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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
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Chicago.,DTRA TF
A Final Verdict On
The Rooming Ban.
dent Affairs will meet at 2 p. m.
today to decide two issues, both of which are ex-
tremely important from the student point of view.
The first of these, the fraternity rooming ban,
will, if repealed, allow freshmen that are scho-
lastically eligible for initiation and have received
permission from their parents, to reside in the
chapter houses, instead of rooming houses, during
the second semester. This would be of tremendous
financial benefit to every fraternity on the cam-
The second question concerns the rules regulat-
ing the J-Hop: week end. The committee may
either accept or reject the rules that have been
drawn up by the Hop executives.
In both cases, the Senate Committee knows
exactly how the student opinion stands. It knows
that fraternity men want permission for fresh-
men to live in the houses and it knows that the
campus wants the IJ-Hop rules approved without
Consequently, since there is no question as to
what the undergraduates want, we urge the com-
mittee to co-operate with the students and, by so
doing, receive complete co-operation from the
students on two matters where co-operation be-
tween the administration and the student is es-
Telephone 4925
CITY-,EDITOR ....................... KARL SEIFFERT
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters,
SO RTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
.Albert Newmtan,. Harold Wolfe.".
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A.
EllisBall, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald
F. Blakertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens,
, 10ph . Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel,
gri Hall, John C. lealey, Robert B. Hewett, George M.
Holmr3es,, Walter. . M orrson, Edwin W Richardson,
John Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.,
W. Stoddard White.
Katherine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck,
Eleanor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley,
Louise Crandall, Doroty Dishman, Anne Dunbar,
Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor
Peterson, Margaret. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet
Spiess,' Marjorie Western.
Telephone 21214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton- Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising- Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
ulation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Alien Cleve-
land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc-
Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.
TUESDAY, JAN. 24, 1933
Eliminate Compulsory
b ry
Women's Athletics . ,
I urday, Dr. Margaret Bell director
of women's physical education, commended the
University's compulsory two years of physical ed-
ucation for women; apparently to meet the chief
criticism levelled at the compulsory program-
i. e., that it is compulsory-Dr. Bell quoted a Chi-
cago University dean as -follows: " . . the mere
fact that physical education is required should
not make it objectionable."
Another somewhat different view-of the matter
is taken by Mrs. William T. Donahue, freshman
adviser and assistant in the psychoogy depart-
ment, who declared Tuesday "Psychologically,
anything compulsory meets with a certain'amount
of opposition-and certainly the same amount of
benefit does not accrue under compulsion."
- Now the statements are not necessarily contra-
dictory. For Dr. Bell only says that compulsion
OUGHT NOT to be opposed, while Mrs. Donahue,
without being inconsistent, affirms that compul-
sion IS BOUND TO BE opposed.
Unfortunately, what OUGHT to be and what IS
are frequently not the same.
That Mrs. Donahue2is irrefutably correct has
already been evinced. 224 co-eds out of 265 ques-
tioned by The Daily have indicated in signed
statements that they oppose the present system
and favor either no required gymnasium work, or,
at most, one year of it.
College sororities polled voted unanimously
against the requirement. Spokesmen said that if
gymnasium work was not compulsory, more
women would enter intramural sports.
A leading group declared that "physical educa-
tion is not successful when forced upon women
One typical freshman response was that ath-
letics, "by being compulsory after the freshman
year, defeat their own purpose."
It is assumed that women's athletics are main-
tained for the good of the co-eds. If a psychology
expert and the co-eds themselves disapprove of
one aspect of this athletic program, then we
submit that that aspect had best be eliminated.
The Theatre
., : l 'A
As Portia in "The Merchant of Venice," Blanche
Yurka will appear in her second and final week
at the fonstelle Civic theatre in Detroit, be-
ginning Monday, Jan. 30. Robert Henderson, in
his production of Shakespeare's play of carnival
time in Venice, will employ the continental meth-
ods used by Max Reinhardt in "The Miracle," and
by Fermin Gemier at the Odeon in Paris.
This means that the actors will play through-
out. the theatre, as the turbulent mobs sweep
through this pageant depicting Venice, queen of
world-commerce, torn by racial and religious
strife, tempestuous with the hot blood of a
Renaissance festival. There will be an added mat-
inee for students, Friday, Feb. 3, at 3:15 p. m.
Many traditional interpretations are discarded
in Mr. Henderson's presentation, not' for new or
revolutionary methods, but for tradition which
flourished in the generation of David Garrick,
Kean, Kemble and Burbage. We have become so
accustomed to the later interpretations originated
by Sir Henry Irving and Booth that earlier tra-
ditions now prove strangely novel. Shylock, for
example, will be played by Francis Compton with
dark red hair and beard, as he was in Shake-
speare's day, though since Edmund Kean played
him in graying locks, he has always been seen so.
Antonio, the merchant of Venice, is presented
as an effeminate fop, a decidedly bad business
man, as the lines indicate. He carried a blood-
red rose in his hand throughout the play, a piece
of business which was introduced in the Strat-
ford-on-Avon production of the play last summer
under the direction of Boris Komarsarchevsky.
Geoffrey Kerr, popular English leading man
who appeared in Ann Arbor last spring in "The
Animal Kingdom" and "The Vinegar Tree," has
been secured to play Antonio. During the two fol-
lowing weeks he will be co-starred with Violet
Heming in "There's Always Juliet," and in a new
satirical comedy, "Revelry by Knight."
Also in "The Merchant of Venice" cast are
Maury Tuckerman, as the jesting servant, Laun-
celot Gobbo, a part he had in the George Arliss
production, and Howard Phillips as Lorenzo, Jes-
sica's lover. Mr. Phillips had great success in
stage and screen versions of "The Last Mile," and
has been a featured player in several pictures at
the Fox lot. Eden Gray will be seen as Nerissa,
Robert Henderson as Bassanio and Alan Handley
at. Gratiano. The company numbers 70 persons.
f displaying the technical equipment of the
>rgan. For the romanticists there is the Sama-
leuilh Prelude and the descriptive bells of St.
Anne which needs no program to tell its story.
And for the emotionalists, which in this case
might include nearly everyone, there is the ever
appealing Tristan and Isolde which would be pop-
ular in any transcription and loses little in this
setting for the organ.
-Kathleen Murphy
Editorial C 1omment
Anyone desiring a first-hand glimpse of the
imitative qualities of the human herd has only
to journey to the fair grounds Coliseum on any
night when Ohio State's basketball team is hold-
ing forth there. If, after 40 minutes of loud, high-
schoolish booing, the observer does not become
sufficiently disgusted with the persons, self-term-
ed "fans," who attend the games, he may then
repeat the dose by attending another. This should
either drive him from the Coliseum forever or
make him a loyal member of the razzberry clan.
But did we say this booing was high-schoolish?
Pardon us for insulting loyal high school fandom
We meant to say that similar demonstrations are
to be found only in grammar schools, and few of
them, and at professional wrestling matches. High
school fans are, in general, models of loyalty and
honesty. They have not yet acquired that sophis-
tication which makes collegiate fans better offi-
cials than the men actually handling the games.
Of course, these latter are perhaps justified in
voicing their protests at decisions which they
clearly can see are wrong, especially when Ohio
State's team is losing. It is regrettable that the
game officials do not realize this and ask for a
show of hands on each decision. That, it would
seem, should make for the greatest fairness pos-
sible, because the fans are undoubtedly less pre-
judiced than the game officials, especially when
the home team is losing.
But when Ohio State is winning, as it has been
this season, it might be better if the fans would
curb their righteous indignation at what they can
see is utter stupidity on the part of the officials
and restrain themselves from booing. This would
tend to make the officials believe that the fans
are willing to forgive their sins, and might even
cause the former to strive to reach that degree
of perfection evidently owned by high school
game officials. It's worth trying, you "broad-
minded" Ohio State fans.
-Ohio State Lantern
Those who heard T. S. Eliot at convocation yes-
terday knew at once that he was of the modern
school, even if they had never read his poetry.
He started out by questioning whether, "in our
age there may be many more pressing things than
poetry." He discussed the place and the function
of poetry amid mechanization, and especially in
a day when economic disarrangement and de-
pression has the center of the human stage.
He did not neglect to mention the financial
troubles of poets.
The talk revealed that this poet is aware of
the political, social, industrial and economic prob-
lems before the world. Apart from his work, this
consciousness of worldly things brands Mr. Eliot
as a modernist. The poet of old did not bother
about mundane concerns. It was his business to
ignore them. The destiny of a poet was to sing,
without questioning why, like a canary in a
A number of years ago, this campus saw and
heard a poet whose form is modern, but who had
not forgotten the function of the traditional
rhymer. He was Carl Sandburg, and he came with
lines of poesy under one arm and a banjo under
the other. From this token, students knew at once
that he was as authentic a poet as a bard of the
Middle ages, a German minnesinger, or old Homer
himself reciting to the rhythm of a lyre. Listeners
came to have pictures conjured up and emotions
stirred, not to have philosophy discussed and
problems. solved.
--Minnesota Daily
A special one-day sale to enable those who have not
already purchased coupons to avail themselves
of the exceptionally low price of $4.50.
Those who had the sagacity to purchase pledge cou-
pons will be able to purchase the book for $3.50
on, this sale.
This is one of the last opportunities that the campus
will be, given. to buy the official yearbook at the
reduced price.
After the sale the 'Ensian will be permanently on sale
at the
Musical Events
Myra Hess, the phenomenal English pianist,
will make her second Ann Arbor appearance in
the Choral Union Series, Friday evening, January
27, when she will give a recital of piano selections
of great interest and of wide variety.
'Miss Hess is recognized by competent critics
and by the music loving public in general as per-
haps the outstanding woman piano virtuoso of
the present generation. She possesses the virility,
dynamic, and poise of masculine pianists, and
combined therewith is a feminine touch which
reveals her artistry in a most gracious and pleas-
ing manner. In a rather large sense, she repre-
sents among the great women pianists what Hor-
owitz represents among the men.
Not only has she won the plaudit of the music
loving public in the great centers of our own
land, but she has been acclaimed throughout the
music capitals of continental Europe, America
and practically every land where music is revered
and appreciated. Her stage appearance is in con-
formity with her pleasing artistry and altogether
a recital by Mrya Hess is an event which always
proves to provide plenty of unalloyed pleasure
and satisfaction.
"Tor the Future"
will provide a Pictorial Record
will preserve your Chief Social
Accomplishment for posterity.
will tell you who was
there, in what
Lame Duck Amendment
And Prohibition Repeal.
By Karl Seiffert
The United States is the last nation to retain a
law prohibiting the sale of liquor. If the Eight-
eenth Amendment is repealed, Prohibition will be
a ban without a country.
Recent investigations reveal that a coroner in
New York state has amassed a fortune of nearly
half a million dollars. Prosperity, it seems, is just
around the coroner.
43 *
Pooh-the Model T flivvers did that.
There is considerable evidence in support of the
theory that the man who was selling stock in a
wildcat rocket-plane manufacturing scheme was
simply a clever rocketeer.
CLASSIFIED AD: "Letters for advertising,
multigraphing, mimeographing, typing, distribut-
ing, for what?" Let the advertisers worry about
An Illinois man who served 30 days in jail
for disturbing the peace liked it so well that
two hours after he was released he threw a
brick- through a store window so that he could
go back again, apparently believing that one
HIRTY-SIX states of the Union
ratified the Twentieth Amend-
ment to the Constitution in less than one-tenth
of the time it took to convince Congress that the
country wanted lame ducks eliminated.
That the required three-fourths of the statet
legislatures approved of the amendment in 10
months when it took the two houses of Congress
12 years, clearly demonstrates that our national
government is far too slow and clumsy to operate
It also shows either that the House and the
Senate do not know exactly what the people want
or that they are reticent to give the people what
Prelude and Fugue in B minor ............ Bach
Symphony No. III ......................Vierne
Prelude ....... .....................Samazeuilh
The Bells of St. Anne de Beaupre ........Russell
Thistan and Isolde ....................Wagner
Order your copy now