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January 12, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-12

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~ I

morning except Monday during the.
id Summner Session by the Board in'
Wrester~n Conference Editorial Associa-
Ten News Service.
Tess~ is exclusively entitled to. the use
fall news dispatches credited to it or
ted in thispae and the local news
All rights of rpulication of special
lost Offce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
r. Special rate of postage granted by
strnaster-Gencra 1.
ing su nmer by, catrrler, $1.00; by inall,
far' school year biy carrier. $4.00; by
Publications Building, Maynard Street,
un.. Phonec: 2-1214.
'Collegeo Publications Reprcscntaitvcs'
ty-Fou'tia Street, New York City; 80
oston; 612 lNlorth AMichigan Avenue,
Teephone 4925i
................JOHN WTHOMAS
........ ..... MARGARE~T O'BRIEN
Thomas Connellan, Normian F. z-Craft,
'd, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hlart Schaaf,
in R. Winters

hours of' the laborer mnust be reduced iin a degrfee wthat better than other men in the pre-war dlays.
corresponding 'to the increased efficiency of the At least some of them did!'" (Reader note the
labor-saving fthachinery. ' staten't'!) Rabbi Stephen 'Wise, not loiig ago,
~That the machine has displaced. labor without wrote a, confession sayin7g that ie «was conascience-
an adeuae 'cmpensatlion for the workingmnan is stricken for having succumbed' to the hyster~ia of,
so evident that the presenkt furore over the "find- the rabble , the propagandists, and the super-pa-
ings'? of the Technocrats 'revealing these obvious triots,
facts is little short of silly. In presenting their The World War was not a defensive war on our
ideas the _Technocrats mierely openly stated what' part. We were not 'defending our wives and' chit-
eVeryotie knew or should have known. Neverthe- dren, but rossibly our investments, or, at least,,
less, they are perfor~ming an important function~ those of the financiers. The war was made by
in mak ing the issue mnore substantial, in giving: European madmen for. any number of unholy rea-
the populace a definite straw upon which to cling, sonis,.
vague es their doctrines may seem. I suspect that Ai. C. T. does not have the slight-
'They made one great mistake apparently in est notion of what the mission of the church is
revealing their "findings" with a form of ballyhoo, or should be.
publcity which ryas sure ' to' arouse anatagonism In conclusion, I suggest that since A. C. T. has
fr'on r'eactionary quarters and did. Another error, the courage to defend his cause, he 'should alsoa
possibly, was the selection'of Howard Scott to lead have the courage of rnot hiding his name behind
the projci, Scott's past record placed the Tech-' the anonymity, of three letters of the alphabet.
iiocrats in a bad light, although it was obviously M Levi,
idicuilous for. new Aspapers to criticize the char- rfsormeiu
acter of Scott rather than the. actual findings, of
the Technocrats,
,The need{for ser'iou1s social reform is universally E 4 oia o m e n
recognized. Both the Soialists and the Techno- 4IA
crats are attemz1pting' to point the way, one from --'
the standpoint of the :social economist and. th. TOUKEN OF LEADERSH1I-
other from thie standpoint of the scientific en-TlESLSTXIU
____________Squelching of the sales tax is.;ue by Franklin
SD. Roosevelt- trod the toes of balnced~ budget ad-}
vocate s-whose chief concern is. oftenest to dver't
Scre"en i e cto s taxation from themselves by shunting attention



Four stars ]means extraordinary;,-three stars very.
good; two stars good; one star just anothcr pictulre;
no 3tars hreep aNwy from i t.

B~an, Fred A. Hluber,


p....,HARY 13EY
Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
ril Aronso~n; Advertising Serv-
sley; Publicationas, Robert E.

Bassett, Beulah Chapiman, Doris
,Vrginia Hartz Cathierine Me-
Hlelen Schnude, May Seefried$,
AY, JAN 12, 1933

S 0*

Tas well as a boom
s with it a certain
as each great mo~ve.
,o has each era.~ The
birth to a nuimber of
oe sort of reform Ior
B. E. F., the Farm*-
13uchmnust nmove-
yr Leagu~e, the-"a-

.anySpencer Tracy
Beezark.........Joan Bennett
"Me and My Gal" is a fast moving comedy
^entering around a flatfoot along the waterfront
of New York, and tells how he,as a plainclothes
detective, comes tjbrough -the last minute, catches
a notorious gangster, reaps in the $10,000 reward
and m'arries the girl,
One- very entertaining alit is a scene between
Spencer anud Joan in which "Strange Interlude"
effects, i. e. both the actual. words 'and 'the
thoughts of the characters, are emiployed. For in-
stance, Spencer says aloud, "Oh, well," ahd sinks
b~ack on the sofa. Then you hear his voice, 'al-
though his lips do not move, saying "Bet I could
warm her up with a slug of gin."
Certailn drunk 'comedy in "Me and My Gal" is
id nauseamr, but the picture gets by with manifest
'avor. Joan Bennett is appealing 'as the. water-
ront. restaurant cashier.
"Son-Daughter," which we forecasted would not
appeal~ to a largely student audience, was taken
3,way a day early because of its weak drawing
Added attractions; Harryr Langdon. comedy,l
Tir'ed F'eet,"-mediocre;' "Babes in the. Wood,"
:ihe color' cartoonz; Reinald WerrenrathliIn Mich-
igan songs and Michigan' campus scenes; Para-
.nount news.
-G. M. W. Jr.
The Theatr
"'The Ticket-of-L~eave Man," Robert' Hender-
oi's produtction of the old Hawksh'aw mnelodramx~,
.eaturing Fritzi Scheff and Raymond Hackett,
la'y be'held over an additional wvieek, so great has
een its p)opularity with Detroit audiences, it was
nnouncd 'yesterday.}
"Bridal Wise," recent New York hit, with Mar-
la Gilmiore, had been scheduled to open Friday,
ut the run of "Ticket-of-Leave ,Man" has been
xtended through at least Sunday night.
The story dealis with the pathetic struggle Of
3ob, a Lanicashire lad, and Mary, thne poor singing
;irl, against tremendous odds. Thec narrative of
heir struggle to preserve their native integrity
,gainst the wiles of Jack Dalton, alias The Tiger,
tre thrillingly told, and if you b~elieve theme you~rc
3. bigger sap than we 'think you 'a e.
Miss Scheff sings a number of the songs which
nade her fainous back in the days of ".Mlle. Mft-
liste." Three' actors recently seen on the campus
tage, Alan Handley, 'Mildred Todd, and Martha
Allen Scott are featured in the production.
Eugene O'Neill's 'Anna Christie" 'will be pre:-
3ented by the~ Hillel Players under the directiona
of E. Mortimer Shuter Friday, and Saturday at the
Lydia NMendellssohni.

from income tax increases. To offset that is the
determined, opposition to sales taxes by farmer
and labor groups, prme factors in the Roosevelt
support. Their candidate upheld something more
tangible than interests "of the people"
Lilliputian political ties-that-bind were, how
ever, scrupulously avoided by the president-elect
in hisCampaign. He Was, in shunning sales tax
dynamite,~,being faithful to his own position. Bay
radio from Albany he had reiterated the platform
plank for :taxation based on ability to pay, citing
income andinheritance taxes as in line with that
principle.- The sales tax is not, fundamentally;
as. kobert Quillen has said, the trouble with this
country is that millionaires can't wear more than
one. pair of :pants =at a time.
'To step' anx'the 'safle--side of the fence with
IHerbet Hoover°.on so cleat cut an issue would
have beeni to play false to the mnillions who ex-
pressed their protest .in favor of something ddif-
ferent at Washington.'
T'o reverse his Practice as governor and his
pr inciple as Presidential nominee, would:lave
been* inconsistent where consistency really mat-
~Most important, however, is not the attitude of
one" Individual (even the President-elect) on one
issue (even the taxation of daily living). First and.
foremost is this further evidence that Roosevelt
represent4 leadership. Here, apparently is a man
who not :only means -what he says' but who mean
i -The Daily Iowan
-~ & SRIPESi
Automobile manufacturers expect the proposed
levy on lbeer and' liquor to replace present nuis-
ance taxes. We don't favor that. At least they
ought to preserve'the tax on jigsaw puzzles.
Th~e state. legilature is expeted._ to legalize
games of chance in the matter of horse-racing
Why not? That'., the way we pick our legislators
WPA1NE G. 0. F.
Might be a good idea to try it out on King
Tt first.
Following a, strike by Chicag gabage men, the I
city's'dumps have.been padloccd by Mdayor Ce-
mnak.it looks like another bad. smell in Chicago.
Representative Cox, of Georgia, favors including
peanuts oni the list of pr'dduct'to be protected by
the Demioratic famt relief program in order to
"breathe new life into the peanut industry."
Uh-huh .
Or, reckoned more simply, enough to litter
the' fl~ors of "8639 neighborhood theatres.

gleaming black and silver,
aind the rich deep tones 4
'!hEp free-flowing qucdity 0"
lid "eaean ir 4 - u ink
112 South Main1 St.

For Quick Clearance we've divided Otir finae quality stits
into three price groups. Here they are:

Vdi u s to $2?0

Valuc"S to $3:)

Values to $'50


Overcoats, too, have been grouped into three price
'classifications. And here are bargains!
$9.k~f 085 $14_L8 5 1.8 5
Values to $;20 Values to $35 Values to $45





First National Bank Bld g. 205 S. Main St.

In Prices In bur Great
Reorganiazation SALE




FOR 26c, A DAI
OUR AMBITION -- To Gfive the Best Food Values inx the Cii,
Vie are serving a 15~c Special at Lunch and Dinner.
This is always a sat~isfying meal.
SandwsichesSas, Chops, Compiete Lun-ieheons and Dinners
1Jt Praees to fit ahy budget.
DANCING -Fdy Saturdamy, Sunday during Dinner
DANCING - Saturda'y night 9:30 until 12~:30
Ann Arbor's Large st Rvestaurant
Established 1899



that the purpose or char-{
se organizations 'is absurd
city given their activities,
icu'ous concept that these
'In the populr il1'd, give
which iIs inescp0JR1e* 01)-
wies' expotndod"by these
by the populace as if the-
tradically different frorr
ast 'has produced.
dilatibns, with the excep-
ppears to have been muoti'-
use, none the less laudable
Ent right of any individual
his power to continue sell~
le great lmsses, impnover-
ard tun~es, were waiting fo;
a. Techanocracy burst uipo~n
Ise moment when it wouk
cea. The principles-of tech-
=n at times to approximate
erlying the theories of' so-
oclaism and communism,
Dbugbears to the popular
sn cariels with, it 'asinister
onslatent with 'its meaning.
only governmuent ownership


/K . N,-


zdutped by
lour associa-

Find your new room for
the second semester with-'
out interfering with your
exams . L fet the Classi-
fld cof umns of the Daily

6o'lok eans nothing
to telephone service!
Bell system service must go on all the time. Day
and night, 'Sun'days and holidays, it mu~st handle
with speed atnd-accuracy not only the aisual traffic
but also the unexpectcd rush of calls.'
To mieet this obligation, Bell Systemi- men tackle
problems of many kinds. At Bell Tclephone
Laboratories, scientists develop ne,-",Nkinds of
apparatus: At 'Western E}',lctric, engineers' find
ways to make telephone's, svwitchboards and c('ale

'aimconveys th~e popular, in-I
foes, a new word ha~s been coined
movement, soinething that dida
lical, 'so dangerous to the "holy
iutions of our fathers."' Iny an
tsslok dt ce m a doin ive leadership, it~ was natural to
word with scientific associations,
was borni.
ts' have been accused of present.
)es in a sclentific' jargon, vague
wader. The reactionary periodicals
this as an excuse to 'say that, the
imposters, that they do not knlow
lking ab~out. IeflectionIihowevel,

jCampus Opinion-
'Utters p'ublished in hIs' coltumn should not be
construed. as expreasing' the editorial' opinion of The
Daily.'Anon-ymous' oOzniwication"; will tbe diseard-
e.The~nanes odclliuia will, however be re-'
ask~ed to be brief, ':,,mfini g t1CIIn~elxe' ttiv c=s Thanl
300 words if 06&C-hale.
It is highly interesting' and amnusing to findk
one A. T. C. 'defending holy 'church' for blessing
soldiers who go forth to kill their brothers on the
other' side 'of the pool, and with whom they have
no 'quarrel. A.' C. T. char; cterizes such an act

Libbyr Holman's child haci been called "the $,-
000,000 baby.". That ought to furnish material for
at least 18 nzew song hits.
Congress has been asked to stop the importa-
tion of' Ameri'can- flags from abroad.' That sort
of thing ought to be nipped in the baud. If we don't
look out som~ebody 'will be trying to sell us a
foref igr-madle Constit .tien'
We persodally dod'i edjoy danzig id the
wi ter -tibe.,
Members of Phi Beta Kappa study 20 per cent

find it for you,,.

A 'Y . _..

. Ilorc antd more' relable,

In 1.1the'eepholiecComn-

,The Ad,.Tasker

fliies, trafficcengineers devise ijnproved oerjc;ating
methods 'that make service faste-r, more accurate,
Result:' at noon or in the'daofngtth
public reaches. confidently for the tei~lephonei,
knowing that Bell system' service never Stops.

nnocracy, o appear1 scientific, not' radical.'
iroughout the great boom days,' wrhen the
hiPra ivd',,n 4nimtrial Irnin,M, tn.P w

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