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November 03, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-03

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Americans Intellectually



Observes East Indian Stu

Announced For

r .

Former Star Weds

Pledge Dances
Are Scheduled
For Week-End

nion Formnal
Co Q iMtee, Van Boven's,
Union To Sell Tickets;
Late Permission Given
Members of the committee for the
fourth annual Union Formal, to be
held Nov. 17, were announced yes-
terday by Robert E. Saltzstein, '34,
president. 'Alil are members of the
Union Executive Council.
Leading the list are James Wal-
lace, '35, and Richard Shoupe, '35.
Other members are Theodore Borst,
'35, Laurence Clayton, '35, Owen
Crumilpacker, '35, Neil Dillon, '35,
John Donaldson, '35, Henry Felker,
'35E, Dexter Goodier, '35, John Hea-
ley, '35, Melvin Kempner, '35, Lewis
Kearns, '35, William Isaacson, '35,
Allan McCombs, '35, and Douglas
Welch, '35.
Bernie Cummins' orchestra will
play for the annual dance, which is
the first major social event of the
season.. The orchestra will come here
direct from the Trianon Ballroom in
Chicago, where they have been play-
ing for the past 18 months.,Before
that they were in New York City, at
the Hotel Biltmore and Hotel New
Yorker, and in Atlanti City .
Tickets were placed on sale sev-
eral days ago and are going much
faster that was expected, according
to Wallace. They are being sold by
members of the committee, at the
Union main desk, and at Van Bo-
Dancing will be continuous from
9 p. m. to 2 a. in., it was announced,
and features of the evening will in-
clude the opening of the Tower to
Guests, as well as the Taproom. This
is the' first time that the Tower has
been opened 'to patrons of a dance
since early last year, councilmen said.
patrons for the party will include
th~ ,members of the Board of Direc-
to#s of the Union and their wives, as
well as Regent and Mrs. Junius E.
Special late permission for women
studlents attending the party will be
gradted by the office of the Dean of
Woien. '
Pledgirigs By
Several fouses
Are Announced
A number of women are leaving
Ann Arbor for the week-end, some
to attend the Illinois game at Cham-
paign. Several sorority and frater-
nity, pledgings have also been an-
nounced recently.
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Chi Omega announces the-
pledging of Jeanne Johnson, '37, of
Detroit. Mary Morgan, '36, and Dor-
othy Adams, '36, are visiting the
Century of Progress Exposition in
Chicago over the week-end, while
Lucile Betz, '35, and Barbara Gene
Owens, '35, will visit in Toledo, 0.
Delta Sigma Pi
Delta Sigma Pi announces the
pledging of E. Wendell' Smith,
'35BAd, of East Lansing, and Clyde
Renwick, '35BAd, of Ypsilanti.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Alpha Theta entertained
nine guests at a rushing dinner last
night.Thedecorations were yellow
roses and candles.
Kappa Delta
Many members of Kappa Delta
are leaving Ann Arbor for the week-
end. Among those who will visit in
Detroit are Margaret Ballard, '36,
Elizabeth Harris, '34, Margaret Cole,
'34, Virginia Lee, '34 Elizabeth

Moore, '36, Ella Mae Broome, '35,
Helen Rankin, '36, Harriett Jennnigs,
'34, Prudence Foster, '34, Elizabeth
Cooper, '34Ed., and Martha McIn-
tosh, '34. Edna Dalby, '36, and Nan-
cy Johrson,''35, 'are leaving for Bir-
mingham. Mildred Stroup, '36SM, is
visiting in Grand Rapids, and Eudora
Frazee, '36, is spending the week-end
in Kalamazoo.
Phi Sigm-a Sigma
Genevieve F. Field, '35, Frances S.
Burnstine, '36, Harriet S. Jacobs, '36 1
and Lillian Magasiner, '36, will at-
tend the Illinois game at Cham-
paign this week-end.'
Honorary Society
Fixes Acceptance
Date As Nov. 17
The closing date for acceptance of
bids for membership into Phi Kappa
Phi, national honorary scholastic so-
ciety, has been fixed as Nov. 17, it
was announced recently. The upper

Fraternities, Sororities
Entertain; Sigma Phi'
Give House Party


-Associated Press Photo
Raymond C. "Tay" Brown, former
star tackle for the University of
Southern California, is shown with
his bride, formerly Helen Tucker of
Los Angeles. They were married in
Cincinnati, where Brown is line coach
at the University of Cincinnati.
Druids To Give
Victory Ball At
League Nov. 10
Under the sponsorship of the Dru-
ids, senior honorary society of the
literary school, a Victory Ball will
be given in honor of the Michigan
football team Nov. .10 in the League
ballroom. The dance, which will last
from 9:30 p. m. to 1 a. in., will be
informal. Negotiations are being
made with a prominent out of town
band to furnish the music, and a
floor show of campus talent will be
givent. Final arrangements will be
announced at a later date,with the
list of patrons for the dance.
According to John B. Deo, '34, who
is in charge of the ticket sales, 250
tickets will be offered for sale at one
dollar each. Tickets may be pro-
cured at the Union, League, Hut,
Den, or the Parrot.
Rabbi Safra To Speak
At Forum Sunday Night
Members of the temporary com-
mittee in charge of affairs for the
Avukah, local student's Zionist Chap-
ter, were announced last night. They
are as follows: Jack Kraisman, chair-
man; Irving Borak, Ted Grushko,
Julius Greenberg, Ted Weiss, William
Ornstein, Benjamin Baum, and Sid-
ney Orkin.
The committee has arranged an
open forum to be held at 8 p. m.
Sunday at the Hillel Foundation.
The principal speaker will be Rabbi
M. J. Safra, an outstanding Zionist
leader, who will speak on "What
Zionism Should Mean to the Stu-
Athena o Conduct
Tryouts On Monday
At a meeting of the executive com-
mittee of Athena Literary and Foren-
sic Society last night, it was de-
cided to hold additional tryouts for
women interested in debating, dra-
matics, and allied literary and speech
work at 8 p. m. Monday.
Each tryout, it was announced,
must present a three-minute speech
on any subject.: All women inter-
ested are invited by the committee
to tryout.
Several speakers were heard at last
night's meeting. Pledging will take
place Thursday; the names of new
members to be announced in the
near future.
'Vayor Campbell Speaks
To West Side Women
Mayor Robert A. Campbell was the
speaker at the second fall meeting of
the West Side Women's Club last
night in the library of the Mack
School. His subject was, "What
Makes A Good City?"
Mrs. Arthur Crippen read the op-
ening quotation, and a special mu-
sical progfam was given.I

This seems to be the time of year
for pledge formals, as a number of
sororities and fraternities are en-
tertaining for their pledges this week
Alpha Phi is holding a formal to-
night with Mrs. Agnes Clark, Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Hayden, and Mr. and
Mrs. R. T. Bettinger chaperoning.
Phi Kappa is giving a radio dance
tonight, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs.
J. Paul Buckley.
Chi Omega and Alpha Xi Delta
are also holding dances tonight.
Chaperones for the Chi Omega Party
will be Mrs. Anna Dillingham, Mrs.
Maude Thompson, and Mrs. Mary
Tuller. Herbie Moran will play at
Chi Omega, and Al Cowan will pro-
vide the music at Alpha Xi Delta.
Chaperones at the latter party will
be Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Shull, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Gast,' Mrs. Boone
Gross, and Mrs. Wendel Moore.
Delta Tau Delta is giving a pledge
formal tonight, with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Oakes chaperoning. Lewis
Kearns, '35, planned the party.
The Sigma Phi's are holding a
house party this week-end. Mr. and
Mrs. John Bergelin will be chaper-
Former Student Is
Wed At Cranbrook
Of interest to many students on
the campus was the announcement
of the marriage of Lyle Frederick
Passinore, '33, of Pontiac, and Miss
Elizabeth Dumble Watt, of Royal
Oak. The ceremony was solemnized
Saturday at Christ Church, Cran-
Passmore was prominent in stu-
dent activities here and for two years
served as secretary of the Student
Christian Association, as well as be-
ing' on the cabinet for three years.
Frank Riley, '33, also of Pontiac, the
drum-major of the Varsity Band last
year, was best man.
The bride wore a gown of cream-
colored satin fashioned on perfectly
plain lines, unadorned with the ex-
ception of an exquisite old lace col-
lar. She wore a lace cap garlanded
with anorange-blossom wreath worn
by her grandmother when a bride.
She carried a muff of white orchids.
Aid To Personality
Found In Lipstick
Beyond a doubt lipstick is an ex-
cellent aid to restoring one's morale,
whether on the street or the dance
floor. If one's nose shines, but one's
lipstick stays unimpaired through
the afternoon one may still preserve
one's self-respect. It is the handiest
known renovator for that tired look
in existence, and.of all cosmetics the
easiest to handle and apply.
It does require skill to fit one's
lipstick to one's personality, but the
average woman seems to readily ac-
quire good judgement in the use of
a lipstick. Extremes in shade are to
be warned against, leaving their use
to unusual blonds and striking brun-
ettes.' Medium shades must be re-
sorted to by those of us who happen
to have in-between coloring. The
happiest solution is to have one shade
of color for day-time wear, and a
more extreme one for evening, or to
have as many lipsticks as we have
colors in our wardrobe.
The method of application is im-
portant, necessitating practice. We
are told that if we have a large
mouth we should use lipstick spar-
ingly, if we have a small mouth we
should trace a little outside the line
of the lips to give the effect of a
larger mouth. We are cautioned
against decisive lines and a smudgy
effect, implying thereby, the neces-
sity for a medium course. The ex-

pression of a face may be ruined by
inattention to application and im-
proper choice of shade.
The Glassboro (N. J.) Board of
Education has decreed that any
teacher who smokes shall promptly
be without a job.-

Buttoned Shoes To
Return With Other
Fashions Of '90s
Let our hats and gowns return to'
the gay nineties, but the last thing
we expected was the return of the
high buttoned shoe. However, fashion
decrees have had practically this in
mind when they patterned the but-
toned afternoon oxford, with the
boulevard heel, that cut high over
the instep. Pumps, with the new
high line, also are adorned with but-
tons, placed in twos and threes.
Although the short vamp was given
great popularity during the early part
of the season, many smart women
are now cultivating the long ultra-
pointed toe, that lends length to the
foot, and has always been considered
most graceful by the older genera-
tion. Buck or roughed kid are the
favorite leathers for low heeled sport
brogans, while madrucca, stitched
kid, and stitched suede are popular
street and afternoon selections.
For evening wear, particularly
dancing, the Greek and modified san-
dal are most comfortable, and widely
chosen by the younger set, and more
and more the metallic fabrics are
seen as the desire for elegance con-
tinues. Heels no longer have the
exaggerated heighth of the pre-de-
pression days, when everyone stump-
ed along, grace is now the most
sought after of feminine attributes.
Chinese Influence Shown
That Chinese influence is impor-
tant these days and is evidenced in
many ways, all of which combine to
make the present mode rich, colorful
and exotic.
The tunic dress which is so prom-
inent now is especially exotic in
bright colors with heavy "Chinesy"
embroidery, which is usually featured
about the neck. Gold is the favorite,
color for this embroidery and the
same gold is prominent in the bro-
caded bags which are favored for'
evening and for formal afternoon.
Gold is also featured in the new
fabric, star-dust. This material has a"
tiny metallic thread running through
it and is much worn for evening as
well as being sometimes seen in the
more formal tunic frocks.
Business Women's Club
To Give Birthday Party
The members of the Business and
Professional Women's club will be
entertained at a birthday dinner,
which is to celebrate the twelfth an-
niversary of the organization, Sat-
urday night, at the Masonic Temple.;
The charge will be 60 cents a plate.
Arrangements are in charge of
Miss Mina Winslow, assisted by Miss.
Nina Preston, Mrs. May K. Burke,,
Miss Jennie Pickle, and Miss Gladys;
Faculty Women's Music
Section Holds Meeting
The music group of the Faculty
Women's Club held a meeting and
potluck supper last night at the
home of Mrs. Louis A. Hopkins,
chairman. Mr. Glenn D. McGeoch
of the music school faculty gave a
talk on the appreciation of music.
The section plans to devote this year
'o the study of American music. Mrs.
Clarence Johnston, program chair-
man of the group, planned last
night's meeting.

Pacifist Sues Author

"You Americans seem to be always
in a hurry." This statement made
often to us by Europeans is reiterated
by Miss Katayun Cama, graduate
student from Bombay, India, and
recipient of the Barbour scholarship
for her work in education and Eng-
lish literatures.
Miss Cama says of Americans:
"You are in such a rush, and yet
one does not know where you are
going . . . You are much more nat-
ural and informal than the English.
I do not like the English fastidious-
ness, but I do like their reserve. You
exaggerate too much; you are so
fond of -of booming. But I like
your intellectual curiosity, your eag-
erness to know about everything; it
is almost child-like."
Miss Cama is probably a familiar,
figure on the campus, since she ha-
bitually wears her native costume,
consisting of a blouse and a "saree.".
The latter is a piece of cloth six
yards long, which is wrapped around
the body and tucked in at the waist,
the end being flung over the shoul-
She received her master's degree
from the University of Bambay. "The
English educational system has been
imported wholesale into India," she
declares. "A university is just an
Late Permission To Be
Granted For Local Balll
Late permission has been granted
to the women who wish to attend the
annual Policemen's and Firemen's
Ball, which will be held Nov. 13 in
the Masonic Temple, it was an-
nounced yesterday.

examining body for the awarding
degrees; we study for the examin
tions at colleges. We do not stay
one college as you do. Instead,
go from one to the other in orc
to have the best instructor for ea
subject. Miss Cama, true to h
schooling, speaks English with
"Oxford" accent.
In talking of Ghandi, Miss Can
stated: "He is considered almost
saint by the masses. He is a re
spiritual leader and a great soc
reformer, and has succeeded in wi
ing out the pernicious caste syste
to such an extent that the mo
sacred temples have been throe
open to untouchables.
Miss Cama is not a Hindu, but
Zoroastrian, a follower of the Pe
sian spiritual leader, Zoraster. "V
Zoroastrians are called 'Parsecs,'
she explains, "because we came fro
Persia. We took refuge in Bomb
1,300 years ago to escape Mohan
medan oppression in our native cou
Where To Go
Dancing: Union, League Ballroo
Chubb's, Granger's, Hut, Den, Di:
Inn, Joe Parker's, 316 Cafe.
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "I
Weakness" with Lew Ayres; Maje
tic, "Solitaire Man" and "The N'
row Corner" with Douglas Fairban
Jr.; Wuerth, "Central Airport," wi
R i c h a r d Barthelmess; Whitn
"Midnight Warning" and "War
the Range."
Riding: Golfside Riding Acaden
8 p.m.

-Associated Press Photo.°
Mme. Rosika Schwimmer (above),
pacifist, filed a $100,000 damage suit
in New York Supreme Court' against
William Fox and Upton SinclAir,
charging a passage in one of Sin-
clair's books portrayed her as an
"arch-hypocrite" by indicating that
she broached the war-time "peace
ship" idea to Fox as a publicity ven-
ture and later presented the same
plan to Henry Ford.
Outdoor Club
Will Visit Art
Center SundaI
The University Outdoor Club is
sponsoring a visit to the Cranbrook
and Kingswood schools, the museum,
and the Art Center at Bloomfield
Hills. Those attendingwill meet at
9:30 a. mn. Sunday at the north en-
trance of the League and will re-
turn late in the afternoon.
The group will go to servicesat
the Cranbrook Cathedral in the
morning and will have dinner at the
Cranbrook School. Afterwards, guides
will lead a tour through the build-
ings of the estate.
The trip was designed to give stu-
dents an opportunity to view a not-
able artistic achievement. These
schools were founded by George G.
Booth, former president of the Eve-
ning News Co., publishers of the De-
troit News, who wished to develop an
Art Center in America to develop a
strictly American art. Part of his
own estate was chosen, and the ar-
chitect, Eleill Sarinen, has created a
setting famous for its singularly
beautiful buildings, sculpture, and
Sally Rand Will Appeal
Shortened Jail Sentence
Sally Rand, fan dancer, will ap-
peal her sentence of 10 days in jail
and a fine of $200, she stated in Chi-
cago yesterday. The well-known
dancer who was originally sentenced
at a jury trial to a year in jail on
the charge of giving an indecent per-
formance, is at liberty on a bond.
Judge McGarry, Wednesday, reduced
her first sentence, but the dancer still
insists even 10 days is too much.

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