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October 21, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-10-21

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Established 1890

___ - -- i
- enneorse - ero ,.,.-""
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications. .
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion 'W"I theBig ,Ten News Service.
$5odcated, lofle ________
'? 1933 A L ...., ovoc 1934 -
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use,
for republication of all news dispatches credited to itor
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by,
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail.
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $3.75; by
mail, $4.25.7
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2.1214.
,Represex~.atives: College Publications Representatives,]
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
CITY E3ITOR....................BRACKLEY SHAW
WOMEN'S EDITOR....................CAROL J. HANAN
NIGHT EDITORS: A. Ellis Ball, Ralph G. Coulter, Wil-
liam G.:Ferris, John C. Healey, E. Jerome Pettit, George,
Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara Bates, Eleanor Blum,
Lois Jotter, Marie Murphy, Margaret Phalan,
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Charles A. Baird, Donald R. Bird,
Arthur W. Carstens, Sidney Frankel, Roland L. Martin,
Marjorie Western.]
REPORTERS: Ogden G. Dwight, Paul J. Elliott, Courtney
A. Evans, Ted R. Evans, Bernard H. Fried, Thomas
Groehn, Robert D. Guthrie, Joseph L. Karpinski,
Thomas H. Kleene, Burnett B. Levick, Irving F. Levitt,
David G. Macdonald, S. Proctor McGeachy, Joel P.
Newman, John M. O'Connell, Kenneth Parker, Paul W.
Philips, George I. Quimby, Mitchell Raskin, William R.
Reed, Robert S. Ruwitch, Robert J. St. Clair, Marshall
D. Silverman, A. B. Smith, Jr., Arthur M. Taub, William
F. Weeks, Philip T. Van Zile.
WOMEN REPORTERS: Dorothy Gies, Jean Hammer,
Florence Harper, Marie Heid, Eleanor Johnson, Jose-
phine McLean, Marjorie Morrison, Mary Robinson, Jane
Schneider, Ruth Snnanstine, Margaret Spencer.
Telephone 2-1214
... ...............CATHERINE MC HENRY
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, Fred Her-
trick; Classified Advertising, Russell Read; Advertising
Contracts, "Jack Bellamy; Advertising Service, Robert
Ward; Accounts, Allen Knuusi; Circulation, Jack Ef-;
ASSISTANTS: Meigs Bartmess, Van Dunakin, Carl Fib-]
iger, Milton Kramer, John Ogden, Bernard Rosenthal,
Joe Rothbard, James Scott, Norman Smith, David Wink-1
RA And
The Press...
LTHOUGH certain features of the
A NRA tending toward price-fixing,
salary limitation, control of production and con-
sumption; and sundry economic regulation may
be laudable, the more volatile members of the
recovery administration must bear in mind that
the press can not be lumped with other indus-
tries and professions where the control or licens-
ing problem is considered.
The First Amendment to the United States
Constitution guarantees to the newspaper, guard-
ian froni the first in this country of the inherent
rights of the people, the right to print whatever
its wants whenever it wants to, with certain war-
time restrictions and the usual treason reserva-.
Miss Perkins will be congratulated by the press
for her abrupt warning to NRA deputies to re-
frain entirely from attempting to influence edi-
torial opinion in any way that could be con-
strued as coercive. General Johnson is more or
less on the other side of the fence.
It was he who fired a New Yorc business news-
paper correspondent from his (Johnson's) press
conferences for alleged sabotage of an NRA move.
The bluff general had better watch his step.
On more than one occasion his hasty actions
have struck back at him. Witness his free NRA
advertising which newspapers were asked to pub-
lish. The advertising was not published. It was
a distinct rebuff to him. And there are many
other cases.
And so General Johnson ands other NRA hard
men may well take heed. The press is a separate
Estate, and can not be herded with more docile

and The Sacrifice. The division under the first
Harbingers of Spring
Dance of the Adolescents
Spring Rounds
Games of the Rival Cities
The Procession of Wise Men
The Adoration of the Earth (The Wise Man)
Dance of the Earth
and under the second:
Mysterious Circle of the Adolescents
Glorification of the Chosen One
Ritual of the Ancestors
The Sacrificial Dance
Stravinsky made his music appeal to the senses
while the scenario and the ballet occupied the
intellect. It is interesting and difficult music,
Difficult, that is, to ears that are habituated
and receptive to the rich, warm, pleasant colors
of the last century, to the regular rhythms of
that age. Stravinsky is interested in something'
new. The work "has deliberate primitiveness,
an uncouthness of color and rhythm. It is done
in a manner never before attempted."
Stravinsky is reported as saying, "I want, not
to suggest situations or emotions, but to express,
to manifest them. . . . The one essential is to
feel, and to convey those feelings." And so, there
is the sense of fatalism in the music. "It is a
matter of making things act for themselves, of
killing sentiment, of destroying subjective emo-
tion. It has reduced man to nothing more than
an element of nature, controlled by a marvellous
power to grow, develop, and die, to fulfill a nat-
ural cycle over which man has no control, just
like a plant or rock." It is in recognition of this
power that primitives elevated in their rites. It
was in all nature, in young nature particularly.'
This power has been transmuted into music.
The vitality "the beginning of energy, the enor-
mous shaping of the visible and invisible world
through movement," is in the music of Stravin-
sky. It's there and is inescapable.
This is the first performance of "Le S'acre du
Printemps" in Ann Arbor.
Sally Place

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to
less than 300 words if possible.
How incomprehensible is woman! Far more
richly endowed than man by nature, she has
through countless generations enhanced her
charm and loveliness by artificial means. Rich
silks and satins, rare plumage of birds, sparkling
jewels, enchanting perfumes, the arts of the dress-
maker, the milliner, the hairdresser, and the cos-
metician all have been summoned to her aid. And
in this twentieth century, she thrusts a dead-
white, straight-line cigarette into her facial ensem-
ble of delicate colors and graceful curves. She
surrounds herself with a blurring haze of smoke
and the ugly fumes of burning tobacco. She stains
her fingers a dirty yellow with nicotine. She taints
her breath and saturates her clothing with the
hang-over stink of tobacco smoke.
"Hasn't woman as much right to smoke as
man?" As much right? How stupid! She has as
much right to wear a beard but she doesn't exercise
this right if she can help it unless she wants to
join a sideshow. It isn't a question of right. It's a
question of feminine loveliness. And modern
woman seems ready, even eager, to throw away
her finest achievehlents in this respect for the
sake of smoke. How incomprehensible is woman!
A Washington,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.- Analytical observers
profess to see a difference in viewpoint be-
tween some of the large professorial groups and
the outstanding executives of the government's
new recovery agencies which, they claim, accounts
for some of the internal bickering among the new
The executives who are not also cabinet mem-
bers - such as Johnson of NRA and Peek of the
Agricultural Adjustment Administration -han-
dle their jobs as emergency tasks. The theorists
look upon them as being accomplished steps in a
complete revolution in national economic life.
"Our job is to get the economic machine going
again," one of the executive group put it. "Time
enough to determine just how it is to be kept per-
manently in motion after we get it off the dead
N ILLUSTRATION of this different conception
of the recovery drive lies in what is being said
off stage in Washington about the impending
great government purchases of food and clothing
to meet winter relief needs among the unemployed.

going or coming to inspect progress in the Tennes-
see basin is also talked of.
Another possibility is a visit to the home of An-
drew Jackson, "The Hermitage," near Nashville.
Mr. Roosevelt has repeatedly indicated in public
addresses afeeling of kinship to "Old Hickory."
Screen R'eflecti.ons
Screen and literary fans are all more or less on
edge for the presentation here today and through
next Tuesday of Sinclair Lewis' "Ann Vickers,7
the smashing story of a woman of today. The
Majestic Theatre will show it.
Irene Dunne, winner of the title role, will have
opposite her Walter Huston and a galaxy of favor-
ites including Conrad Nagel, Bruce Cabot, Edna
May Oliver, Sam Hardy, and others.
Dealing with the life of a social worker who has
advanced ideas about the status of her sex, the
story carries Ann Vickers from her first affair with
a debonair army captain to high places in reform
work, to literary success, and public acclaim. The
happiness she ultimately finds comes dramatically
as her latest lover is sentenced to prison.
Huston is cast as the famous Judge Barney
Dolphin, man of the world, politician, family man,
lover -and then bribery convict.
An author who has focused the attention of the
world upon American literature as no other writer
has been able to do - this i3 Sinclair Lewis, whose
bones of contention include "Main Street," "Elmer
Gantry," "Babbitt," "Arrowsmith," "The Man
Who Knew Coolidge," and many others. Since
"Main Street" first created a furore in sedate lit-
erary circles, Lewis' novels have been best-sellers
both here and abroad. All have been translated
into a number of languages. The author's inter-
national popularity is further attested by the fact
that he is the only American writer who has ever
won the Nobel prize for literature.
Ann Vickers, the American girl who was brave
enough to live as her mind and heart dictated,
will probably prove to be as appealing as any of
Lewis' other heroes or heroines. It is to be hoped
that the RKO-Radio picturization is faithful to
the Lewis story. -G. M. W., Jr.
Cal. - Going "on location" with movie-mak-
ing company is monotonous, boresome business.
Six young ladies who are making their first cam-
era appearances will testify to that. They antic-
ipated much, much more excitement.
The English version of the German film, "Eight
Girls in a Boat," is being filmed on Rod La
Rocque's property, a secluded, attractive mountain
retreat where, it would seem, anyone would be
content for as long as he could stay here.
But making movies is different. Members of the
cast must at all times be within call of the assist-
ant director, who in this instance is Marshall
Duffield, ex-footballer and Dorothy Lee's new
husband. The girls, 40 in addition to those in the
title roles, yawn, stretch, walk, sit and yawn some
One estimated that out of 10 hours spent each
day on the set, actual work amounted to only 20
minutes. The rest of the time they killed time.
Some read, a few sewed, hardier ones swam in the
chilly, mile-high lake.
And, after three weeks of mostly waiting, six of
the title role girls decided they didn't care wheth-
er they had a movie career or not.
All the girls said they'd stay in Hollywood gladly
enough if their contracts were renewed, and one
Adele Pearce of San Francisco declared she was
determined to be in the movies, contract or not,
monotony or excitement.
The contest winners who will go home if their
options are not taken up are: Eleanor Lovegren,
Boston; Mildred Hollis, New York; Betty Grey,
Washington, D.C.; Mary Lou Fisher, Detroit;
Vivian Ward, San Diego, Cal., and Louise Lynn,
Palm Springs, Cal.
If you were to visit this location, you'd perhaps
wonder why so many people were necessary. The

company numbered 130 and it included camera-
men, electricians, boatmen, a life guard, a forest
ranger, property men, assorted assistants and 12
Yes, chaperones were required. Each had five
or six girls to look after. Their principal tasks
were to awaken the girls each morning and to
see that they were in bed promptly at 10 each
No wonder several movie newcomers aren't over-



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Religious Activities

First Methodist
State and Washington
Frederick B. Fisher
Peter F. Stair

Zion Lutheran
Washington St. at 5th Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor

512 East Huron
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman,
Minister for Students

10:45-Morning Worship.
"is Christianity True?"
Dr. Fisher
12:15 - Half-hour forum on the ser-
mon led by Dr. Fisher.,
3:00 - International Student Forum.
Lieut.-Col. Rogers, speaker.
6:00 - Student-conducted discussion
on "How Can I Obtain an Ade-
quate Personal Religion?" Howard
Busching, speaker.
St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts.
October 22
9:30 A.M. -- Sunday School and Bible
9:30 A.M. - Service in German.
10:45 A.M. - Service in English.
Sermon by the Pastor-
"The Christian's
Daily Task"
3:00 P.M.-Young People's Rally
5:30 P.M.-Convention Supper
7:30 P.M.--Evening Worship with ser-
mon by Rev. August G. Sommer, of
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Res. 1005 W. Washington Ph 2-2341

9:00 a.m.-Bible School. Lesson topic
'Paul in Asia Minor"
10:30 A.M.-Service in English. Rev.
I. H. Knoll of Detroit will speak.
Topic :
"See What God Has Done
For My Soul"
5:30 P.M. -Student Forum- Annual
International Night.
The Fellowship of
Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets

9:30 The Church School. Dr. A. J.
Logan. Superintendent,
10:45 - Mr. Sayles will preach on the
"Religion for Today"
12:00 - The Student group will meet
at Guild House, 503 E. Huron. Mr.
Chapman and Stuart Chamberlain
on "Chrstianity Facing the Future"
3:00- Student Meeting. Panel' dis-
cussion on "Are the Principles of
Jesus Practical."
Social hour and refreshments follow.


St., And rews
Division at Catherine Street
Services of Worship

Sunday at 10:45 A.M.
"Certainties in the
Liberal Gospel"
By H. P. Marley

8:00 A.M.-The Holy Communion '
9:30 A.M.-Church School
11:00 A.M.-Kindergarten
11:00 A.M.--Mornng Prayer and Ser-
"The Coming Religious
By Rev. Edward M. Duff
Harris Hall
State at Huron Street
7:00 P.M. - "Conversatione" for stu-
dents. Leader: Professor Robert
Angell of the Department of So-

7:30 - Student discussion led by Ed-
ward W. Blakeman on "Student
Attitudes n Religion"'


8:15 Sharp

IE::: -



usical Events
e tb


he central spot of the program for Tuesday
at is given to Igor Stravinsky's "Le Sacre du
ntemps," commonly known as the Rites of
ing. This is the work, which, upon hearing,
dis ordinary audiences either into enthusiastic
lause, or into uttermost bewilderment, or mili-
t disapproval. They either put their hands
r their ears and go home as soon as possible or
mp and shout for the joy of being alive. Some
nk that it should be cast into the limbo of
nentionables, that it isn't quite nice, while
ers frankly enjoy the primitive and bald energy
it. No one can hear the Rites of Spring and
iain unmoved.

THERE is a very considerable group among the
college professor element in Washington
which argues that the economic collapse was the
natural and inescapable end of a long era of seek-
ing too great a unit return on property.
That weakened the base of the whole economic
structure, they contend, by steadily reducing mass
buying power. The answer to the problem they
propose is smaller unit returns but greater busi-
And to those holding this view the prospect of
the government's entering wholesale into relief
purchases, direct processing contracts and direct
distribution to the needy looms as an opportunity

Collegiate Observer
Pigeons which have a habit of roosting on the
hands of a tower clock at Normal University at
Normal, Illinois, are giving students an alibi for
being late for classes. The pigeons slow down
the progress of the hands on the clock with the
result that it runs slow. When students report
for classes late they contend they were going by
the tower clock and point to it as an alibi for
their lateness.
University officials are considering a campaign
of warfare on the pigeons.
* * *
The best students live in dormitories, the second
best in boarding places, the third best in private
homes, and the poorest in fraternity houses, a
recent survey made by the University oftChicago
indicated. However, a study of scholastic aver-
ages at Temple University revealed that mem-
bership in a Greek-letter organization was not a
handicap to the student.
A fair warning to those who enjoy taking one
-._ _.c......--A- f- ~ -% ,,.,. r ea no iiv gc l ircptly

II. Romanza

I. The Adoration of the Earth
Introduction - Harbingers of Spring - Dance of the
Adolescents - Abduction - Spring Rounds - Games of
the Rival Cities - The Procession of the' Wise Men -
The Adoration of the Earth (The Wise Man) - Dance
of the Earth.
II. The Sacrifice
Introduction - Mysterious Circles of the Adolescents -
Glorification of the Chosen One - Evocation of the
Ancestors - Ritual of the Ancestors - The Sacrificial
Dance of the Chosen One.
SYMPHONY No. 1 in C MINOR, Op. 68..............Brahms
I. Un poco sostenuto; Allegro II. Andante sostenuto
III. Un poco allegretto e grazioso
IV. Adagio; Allegro non troppo, ma con brio
ti -

"EINE KLEINE NACHTMUSIK" Serenade . . . . . . . . Mozart
for String Orchestra (Koechel No. 525)
I. Allegro III. Menutto; Allegretto

IV. Rondo: Allegro
("The Rite of Spring") . . Stravinsky

A Picture of Pagan Russia

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