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January 25, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-25

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.



No. 891

University Broadcasting--Wednesday: "A Satire on Goethe" a skit pre-
sezted by the Department under the direction of Professor Walter A. Reich-
Automobile Regulation: Social privileges for the J-Hop will be granted
for the week-end from 12:00 o'clock noon Friday, February 10 to 8:00 a. m.
Moday, February 13, 1933 to those students who observe the following
1rcedure. Cards should be secured at Room 2, Univ. Hall and sent home
for parents' signatures and correct license numbers of cars to be used. If
these cards are returned to this office prior to February 10, permits will
le issued as stated. Cars must not be brought into Ann Arbor before Fri-
day noon, February 10 and must be driven out before 8:00 a. m. the follow-
ing Monday. No extensions of this arrangement will be granted.
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean of Students
Graduate- School: Graduate students desiring to make their second
uemester elections in advance may do so this week. Please call at the Grad-
uete. Scho9ol 9ffice for the necessary forms. The regular registration period
bfr the second semester will be from February 8 through February 13. New
students, or students transferring. from other Schools or Colleges, should
register at that-time. A student planning to transfer should ask the Sec-
retary of his School or College to prepare and send to the office of the Grad-
uate ^School an official transcript of his undergraduate record.
G. Carl Huber, Dean
Graduate School: All graduate students who expect to complete their
*ork for a degree at the close of the present semester should call at the
offge of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, to .check their records and
to secure the proper blank to be used in paying the first week in February.
G. Carl Huber, Dean
University Loan Committee: The Loan Committee will meet on
Thursday, January 26, at 1:30 p. in., n Room 2, University Hall. Students
who haye fied applications with the Office of the Dean of Students should
call at that office for an appointment with the Committee.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman
School of Education--Second Semester Registration: Students who
are planning to enter the School of Education for the second semester may
register on February .9, 10, 11 (8 to 12:30 only), and 13. Blanks may be
secured from the Recorder of the School of Education, Room 1437 U. Ele-
nentary School.
Students who plan to transfer to the School of Education at the begin-
ning of the second semester will be required to present at least a provisional
transcript from the school from which they are transferring.
Elizabeth B. Clark, Recorder
All Second, Third, and Fourth Year Engineering Students: Students
nrust report for second semester classification on Friday, February 10, and
Satu;day, February 11, at the hour and place indicated on. classification
lists which will be posted on bulletin boards during the second week of the
examination period.
Room, Assignments for the Examination in English I and II.
1035 A.H.-Stevens. 1025 A.H.-Baker, Hoag, Nelson.
2003 A.H.-Helm. 2013 A.H.-Weimer, M. Williams.
2225 A.H.-Binkley. 2231 A.H.-Schenk.
2235 A.H.-Hornberger 209 A.H.-Everett.
205 M.H.-Reed, Walter, Web- 225 A.H.-Bebout.
ster, Curtis. - 3209 A.H.-Knode..
103 R.L.-Peterson, Rowe, Proc- 1009 A.H.--Hungerford.
.tor, Morris. 229 A.H.-Bader.
2203 A.H.-Litzenberg and Pal- Morris Hall-Abbot.
,Conflicts in Final Examinations, Engineering College: Instructions for
adjustment of conflicts are posted on the bulletin board adjacent to my of-
flee, 3223 E. Eng. Bldg. In order that arrangements may be made for sup-
plementary examinations it is imperative that all conflicts be reported
to me by 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, January 26. J. C. Brier
Women Students, Tap Dancing Class: The elective tap dancing class
will not meet today.
Astronomy 107 will meet at the Observatory at 3:15 today for
work on Spectral Classification, based on Harvard Annals, Vol. 99.
Astronomy 205 (Cosmogony) will be offered during the second semester
instead of the first semester of the next college year, should there be suffi-
cient demand.

Michigan Academy Will
Convene Here March 16
The problem or land use in Mich-
igan, the consideration of which by
the Michigan Academy of Sciences,
Arts, and Letters helped bring about
the state land economics survey in
1922, will again come before a gen-
eral meeting of the academy at the
annual session to be held here March
16, 17, and 18.
A reception for all members of the
academy will be held at the museum
building the first night of the ses-
sion and the annual banquet will be
held the second night. Dr. George
R. LaRue of the zoology department
and president of the academy will
give his annual address at that time.


French Lecture: Mr. James C.
O'Neill will give the third lecture on
the Cerele Francais program: "Mar-
cel Proust et la Litterature Nouvelle,"
Wednesday, January 25 , at 4:15
o'clock, Room 103, Romance Langu-
age Building.
Chemical Engineering Seminar:
Mr. E. S. Rowland will be the speak-
er at the Seminar at 4 o'clock in
room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg., on the sub-
ject, "Beryllium Alloys.".
Phi Sigma meets at 8 p. in. in the
Museums Building, first floor, west
wing, when Henry Vander Schalie
will present an illustrated review of
the phylum Mollusca.
Sigma Rho Tau: Finals of the In-
tercircle Debates will be held at the
Union at 7:30 p. m. Question, "Re-
solved that the State should do all
R. 0. T. C. Ceremony: All members
of the R. 0. T. C. will attend in uni-
form at WaterCGymnasium 5:00to
5:50 p. y. This is substituted for
company drills this week.
Freshman Men's Glee Club will
meet in the Musical Activities Room
of the Union a t5:00 p. m.
University Girls' Glee Club usual
weekly rehearsal at the League at
7:30 p. m. in their Glee Club room.
University of Michigan Radio Club
meets at 7:30 p. in., Michigan Union.
Mr. Emmet Kelly will speak on "Air-
craft Transmitters and Receivers."
There will be equipment on display
and all interested are invited to at-
Michigan Technic Staff Meeting
at 7:30 in the office 3036 E. Engi-
neering Bldg.
Michigan Socialist Club: Business
meeting at 7:30 p. in., Michigan Un-
ion. Election of officers for the com-
ming semester. All members are re-
quested to be present.
Gargoyle Business Staff: Meeting
of the entire business stargand try-I
outs at 3:30. All are urged to be
present on time.
Harris Hall: Open house at the
hall this afternoon from four to six
at which time tea is served.


New Italian Ambassador Arrives At Capital




-Associated Press Photo
Augustq Rosso (left) presented his credentials to the White House
as ambassador from Italy. He is shown with Warren Delano Robbins of
the state department. Rosso, who was a former counselor of the em-
bassy in Washington, is highly regarded for his knowledge of American
relations. Before going to Washington he was engaged in various
important missions for Premier Mussolini.

Hobbs To Talk
To R.O.T.C. At
Review Today

St. Andrew's Church:
Day service of worship at

St. Paul's
12:05 p. m.

Sociology 245. (T. Raphael): It has been arranged that the final exam-
ination will be held Thursday, January 26, at 7:15 p. m., Room 102 Eco-
nomics Building.
Mathematics 1, 3, 5, 7: Final examinations for Literary College stu-
dents will be held Tuesday, January 31, 2-5 p. in., according to the follow-
ing schedule:
Anning 35 A.H. Menge 205 M.H.
Bradshaw 35 A.H. Nyswander 103 R.L.
Copeland 35 A.H. Poor 2003 A.H.
Craig 35 A.H. Raiford 2225 A.H.
Elder 205 M.H. VanEngen 103 R.L.
Greville 2225 A.H Wagner 2003 A.H.
Karpinski 103 R.XJ. Wilder 103 R.L.
Economics 51: A make-up examination will be given today at 3 o'clock
in Room 207 Ec.
Political Science 1: Students in this course who have conflicts with
final examinations in other courses shall take the final examination in Po-
litical Science 1 on Saturday morning, February 4, in Room 2023 Angell
Hall. James K. Pollock
Political Science 1: The final examination in this course will be given
in the following rooms in Angell Hall:
Mr. Pollock's section in Room 2023.
Mr. Cuncannon's section in Room 2023.
Mr. Dorr's section in Room 35.
Mr. McCaffree's sections in Room 25.
Mr. Calderwood's sections in Room 25. James K. Pollock
Political Science 51: The final examination for Sections 2 and 3 in this
course will be held in Room 2235 Angell Hall.
French Courses in Examination Group (0): Rooms for the examina-
tions in these courses on Wednesday, February 1, 2:00 to 5:00 p. m., are as
French 1: Natural Science Auditorium
French 2: 103 Romance Language Building
French 31: W. Gal. Alumni Memorial Hall
(All sections except
Mr. S. Lincoln's).
French 31: 103 Romance Language Building
(Mr. S. Lincoln's sections).
French 32: 1025 Angell Hall
French 11: 205 Mason Hall
French 71: 205 Mann :all

Geological Journal Club: Regular
meeting will be held Thursday, Jan-
uary 26, at 8:00 in Room 4054 N.S.
Mr. Duncan Stewart will discuss
"The Geology and Petrography of
the Antarctic Continent."
Applied Mechanics Colloquium:
Prof. H. R. Lloyd will give a paper
on "The Connecting Rod Mass Sub-
stitution." Prof. L. C. Maugh will
review the literature. Meeting will
be held in Room 445 West Engineer-
ing Building on Thursday, January
26, at 7:30 p. mn. Those interested
are cordially invitedtosattend.
American Association of University
Professors : A dinner meeting will be
held at the Michigan Union Thurs-
day, January 26, at 6:30 p. m.
Louis I. Bredvold, Secretary
Craftsmen: Meet at Dey's studio
Friday, January 27, at 7:30 p. m.
to have pictures taken. All old, new,
and prospective members urged to
be present.
Michigan Dames: The music group
will meet Tuesday at 8:00 p. m. at
1604 Shadford Road for a program
of Italian music. Mrs. Royalty will
be in charge.
Home Making Group - Michigan
Dames will meet Thursday, Jan. 26,
at eight o'clock at the Michigan
League Building. Miss Elizabeth
Martin of Foster's Art Shop will give
a talk on "The Selection of China
and Pewter."
J-Hop Booth Arrangements for In-.
dependen s: A meeting for inde-.
pendents who plan to attend the
J-Hop will be held Thursday, Jan.
26, 7:30 p. in., Room 302 of the Un-
ion, in order to make arrangements
for booths.

Other Faculty Men To Be
Present; Medals Will Be
Awarded To Individuals
Prof. William Hobbs, of the geol-
ogy department, chairman of the
University committee on military af-
fairs, will deliver a short address at
a review of the entire Reserve Offi-
cers' Training Corps battalion at 5
p. m. today in Waterman Gymna-
Other members of the committee
who will be present are: Dean Joseph
A. Bursley; Assistant Dean Alfred
H. Lovell, of the Engineering Col-
lege; Dr. Frederick A. Coller, pro-
fessor of surgery; Prof. Herbert A.
Kenyon, of the Spanish department;
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, of the po-
litical science department, and Prof.
E. Blythe Stason, of the Law School.
At this time awards will be made
to the various individuals and units
that were judged winners in the
semi-annual drill competitions held
during the last few weeks, Maj.
Basil D. Edwards, commandant of
the corps, said.
Freshmen picked as the best-
drilled in the seven companies are
as follows: Edwin D. Howell, Dar-
win B. Neumeister, Don H. Hill, Carl
A. Framburg, Donald C. MacLeod,
Robert L. French, Willis A. Hasty,
Harold A. Strickland, Harry M. Ly-
dick, John B. Heles, Laurents B. La-
Brie, Francis T. Worrell, L. Maurice
Mason, and Gerrit J. deGelleke. The
men will be awarded bronze medals,
accordingsto Major Edwards.
Members of the squad which was
chosen as the best in the battalion
are: Edward P. Hall, '35E; Robert
A. Cass, '34E; William C. Chapman,
'36E; Harold K. Beecher Jr., '35A;
James C. Loughman, '35E; Theodore
Krueger, '36, and Philip M. Boals,
'36E. These men will all receive
bronze medals except Hall who, as
corporal of the squad, will be award-
ed a silver medal.
Besides the talk by Professor Hobbs
short exhibition drills will be given
by the units that won events, offi-
cials said.
Holbrook Wills
Many Volumes
TYo Law School
Rare Volume Given By
Taylor To Supplement
Collection Of east June
The estate of the late Prof. Evans
Holbrook, of the Law School, has
presented to the Law School a library
of 87 law books, formerly belonging
to Professor Holbrook. The gift was
made through Mrs. Holbrook.
The Law School has also been pre-
sented recently with a rare volume,
"Registrum Brevium," by Orla B.
Taylor, of Detroit. Mr. Taylor re-
ceived his bachelor of arts in 1886
and his bachelor of law in 1887 from
the University.
"Registrum Brevium" contains a
collection of writs in use in the law
courts of the time, and will be of
value, according to Dean Henry M.
Bates, of the Law School, in trac-
ing the development of legal process,
and to some extent, of procedure.
The book dates from the late Fif-
teenth Century, and is a splendid
example, according to Dean Bates,

Goslin Comes
Here To Lead
Drama Group
Former Student Pastor At
California Will Direct
Six Presentations
Omar Pancost Goslin, former stu-
dent pastor at the University of Cal-
ifornia at Los Angeles, is being
brought to Ann Arbor late in Jan-
uary through the co-operation of
various groups on campus to prepare
and direct a series of six dramatic
presentations which will be present-
ed in the Methodist Church as a
series of pre-Lenten services.
Mr. Goslin has recently been in
-charge of the Young People's pro-
grams at Riverside Church, New
York City. He also was formerly
on the faculty at Union Theological
Seminary. Until a few years ago he
was director of the programs of the
Church and Drama League of Amer-
"There has long been a need for
such activity in the young peoples
groups on campus," Alfred Lee Klaer,
student pastor of the Presbyterian
Church stated, "and until this year
nothing really material has been ac-
complished in this direction.
"Young peoples organizations at
the University are co-operating to
the extent of making their member-
ship available to Mr. Goslin. It
should be a valuable and profitable
experience to those students who
are chosen to take part in these pro-
Library Collection
Of Printing Shown
Fine printing, which received a
noteworthy revival about 1890 after
two centuries of neglect, is the sub-
ject of an exhibition in the General
Library at the present time.{
Modern fine printing, which is
demonstrated in this exhibit, is pat-
terned after the work of old Euro-
pean printers. Both English and
American examples may be seen.
One of the most striking pages is
one by John Henry Nash of San
Francisco. He uses decoration and
color in an unusual way to beautify
his pages.
The Alumni Press of the Univer-
sity has some pamphlets on exhibi-
tion. There are also examples of
Venetian style of interlaced orna-
ment done by the Cranbrook Press,
Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Many printers are represented, not
only from this country, but from
England where Shakespeare seems to
dominate and from Ireland, the na-
tion that honors John Butler Keats
by binding his poems in the modern
style of fine printing.

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
Cash in advane--le per reading line
extra charge.
(on basis of five average words to
lime) for one or two insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
14c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14e per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per Insertion.
By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one
4 lines E. O. D., 2 months.........Se
2 lines daily, college year.........7c
4 lines E. . D., college year......7c
100 lines used as desired..........c
300 lines used as desired.........8c
1,O00 lines used as desired.......... c
2,000 lines used as desired ........c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per Inch.
Ionic type, upperand lower case. Add
8c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% j point type.
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 530.
UPHOLSTERING - Fine furniture
repairing, refinishing, and uphol-
stering. Also antiques. P. B. Hard-
ing, 960 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c
TYPING - Typing carefully done.
V e r y moderate rates. O. K.
Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c
TYPING-Gradtheses a specialty.
M1. V. Hartsuff, 9067. 40c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
These. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
One half block west of Law quad-
rangle, furnished 2-room apart-
ment; elec. refrig. private bath,
softened water, private storage
locker, moderate rental. Call Mrs.
Ferguson, 2-2839. 271
FOR RENT-Suite or double room.
One or two boys. Phone 2-2725.
410 South Division. 258
FOR RENT-321 S. Division street.
Single room $1.75. Also large front
room for two. Phone 4447. 270
SUITE-$2.50 and $3.00. Close to En-
gineering Arch, 1118 South Uni-
versity. Phone 3743. 261
FOR RENT - Attractive rooms for
men, one block from campus. Two
rates. 518 E. Williams. Phone 9673.
FOR RENT - Single and double
rooms. New low prices. Lots of hot
water, 332 E. Jefferson. 266
QUIET HOME-for Boys. 109 S. In-
galls. Second door from Women's
League. 264
FOR RENT-Nicely furnished suite
of rooms. $2.00 apiece. Single room
$2.00. 1201 White St. 266
STEAM HEATED Suite for one man,
2 other roomers, 1007 Forest.
FOR SALE - Piano, baby grand.
Large size. Practically new. Will
sacrifice. Apply Box 30B. 269
FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001. Open evenings. 19c


i ,/

TUXEDO-Size 35. For rent or sale
cheap. Call 5627. 268
WASHING-And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
A recent publication of Stewart
Chase, "A New Deal," will be re-
viewed by Sher Quraishi, Grad., be-
fore the Wesley Guild at 6:30 p. m.
Sunday at Wesley Hall. Quraishi will
outline to the students how Chase
explains thebeginning of the present
crisis and how we may escape or
remedy it.

At this time of the year
there are many people
looking for rooms for
the next semester. If
you have a room that
you wish to rent, it
surely would be worth
your while to advertise
the fact in The Daily
Qlassifled Columns, for
through this medium
many rooms are rented
every year.
The Ad-Taker
(See rates in next column)




Day and Evening Classes
Business College
State & William Sts.
PHONE 7831
17th Year

K The
Philip Barry's Sensational Drama
of Human Love with




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