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October 21, 1933 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-21

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Social Activities For Camp
Reach Height With 41 D


Hiscock Named
As Chairman Of
Annual Cabaret
Schwartze, Rich, Kane And
Bell To Be Assistants,
Says Miss McCormick
Margaret Hiscock, was named
chairman of the Sophomore Cabaret
at the elections held in the League
yesterday. Dorothy Schwartze will as-
sist Miss Hiscock.
Committee chairmen elected at the
same time include Betty Rich, chair-
man of finance; Julie Kane, chair-
man of entertainment; and Winifred
Bell, chairman of hostesses.
At the opening of the meeting Miss
Ethel McCormick, social director of
the League spoke on the cabaret as
a class function, and emphasized the
need to make it a financial success
in order to raise money for the Un-
dergraduate Fund. Hilda Kirby, '35,
chairman of last year's Cabaret,
spoke on the mechanics of the affair,
stressing the responsibilities of each
sophomore woman.
Harriet Jennings, chairman of the
Judiciary Council, presided over the
meeting, assisted by Ruth Kurtz, '34,
Kathleen Carpenter, '35, and Mary
Sabin, '35.
The elections were made in a block,
the chairman and assistant chairmen
being chosen in the first group and
their assistants from the second.
The Cabaret which began in 1929,
has become the annual class func-
tion for sophomore women. It offers
opportunity for many sophomores to
participate in the part of the func-
tion which they are most capable of
handling. Dance choruses, and other
entertainment features are offered
every year, in conjunction with the
dance. These choruses are not only
composed of women in the class but
are for the most part trained by

Many Guests
And Friends
At Sororities
Sororities are hostesses to numer-
ous friends and guests for one of the
-largest social week-ends of the year.
Alpha Xi Delta wishes to announce
the pledging of Jean Field, '37, of
Aliquippa, Pa. The sorority will hold
open house after the game today.
Mrs. Myrtle L. Moore, chaperon, will
Delta Zeta announces the pledging
of Janet Brackett, '36, Norway, Mich.
Gamma Phi Beta is entertaining
numerous guests and alumnae from
out of town over the week-end. The
guests include Jean Walker, Cleve-
land; Grace Esther Schroeder, To-
'edo; Dorothea Beckett, Lakewood,
Ohio; Theresa Marshall, Columbus;
Theodora Thielman, Jackson; Mar-
garet Smith, Bay Village, Ohio; Mar-
tha and Pew Clarke, Baldwinsville,
N. Y.; Betty' Wheeler and Catherine
Barr, Grand Rapids; and Enid Bush,
Marie Baumgartner, Jean Schneir,
Lois Foley, and Marianna Joscelyn of
Kappa Delta is entertaining a large
group of guests at a buffet supper
after the game today. Among those
who will attend from out of town
,,re Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wessberg, 'of
Saginaw; Mr. and Mrs. Fred John-
son, - Birningham; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Moore and Miss Kitty Moore,
Grosse Pointe; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
W. Cole, Lansing; Mr. and .Mrs. W.
B. Stroup and Mrs. Leon Snyder with
Leonora and Margaret Snyder of
Grand Rapids; Miss Jerry Wilson,
Rochester, N. Y.; Miss Elizabeth Mc-
Intosh, Kokomo, Ind.; Miss Dolly
Robins, Port Huron; Mr. and Mrs.
H. D. Rankin, Dr. and Mrs. H. M.
Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. Roy St. John
and Miss Wanda Lee, all of De-

Fraternity Dances
Are Well-Attended

Alumni Throng
To Fraternities
This Week-end


Liss Show

Fraternity dances last night seemed
to have had as their purpose that of
accomplishing a holiday mood for the
week-end ahead. Their guest lists
show not only the campus to be well
represented, but outside towns as
Beta Theta Pi fraternity enter-
tained at a pledge formal last night.
Matt Schiff and his band coming
from Streets of Paris, Chicago were
The guests present included: Bar-
bara Strand, '37, Jean Shaw, '36, Ann
Timmons, '36, Dorothy Seens, '35,
Claire Sharney, Maxine Smith, and
Marion Forth, Detroit; Elaine Thom-
as, Grosse Pointe; Virginia Swift, '36;
Mary Ellen Menard, '37, Betty Rust,
Saginaw; Esther Lincoln, '37, Hazel
Estep, '35, Alice Hannon, '36, Mary
Lou Miller, '37, Betty Van Dne, '35,
Mildred Funk, '37, Bernice Wetherald,
'35, Eunice Miller, '36, Marguerite
Michener, '37, Virginia Spray, '37,
Betty Jane Servis, '36, Margaret Her-
trich, '35, Shirley Vernor, '35, Jean-
ette Green, '35, Gertrude Downing,
'37, Margaret McCall,Chicago; Char-
lotte Rueger, '37, Julie Kane, '36,
Charihne Charles, '36, Mary Louise
Willoughby, '37; Kate Landrum,; '37,
Pauline Chick, Birmingham, Marjorie
Warren, '35, Barbara Miller, Milwau-
kee, Mary Margaret Campbell, '37.
The out-of-town guests who at-
tended the Delta Upsilon dance last
night were as follows: Jane Mahon,
Port Huron; Elizabeth Johnston,
Port Huron; Mary Thompson, De-
troit, Cil Hellberg, Winton, Minn.;
Betty Moore, Pontiac; Marian Don-
aldson, Pontiac; Janet Woolley,
Boonville, N. Y.; Josephine Wood-
hams, Plainwell, Mich.; Arale Ant-
wright, Detroit; Dorothy Utley, De-
troit; Betty Laub, Grosse Ile; Elea-
nor Wasey, Bloomfield Hills; Mau
Seefried, Pontiac; Betty Brown; Bir-
mingham; Ruth Ann Jernegan, Mish-
awaka, Ind.; Corrine Congdon, Ran-
daloph, N. Y.; Louise Sprague, Troy,
N. Y.; Jane McPhail, Detroit; and
Bessie Curtis, Ann Arbor.
Kappa Sigma held its pledge for-
mal last night. Among the guests at-
tending were Grace Bennett, '37,
Betty Rich, '36, Barbara Owens, '35,
Helen Barr, '35, Josephine Cava-
naugh, '37, Marion Shultz, '35, Jean
Malcolm, '37, Ann Osborn, '35, Mary
Brimijoin, '34, Jean Hatcher, '37,
Jean Greenwald, '37, Margaret Aus-
tin, '35, Dorothy LeVan, '37, Alice All-
wein, '37, and Saxon Finch, '37.
The following were guests at the
Sigma Nu pledge formal given last
night in honor of this year's class
and the Beta Nu chapter of Sigma
Nu from Ohio State:
Harriett Hathaway, '37, Betty
Lyons, '34, Rebecca K. Pruett, Grad.,
Elizabeth Roe, '35, Germaine Kehrer,
'35, Betty Simons, '36, Margaret Mac-
Gregor, '34SM, Lucy Cope, '35A, Vir-
ginia Pelhank, '35, Rosemary Os-
bourne, '35, Lucile Betz, '35, Frances
Manchester, '35, Gretchen Bowman,
'37, Barbara Shoetz, '34, Harriet
Breay, '37, Jean Orcutt, Detroit;
Nancy Reed, Ann Arbor; Jean Rob-
inson, '34, Virginia Coe, '35, Mary
Swanwick, Ann Arbor, Betty Crist,
'37, Elsie McClellan, Detroit; Rosalie
Resnick, '37.
The chaperones were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Oakes, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ar-
nold, Dr. and Mrs. Lowell J. Carr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Boyce of
East Liverpool, Ohio, were house
IWhereiTo Go

Homecoming, Ohio
Game Draw Grads
In Great Numbers


Fraternity houses are crowded with
alumni returning for reunions and to
attend the game today.
Guests and alumni at the Alpha
Kappa Psi house this week end will
be Mrs. Joseph Mendihan, of Corn-
ing; Mr. and Mrs. K. Vetter, Cleve-
land; Mrs. P. Rosch, North Adams,
Mass.; Fred Mershall, Dayton; Ho-
bart Harris, Detroit; and Harold
Crim, North Platte, N. Dakota.
An alumni reunion will be held
this week-end at the Delta Chi house.
Among the alumni returning are:
Judge Day of Cleveland, Judge Fer-
guson of Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Day of Washington, D. C., Mr.
Frank Atkinson and family of De-
troit, Bernard Bailey, '32, of Jack-
son, Henry Dekoning, '32, of Kalama-
zoo, Sid Cedergreen, '31, and Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Brunton, '32, of Ana-
conda, Montana; Frederick Pabody,
'31, and Edward Ruffel, '31, of Lake-
wood, Ohio; Don Swan, '23, of Grosse
Ile and Edward Gorman, '24, of Lex-
The alumni and guests that will be
entertained at the Delta Upsilon fra-
ternity this week-end will include Mr.
and Mrs. William E. Edwards, Cleve-
land, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Donald V.
H. Bartholomew, Vernon, N. Y.; Mr.
Lawrence K. Sweet, Detroit; Mr. John
Croxton, Angola, 'Ind.
Lunch and dinner will be served
to one hundred guests on Saturday.
Approximately 35 men from the Ohio
chapter will arrive for the game, in-
cluding Co-Captain Gailus, Vuchi-
nich, Rees, Cox, Heekin, Smith and
Thomas of the Ohio State Varsity.
Alumni guests at Kappa Nu this
weekend will include Philip Arnoff,
'33,. Cleveland; Klee Bachenhimer,
'31, Wheeling, W. Va.; James Riegel-
haupt, '09, Cleveland; Arthur Bern-
stein, '31, Chicago; Arthur Goulson,
'33, Detroit; Phillip Stern, '30, De-
troit; Marvin Rosenberg, Detroit; Dr.
M. Rattner, '23, Detroit; Miss Ruth
Becker, Miss Beatrice Rosen, both of
Cleveland; Miss Janet Browdy, Pitts-
burg; Miss Alma Kiefer, Wheeling,
W. Va.
Fifteen alumni of Phi Alpha Delta,
national law fraternity, are returning
to Ann Arbor this week-end for a
reunion at the local chapter house.
The graduates returning are:
George Fink and Allan Gilbert, na-
tional officers from Chicago; Frank

Helen Newberry
Holds Initiation
For New Women
At the annual initiation last night,
55 new girls were taken into Helen
Newberry Residence. The 'ceremony
took place in the parlor after an in-
itiation dinner.
The guests of honor were Mrs.
Diack, former dean of women of the
University, and Mrs. Jordan, who,
represented the Newberry Board of
Governors. Mrs. Diack spoke at the
ceremony, relating some interesting
bits of campus and dormitory history.
Ada Blackman, house president,
made the welcoming speech and per-
formed the ceremony of pledging. All
the new members of the house signed
the roster and were given roses.
Margaret Arnold, '34, was chair-
man of the initiation ceremony and
the probation week which preceded
Kessel, '11, and John Sturges, '16,
both of Cleveland; Robert Finch, '28,
Grand Rapids; Cyrus Goodrich, '12,
Battle Creek; Leslie Butler, '27, Lan-
sing; William Kenney, '31, Chicago;
Earl Snyder, Ohio; Judge Arthur J.
Tuttle, Niel Ried, '26, Richard For-
syth, '21, Russel Sauer, '29, Kenneth
Stone, '30, and Howard Servis, '06, all
of Detroit.
Guests coming out for the Ohio
State game are as follows: Dorothy
Bohrer, Ruth Lasley, Helen White,
Josephine Hauman, Ruth Peters,
Thelma Hergert, Mark Hockenberger,
Robert 'White, Ralph Merickle, Mrs.
J. F. Lesley, Mrs. R. Waggoner, Dr.
Thomas Owens, '32, and his wife,
Dr. Schiedmann and his wife, and
Dr. Hauman and his wife, all of
Other guests are: Mrs. D. Soldi-
neer, Miss DorothaandkRobert Stahl,
Fremont, Ohio; Franklin Sassaman,
Charlotte; the Misses Willa and Helen
Finnegan, and Mr. Fiegel all of De-
troit; Jane Welsh, '35, Ann Arbor;
and Dr. Avery Spencer, '31, and his
wife, Lapeer.
Week-end guests at Phi Mu Alpha
fraternity are Frank Riley, 33E, John
Riley, and Francis Wright, all of
Pontiac; Jack Ellis, of Owosso, and
Gordon Packer, '29, who was drum-
major while on campus.
The fraternity wishes to announce
the pledging of Kenneth Bovee,
Week-end guests at the Sigma Nu
house include Mr. J. K. Martin,
Springfield, Ill.; Mr. MacHanney, Co-
lumbus; Mr. Wilson Stevenson, and
Mr. H. Clifford Stevenson, Rochester,
N. Y.; Mr. Clovis Altmeir, Mr. Phillip
Daelker, both from Columbus; Mr.
George R. Squibb, Cincinnati; and
Mr. C. M. Brown, Flint.

Almost vieing with J-Hop week-end
in the number of dances being held,
Homecoming has inspired some forty-
one parties to Ann Arbor houses. The
majority of the nine dances held last
night were closed pledge formals, butE
tonight the doors are open at nearly,
every fraternity to welcome Ohio vis-
Chi Psi is holding a tea dance with
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scolar, Detroit,,
and Mr. and Mrs. George Haskins
Dr. and Mrs. Katzen and Dr. and
Mrs. Hubert are guests at the Alpha
Omega party tonight. Bernard
Schmidt has made plans for the
A. K. Beecher, Jr., is arranging the
party to be held at Alpha Rho Chi.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hammett,
Lambda Kappa dance is to be di-
rected by Al Bloom, while Mr. and
Mrs. M. L. Newman are chaperon-
Benjamin Charm has arranged for
the Phi Sigma Delta dance; Dr. M.
J. Conn and Dr. Jerome Hauseer will
attend. The informal dance at the
Law Club tonight is in the charge of
George Knowler. Prof. and Mrs. E.
M. Durfee, Prof. John Tracy, and
Miss Inez Bosworth are to be present.
A dinner-dance will be held by Phi
Sigma Kappa with J. E. Baldwin
making the arrangements. Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. Baldwin, Grand Rapids,
are chaperoning. Ronald B. Fox, is
dance chairman for Psi Omega's in-
formal dance. Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Waltus, of Grand Rapids, are at-
Arthur Irwin is arranging for the
Tau Kappa Epsilon informal which
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hutchinson aret
chaperoning. At Theta Chi, Mr. and
Mrs. Lenord Wilson, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Coward and Mr. and Mrs.
T. D. Earle are to be present. James
Bacon is in charge.
Tor Nordenson is making the ar-
rangements for the Theta Xi infor-
Dormitory Guestsr
To Be -Entertained
Mosher-Jordan Halls are holding
open house Saturday, after the game,
for the residents and their guests.
Coffee and doughnuts will be served
at tables having as centerpieces au-
tumn 'leaves.
In Jordan, Mary Ann Story, '34,
house president, and Martha Bowen,
'34, social chairman, will pour, as-
sisted by Helen Harman, Dorothy
Richardson, and Mary Bottje, grad-
uate students.
In Mosher, those pouring are: Mary
Helen McIntosh, '34; president of the
house; Lenore Le Gendre, '34, so-
cial chairman; Elizabeth Griffiths,
'34, and Mary Jane Crockett, '34.

mal dance; Capt. and Mrs. C.
Powell and Lieut. and Mrs. R.
Coursey are chaperoning. Mr.
Mrs. Mastro Valerio, Ypsilanti,
be guests of the house.
Alpha Sigma Phi will hold an
formal open party, chaperoned
Mr. and Mrs. Roland I. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. aIarry Wilson.
party has been planned by Fra
Coates. Chi Phi is also entertain
this evening. Olan D. Snavely, JI
arranging the party:
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Fredericks
Detroit, will be the chaperons
Delta Alpha Epsilon. The party
been planned by Clarence F. Bla
ing. At Delta Sigma Pi, Mr. and 1
R. I. Robinson will be chaperon
Max Crosman arranged the dan
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Riechenba
Waterbury, Conn.; will attend
Lambda Chi Alpha dance tonigl
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Neikuss
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Christman wi]
present at the dance given by Ac
tonight. The party has been
ranged by Robert Menter.
Alpha Chi Sigma will have as
guests Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Peavy
G. Bradley is in charge of the pa
Nelson Smith is arranging
dance at Alpha Kappa Kappa, wh
is being chaperoned by Dr. and A
Charles Maclntyre and Dr. and 1
Robert D'Alby.
Guests at Phi Beta Delta wil
Mr. and Mrs. J. Romanoff, of To
and- Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Blumeni
of Chicago.
Phi Chi is holding a closed
formal, chaperoned by Dr. and 1
Ray Waggoner and Dr. and Mrs
C. Ransol. John Peid planned
party. Phi Gamma :delta is also h
ing an informal. Mr. and Mrs. Th
dore Hornberger will be guests.
The chaperons of the Phi Ka
dance are Mr. and Mrs. Paul R3
the affair is under the direction
Charles Duerr. Phi Kappa Psi is
tertaining with Philip A. Single
as chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Ws
Holden, Chicago, are to be pres
At Phi Kappa Sigma, George E
ler is in charge of the info
dance; Dr. and Mr. R. D. McGar
are chaperoning. Phi Kappa
dance is under the direction of C
Dawes, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ja
Steiner Vaksdal is in charge of
informal closed dance to be held
Triangle. Mr. and Mrs. Doi
Young, Mr. and Mrs. L. U. Erick
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bouchard
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stalker are
Bruce W, Klein is managing
Triangle Club dance with Mr.
Mrs. W. K. Parr chaperoning. Xi
Phi is entertaining informally w
Norman Allsten in charge. Dr.
Mrs. Kenneth Ryan of Flint are
be present.



It's terrific, the yen we have to
dash back to that new Dine and
Dance spot just off campus, where
dancing starts right after the
game today. The only colored or-
chestra on campus, Frank Brad-
ley's from Detroit, is going to play
for dancing every Friday, Satur-
day and Sunday nights from now
on, and his renditions are posi-
tively scorching. The name of said
jazz-spot is the Dixie Barbecue,
at 207 E. Washington. This week-
end the harlem floor show is di-
rect from the Schubert-Detroit,
featuring a soloist named Little
Alice, who's well known among
those who know, and what a danc-
ing team-the Two Dots! It looks
as though all the campus leaders
are to be there tonight especially
those who go for good old south-
ern cooking in a huge way. We'll
warn you about the smooth dec-
orations before you get a chance,
to see them tonight, that is, unless
you were among the mob at the
opening last night. The name, let
us repeat, is The Dixie.
It's a blessed relief to find a
restful beauty salon where fastidi-
ousness is the rule, probably that's
the reason one sees so many prom-
inent women on campus in the
Dimittia Beauty Parlor. Their spe-
cialty is the Edmund Steam Pro-
cess permanent, with just the right
combination of swirls and ringlets.
The classic coiffure, so much to be
desired this season, is the result
of one of their perfect fingerwaves.
The entrance is right next to the
'Scuse us people if we seem to
rave, but I. Miller hose has pulled
another scoop. We mean their One
Star extra sheer chiffon hose, that
wear and wear, and when you're
through they wear some more.
And, as for some of their other
famous hose, they'll make you a
special price on three pair of these
beauties at their campus shop at
300 S. State. The new fall and
winter shades are in, all of them
so lovely in their sheerness that
they capture your breath. And we
must repeat, they wear!

It's like the candy-land dreams
of your infant days, you no sooner
taste its lusciousness than it's
gone. But the vanishing power of
this fudge from the Caramel Crisp
Shop is due to its creamy smooth-
ness, like the whipped cream from
which it is made. We've eaten va-
rieties of it, every one a bit more
tempting, caramel, chocolate, black
walnut, and English walnut. It's
just the solution for that thrilling
moment during the show, or to
lighten those pre-bluebook blues.
* * *
We all exclaimed, "it's a darling
frock, where did you get it?" She
said, "I got two of them at the
Elizabeth Dillon Shop on William,
a new shop just opened." So we
went and saw all types of clothes
to swagger in, from the going off
of the alarm clock until you sign
in on;a "date" night. The jewel-
tone dinner and formal frocks cer-
tainly get the S.L.V. (stag line
vote), with their exquisite shades
and sleek fittings. Miss Dillon's
truest of mottos is "You've picked
the college, we pick the clothes."
"Away" games are fierce on the
stamina of the best, and dashing
around on trains and buses can
ruin the complexion. Before you
consider everything packed, be
sure you've all the cleansing and
tissue creams you'll need from the
Fifth Avenue Shop, 300 ,. State,
where said necessities are blended
for your individual skin texture.
For as grand as traveling may be,
we've seen many gals bewail for
days the damage done ' to their
skins. Please take our warning and
have a keen-o time at the Chicago
* * *
Brrrrh! These frosty nights are
hard on us warm weather folks.
So it's time to get yourself some
flannel p.j.'s at the League Hosiery
Shop. The loud colors alone would
help your mood. And for goodness
sakes, and yours, if you haven't
found the League Shop, in the
League building, wander there
quick like a flash, to see their
hose, cosmetics, rain capes, and
gifts. The rain capes are the kind
that act as a roof for you and your
fondest possessions, while looking
cheerfully gay on the drabbest of
.* * .*
Just a wee note from the Gad-
About herself. We sincerely are in-

When They're Just....

1-V. 7)5

Motion Pictures: Michigan: "Torch
Singer" with Claudette Colbert; Ma-
jestic, "Ann Vickers" with Irene
Dunn; Wuertl, "Twenty Thousand
Years in Sing-Sing" with Spencer
Tracy; Whitney, "Notorious But
Nice" with Betty Compson.
Art Cinema League: "Be Mine To-
night" at 8:15 in Lydia Mendelssohn
Sporty Knits
Softies of
Sa'turdciy Only

Weapologizehto Vogu fo
swiping their head e, b it
does describe Ekcomoor coats
perfectly. Note the pleated
sleeve detail and the Raccoon
collar that ties to one side in
the model sketched. The rich
woolen fabric will give long

Yellow and Blue
Corsages for
the Game ---
50c 75c - $1.
25c - 35c - 50c.
Telephones 5049 - 3815
14 Nickels Arcade
225 East Liberty Street
These are the adjectives that
best describe the intrinsic
beauty of this hosiery. They

f .:
y '
/ /%7
, ,
, ,
i ,.




- I


_. .




N lw



~j ~7/


;; .-



There's Nothing To Compare \ith These
We know lip.aLs! We k Viiu knovw these are "knock-outs"!
Alhave that new. iey rrsci in peaks, points, tucks, trims.
Distinctly a e a will not be duplicated when
these are gone!

Coolie Brims - Tm'coy Saiors - Hi-Back
Peaked Crowns - Shallow Sailors - Topknot


able incom-
- losing small
Our sympa-
our solution
iati mn.1'fr




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