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October 29, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-29

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Faculty Men
Develop New
Stream- Lini
uel For Train Costs 3.2
Cents Per Mile; Makes
90 Miles Per Hour
Probably no other announcement
as excited more interest among
hose who are interested in the field
f rapid transportation than that of
he Union Pacific Railroad concern-
ig their new duralumin train, the
lagazine Fortune stated in a recent
This announcement is of special
iterest to the University for the new
rain was developed by a former
ember of the faculty of the Aero-
autical School, Ralph Upson with
'e assistance of Prof. E. A. Stalker.
ests in the University Wind Tun-
el in the East Engineering Build-
g determined the ultra-modern
nes of this remarkable new train.
Although the new train is capable
a speed of 110 m.p.h. and a cruis-
g speed of 90 m.p.h. its chief dis-
nction lies not in its speed but
ether in its economy of cost. Al-
hough duralumin is exceptionally
Dstly, a smaller quantity of it is
eeded than steel in the construction
a train, consequently the Pullman
ompany has contracted to build the
nion Pacific this duralumin train
r a cost equal to that of a steel
ain of ten cars. In operation the
rerage engine uses 3400 horsepower
i going 90 m.p.h. and costs in fuel
verage 20 cents a mile. The U. P.
ain will use only 500 horsepower
id uses fuel costing 3.2 cents a
ile. The engine used Will be a V-12
'pe using as fuel a crude form of
irnace oil.
According to Prof. Stalker, when
e train will actually be put into
>eration depends to a large extent
a its adaptability to modern railway
immern Will Talk
On League Monday
Dr. Alfred Zimnern will lec-
ire at 4:15 p. m. Monday in Na-
ral Science Auditorium on the sub-
ct of "A Policy for the Disarma-

Menef eeSays Saint Lawrence
Canal Can Be Justtied By Facts
By PHILIP T. VAN ZILE large percentage of their Middle
From the economic standpoint the Western traffic. The completion of
St. Lawrence Seaway Canal can be the canal would open up a direct
justified by a careful analysis of the water route to Northern Europe from
facts and figures in the case plus a this Middle Western area. The iron
little faith in the future, Prof. F. N. and steel from the mines of Min-
Menefee of the Engineering School nesota and Michigan, the coal of
and a recognized authority on the Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Kentucky
canal stated in an interview Satur- would be furnished with a direct
day. Politically, however, its value, means of transportation to the world
though less easily ascertained, is still ports of Europe, Asia, Africa, and
of vital importance to every Ameri- South America.
can citizen. According to Professor Menefee it
Opposed By Railroads is also of vital importance to the ex-
The treaty between the United isting relations between the peoples
States and Canada for the comple- of the United States and Canada.
tion of the Seaway will come up be- Lack of co-operation with Canada in
fore the Senate of the United States the past has injured the friendly re-
for ratification at its next session. lations which should- exist between
This treaty was drawn up in .July, these two great countries. Canada
1932, under the Hoover administra- is co-operating by providing the nec-
tion and was intended to be ratified essary improvements in that part of.
last spring if Mr. Hoover had been the river East and North of New
returned to office. Whether the pro- York State and in addition has built
ponents of the Seaway can muster the New Welland Canal connecting
the 64 senatorial votes required to Lake Erie and Lake Ontario at a
ratify remains to be-seen. However, cost of $128,000,000. In doing this
as Professor Menefee pointed out, the she confidently anticipated the co-
President is behind the treaty, as is operation of the United States in
shown by his message to a recent the dredging of the St. Lawrence.
convention of the Great Lakes Har- Would Cost U. S. $125,000,000
bors Association in Detroit. The cost to the United States
Its ratification is being strongly would be $125,000,000, according to a
opposed by the powerful railroad in- recent speech of Senator Vanden-
terests in the East. This is only nat- berg; junior senator from Michigan;
ural, for the projected canal if com- this would be less than Canada has
pleted will rob these railroads of a been willing to expend for the com-
NOW.... Buy Shoe Service at the
Price and Quality You Desire!
Smith's Quality Shoe Repair Service
705 Packard, at State Street

PlayBy Play Account Of Chicago Game
(Continued from Page 3) Singer and Beard went in at the Renner then ran back and heaved up three yards at center. Remias
24-yard line and 5 yards to go for guards for Michigan, Cullen replaced a 40-yard pass directed at Chapman took Oliver's place.
first down. Oliver plunged through Patterson at center for Chicago. Pe- but it was incomplete. Remias smashed for 2 yards, but
center for the first down on Chicago's Oliver smashed center for two Renner punted on the next play,
18-yard mark. yards. Oliver then punted to Sahlin Sahlin being checked on Chicago's

Renner got three
tackle. On a fake
smashed through to
line for first down.

yards at left
lateral, Oliver
the eight-yard

On a cut back, aided by perfect
interference, Renner dashed over for
the touchdown and Petoskey kicked
-the extra point from piacement.
Score: Michigan 21; Chicago 0.
pletion of but one unit of the pro-
posed Seaway.
A further illustration of why Can-
ada rightly expects the United States
to go through with the project is the
Treaty of Washington ratified in
1871 opening the St. Lawrence to
the free traffic of the United States
and Canada in preparation for such
a canal. This was done despite the
fact that over three-fourths of the
waterway runs through Canadian
A representative of the Canadian
Government in a recent speech, ac-
cording to Professor Menefee, when
asked what the effect would be of a
refusal to ratify on our part man-
aged to evade a direct answer but
in doing so conveyed the general im-
pression to the audience that such
an act would be followed by a drastic
change in the policy of the Canadian
Government toward the United


4 x,^





4 Reasons Why Thousands Use GPM Peat Moss
in T heir Gardens
1. It is an organic material that contributes to the humus content
of the soil.
2. It is clean, odorless and pleasant to work with.
3. It is economical to use. One bale will spread approximately
three hundred square feet, one inch deep.
4. It is a good winter mulch, as it will insulate the soil against
frequent freezing and thawing effects which tend to damage
the perennial plants by breaking the roots.


ior of several essays
ig with modern na-
affairs and has in
d a book on the an-
tical life the title of
e Greek Common-

"What Pensive b(
Before she hears
Of winter rushii
The emnblema tic
FALL depicts color harmo
yet joyful, for the return
new "snap" and vigor.
Fall apparel also has its
keeping with the season it
has definitely smart lines.

ng in, to close


210 South Ashley

Dial 2-1713

Dr. Zimmern is the director of
Geneva School of International
airs. For the past several years he
s delivered daily morning lectures
:ing the month of September in-
preting for his student audience'
actions of the League of Na-
ns on the day before.
-is lecture tour has taken him
ough almost all of the Canadian
>vinces and he is coming here di-
tly form Montreal.
CARDS made from
your own snapshots
W E'RE READY to make
them now--ready with a
fne selection of new styles in
both cards and envelopes. An-
swer your holiday greeting card
problem in this up-to-date per-
sonal way. Order now for
prompt delivery. Just hand us
your fim-we'll do the rest.
ee our samples TODAY
North University


ny - it is the season mellow,
of sharp weather gives us a
s distinctive characteristics. In
is colorful and brilliant and it


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