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November 03, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-11-03

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Early Interfraternity Council
Was Only Loosely Organized

ovement Has Failed To
Live Up To Expectations
Of Sponsors, He States
ause Of Impartial
Success Is Given
1 Phases Of The Drive
Have Not Been Equally
Pushed, Professor Says
'he National Recovery Act has
led to live up -to the expectations
the sponsors of the movement, ac-
ding to Prof. C. E. Jamieson of the
pool of Business Administration. In
interview yesterday, Professor
nieson explained the basic phil-
.phy of the NRA and then gave
sible reasons why the plmin is
working out as expected..
Ehe underlying idea of the move-
nt is that wage earners, as con-
ners, can create a substantial mar-
for the goods they produce. If the
al payrolls of industrial companies
- increased, the purchasing power
the people will be increased in
same amount and this will create
effective demand for goods.
Quotes From Speech
f the increased purchasing power
the agricultural classes is added to
s the result will be a great increase
the demand for consumer's goods,
>fessor Jamieson said. He then
>ted from a speech by President
osevelt in which the President pre-
ted the opening up to industry of
"richest market the world has
r known."
)ne of the big reasons for the fail-
to date, of the recovery program
hat a great demand for consum-
goods has been stimulated while
demand for producer's goods has
n neglected. Consequently, the
duction indices of the "heavy" in-
tries such as steel have been de-
zing steadily since the middle of
?roducer's goods, Professor Jamie-
explained, are construction ma-
als, while consumer's materials
clothes and other materials that
ve to be replaced from time to
Works Program Is Slow
'he extensive public works pro-
.m that was meant to give impetus
the heavy industries has been slow
getting under way and at its best
could not sustain the big indus-
Is for any great length of time,
fessor Jamieson said.
3esides these more important rea-
s for the disappointing results of
NRA so far, Professor Jamieson
ed a few of the less important
sons. The related factors in the
overy program have not been pro-
ted with the same aggressiveness
,t has characterized the NRA. In
>laining this, Professor Jamieson
i that equally important for per-
nent national recovery were the
eking, investment and agricultural
overy situations. There has been
attempt to synchronize the latter
h the NRA movement.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another of
the series of articles treating the early
histor, of campus institutions.)
Nothing in the way of formal or-
ganization held together the first
delegates who called themselves the
Interfraternity Conference. The "Ar-
ticles of Agreement," which they all
signed provided for representation,
a rotating chairmanship, and time
and place of meetings, but an impor-
tant provision released houses from
the obligation of obeying any of the
rules which were adopted.
"No action, motion, resolution, or
suggestion of this Conference," the
section read, "shall be deemed to be
of any binding force upon any fra-
ternity represented in the Confer-
ence, and each fraternity shall be en-
tirely free to accept and be governed
such actions, motions, resolutions,
and suggestions, in whole or in part,
or to ignore them."
Only after the University Senate
had advised fraternities to organize
more permanently was a motion
made, and later passed, "that each
delegate be given power by his crowd
(sic) to bind said crowd in a vote
in this conference.." In spite of the
revolutionary nature of the motion
they had just passed, the representa-
tives introduced another motion
which authorized the delegates to
draw up laws to be binding if win-
ning the support of three-fourths of
the fraternities.
The drafting of a constitution (al-
though it was not so called until
later) took up the attention of the
delegates during May, 1913, with the
reports of five committees considered
in one evening. That the represen-
tatives were particular in what they
allowed to go into the permanent
LANSING-The North Lansing
branch of the Bank of Lansing was
robbed of $8,000 by three armed ban-
* * *
AMSTERDAM - Col. a n d Mrs.
Charles A. Lindbergh landed safely
after a hop from Les Mureaux,
* * *
The Graf Zeppelin, Germany's giant
dirigible, completed its trans-atlantic
flight from the United States.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Buying of for-
eign gold by the United States in
order to increase the price of com-
modities was begun.
* * *
LANSING-Stronger beer after re-
peal was decided upon by the Michi-
gan State Liquor Control Commis-
MANILLA, Philippines - Six per-
sons were killed and nine injured as
a result of a disastrous typhoon
which spread over the southern is-
* * *
MUNICH, Germany -Noel Panter,
Munich correspondent for the Lon-
don Daily Telegraph, was ordered out
of Germany by Nazi officials for an
, alleged misrepresentation of a speech
made by Chancellor Adolf Hitler.

rules is testified by the fact that dur-
ing the first meeting more sections
were sent back to their original com-
mittees for further consideration
than were approved.
The beginning of the financial his-
tory of the conference is found in a
meager entry in the minute book of
a motion "that an assessment of 20
cents be levied on each fraternity to
cover expenses of Council." On the
same day is a crude journal, proba-
bly executed by a beginning account-
ing student, recording the payment
of the fees and showing a balance of
80 cents after certain expenses had
been paid.
Course Offered
In 'MiXmin Of'
Popular Drinks
(Continued from Page iI
are night courses for those who work
in the day time. A shorter period for
learning what the college has to
teach is permissable, although the
dean and faculty are opposed "cram-
ming" on this subject.
Dean Paine believes that the
school will be successful, inasmuch
as there will be, he expects, a greater
demand for good cocktail mixers
after the repeal of the Eighteenth
Amendment. He believes that during
the prohibition era people would
drink anything, so long as it had a
kick, but that with a return to the
old days, a more critical feeling will
develop upon the part of the general
Although the institution has only
started, it has already developed a
genuine school spirit, the dean in-
dicated. He believes that in a few
years there will develop a respect in.
the breasts of the undergraduates for
their Alma Mater. Some of them, he
suggested, might even be willing to
die for her.
No extension courses are planned.
27 Students Entrain
For Sociology Study
A group of 27 students will entrain
at 1:24 p. m. today for Chicago where
they will spend the week-end study-
ing practical sociological problems
under the supervision of Dr. Frank
E. Beck, eminent practical sociologist.
Sherwood A. Messner, president of)
the Student Christian Association,
which is sponsoring the tour, stated
that every student who has registered
to go is expected to be at the Mich-
igan Central Depot not later than
1:15 p. m. The party will return to
Ann Arbor at 7 a. m. Monday.
Miss Lucille M. Hilbert and Dr.
Buenaventura Jiminez, both of Ann
Arbor, will act as chaperons for the
party. The group will have its head-
quarters for the week-end at the
Methodist Training Institute, Indiana
Ave., in Chicago.

Galens Society
Has Initiation
For Fourteen
Honorary Initiations Are
Given Novy And Haynes
In Ceremony At League:
The annual initiation banquet of
Galens, honorary medical society,
was held last night at the League.
Speakers for the banquet were Sam-
uel A. Fiegel, president of Galens,
who spoke for the actives, Dr. Carl
D. Camp, Dr. John Alexander, and
Dr, Sam Donaldson, members of the
medical school faculty, and Harry L.
Arnold who represented the initiates.
Honorary initiates are Dr. Fred-
erich G. Novy, dean of the medical
school, and Dr. Harvey A. Haynes,
director of the University hospital.
Juniors initiates are R. Montgom-
ery Shick, Harry L. Arnold, Fleming
A. Barbour, Lawrence C. Manni, Da-
vid H. Drummond, William F. Cook,
Mark S. Donovan, John G. Reid, Ed-
ward E. Weinman, Jerome E. Webber,
David F. Weaver, Paul S. Sloan,
Ralph F. Helzerman, and Lorin E.
Strachey Will
Talk In Detroit
Lecture Series
John Strachey, representative of
one of the greatest families in Eng-
land, and labor member of Parlia-
ment from 1929 to 1931, will speak
before the Detroit Town Hall Series
at the Wilson Theatre, at 11 a. m.
Wednesday, Nov. 8. His subject will
be "The Coming Struggle for Power."
Known inGreat Britain as a power
among the 1young liberals and a
forceful speaker, Mr. Strachey is the
only surviving son of the late John
St. Joe Strachey, editor and proprie-
tor of "The Spectator," and a cousin
of the late Lytton Strachey. Follow-
ing the lecture, members of the au-
dience will meet Mr. Strachey in-
formally at a subscription luncheon'
at the Detroit Athletic Club.

Loving Relatives'
Blamed By Doctor
For Children's Ills
(By Intercollegiate Press)
TORONTO, Nov. 1.- All -grand-
mothers should be "shot" in order to
protect the health and lives of their
infant grandchildren, in the opinion
of Dr. Alan Brown, professor of ped-
iatrics at the University of Toronto.
"Loving relatives," he says, "are a
baby's worst enemies. They do not
realize that respiratory infections-
head colds and pneumonia-do not
fly in at the window but are con-
veyed from person to person by direct
contact with the breath.
"These loving relatives-and the
grandmothers are the worst of all-
come in and hang all over the baby.
They spew all over him in their
loving way. One of them has a cold
or something and passes it on to,the
poor defenseless infant."
Theologist Is Scheduled
To Come Here For Talks
Harry F. Ward, Professor of
Christian Ethics at Union Theolog-
ical Seminary in New York, will come
to Ann Arbor over the weekend of
Nov. 24, 25, and 26, for a series of
addresses and discussions on religion.
Professor Ward is being brought
here by the Student Christian As-
sociation, Presbyterian Young Peo-
ples' Society, and the State Student
Y. M. C. A. Delegates from all col-
leges in the state have been invited
to attend and it is expected that 100
will be present.
Professor Ward is well known in
religious and social circles, having
toured the country for many years
speaking on problems that arise in
religion. He has written a number of
books, among which are "The Labor
Movement,' "'The New Social Order,"
and the "Ethic of Jesus." His latest
book is entitled "In Place of Profit."
Pot Wearing In Bed Is
Latest Freshman Stunt
The epitome of greenness for this
year's class of freshmen was dis-
played in the infirmary of the Uni-
versity Health Service recently when
a young man, whose identity could
not be learned, insisted upon wear-
ing his pot in bed regardless of the
remonstrances of the attending
nurse. He would not divulge what'
caused his strange predilection, but
some allusion was made to a com-
mand by the members of the fra-
ternity to which he had been pledged.

Warning Given Against
Abuses At Health Service
StuOcnts have be(<n varned by
Health Service officials against try-
ing to secure medical attention for
non-enrolled friends by allowing
them to use their names while apply-
ing to the health service.
Besides these cases in which names
have been "loaned," practices have
been detected in which names have
been used without the owner's con-
sent. In any case, the burden. of
proof rests with the student whose
name was used, and if found guilty,
the student is reported to the dis-
ciplinary committee for action. Stu-
dents should be on the alert to de-
tect any illegal usage of their names,
officials stated.
Canipus Democrats
Organize New Club
The first meeting of the Young
Democrats Club, an organization
formed to foster the movement of
the National Dmocratic Committee
to get more members, was held last
night at the Union. Chairman Ar-
nold Vierduin, of Ann Arbor, pre-
sided over the elections in which
Sam Ewing, '35, was chosen as presi-
dent, Maureen Kavanagh, '36, vice-
president, Francis Landers, '35, sec-
retary and David Hinks, '35, treasur-
Membership in the club is limited
to university students between the
ages of 18 and 40, according to Vier-
duin. The club, which is one of the
first of its kind to be organized in
any college or university in the coun-
try, will work in co-operation with
the Washtenaw County Young Dem-
ocrats Club.

First Faculty
Concert To Be
(Continued from Page 1)
as Musical Director of the Ann Arbor
May Festivals and in other fields as
composer, conductor, organist, and
for his analytical writings and lec-
The recent growth of the instru-
mental division of the School of Mu-
sic has brought out a large amount
of student talent, which is offered in
the University Symphony Orchestra.
For this first concert the orchestra
will provide orchestral selections and
accompaniments for participating
The program for Sunday is as fol-
Prelude to "Die Meistersinger," by
Wagner; Procession to the Minister,
Act II; Aria, "Lohengrin's Narative,"
Act. III, "Lohengrin"; Introduction
to Act III, by Wagner; and Concerto
for Violin, Violoncello, Piano and Or-
chestra, by Beethoven.
Forestry Students Will
Tell Of Experiences
At a meeting of the Forestry Club
Wednesday upperclass students of
the School of Forestry and Conser-
vation told of their experiences as
"technical assistants" in various
C.C.C. camps throughout the coun-
Prof. W. F. Ramsell addressed the,
group on the "Uniform Lack of Uni-
formity" which he observed in cer-
tain of the Michigan camps.

0 i




Gloves --

Germany is determined in the fu-
ture to attend no conference, enter
no league, agree to no convention,
and sign nothing as long as she is not
treated equally. - Adolph Hitler.



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