Iay Act
mn Heads
Class Spirit Of Today On The
Wane, Says Grounds Foreman
s Given To
GTON, Oct. 20-(RP)-
slation to slash salaries
ess executives was advo-
group of senators to-
Rederal trade commission
>onses to its request for
from 2,000 corporations.
largely by disclosures in
Wall Street inquiry that
alf a million dollars have
financier in salaries and
one year - and that pe-
the depression - those
v in Washington are al-
for doing something to
s down.
Congress can go all the
gulate the pay of heads
ss - public and private.
er, agree the restrictions
>lied only indirectly and
those corporations do-
with the government.
ouzens (R., Mich.), one
te's wealthiest members
ber of theestock market
committee, said he be-
iuous publication of sal-
tend to keep them at a
commensurate with ser--
salaries of corporation
ld be a matter of public
use of the inability of
tockholders to secure de-
iation as to the conduct
>rations," he told news-
"As long as they go to
or money the public is
.now what is done with
letcher (D., Fla.), chair-
senate banking commit-
investigating sub-com-
"too much money is be-
doing nothing."
le the way these corpo-
the people," he asserted.
rfect existing legislation
-he same way to all per-
relief from the govern-
.'t know how we can reg-
>rporations by direct leg-
. To Hold
ption For
nel Rogers
n and smoker in honor
nel Fredrick C. Rogers,
of the University R. 0.
nt, will be held at 8 p.
ay, at theyMichiganUn-
onsored by the Ann Ar-
of the Officers Reserve
vas announced yesterday
ton B. Pierce, Capt., 0.
esident of the organiza-
Class spirit on this campus isn't
what it used to be as far as it con-
cerns the Buildings and Grounds De-
partment, according to R. C. Trom-
bley, grounds foreman. When asked
how much trouble the classes of '36
and '37 are causing with their pos-
ters and paint, Mr. Trombley laugh-
ingly replied that it was nothing
compared with the trouble caused a
few years ago.
He smiled as he reminisced about
the "good old days"; the days when
class enthusiasm and spirit displayed
itself by raising the class flag to the
top of the large pole on the campus
and then cutting the rope to pre-
clude any possibility of it being taken
down by the rival class. Mr. Trom-
bley gave sufficient reason why this
has not been done by the freshmen
or sophomores of the last two years.
The buildings and grounds men see
that the rope from the top of the
pole goes to the roof of Natural Sci-
ence Building instead of to the hook
at the bottom of the pole, many days
before Black Friday. There is also
an economical reason for this, Mr.
Trombley said. The rope is a con-
tinuous one and has to be brought
from Detroit and put up by a pro-
fessional steeplejack. In other days
this cost the Student Council over
Another way of showing not only a
great deal of class spirit but an
equal amount of disregard for Uni-
versity property was to paint the flag
pole and Waterman Gymnasium with
every color obtainable. Regular oil
paints were used and were practically
impossible to remove from the stone
work. The same applies to the paint-
ing of class numerals on sidewalks,
Mr. Trombley said. Calcimine cre-
ates the same general effect since it
can be obtained in any desired color
and yet it can be easily removed by
"No, the boys dorl't show the same
spirit they did a few years ago," Mr.
Trombley said. "Maybe the students
are taking life and especially univer-
sity life, more seriously since the
depression. And I've noticed a change
in spirit since the auto ban was ap-
plied. It may come back, but it isn't
doing so very rapidly."
Wesle Hall To'
Bear Name Of
Former Pastor
Announcement was made last
night that Wesley Hall, Methodist
student center, would be renamed
Stalker Hall as a memorial to the
late Dr. Arthur W. Stalker, former
pastor of the First Methodist Epis-
copal Church here.
Dr. Stalker's 25 years of service in
Ann Arbor constituted a record un-
parallelled in Methodist Episcopal
Church conference annals. He was
one of the pioneers who helped to
change the Methodist system from
one of itinerant pastors into that of
settled pastorates.
The board of trustees of the Wes-
ley Foundation at the University de-
cided that the most fitting tribute
they could pay Dr. Stalker would
be to name in his honor the center
where he carried on so much of his
work among students.
Opinion was widespread among
leading members of the church here
that the choice of the new name
was an honor both to the hall and
to Dr. Stalker.
Independence For
P ppines--Erum
General conditions in the Philip-
pine Islands are so obscure to the
average American citizen that he can
not help but feel prejudiced toward
the people of the islands and the
granting of their independence, in
the opinion of Emiliano N. Erum,
Grad., a prominent Filipino on the
campus and president of the Philip-
pine-Michigan Club.
"There is no doubt that the Philip-
pines are ready for complete inde-
pendence, and if the American Con-
gress more fully realized this, they
would pass a bill which would be en-
tirely satisfactory to the Philippine
legislature," Mr. Erum stated.
"The main opposition to the bill
passed last year by Congress grant-
ing independence comes from the
Philippine Republican Party under
the leadership of Manuel Quezon, the
president of the Senate," Erum said,
"because in reality the bill does not
grant complete independence, but is
highly favorable to the large sugar
"The education of the masses has
brought about a change in the atti-
tude of the islands," he continued.
"Schools are on a par with those in
AmericsE, with the English language
and textbooks being used even in
some of the older Spanish univer-
Frank Murphy, '14L, former mayor
of Detroit and at present Governor-
General of the Philippines, has been
well received by the native popula-
tion, and his work among the poor
in Detroit will make him an excel-
lent man for the job, in Erum's opin-
"The American university has done
much to aid conditions among my
people, as is shown by the number
of university graduates in public ser-
vice," Erum concluded.
Now 30 Cents A
All men on work relief rolls will
be paid the standard rate of 30 cents
an hour, starting Monday, it has
been decided by the County Emer-
gency Committee which has taken
over the welfare relief in Ann Ar-
bor and Washtenaw County.
The new scale is a reduction for
Ann Arbor work relief men who have
been getting between 35 and 40 cents
an hour. .With the new rates they
will be getting the same as other
workers, C. H. Elliott, administrator,
-- U
i jty1 ...'-e .
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4 ^6
Regents Alter
Physical Ed.
(Continued from Page 1)
Scholarships for this year was as-
sured by the receiving of $1,200 from
Lawrence D. Buhl, of Detroit. These
scholarships are among the oldest
which the University offers, being
continued through the years by suc-
cessive members of the Buhl family.
Dr. Haldi Resigns
It was announced that Dr. John
Haldi, assistant professor of physiol-
ogy, had resigned to take a position
with another school.
Three members of the faculty were
granted sabbatical leave for the-sec-
ond semester of this academic year.
They are: Prof. Stephen Timoshenko
and Prof. H. H. Higbie of the Col-
lege of Engineering, and Prof. Stanley
D. Dodge of the geography depart-
Acceptance of $883 from the Amer-
ican Library Association, which is the
first part of $2,500 offered by the.
New Tribe Wigwam
Will Be Dedicated
(Continued from Page 1)
are 22 rough, unpeeled birch posts,
and beneath them on three sides of
the abode are window seats.
As braves enter or leave they see
on a glass panel in the door the silver
outline of a brave in full battle re-
galia, fighting for Michigan. It is the
spirit that they carry in and out of
their wigwam.
Thus have the old braves of Mich-
igamua given to the Tribes that are
to come a home wherein the ideals of
the group may be fostered for the
betterment of Michigan.
Today members of former Tribes
will return to help in the dedication
of this new wigwam on the top floor
of the Union tower, where the braves
of today and those of tomorrow will
rcontinue to hold their councils.
Carnegie Foundation through the as-
sociation for the establishment of
two fellowships in library science.
The Upjohn Company has renewed
its $750 fellowship in pharmacy for
the academic year 1933-34. ..
We specialize in ChoiceMeats.
120 West Liberty
You can go out today and buy a brand new stove - and
it won't be any more up-to-date in its method of cooking
than the stove shown above. It won't have changed a
bit, fundamentally- except for its appearance and a few
slight changes in design. But if you buy an ELECTRIC
range-that's a different story ! An electric range is NEW
... it's really modern, and gives you something more
than your ancestors enjoyed 50 years ago.
For example, it gives you cooking without .flamne. It
gives you PURE HEAT from a gluovving wire - without
smoke or soot or fumes. Electric heat is as clean as
sunlight. It gives you added heatthfutness in cooking.
You can cook vegetables in 'as little as half -a-cup of
water, and the precious minerals and food values you
pay for are retained, instead of being lost in steam or
poured down the sink when the cooking is finished. It
gives you sealed-in flavor: meats and vegetables cook to
melting tenderness in their own juices. There is prac-
tically no shrinkage in roasts, and foods cooked elec-
trically have a flavor surpassingly delicious - a natural
flavor achieved by no other cooking method.
You can own a new Waldorf Electrochef electric range
for $89.50, installed and ready to cook.
Now you can have that really modern range you have
been waiting for.
Will Be Open
for Service
11:30 to 1:30
5:30 to 7:30
from 1 to 3
The Old Place With a New Atmosphere
L UNC HEON. ,,,.,,,,,,,35e e
Phone 2-3251
for Reservations
will speak on the
reserve officer and
a for the officers of
ter of the local 0.
to attend and in-
en sent out to the
Army and, Navy
nd Blade, Pi Tau
1 Reserve Officers.
n Informal
For Saturday
members of the '08
cted to be here Sat-
mal reunion, at the
according to word
wley Tapping, gen-
the Alumni Asso-
Fourth Avenue and Huron St.
Phone 9285
Adventure--Literature--Drama-Pubtic Questions
Schedule of Lectures
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oungstown, O.,
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