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Head Of J. G. P.
Announces New
A #..
Scripts To Be Submitted
At League No Later Than
Wednesday .
Additional committee appointments
for J. G. P. were recently announced
by Barbara Sutherland, central
chairman. To assist Virginia Cluff.
property chairman, will be Mary
Spencer, Harriet Spiess, Mary Edna
Travis, Bernice Wetherald, Jane Bas-
set, and Doris Gimmy.
The publicity committee, headed by
Marie Murphy, will consist of Ann
Mitchell, Margaret Phalan, Virginia
Hugg, and Betty Jane Dawson.
Hilda Kirby, chairman of the fi-
nance committee, will assisted by
Kathleen Carpenter, Alice Morgan,
Ruth Root, Mary Sabin, and Lois
Keddy. Maxine Maynard, music
chairman, has a committee made up
of Billie Griffiths and Barbara Bates.
Miss Sutherland also announced
that manuscripts for the play are
to be handed in Wednesday at the
League undergraduate office. It is
necessary that no name be attached
to the script. The name should be
written and placed in an envelope at-
tached to the play.
Are To Be Held
In Near Future
Tryouts for women interested in
joining Athena, literary and forensic
society, will be held in the near fu-
ture, it was announced last night
following the society's first meeting
of the year.
Plans for literary and dramatic
work for the year were discussed at
the' meeting, and preliminary prep-
arations were made for debates with
Zeta Phi Eta, women's speech society,
and with the various men's speech
Social work of Athena members
with children in University Hospital
has proved so successful in the past
that it will be continued this year,
according to Margaret D. Phalan, '35,
Jane Colby Weds
In League Chapel
The first wedding of the year to be
held in the League chapel took place
after te football game Saturday
when Miss Jane Millis Colby, of Rye,
New York, was united in marriage
to Harvey Martin Rasmussen, of
Manistee. Rev. Allison R. Heaps offi-
Miss Colby, '31-'32, was president
of the freshman class of Jordan Hall
during her year on campus. Mr. Ras--
mussen, '32, was mar. ger of the
basketballteam and a member of
Micigamua. .;
Miss Ruth Colby acted as maid of
honor and Mr. John Rasmussen as
best man.
Betsy Barbour Holds
Formal Initiation For 67
At a formal initiation held at Betsy
Barbour House Sunday afternoon, 67
women were made members of the
Student Organization of Betsy Bar-
bour House. The girls were introduced
to Miriam Root, '33, last year's presi-
dent of the house, and received by
Lucille Root, '34, this year's president.
The guests who were entertained
at supper fcllowing the initiation
were Regent and Mrs. Junius E.
Beal, Dean and Mrs. Edward H.
Kraus, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Jean-
ette Perry, Prof. A. L. Cross, Miss
Kathleen Hamm, University dietician,
and Miss Byrl Bacher and Miss Ellen
Stevenson, assistant to the dean of
Fraternities Celebrate Game
With Gala Week-End Parties
An unusually large number of fra-
ternity parties helped make last
week-end a gala one. Several frater-
nities also announce initiations and
Many guests attended the formal
dance at the Chi Phi house Satur-
day night. The arrangements for the
dance were made by Olan D. Snavely,
Jr., '34.
Among the out-of-town gue s t s
othy Utley, '36, Harriet Wolfe, '36,
Dorothy Adams, '36, Rose Offley, '35,
Kathryn Lundell, '37, Florence Skenk,
'37, Jane Bassett, '35, Mary Morgan,
'36, Marie Johnston, '33, Betty Laub,
'36, Geraldine Jorgenson, '36, Vir-
ginia Spray, '37, Josephine McLean,
'36, Marjorie Gleason, '37, Marie
Branagan, '35, Eleanor Noyes, '35,
Grace Snyder, '37, Marie Heid, '35,
Marjorie Jackson, '33, Florence Bing-
ham, '36, Grace Schroeder, '36, Elea-
nor Thoman, '35, and Harriet Tyson,
Among the out of town guests
were: Miss June. Hartsel, of Ashland,
O.; Miss Winifred Hughes and Betsy
Strain of Grosse Pointe; Miss Grace
Wolfs, of St. Clair; Miss Nanine
Hurd, of Grand Rapids; Miss Eliza-
beth Johnson, of Port Huron; Miss
Helen Vradenburg, of Ottawa Hills,
O.; Miss Lucille Brown, of Toledo;
Miss Josephine Lee, of Des Moines,
Ia.; Miss Jane Rowe of Paris.
Week-end guests at the fraternity
were: Mrs. M. E. Campbell and her
son, Franklin, of Rockville Center,
N Y., and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wells,
of Grand Rapids. Alumni who re-
turned for the game are: Kenneth
Wigle, '24, and Mrs. Wigle, Rolland
Severy, '30, and Mrs. Severy, Ronald
Innes, '32, Truman Steinko, '33, Glen
Edmonsen, '32, and Byron Coats, '32,
all of Detroit; A. Hanje, '31, Harold
MacLean, '32, and William Myers, '32,
all of Grand Rapids; Rtobert Water-
man, '25, and Mrs. Waterman, of
Muskegon; S. Armstutz, of Sutton
Bay; and Robert Varnum, of Sag-
Kappa Delta Rho announces the
pledging of Edwin Whoell, '36E.
Collegiate Sorosis announces the
pledging of Jane O'Ferrill, '37, of
James Bacon, '34, was in charge of
the informal dance given by the
members of the Theta Chi fraternity
Saturday night. Music was provided
by Bernie and his band. Mr. and.
Mrs. Leonard Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Coward, and Mr. and Mrs.
T. D. Earle were present as chap-
Guests from out of town included Century of Progress Exposition, Chi-
Miss Ruby Richardson, of Plainwell; cago.The chaperons were Capt. and
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Faust, of Mrs. A. C. Powell and Lieut. and Mrs.'
?ontiac; Mr. John Harlan, of Colum- R. R. Coursey.
us, O.; Mr. and Mrk Robert Pal- Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
ner, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs Fred- E. H. Coleman, of Forest Hills, N. Y.;
rick Graves, of Albany, N. Y.; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Ellsworth, of
nd Mrs. Charles Atkins, o Gary, Lakewood, O.; Mr. aid Mrs. S. C.
nd.; and Mr. and Mrs. John Hubly, Hobson, of Grand Rapids; Elsie
f Detroit. Among the alumni pres- Johnson, of New York City; Barbara
nt were Kenneth Hartwell, Frederic Hill, of Birmingham; L. W. Mattsen,
Fenske, Bryan Davis, Melain Trum- of Chicago; Don Donnelly, of Bay
pull, Keith Bennett, Frank Lamber- City; Mary Buckbee, of Escanaba;
on, Harcourt Patterson, Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ross, Sr., Mr. and
rownsend, Robertson T o w n s e n,d Mrs. W. J. Harrison, and Marion
Robert Fuoss, Robert Flintworth, and Sweet, all of Detroit; M. A. Stahl,
Raymond Eiserman. Verne Dodds Richard Danford, R.
Among those present as guests of Sanchez, C. L. Lawrence, all from Chi
he members of the fraternity were chapter, Ohio State; Marion Foley,
Francesca Schrauder, '36, Miss Dor- '34, Jane Reed, '36, Laura Finley, '33,
thy Schmidt, of Detroit; Rhodetta Jane Brucker, '35, Miss Ruth Colby,
.episto, '35, the Misses Helen Shee- of Rye, N. Y., and Virginia Allmand,
pan, Margaret Keil, Jane LaChapelle, '36.
Marion Look, and Betty .Fundis, all PHI KAPPA
f Detroit; Irene Taylor and Claire Guests at the Phi Kappa informal
teed, both of Buffalo, N. Y.; Betty. dance Saturday night included Phyl-
cherling, '36, Lenore LeGendre, '34, lis Lutes, '36, Betty O'Dell, '36, Jane
Maurine Burnside, '36, Betty Spray, Schneider, '36, Ruth Lovejoy, '34,
35, Elizabeth Brown, '34, Mary Alice Margaret Culver, '34, Dorothy Gies,
Kreiger, '37, Kay Bishop, '37, Dor- '36, Joy Snyder. '37, Elizabeth Van
thy Webb, '37, Jeane McLean, '37, Winkle, '36, Betty Bergener, '34,
Maxine Maynard, '35, Barbara Bul- Mary Ellen Webster, '34, Virginia Lee,
ard, '34, Marjorie Turner, '37, Jewel '34, Wanda Lee, '33, Mary Jane
Nuerfel, '37, Margaret Guest, '37, Cummings, '34, Mary Alice McQuil-
Mary Louise Schaake, '35, and Vin- len, '37, Margaret Cole, '34, and Helen
elle. Bartlett, of South Bend, Ind. Foley, '34.
The members of the Theta Xi fra- Phi Alpha Kappa entertained the
e r n i t y entertained Homecoming following guests over the week-end:
;uests and alumni at an informal Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich Meyer, Dr.
lance Saturday night. Music was Browne Durwin, Dr. J. L. Van Loo,
urnished by the Club Casnovia or- Mrs. E. R. Raum, Mr. P. Kolkman,
chestra from the Streets of Paris, Mrs. C. N. Manni, Mrs. J. K. Ruster,
Mrs. W. T. Manni. Mrs. O. L. Brues-
ing, Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Stevens, Dr.
and Mrs. H. T. Kooistra, Dr. and
Mrs. H. L. Walkatten, Dr. and Mrs.
V. M. Ver Muelen, Dr. and Mrs.
R. O. Kemper, Dr. and Mrs. J. N.
Sternberg, Dr. 0. M. Stehouwer, Dr.
J. D. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. J. V.
Vander Wall, Mr. and Mrs. A.' L.
Verspoor, Mr. C. K. Bos, Mr. G. L.
Bos, Dr. and Mrs. S. T. Hollander,
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. 'Bruggena, Mr.
and Mrs. T. L. Vander Veen, Mr.
and Mrs. C. N. Rooks, Mr. J. D. De
Youngs, Mr. G. O. Vander Reit, and
Mr. Ed Baas.
Members of Chi Phi wish to an-
nounce that formal initiation cere-
monies were held Oct. 19 for Harry
R. Furst, '35, of Freeport, Ill., and
Robert H. Trimbly, '34, of Highland
Alumni and guests who were en-
tertained at the Alpha Rho Chi house
over the week-end were James Sea-
ton, of Flint; Morris Hadley, of Hol-
ley, Mich.; John Burgess, of Battle
Creek; Harper Fowley and Abe Race,
of Bay City; Karl Coon, of Detroit;
Willis Suhrbier, of Toledo, 0., and
William Eachuler, of Freemond, Ind.
Theta Xi fraternity announces the
pledging of Harry Pick, '34, of Sault
Ste. Marie.
Acacia fraternity, entertained at
a Homecoming party Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Neihuss and Mr.
and Mrs. L. G. Christman of Ann
Arbor were chaperons. Among the
out of town guests who attended were
Robert Korntge, Ralph Wilson, and
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bartholomew,
all of Buffalo, N. Y.; Miss Lena
Joshons and Miss Bertha Heinz, of
Grand Rapids; Mrs. T. W. Seibert
and Misses Sybil and Carol Swart-
out, of St. Louis, Mo.
Committee chairmen for the
hellenic Ball, to be held Dec. 1,
announced recently by Betty S
'35, general chairman of the. d
The women who will assist
Spray are Marie Louise Kessbe
'34, chairman of decorations;
Osborne, '35, chairman of ref
ments; Kay Leopold, '34, chairm
music; Mary Savage, '35, chairma
programs; Mary Stirling, '35, c
man of chaperones; Jane Bru:
'35, chairman of publicity; and
Diebel, '35, chairman of tickets
Late permission will be gra
the women until 3 a. in., Miss S
said. Further committee app
ments will be made soon.
The ball is a traditional dance
only one of the year in which
sorority women participate. Ticke
previous years have been gra
first to sorority women and tl
few to independents.
Wh-ere To Gc
Concert:1.Boston Symphony
chestra, 8:15 p. in., Hill Audito
Motion Pictures: Michigan,
Bull" with Will Rogers; Maj
"Ann Vickers" with Irene Di
Wuerth, "Midnight Mary" with
retta Young; Whitney, "Notc
But Nice" with Betty Compson
Lecture: Earl V. Moore on the
ton Symphony Orchestra progra:
a. m., Room 315, Hill Auditorium
Dancing: League Grill, Hut,)L
Pan - Hell
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