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December 06, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-12-06

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all 'Members of the
University Copy received at'the office of the Assistant to the President
~Until 3:30; 11:30 a.11m.Saturday.

VOL. XLIV No. 62
tireident and Mrs. Ruthven will be
It hdi te to students of the University.
on Wednesday, December 6, from
four to six o'clock.
University Radio Talk: Ross T. Bit-
tinger, instructor in Decorative De-
sign in the College of Architecture
will talk on "Design" at 2:00 p. M.!
today over station WJR.S
Advis&irs to Freshmen, College of
1IMteratihe, Selence, and the Arts: Ad-
visdis to freshmen are asked to refer
to Professor Hussey or Professor
VanderVelde, in 1204 Angell Hall, all
requests for the approval of elections
ndt listed' under "Freshmnan Elec-
tiohs," printed on page 35 of our
current Announcement.
W. R. HUmphreys
Pre-0M dical Students: The apti-
tiide tests for students expecting to
to apply for admission to a medical
school by the fall of 1934 will be
given in Room 25, Angell Hall, from
3 to 5 o'clock on Wednesday, Decem-
ber 6. Receipts showing payment of
tble dollar fee must be presented at
the door. BE ON TIME.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Seniors: Your pictures for the 'En-
sian must be taken by Dec. 15. Abso-
lutely no pictures will be accepted
after this date.4
All Sophomores in the Literary Col-
lege are asked to pay their class dues
of 5fc during the coming week. There
will be class representatives in the
lobby of Angell Hall, Tuesday and
"edneisday during the morning ses-
sidris and early afternoon classes.'
Uniyersty Loan Committee: The
Loan Committee will meet on Friday,
December 8, at 1:30 p. in., in Room 2,
University Hall. Students who have
filed applications with the Office of
the Dean of, Students should call at
that oftice far an appointment with
the d6mmittee-
J. A. Bursley, Chairman.
Academic Notices
'J4du6a iioin A102, Contemporary Ed-
ucatlon in America and Foreign
Lands. This course will meet next
semester Mondays and Wednesdays
't 110 o'Clodk (instead of Wednes-
days, 10- 2o'lok as tated in the
School of Education Announcemerit).
Enkilish 104. Special reading course
fdr Jimibrs. This couise is designed
'for Julors Who intend to become
+andIdates for Honors in English (see
Ptge 107 of the Announement). Se-
edted w6?ks of Spenser, Milton,
"SWift, Wordswofth, Tennyson, Ar-
nold, and others will be studied inten-
siyely. Conferences. Written reports.
Adinlisslnonly by permission of the
instructor. Time and place of meeting
to be arranged. Three hours credit.
Second semester.
Mr. Weaver, instructor in the
course, will "be available for confer-
ehde during his regular office hours
or by appointment.
University Lecture: Thursday, De-
cem ber 7, 4:15 p. mn., in Natural
Science Auditorium. Dr. E. C. Case,
Director of the Museum of Pale6n-
tology: "The Modern Biologist's At-
titude Toward the Problem of Life."
This is the third in a series of
,Jniversity lectures by members of
Uniiversity of Michigan faculty. 'the
public is cordially invited.
Public Lecture: In connection with
the current exhibition of modern Jap-
anese prints, Benjamin March, lec-

turer on Far Eastern art, will give a
public lecture on "The Art of the
Color-Print" Sunday afternoon, De-
celber 10, at 3 o'clock; west gallery,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
the Division of Fine Arts an-
nounces the exhibition of Einosuke
Yamanouchi's collection of contem-
po'ary Japanese color-prints and
old'er ukiyo-e paintings, west gallery,
Alumni Memorial Hall, open free

daily 8 to 5, Sunday to to 5, through
the month of 'December.
Events Today
Botanical Seminar: Meets at 4:30,
room 1139, N.S. Bldg. Paper by F.
G. Gustafson "Growth Harmones."
Public Review of Scenes from "Ju-
lius Caesar." The class in The Oral
Interpretation of Dramatic Literature
(Speech 164) will give a review of
the principal scenes from "Julius
Caesar" tonight promptly at 7:30,
Room 205 Mason Hall. This will be a
platform rather than a stage presen-
tation. The cast will change from
scene to scene so that each member
of the class may take part. Persons
interested are invited to this review.
Chemical Engineering Seminar:
Mr. O. T. Zimmerman will be the
speaker at the Seminar at 4 o'clock,
room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg., on the sub-
ject, "The Pressure Volume and Tem-
perature Relationships of Petroleum
Luncheon for Graduate Students
at the League, at 12 o'clock. Cafeteria
service. Professor Arthur Lyon Cross
of the History Department will tell
the story of the extraordinary trial
involving the alleged heir of Sir
Francis Drake, in which he was re-
cently called upon to testify.

dents from 4 to 6 p. m. at which
time tea will be served.
Stalker Hall: Open house. 4:30-
5:30. Tea will be served. All students
interested in Stalker Hall's program
are cordially and personally invited.
Dr. John L. Seaton, president of
Albion College, will be honored by a
dinner at the Hall, Friday, Dec., 8th.,
All Michigan faculty members and
students who are alumni of Albion as
well as Stalker Hall members are
urged to attend. Kindly make reser-
vations through Charles Stocking,
'34, or G. B. 'Halstead, Phone 6881.
Tickets 25 cents.
Theosophy: Your present condition
-the result of your past lives, and
that you are now making your own
future, is shown in the phase of the
teaching of "Karman - The Law of
Consequences," to be discussed in the
Michigan League at 8 p. m. This is
in connection with the local lodge of
the Theosophical Society of Point
Loma, California. All are welcome.
Questions invited.
Michigan Dames: Music and Drama
Groups will meet at the home of Mrs.
Daniel Gage, 722 Packard St., at 8:00
p. m. There will be a Christmas pro-
gram in charge of Mrs. Reekie.
Needlecraft Section Of the Art Di-
vision of the Faculty Woman's Club
meets this afternoon at the home of
Mrs. A. K. Morris, Washtenaw road.

Heads Hague Court

University Oratorical Contest: A
preliminary meeting of the contes-
tants for the UniversitytOratorical
contest will be held in the Alpha Nu
Room on the Fourth Floor of Angell
Hall at 4 p. m. Rules governing the
contest and suggestions for the writ-
ing of speeches will be given. Any stu-
dent who meets the University eligi-
bility rules may participate.
Alpha Nu meets in the Alpha Nu
room, fourth floor Angell Hall. Pro-
gram consists of a debate between
members and pledges. General public
is cordially invited.
Sociedad Bispanica meets at 7:30
p. m., Michigan League. All those in-
terested in the Society are cordially
invited to attend, and it is especially
urged that all members be present.
Deutscher Zirkel: Christmas party,
at 8:00 p. m. in League. Refresh-
ments. For members and all inter-
ested. Those attending are requested
to bring a small (ten-cent store)
Scabbard & Blade: Regular meet-
ing,-7:30 p. m. in room posted Mich-
igan Union.
Sphinx meeting this noon at the
Freshman Glee Club meeting at
4:45 p. n., Glee Club Room at the
Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear-'
sal 7:15 to 8:15 this evening. Formal
dress for those attending reception
R.O.T.C. Battalion parade with
Varsity-R.O.T.C. Band at Waterman
Gymnasium 1:15 p. m. Public is in-
Ensian Business Staff meeting at
Outdoor Club: There will be a
meeting of the officers and executive
council tonight at Lane Hall at 7:30,
to decide on the activities of the next
two weeks. Those participating in
the meeting are requested to arrive
promptly, as the group is adjourning
to another meeting place. Transpor-
tation provided.
Sophomore Women; All sophomore
women who have signed up as offi-
cials for the Sophomore Cabaret
must report to the meeting at the
League at 4:00 p. m.
Mixed Badminton: The mixed stu-

Coming Events
Second Freshmen Lecture in Hy-
giene for Men, will be given in Wa-
terman Gymnasium Thursday and
Friday, December 7 and 8 at 3, 4 and,
5 p. m. This requirement includes all!
freshmen in the regiular physical
training classes, athletic squads and
others that have been excused from
these groups.
Graduate Students in English are
invited to a tea on Thursday, De-
cernber 7, at 4:00 p. m. in the Alum-
nae Room cf the Michigan League,
to be given by the English Depart-
English Graduate Students: The
regular monthly meeting of the Eng-
lish Journal Club will be held in the
League, Friday, December 8, at 4 p.
m. Subject: Freudian psychology and
literary scholarship. Discussion by Jo-
seph Palmer, Theodore Hornberger,
and Leo Kirschbaum. Members pres-
ent at the first meeting are requested
to register their names and addresses
in the secretary's office, 2212 Angell
The Interpretative Arts Society:
There will be an open meeting of this
society on Thursday evening, Decem".
ber 7, at 7:30 in Room 302 Mason
Hall. A program of readings will bel
given by Ruth Poat, Kenneth Dow,
Wilma Brandon, Ruth Chadwick,
Mary Manchester, and Cecile Poor.
Visitors are cordially invited to hear
this program. Following the program
the cast for "The School for Scandal"
will rehearse.
A.S.C.E.: Meeting at the Union at
7:30 p. in. Thursday, Dec. 7.
Polonia Literary Circle will meet
Thursday, December -7, at 8 p. in.,
Michigan League. All members are
urged to be present.
Delta Epsilon Pi will meet in room
319 of the Michigan Union on Fri-
day, December 8, at 8:30 p. m. It is
imperative that all members attend
this meeting. Initiation of pledges
will be conducted.
Mimes: Meeting in Room 302 of
the Union at 5:00 Thursday, Dec. 5.
All members must be present.
Ice Hockey for Women: The first
practice will be held on Thursday,
December 8, at 1:45 at the Coliseum.
Students are to bring their own
skates; all other equipment is fur-
Faculty Rifle Shoot: R.O.T.C. Hall,
Thursday, Dec. 7, at 7:30 p. m. Mem-
bers of the faculty, graduate students,
and friends are invited.

-Associated Press Photo
Sir Cecil Hurst of Great Britain,
is the new president of 'the Perma-
nent Court of International Justice
at The Hague. He succeeds Mineich-
iro Adachi of Japan.
F 1 ,
SBrent D Murde
Murder Trial
The trial of Brent Dunn, charged
with the murder of John Reinhart
on Oct. 10, got under way yesterday
as a jury of 10 men and two women
were pickedabefore Circuit Judge
George W. Sample.
During the afternoon session testi-
mony of Coroner E. C. Ganzhorn,
who removed the body to the hospi-
tal, and other medical witnesses, was
Following the Dunn case will be
that of George Reed, Detroit fireman,
who was sentenced last spring for
the murder of his wife, and Ransom
Hawley, Jr., facing trial on a charge
of robbery armed. Prosecutor Albert
J. Rapp hopes to definitely close all
'three of the cases during the present
jury term.
Standard Time, now taken forI
granted by everyone, was established
just 50 years ago. It was a principle
worked out by Dr. Charles Ferdinand
Dowd, a school teacher at Saratoga
Springs, N.Y. Before that time each
community kept its own time, based
on the sun's position over the town.
This worked all right until railroads
began to run through the towns, when
it became necessary to have two or
three times in every community.

Students Earn
Money Giving
Blood To Sick
All Those Applying Must
Pass Rigid Test Before
Transfusion Is Made
Statistics issued by the University
Hospital recently indicate that the
giving of blood transfusions form a
substantial source of income to stu-
dents and other residents of Ann Ar-
bor. It was stated, however, that all
donors are subjected to rigid physical
examinations before they are permit-
ted to perform the transfusions.
A certificate of general good health
is required from the Health Service,
and a careful physical examination
is administered at the Hospital. Here
the blood count is checked, and the
blood is testedfor any poisons or in-
fections which it might be carrying.
The Kahn Test for venereal diseasej
is also required. It is also deemed
advisable to accept only those sub-
jects who have had sensitization tests
so that such illnesses as hay fever
will not be transmitted.
Donors fall into four classes, and
the blood of each must correspond
with that of the patient to which it
is to be administered unless the do-
nor is of the fourth, or universal,
class. A donor is not used more than
once every two months, and 600 cu-
bic centimeters of blood is the maxi-
mum amount used each time. Ten
dollars is the minimum price paid
for a donation, the scale being $5 for
every 100 cubic centimeters or frac-
tion thereafter up to the 600 cubic
centimeters maximum. Thus it is
possible for a donor to earn $30 with
one donation.
Transfusions are required for a
number of reasons. Aenemic people
often need them. Hemorrhages, ab-
normal bleeding, and haemophilia are
some of the other causes. Haemo-
philia is the disease in which the
blood does not clot, and which,
though occurring only in males, is
transmitted only by females.
Two common methods for convey-
ing the blood from the donor to the
patient are used. 'In medicine, after
the blood has been extracted from a
vein in the arm, sodium citrate is
mixed with it to keep it from clotting
until the injection can be made. In
surgery the same method of extrac-
tion is commonly followed, but the,
blood is drawn into parafined tubes
which keep the blood from clotting.
in te rs Attending
Engineers Meeting

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-1ic per reading line
son basis of fve average words to
lin for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or more
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10%..discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
month.................... .8c
4 lines E. O. D., 2 months........3c
2 lines daily, college year.......7c
4 linies E. 0. D., college year.. 7c
100 lines used as desired.......c
3Q0 lines used as desired ...... .8c
1.000 lines used as desired.......7c
2,000 lines used as desired.......6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eiglt readting lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
''6c, per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7 point
LOST: In front of Mosher hall a
platinum dinner ring with three
large diamonds. Reward. Please re-
turn to 543 Mosher. 195
WE DO your laundry work for one-
half the usual price. Phone 2-3739.
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
Mountaineers, Moose Hall, Friday,
December 8th. Admission 25c.
FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001.
1933, 1932, 1931, 1930 models. 12x
ARCADE CAB. Dial 6116. Large coin-
fbrtable cabs. Standard 'rates.
LIRETTE'S shampoo and finger wave
75c every day. Dial 3083. 103
After a study of answers to a ques-
tionnaire sent to more than 4,000
boy and girl high school students,
covering about 100 questions, Dr.
Ruth Strang, assistant professor of
education at Teachers College, Co-
lumbia University, decided that high
school students today have little
knowledge of manners and etiquette.
The 100 questions covered such items
as table manners, where to walk with
a young lady, etc.

Oratorical Finals For
Filipinos To Be Dec.


The finals in an oratorical contest
among Filipino students of America
will be held at 3 p. in., Dec. 7, in the
Lane Hall Auditorium. Carl G.
Brandt, of the speech department,
will judge the contest, and the win-
ner will speak Dec. 30, at the Statler
Hotel in Detroit, according to Rufino
Nollido, of the Philippine Michigan
Club, who explained that the contest
WS;3 held in connection with the
death of Dr. Jose Rizal, Philippine
national hero.


RIDE WANTED Christmas vacation;
a ride to Springfield, Mass., or
vicinay. Call 4618 after seven.
new suits and overcoats. Will pay
3, 4, 5, and 8, 9 dollars. Phone Ann
Arbor, 4306, Chicago Buyer. 5x
FOR SALE: Wardrobe trunk, like
new, $18.00. Phone 2-2304. 194
TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
cars. On'ly standard rates. ix

A New
Guaranteed Radio Service
615 E Wi SA LES
615 E. William Phone 7912






Matinees 10c - Evenings 15c
"Savage Gold"

aen club will meet as usual at 7:30
p. M. in Barbour Gymnasium. A.S.M.E. Student-Faculty Dinner:
The date of the A.S.M.E. Dinner has
S.C.A. Forum on the fine arts at been changed from Wednesday to
4:15 p. in., in "D" Lecture Room, Thursday, Dec. 7. The program con-
Alumni Memorial Hall. Professor sists of several short talks by fac-
Beinet Weaver will speak on the sub- ulty 'men on engineering develop-
ject of "Literature." ments and economic conditions in the
Philippines, South America, Poland,
Harris Hall: Open house 'for stu- and Northern Europe. The dinner is

I' l

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