
In the course of time, Johnny Sherf would get the puck and skate past
the lone defense man and the Dearborn goalie would stage a puck-hunt
back in the dark, dark depths of the net.
The Dearborns' goals were mostly scored from pileups in front of the
Michigan goal that looked like the Laocoon group only I couldn't see the
snake anywhere although I looked.
MICHIGAN ALSO WON ON PENALTIES by a score of 13 to 10. Not
even the Oldest Inhabitant, palsied and muttering into his beard, could
remember a hockey game with so many penalties, or one where the Mich-
igan's outscored the opposition in this department.
Ten and thirteen makes either twenty-three or twenty-something. I
might remark that if the boys in the penalty box had decided to play
something, it would have been a much more important game than there was
on the ice from the standpoint of numbers at any rate.
Referee Farrell jerked his thumb toward the penalty box so many
times that I was in constant fear he would have to be carried from the
ice with a worn-out thumb. The only people I could see who played
the game through were the two goalies and Mr. Farrell, although I ex--
pected one of the goalies to be penalized any time for making faces or
In the course of all these penalties Coach Eddie Lowrey, Michigan's
one-man cheering section, nearly went berserk.
* * * * *
As A.
Ford Plays Well
Sophomore In His
Varsity Game
THE CITY OF TORONTO is staging a man-hunt, while the University
of Toronto is mourning the death of Johnny Copp, regular halfback
on the Varsity football team, winner this season of Canadian Intercollegiate
laurels. Copp, mentioned for next year's captaincy, was shot in the abdomen
last Friday night as he threw himself on a "cat-burglar" attempting to rob
a residence.
The football star died late Sunday, according to the Toronto Mail and
Empire, and the shocking affair has aroused a nation-wide stir concerning
the illegal possession of lethal weapons.
Our editorial condolences to Toronto and the University.
State Tilt Saturday
SI~e I ___IU I
Michigan Field Goals Are
Made By Sophomores;
12 Wolverines Play
Coach Franklyn Cappon began an
intensive campaign yesterday to iron
out of his basketball team the nu-
merous weaknesses they revealed in
taking a 24 to 11 beating from West-
ern State Monday night.
Cappon thought that the team's
outstanding weakness was its inabil-
ity to take advantage of scoring op-
portunities -as is demonstrated by
the fact that they only scored three
field goals during the evening.
"Their passes were poor at times,
but as good as could be expected at
this stage of the season. What hurt
was their inability to cash in on easy
'dogs' under the basket or set shots
from around the foul line," is the
mentor's way of expressing it.
Prepare For State
Yesterday's drill in preparation for
the next battle with Michigan State
here Saturday night was character-
ized by more than an hour of basket-
shooting alone.
"You can't say much about the
brilliant work of any one player
when a team scores only 11 points,"
said Cappon, "But George Ford did
pretty well for a sophomore playing
in his first Varsity game."
The Michigan passing clicked
rather well in the first half at Kala-
mazoo but under the basket the Wol-
verines were impotent.
Plummer put the Wolverines ahead
for the only time when he scored
the first point on a free throw. Both
teams played defensive ball during
the first stanza, with the Hilltoppers
leading by two points at the inter-
mission, the score being 6 to 4.
Last Half Is Runaway
Coming out for the second period
the Kalamazoo outfit literally ran
away with the game, bagging goal
after goal while holding the Wol-
verines virtually scoreless. Verigo
with nine points and Leiphan with
seven were the leading scorers for
Coach Buck Read's outfit while Jab-
Ilonsky bagged thegrand total of
three points to lead the Wolverine
scorers. The Michigan baskets, all
three of them, were made by Jab-
lonsky, Rudness and Ford.
The same team that started against
the Hilltoppers Monday will probably
get the call Saturday night, accord-
ing to Cappon. That will place Al-
len at center, Ford and Plummer at
the forward positions and Captain
Petoskey and Oliver at the guards.
Twelve men were used Monday and
if the starting combination fails to
click Saturday night most of these
twelve will probably see service again
against the strong Spartan outfit.
The Annual Rose Bowl Game on{
New Year's day used to be for "The
National Championship." e i
This year two football teams wills
again clash in the Rose Bowl on Jan-
uary first but anyone who imagines
it will be for the championship ofa
the United States will have a couplea
more surmises coming.
Columbia's mighty lion will go1
roaring out of the East on Dec. 19 to
gird its loins for the Battle of the,
Roses and Stanford's man-eaters will
be encamped on the plains of Pasa-
dena awaiting the Eastern foe.-
There's a laugh in all that, forCo-
lumbia's lion must have been, down
in the mouth when they took it on
the chin from Princeton 20-0 and
eked out a scant three-point victory
over Cornell and the Stanford jug-
gernaut couldn't have felt very vo-
racious the day they lost to Wash-
ington, 6 to 0, nor on the day when
they let Northwestern's Wildcats hold
them to a scoreless tie.
Practices Continued
But it must not be a laugh to those
Stanford players who have to spend
the next three weeks rubbing each
State Coaches To
Hold Meeting Here
Sure, it's great for the old gradsc
who can blow about it, "Say, Colum-
bia, that's my Alma Mater, going to
the Rose Bowl, pretty good, eh?" But
its just three more weeks of daily
practice for the players.
"Stanford officials expressed de-1
light at Columbia's acceptance of theI
bid." There's another laugh there. It's1
like inviting a flock of people for3
dinner, then learning that most of
the ones you wanted can't come.
When the least desirable guest callsa
up, you gush all over him, "Oh, yes,
Mr. Blah Blah, we're delighted to
have you come!"
Stanford officials must have gone
into the highways and by-ways, of-
fering everything from the keys to
Pasadena to the Pacific Ocean to lure
a team to come west after the Big
Ten, Big Three and Army had all in-
dicated they wouldn't accept a bid.
Columbia Is Happy Choice
After all, Columbia was a happy
choice. They need the publicity. May-
be next year they'll be able to build
something besides that dinky wooden
bathtub they now have for their "Na-
tional Champions" to play in-may-
other's nose in the mud when they
could all be gorging themselves on
California's milk and honey, nor do
the boys from New York laugh when
they contemplate that enforced ab-
stention from the hard drinks which
the Empire State ushered in last
night for three dry weeks, and the
reams of studying they'll have to,
make up when their Rose Bowl spe-
cial docks in New York again some
time in January.
After three cuts to date Coach
Fisher still has 40 frosh cagers w
ing out nightly in Waterman (
Coach Fisher plans to make one r
cut to 20, and will then take
squad to the Field House for a
noon practices. Over 90 men repc
for the first workouts, begun a
three weeks ago.
Several men have already r
themselves outstanding in the n.
ly scrimmages, including Peter
of Ann Arbor, Harry Solomon
graduate of DetroitaNorthern
has had experience at Ypsi Non
and Chris Everhardus, of Kal
zoo Central, a brother of the
ball star.
Numerous frosh grid stars are
making bids for berths on the sc
with Ferris Jennings, Ann A
Frank Lett, Battle Creek, John R
of Detroit, and Walter Swart
Lansing Eastern.
Jennings was quarterback or
frosh Phys. Ed. grid squad.
All sophomores and s e c o
semester freshmen who are in
ested in trying out for tr
managership report after 4 o'c
any day this week at Yost F
Charles Parvin, Mg
The Tenth Annual Basketball'
Rules meeting of the state high
school basketball coaches and offi-
cials will be held next Saturday in
Ann Arbor with morning, luncheon,
and afternoon sessions scheduled.
The morning session will include a
demonstration by Coach Jimmy Bar-
clay's state champion Flint Northern
squad on the Field House court. The
squad will put 'on a full time game
playing one quarter with no dribble,
one quarter with a one-bounce drib-
ble, one quarter with no center tip-
off and the last quarter under the
regulation rules.
The afternoon session will be de-
voted to the regular rules discussion,
taking up rule changes of the na-
tional body and interpretations, and
the usual proposals for further rule
Members of the association will at-
tend the Michigan-Michigan State
game in the evening as guests of the
Athletic Association.
Fisher Plans!
Final Cut F
Forty Now Practicin
Waterman Gym Nig
Several Gridders 41
Santa Clara-St.
Mary's Athletic
Action Follows As Result
Of Il1 Feeling Aroused
By Grid Game Nov. 19
SANTA CLARA, Cal., Dec. 4.-()-
University of Santa Clara today broke
off all athletic relations with St.
Mary's college.
Announcement of the break
between the two Catholic institutions
was made by the Rev. James J. Lyons,
S.J., president of Santa Clara, who
said the action was taken unanimous-
ly by the board of athletic control,
pursuant to his recommendations.
The board's action followed a letter
sent by Father Lyons to the chan-
cellor of St, Mary's advising him of
his conclusions, reached since the
Santa Clara-St. Mary's football game
of Nov. 19, that it was in the "best
interests" of Santa Clara to termi-
nate athletic relations.
Calls Rivals "Unsportsmanlike."
After that game Coach Maurice
(Clipper) Smith of Santa Clara ac-
cused the St. Mary's players of un-
sportsmanlike conduct.
St. Mary's authorities took offense
at the remarks and demanded an
apology. Coach Smith later said he
hadbeen "misquoted. The explana-
tion was not considered satisfactory
by St. Mary's officials and at the time
Louis Lefevre, graduate manager, an-
nouced the "incident was not closed."
A poll of members of the St. Mary's
board of athletic control then dis-
closed they were in favor of severing
relations with Santa Clara. Nothing
more was done on the matter, how-
St. Mary's is operated by the Chris-
tian brothers, while Santa Clara is a
Jesuit institution.
The preliminary matches of the
Inter-fraternity wrestling meet will
be held tonight, beginning at 7:30
p. m. and the championship
matches will take place tomorrow
night,not the following week as
previously announced.
I a d.
Big Ten Swim
Coaches Will
Se t Schedule
The new silver loving cup which
goes with the Intramural Volleyball
championship was awarded to Alpha
Delta Pi, winner of the 1933 tourna-
ment, last night at the Athletic Board
Meeting. This gives Alpha Delta Pi
the first of three legs necessary for
permanent possession of the trophy.
The victors clinched -their title by
decisively beating Alpha Xi Delta in
the finals with a score of 40 to 21.
The sport was only added to the
official list this fall, but its popu-
larity seems assured from the large
number.of teams which entered com-
* * *.
Ice hockey will be one of the first
winter sports to start practice on the
indoor schedule. Thursday afternoon
at 1:45 the puck enthusiasts will
gather at the Varsity Arena, and
under the tutelage of Varsity hockey
mentor Eddie Lowrey, begin a sea-
son of intensive drill.
This activity may be taken either
for gym credit or pleasure. It is not
yet too late to enter the group, and
all those interested are asked to sign
up at Barbour Gymnasium.
Xmas Cary
Church at South University
Ann Arbor
Gopher Swimming
Nucleus Will Be
Up Of 6 Veterans
Carideo Will
Western Conference swimming will
get under way officially this week
after the Big Ten coaches meet in
Chicago Friday to draft the confer-
ence schedule for the 1934 season.
As usual, Michigan and Northwest-
ern are expected to be the class of
the conference but Minnesota, with
At U Of Missouri'
COLUMBIA, Mo., Dec. 5.-(/')-
Mercer Arnold, chairman of the ex-
ecutive board of the University of
Missouri curators, says Frank Ca-
rideo, former Notre Dame star will
remain as football coach next season,
although his team won only one game
and lost eight this season.
Arnold, who emphasized he was
speaking as an individual and not for
the board, said the board was con-
sidering no changes in the football
coaching staff.
E erEAwaited
and here it
six veterans back from last year's
Varsity, will have to be considered a
dangerous opponent.
Coach Niels Thorpe, Gopher swim-
ming mentor for the past eleven
years, is counting on these six vet-
erans to form a nucleus for his swim-
ming squad. Weakened somewhat by
graduation, a further setback by the
failure of two of the stars of last
year, Max Moulton and Bill Blaisdell,
to return to school, will somewhat
hurt the Gopher's chances. Blaisdell,
although not to be compared with
Dick Degener, was a springboard art-
ist of ability and Moulton was the
Conference back-stroke champion.
The six veterans are led by Capt.
Wilbur Andre, breast stroke, who
placed second in the Big Ten meet
two years ago. In addition to Andre
in the breast stroke, Thorpe is relying
on Leonard Rush, a junior, to count
points for the Gophers in the same
event with the Minnesota captain.
Thor Anderson, the third member
of the veterans, must be considered
the outstanding Gopher contender in
the back stroke. Also in this event,
Thorpe has Wesley Webb, a sopho-
more of considerable ability. Other
veterans are Clint Rosene, Charles
Ketola and Ordway Swennes.
In addition to Webb, several soph-
omores are outstanding including
Charles Sage, Charles Mulally and
Harry Knight, all in the breaststroke,
and Louis Hess and John Wentz in
the backstroke.
3 Gridders To Be
Of Value In Track
At least three Varsity Football
players are counted on to garner val-
uable pointy for Michigan's track
team this year. They're Willis Ward,
Howard Triplehorn and John Vier-
Ward is even more valuable to the
track team than to grid Coach Harry
Kipke. ,He is a star high jumper,
sprinter and hurdler and besides this
puts the shot and broad jumps. He,
was high point winner of the 1933
Triplehorn and Viergever, both
newcomers to the squad, are expected
to develop into point-winners. Triple-
horn was a halfback on the grid
squad and reported for track at the
close of the season. Coach Charlie
Hoyt considers him a likely dashman.
Viergever, a tackle whose name
caused considerable amusement to
radio listeners, is a weightman.
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