. 25, 1933
Chi Omega Wins
Swimming Title
In 'Mural Meet
Close Score Settled As
Winners Take The Final
100-Yard Relay Swim
Thetas Are Second
t C
Berridge Chalks Up
Points For Victors
Annual Pool Event
Paced by their brilliant and versa-
tile leader, Jean Berridge, the Chi
Omegas successfully defended their
swimming title by nosing out Kappa
Alpha Theta, 28% to25, in the an-
nual women's Intramural swimming
meet last night at the Union pool.
With a close score differing by only
a point and a half in favor of the
Chi Omegas before the last event,
the victors clinched their title by
opening up in the third lap of the
final relay and winning by an easy
Berridge Stars
Jean Berridge was easily the out-
standing performer of the evening.
She personally accounted for 15 of
the winners' 282 points by taking
first place in the 40-yard free style,
the 25-yard back stroke, and diving
* Wolfe of Kappa Alpha Theta was
second with six points, and McDon-
ald, swimming for Betsy Barbour,
came in as third high point scorer
with 5% markers.
The final team standings were:
first, Chi Omega, 28%; second, Kappa
alpha Theta, 25; third, Sorosis, 11;
fourth, Betsy Barbour, 10; fifth,
Mosher Hall, 5; sixth, Alpha Xi
Delta, 4 ; seventh, Independents,
40-yard free style-Won by Ber-
ridge (Chi Omega); second, McDon-
ald (Betsy arbour) ; third, Suther-
land (Sorosis). Time, 0:26.
25-yard breast stroke-Won by
Howard (Betsy Barbour); second,
Mason, (Sorosis);.third, Simpson
(Independent). Time, 0:19.5.
25-yard back stroke-Won by Ber-
ridge (Chi Omega); second, Wolfe
(Kappa Alpha Theta); third, Bots-
ford (Alpha Xi Delta). Time, 0:17.5.
25-yard side stroke-Won by Sterl-
ing (Kappa Alpha Theta); second,
Gaylord (Kappa Alpha Theta); third,
Brooks (Kappa Kappa Gamma).
Time, 0:20.6.
2-yard free style-Won by Hall
(Mosher); second, Botsford (Alpha
Xi Delta) and McDonald (Betsy Bar-
bour) tied; third, Wolfe (Kappa Al-
pha Theta). Time, 0:14.
25-yard free style consolation swim
-Won by Odell (Kappa Alpha
Theta); second, Burke; third, Wright
(Independent). Time, 0:17.5.
100-yard free style relay-Won by
Chi Omega; second, Kappa Alpha
Theta; third, Sorosis. Time, 0:54.8.
Diving-Won by Berridge (Chii
Omega); second, Hickman (Kappa
Alpha Theta); third, Wolfe (Kappa
Alpha Theta).
Fencing Team Will
Meet Turners Here
Fresh from its 10 to 7 victory over
Michigan State last week, the Mich-
igan fencing team will take on the
Detroit Turnverein fencing team here
Friday evening at the Intramural
This will be the first match with
the Turnverein and also the first of
the Wolverines' home meets. The
Detroiters will present one of the,
best balanced teams in the city,,
strong in every department of the
Coach John Johnstone has a new
chance to bolster up his foils men,
the section of the squad that is de-
cidedly weak, a thing seen in its poor]
showing against State last week. 3
The Michigan starting lineup will
probably find Myers, Maas, and Sel-7
lars working at the foils, DeStefano:
and Little at the sabres, and Capt.j
Winig and Nahrgang at the epee.
The New York Giants seem to havet
.little trouble in signing their players.-
Only Fitzsimmons holds out,.
W,~ESTERN CONFERENCE HOCKEY needs the same guiding hand that
football and basketball receive. If an official wants to referee in these
sports he has to get a clean bill of health from the League of Nations, to
say nothing of ten coaches in the Conference. As in football, basketball
officials have to be suitable to both coaches before they are allowed to offi-
ciate a Confere-p carme. But in hockey, "Home Town" officials are still
the vogue.
Commenting on the recent Minnesota trip, a hockey captain of years
back said that whenever Michigan journeyed to the Gophers' hole they
knew exactly what was coming and likewise when the Minnesota sextet
came to Ann Arbor. He said that the invading team expected the little
end from the officials.
This is something that has kept many away from the Michigan ice
matches. Everyone would like to come and watch a clean, fast match, but
few have a desire to see an unsportsmanlike spectacle and stay away be-
cause of it.
If the officials were appo' ated out of Major Griffiths' office in Chicago,
the Minnesota-Michigan matc hes of last week-end would have been cleaner.
In the old days when a basketball$
game got rough, the official wouldEde
call fouls, one after another, until o Ed Grn
the teams cooled down.
Big Ten hockey is a coparatively LeadsScorin
immature sport. Three or four years ac
from now there will probably be
about six or seven teams in the For Courtm en
league. When it grows to such an
extent, proper refereeing is an ab-
solute necessity, just as it is now on a Big Ed Garner, Michigan's rangy
smaller scale with three teams. center who got off to a poor start
If big time referees handled the this season, is most certainly coming
games, and penalized severely for in- back with a vengeance. After ac-
fractions of the rules, hockey would counting for only seven points in the
become the biggest winter sport in first two Conference tilts, he opened
the Conference, just as it is today in up in a big way to annex high-point
the eastern colleges. honors in the next three games.
Of course it would be 50-50 to have Garner's grand total is now 44
our own officials for the coming ser- points, enough to place him in the
ies with Minnesota here, to even up lead with his team-mates and assure
for the treatm- there, yet if such him a high position among Big Ten
a system could be inaugurated that scorers. The Illinois game saw the
would see good, unbiased officials start of his comeback. He led the
handle the games, we would strongly Wolverines to a 35 to 30 win, ac-
urge the starting of such a system mounting for 12 points single-
and pass up the unfair chance to handed.
even up with the Gophers. And just to prove to the skeptical
Dirty hockey slows up the game, that'it wasn't pure luck, he followed
handicaps the team, and keeps the it by 11 points in the Chicago game
sportsmanship-loving crow -way. and 14 against Minnesota. Twenty-
The recent Red Wings-Rang rs ga. five points in two consecutive road
is a good example of clean hockey, games is something to shoot at.
More than 15,000 fought their way Captain Eveland and Al Plummer
I into the Olympia to see the match. are waging a nip-and-tuck battle for
It was played haru, but was 1iiot runners-up in the scoring column.
dirty, and in the end gave the fans After Saturday night's engagement
the realization that clean hockey the two weredeadlocked at 22 points
pays. each. Monday's games saw "Evie"
Minnesota cannot be blamed for score 10 points to Plumer's eight,
the recent series beca-e they just giving him a two-point lead with a
continued the practice tut has been total of 32.
in use since hockey began in the Big Altenhof, in the middle of things
Ten. But Michigan will be proud to during the first three games, fell
initiate a system in which unbiased down badly on the recent trip. Two
compett officials are used to work points in the Chicago game were all
the matches, he could account for, and the Gopher
Of course there is a large expense tilt saw him held scoreless. He holds
involved but here again Michigan fourth place with 19 points.
should be willing to sacrifice a few
dollars to insure fair, competent of- Loc a Boxer --
ficiatin g.It is only a matter of L cax sTo e
sportsmanship, just like booing an
unfavorable decision, and as the I
heads of the athletic board are put-
ting forth every effort to raise the Two University boxers, accom-
level of spectators' sportsmanship in panied by four others from Ann Ar-
basketball games, it seems that they bor and Jackson, will leave this
could also raise the level in this field morning for Battle Creek where they
to an even better advantage to the are to compete in the opening rounds
lovers.of fair play. of the Golden Gloves novice tourna-
Again we say that we do not blame ment tonight.
either the Minnesota team or athletic The University men are Carl
association, nor do we blame Michi- Burgtorf, welterweight, and Charlie
gan's players or officials. It is simply Verberg, a lightweight. Vernon Lar-
a condition that must be remedied if sen has been coaching these boxers
hockey is to fulfill the expectations and predicted that both would go
that its lovers have held for it. far in the Food City tourney.
* * *n L - - .n .I.....
Ben Glading
Donates New
New Award Takes Place
Of Former All-Campus
Harpham Trophy'
Now that the Harphai Trophy
has become a thing of the past, a
new award for trackmen, the Glad-
ing Trophy has taken its place. The
old Harpham Trophy was open to;
anybody in the University, and was
awarded to the winner and the next
two to place in a five-mile run. The
five-mile part of the contract fre-
quently ruled out everybody except
a half-dozen Varsity men, so that
the prizes were annually awarded to
the three best varsity cross-country
men. In fact, the last three years of
its existence, it was awarded accord-
ing to points scored by Varsity cross-
country men in the Big Ten meet.
The new Glading Trophy is open
to the entire squad of trackmen, and
may be awarded several times in the
same season. This has occurred only
once so far, when both Mueller and
Turner won it at the same meet. It
was voted by both the squad and the
coach that the performances of
Mueller in the mile relay and Turner
in the two-mile relay at the Illinois
Relays in 1931 merited giving them
both a share in the award.
Mueller lost the mile relay and
Turner made a present of the two-
mile relay to Ohio State. Inciden-
tally, there were four wrist watches
up on each race. Michigan was fa-
vored in both events, hence the be-
stowing of the tremendous honor
upon the responsible individuals.
Last season the award was voted
unanimously to Charley Ecknovitel
for his brilliant stagger in the finah
of the, Indoor Conference Meet. That,
was the time Michigan lost to In-
diana by that memorable five-
eighths of a point.
Ben Glading, who now spends his
spare moments in a zoology labora-
tory at Kansas State doing research
work on parasites, is the donor of
this latest trophy. While accompany-
ing the Varsity track team in his un-
dergraduate days, Glading procured
the trophy itself from some obliging
hotel at which the team was billeted.
While not the most beautiful cup
or vase which graces the trophy case
at Ferry Field, it is a good example
of modern contemporary china, and
bids well to come into its own as a
time-honored tradition for future
track teams of the University.
Many Teams Entered In
Women's Cage Tourney
Intramural basketeers will have an
opportunity to get in some practice
before the competition starts in the
annual women's cage tournament
this winter.
Two weeks of practice, to be run
off under the direction of Miss Marie
Hartwig and Miss Virginia Peasely,
will precede the first cutting. After
that three weeks are scheduled for
a round robin play-off.
The teams surviving in two out of
three of these round robin games
will be those winning through to the
final elimination tourney.
Dial 2-1013 40 years of knowing how!
206 North Main Downtown
With Blair Thomas, who has been
ill with influenza, returning to the
wrestling squad, Michigan grapplers
will boast a completely experienced
squad. Six of the eight positions on
the team will be filled by lettermen
and themremaining places seem sure
to be occupied by veterans.
Only the 175-pound and heavy-
weight groups have no "M" winners
in the group, but in the latter class
John Spoden, a substitute last year,
seems to have the call. Spoden has.
also won the All-Campus title in the
heavy division for two years now. 5
The manner in which the five let-
termen worked in competing Satur-
day night against Michigan State
shows the wealth of wrestling talent.
Three of the men won their fights
on falls and a fourth secured a large
time advantage.
Oakley Does Well
Joe Oakley was the only loser, and
he carried Captain Stan Ball, of the
Green and White squad, into anI
overtime match before yielding. Ball'
was runner-up in the National Inter-
collegiate meet in 1932. Oakley's de-
feat was even more creditable, as he
was under the handicap of a painful
knee injury, which he suffered early
in the fight.
Jimmy Landrum, Art Mosier, and
Ed Wilson all showed their mettle in
throwing their Spartan opponents.
Mosier took Allen Cox in less than
two minutes, while Landrum threw
Austin in five minutes. Wilson regis-
tered a fall over Bob Monnett in the
same time.
Two of the men who will quite
probably join the regular squad
failed to see action. Blair Thomas
still was ill and John Spoden's foot
bothered him.
Although defeated. Ed Lewis and
Sill Hildebrand, substitute heavy-
veight, showed conclusively that ex-
)erience is their chief lack. The fact
that Harvey Buss was thrown b'y Lee
\Iarsa was expected.
Michigan Matmen Former Wolverine Gridiron
Back In Harness .ads Uoidini Vnriptv f
What has become of our football
captains after graduation?" is a
question that frequently arises. Here
is a story of the careers of all of our
football captains since the War.
Tad Wieman, leader of the 1918
grid team, had a postion as line
coach at Minnesota, but this year
transferred to Princeton to take that
job under Fritz Crisler. I
Angus- "Gus" Goetz, one of Michi-
gan's immortals who captained in
1919 and 1920, is now practicing in
Detroit as an orthopaedic surgeon.
Duke Dunn, star tackle and cap-
tain of the 1921 squad, at present is
a judge in Chicago. Soon after he
graduated from Michigan, he entered
the Northwestern law school. He also
spent several years under Arnold
Horween at Harvard as a line coach.
Paul Goebel, who led the un-
beaten 1922 eleven, now owns a
sporting goods store in Grand Rapids
under the title of "Goebel and
Brown." On the side, he acts as a
very competent official in Michigan
high school football games.
Michigan's 1923 captain, Harry
Kipke, now one of the best recog-
nized football coaches in the coun-
try, works for his Alma Mtaer here
and has turned out three Big Ten
champions in three years. Some
time before he held the position of
head coach in Ann Arbor, he coached
at both Missouri and Michigan State.
Harry Steger, of the 1924 Con-
ference champions, works for a brok-
erage house in Chicago and officiates
now and then in Big Ten games. For
a while he instructed the Northwest-
ern backfield when Glenn Thistle-
thwaite coached the Purple eleven.
Bob Brown, captain of the 1925
Wolverines, now is employed in his
father's ,business,, the U. S. Pressed
Steel Company, of Kalamazoo, and
is a vice-president of that company.
Bennie Friedman, All-American quar-
terback and captain of the 1926
eleven, was formerly a backfield
coach at Yale, played professional
football for the New York Giants in
the signal-caller's position, and now
sells bonds for a well-known New
York brokerage firm.
Michigan's greatest all-around ath-
lete, Bennie Oosterbaan, leader of the
1927 team, now fulfills several coach-
ing positions at the University of
Michigan: assistant football coach
under Harry Kipke, assistant basket-
ball coach under Franklin Cappon,
and head freshman baseball coach.
George Rich, star captain of the 1928
squad, holds the job as head coach
and a teaching position at Denison
College, Granville, Ohio.
Joe Truskowski, of the 1929 eleven,
was head coach at Olivet but now is
an assistant coach at Iowa State Col-
lege. Jim Simrall, leader of the Con-
ference champions of 1930, is at
present studying medicine at Har-
vard Medical School.
Roy Hudson, last year's captain,
left school to play professional foot-
ball for the Toledo Mud-Hens, but
latest reports have it that he con-
templates returning to schlool next
semester to finish his physical edu-
cational course.
Tryouts are being held every after-
noon at the Intramural Building for
all those intending to enter the all-
campus foul throwing tournament.
In order to qualify, the contestant
must make at least 15 baskets out of
his first 25 shots. The one scoring
the greatest number of baskets out of
100 shots, included in which are the
25 qualifying shots, will be declared
the winner.
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Tournament In Handball
Approaches Semifinals
After a series of upsets Wilbur
aimmy, seeded fifth, advanced to the
semi-final round of the All-Campus
Handball Tournament by defeating
Art Cohen yesterday in straight
games, 21 to 14 and 21 to 19. Cohen,
in the second round, eliminated
Lundberg, the first seeded player.
In the lower bracket, Anderson de-
feated Gadja, fourth seeded player,
16 to 21, 21 to 19, and 21 to 12, to
yet into the semi-final round. Ander-
son will meet the winner of the Tay-
lor-Hilburger match, while Gimmy
will meet the winner of the Otto-
Friedman match.
and Cure
Indigestion at
213 S. State
that Northwestern has a hockey
squad that has received pointers from
the Blackhawks of Chicago. Wheth-
er this squad will be entered against
Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan,
we do not know.
And Illinois has been playing in-
tramural hockey for two years. They
have a so-called varsity squad work-
ing out regularly and might also put
a team in the field next season. Sev-
eral prominent prep-school players
are enrolled at Illinois this fall which
adds weight to the opinion that they
will be in the league next year.
TEAM is sitting very pretty in-
deed. The first semester ends with
Michigan winning four out of five
games. That in itself would not be
outstanding except for the fact that
four of the games have been on the
road. Consequently the second se-
mester will see Michigan playing on
its home court, an advantage of
about seven points a game.
With G a r n e r finally coming
through-44 points in the five games
--and Captain Eveland hitting his
true stride, 10 points against Min-
Others making the trip from this
section will be Joe Murray, a Jack-
son flyweight; George -Daniel, also
of Jackson, who is a welter; Paul
Bradbury, Dexter flyweight; and
Earl McCleery, a local middleweight.
nesota alone, Michigan .might fool
the fans.
Only one game has an even chance
of being lost, that at Purdue. It is
a small court, much smaller than any
other in the Conference, and every
team has a hard job winning on it.
However Iowa tripped them for the
first time since 1929 this year and
maybe Michigan can too.
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