Grape Growers And Wineries Await The Day
r. 2, 3,4
Psychiatrist To
t Of Speakers
e-Day Meeting
d E. Williams, inter-
n psychiatrist of New
s the list of speakers
Annual Michigan Pa-
Institute in Ann Ar-
held Nov. 2, 3, and 4
ces of the Extension
Le Michigan Parent-
r speakers of national repu-
have been obtained for the
id-a-half-day session, includ-
s. B. F. Langworthy, of Win-
Ill., first vice-president of the
al Congress of Parents and
rs, and Dr. Paul Voelker, state
itendent of public instruction.
ay morning, Nov. 4, Dr. Frank
eman, professor of education
University of Chicago, and
Dell, well-known author, will
on the program.
C. A. Fisher of the Extension
n estimates that audiences of
'er a thousand will attend the
gs. Although there will be a
al charge of $1 for attendapce
meetings, certain of the ses-
vill be open to all. Parent-
r locals, of which there are
n the. State, are all eligible to
, delegate, but it is expected
mly a few hundred will do so.
iool Values
>ifted Out In
adio Address
icula In Elementary
pools Must Be' Based
Value,_Woody Says
entary school curricula should
t on permanent rather than
values, Prof. Clifford Woody,
School of Education, declared
7 in the fourth of a series of
sity-sponsored radio talks di-
to the Parent Teachers As-
need for reconstruction in ed-
i is ever present, not because
stringency of present times
Professor Woody said, and the
most needed today will be in
thod by which the child ap-
es the materials of the cur-
ssor Woody suggested that a
iization be undertaken that
involve the setting up of the
oom environment whereby the
might approach the tasks of
.ool room in a manner similar
used in solving the problems
Health Service
Has Substantial
Call Increase
Large Number Of Mental
Hygiene Cases Recorded
Because Of Depression
Although the Health Service report
for the Summer Session of 1933
shows no marked change from the
past, the September report shows a
remarkable increase in all types of
service, notably in dispensary calls.
This is interesting especially in the
face of a slight decrease of approxi-
mately three per cent enrollment. The
increase in entrance medical exam-
inations for both men and women is
due largely to increase in the num-
ber of freshman students.
During the 8ugmmer Session the
decrease in dispensary calls was un-
doubtedly caused by the decrease of
about 25 per cent in enrollment. The
increased number of mental hygiene
interviews is termed a direct reflec-
tion of the economic situation, with
worry over financial matters pro-
ducing the poor state of physical
For the third year, tuberculin tests
have been carried out on freshman
women. All cases showing positive
tuberculin are X-rayed. In a later
report a comparison of this year's
data in this work will be made with
that of last year.
Statistical data for September is
as follows: Dispensary calls were 2,-
445 in 1931, 3,231 in 1932, and 3,843
in 1933. Health examinations for men
entrants were 1,876 in 1931, 1,679 in
1932, and 1,827 in 1933; health ex-'
aminations for women entrants were
871 in 1931, 755 in 1932, and 819 in
1933. The number of women students
re-examined was 444 in 1931, 417 in
1932, and 348 in 1933; University
High School examinations were 270
in 1931, 317 in 1932, and 318 in 1933;
Health conferences (re-enrollment)
were 148 in 1931°, 117 in 1932, and
190 in 1933; and infirmary patients
were 26 in 1931, 60 in 1932, and 60
in 1933. Dr. Margaret Bell; physician
to the Health Service, prepared the
Injuries resulting from the fresh-
man-sophomore games and the pre-
ceding nights of warfare, were
neither numerous nor serious, accord-
ing to Drs. William M. Brace and
John V. Fopeano, physicians to the
Health Service.
An extensive series of national and
international collegiate debates are
scheduled for the Winter air. Oxford
debaters in London will contest with
Chicago UTr.iversity, Stanford with
Cambridge, and Bates with Iowa.
Proligion' Proposed By Norris
To Supplant Modern Theism
In a talk before the Acolytes Club,
meeting in Room 202 Souh Wing last
night, Prof. Orlando O. Norris of the
philosophy department of Michigan
State Normal College presented his
views on religion as implied by his
cosmology. His subject was "Cosmic
Pragmatism and its Humanistic Im-
"Religion," he said, "is a back-
ward-oriented attitude, intended to
be inhibitive of reprehensible con-
duct, as suggested by the etymology
of the term, namely, 'backward bind-
He proposed a new term of his own
-"proligion," as implying a future-
oriented attitude towards achieve-
ment. "I have such confidence in
the essential humanity of man as to
believe that if he is caught and prop-
erly oriented early enough in life,
before a self-seeking tradition has
93,000 Fans Can't1
Be Wrong--Or The
Empty Bottle Saga
Cleaning the Michigan Stadium
after the 93,000 record-breaking
crowd of Saturday was an all day
job for 25 students, who began their
work at 8 a. m. Sunday, finished at
5 p. m., and in the meantime found
all the empty bottles they had ex-
pected to find.
No accurate record of the number
of scotch, whiskey, and gin bottles
found was kept, but individual stu-
dents estimated they discovered be-
tween 25.and 30 bottles. Multiply-
ing 25 bottles by 25 students, the
number who did the cleaning job, it
appears there were at least 500 such
The bottles were of all sizes andI
shapes. One was a jug and one was
a half-gallon bottle large enough not
only to hold what the drys like to
call the ingredients of the devil, but
also, apparently, the very devil him-
Most of the bottles were found in
the sections not reserved for stu-
dents, whose drinking was far less
than that of others at the game.
Not a single person in all the crowd
lost as much as a dollar bill. There
were plenty of pennies found, some
nickles, dimes, and quarters, but
nothing higher.
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caught him, he will find in a natur-
alistic, biological humanism a far
more satisfactory way of life than
any past tradition has ever afforded
him," Professor Norris declared.
Professor Norris said that in late
years, with the advancement of sci-
ence and a better understanding of
the world about him, man has come
less and less to depend on a god.
Finally he proposed "a program
for living that will make all life for-
ward-looking and affirmatively dy-
namic; a program that has no place
for prohibitions; a program in which
undesirable activities are not inhib-
ited, but supplanted by desirable ac-
tivities; a program in which man
may rise to his full stature as a man
and look to his own resources of in-
dividual or co-operative action for
the natural life that alone is possi-
ble and in store for him."
Forestry Dean
In Washing ton
For Code Talk
Dean- S. T. Dana of the School of
Forestry left yesterday afternoon for
a three-day trip to Washington as
one of five members of the American
Forestry Association to consult with
the Secretary of Agriculture on the
new forestry code.
The committee of which Dean Da-
na is a member has been called to-
gether to formulate the public policy
in connection with the code. They
are also to consider Article Ten of
the document which contains a com-
mitment by the forestry industry to
carry out practicable measures in re-
spect to sustained production of for-
est resources, contingent upon the
co-operation of the public.
Dean Dana indicated before he
'eft that several more conferences
nay be necessary before the diffi-
culties in the way of the normal
working of the code are entirely ov-
MIAMI - The Graf Zeppelin, huge
German dirigible en route to A Cen-
tury of Progress in Chicago, landed
at 8:30 a. m.
* * *
BOSTON - John Gorch, believed
by police to be the much sought for
"John" in connection with the Lind-
bergh kidnaping case, was arrested
by authorities.
* * *
Doak, secretary of labor during the
Hoover administration, died at his
home. Death was caused by a heart
* * *
NEW YORK - An important sup-
porter joined the forces of Fiorello
H. LaGuardia, Fusion candidate for
mayor, in the person of the Rt. Rev.
William T. Manning, the Protestant
Episcopal bishop of New York.
HAVANA - The seventh week of
the Grau SanMartinsregime opened
with impending fears of a general
strike and' government financial
WASHINGTON - Labor leaders
opened a fight for further reduction
of working hours in order to gain
jobs for the 10,000,000 men and wo-
men still unemployed.
-Associated Press Photo
Will national Prohibition be repealed? The grape growers and
wineries, gambling that it will, are running full tilt to supply the an-
ticipated demand if the dry law is removed from the Constitution.
There are 7,500 gallons of it being transferred from a tank car to barrels
for storage. Picture below shows activity in one of the world's largest
vineyards at Guasti, Calif.
Outstanding Faculty Members
On University Lecture Series.
Hurry. Up
Made Before The
A departure in University lectures
has been taken this year in that
eight outstanding members of the
University faculty have been chosen
to speak, instead of having scholars
from other educational institution
throughout the world, as has been
the custom in the past.
In discussing the new system, Dr.
Frank E. Robbins, chairman of the
committee on lectures, stated:
"The funds for obtaining outside
speakers have been greatly dimin-
ished this year. In addition, it is
not fully appreciated that Michigan
has numerous outstanding world
scholars among its own faculty.
"The coming series of lectures has
been designed primarily to allow the
students of the University to become
acquainted with some of the fore-
most men of their own institution.
The speakers have been selected so
as to present views on various fields
of thought which, at the end of the'
series, should give a good picture of
,ontemporary life."
The opening lecture will be preJE
,ented Oct. 26 at 4:15 p. m. by Prof.
.eber D. Curtis, chairman of the as-
ronomy department, and director of
he Observatory, on "Aspects of Mod-
:rn Astronomy."
Professor Curtis is well known as
i contributor of articles on astro-
nomical obsrvations to various pub-
lications. He has observed eight to-
Ial solar eclipses between 1900 and
ulty members who belong to the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences.
The schedule of lectures besides
that of Professor Curtis is:
Nov. 16- "North American Arch-
aeology," by Dr. Carl E. Guthe, di-
rector of the museum of anthropolo-
Dec. 7-"The Modern Biologist's
Attitude Toward the Problem of
Life," by Prof. E. C. Case of the ge-
ology department, director of the mu-
seum of paleontology, and curator of
Jan. 18- "Literary Scholarship,"
by Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of
the English department.
Feb. 15- "Present Trends in Phi-
losophy," by Prof. Roy W. Sellars of
the philosophy department.
March 1 - "The Territorial Or-
ganization of Society," by Prof. Rod-
erick D. McKenzie, chairman of the
sociology department.
March 22- "The American Stan-
dard of Living: Illusions and Reali-
ties," by Prof. Max S. Handman of
the economics department.
April 26-"Modern Conception of
Matter," by Prof. Ernest F. Barker of
the physics department.
The members of the committee
arranging the lectures are, in addi-
tion to Dr. Robbins: Prof. James K.
Pollock 'of the political science de-
partment; Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of
the philosophy department; Prof. G.
Carl *Huber, dean of the Graduate
School; and Prof. Samuel A. Gouds-
mit of the physics department.
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means the integration
the differentiation of
the use of subjects a
he accomplishment of
he continued.
s opportunity for prac-
ratic living and the de-
those civic qualities and
itial to a democracy
s a chance for cultivat-
character traits, desira-
and balanced emotional
eded for making this
Atter place in which to
or Woody said.
ant question in educa-
!s how to introduce the
at body of subject mat-
le curriculum in such
he will obtain a rich,
meaningful experience
evelop permanent inter-
irable attitudes toward
Woody also discussed
in his talk the function
, the nature of the cur-
the out-of-school learn-*
is for Pheasant Man-
outhern Michigan," will
>f a broadcast, by Prof.
of the University For-
over WJR at 10 p. m..,
d ther to the
He is also one of the four fac-I
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