M 1
tral State
q 11
We ek-End To Be-1
Brightened Byi
Several Dantces,
Frate~rnity Activities Arc
Quiet; Soroity Affair~
Are Unusually Sc atelrec
There will be little social excite-
ment on campus this wee1K-end forj
houses are either looking forward~ to
J-Hlop or examinations. Several fra-
terniities and sororities, hov.ever, are
taking advantage of the lull to hold
'Lambda Chi Alpha is planning a
closed formnal for Friday Might at
which Mr. and Mirs. John Coliurmnan
of Detroit will. be ch~aperons, Pi
Lambda Phi is to hold an informal
dance. the same alight.~
*Phi Sigma Kappa has made ar-
ran~gements for- a pledge formal Fri-
day, under the direction of, Carlton
Gilbert, 35. Mr. and Mrs. F.11. "Wag-s
nor are to chaperone,
Delta Sigma Pi is to entert;ain in
the alunni room~ of th'~e League. Mr.?
and Mrs. Charles Staubauch will be j
-. rene Leaves Stg o ceenW
Phi Alpha will have an in-
dance Saturd'ay nig~ht at
:rs. Maude Thompsoni will at'-
'it Om~ega's informral. party
cthe direction of Margaret
'33, social chairman. Mrs.
Harley, Mrs. A. D. Thomp'-
sE. S. Dillilnghamn and Mrs.
ham will be present. j
is. Cook residents are also
their winter formal tomor-i
At. Les Voyageurs, a forestry
to entertain at the cabin
Yr night with Mr. and Mrs. H.
as chaperons.
roses in black bowls and
pers will decorate tables at
ag dinner tonight at Alpha
- -Associated Press Photo
Irene Ware, launched on a' st:Age career after she won the title
of "Miss' Aiiierica" in' 1929, has left the stage for inotion picture work.
Miss Ware is the smartest gowned woman in Hollywood and is shown
hbre weadug one of her new frocks.
Collegre W om an's Room TNlee'ds A e'' a e A n n c e t4C o
Sorority Will
Present MusicĀ°
Of Mac Dowell
Compositions, Life, Ability
Of American Composer
Will Be Featured
{The m~usic of Edward MacDowell,
American composer, together with de-
tail: of his musical abilitis, and his
contemporaries, is the theme to be
featured at the informal musicale of
Delta Omicron, national, honorary
musicale sorority. at 8 p. m. today in
the: Alumni room of the League.
Elizabeth, Walz, '35SM, will illus-
trate several of MacDowell's best
known compositions. "Praeludiumn,"
"Witches Dance," and "The* Eagle"
will be played as representative selec-
tions. Lois Zijnmerinan, '36,'is to read
a paper on "The MacDowell Colony."
Cherrie Leadbitter, of Detroit, will
be guest of the sorority at this musi-
cale which is held once a month in-
stead of the regular business meeting,
Miss Leadbitter is province president
of the organization and will address
both active and alumnae chapters.
Kate Gleason,
Fir'st Woman President
Of A National Bank 'In
The United States
Miss Kate Gleason, one of the first
woman students of Cornell Univer-
sity's college of engineering and one
of the most outstanding professional
woman of this past generation, died
Monday at the age of 67.7
Miss Gleason was internationally
known as an industriaist and a phi-
anthropist. She was the first woman
president of a national bank in this
country. She was also the first wo-
man to be elected to the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, and
represented that society several times
at world conferences.
13eginning her career as a book-
keeper in'her father's machine shop
at 14; Miss'4Geason early became in-
terested in mechanics,'When, her
father perfected his gear-cutting ma-
chine her anxiety for its success lead
her to enter: the engineering college
Mt Cortnel. Later shte started her bbs-
iness 'ca eer 'in earnest by travelling
over the country And abroad as 'a
saleswoman. Partly through her ef-
forts the Gleason Works, Inc., became
one of the world's largest factories of
the kind.
Several years after the World War
she bought the village of Septmont,
near Soissons, France, and ehabil-
tated the town and Its' historic
'Twelfth Century tower. She also es-
tablished a library there as a mem-
orial to the American foces.
Mi ss'Gleason was appointed prmsi-
denit of the First National Bank ofI
East Rochester, N. Y., during thej
War. Here she built her estate, real-
izing her ideal of a home in a moor-
ish type of villa.
Fire Desroy Sts
Fie et~40, 000 Books' 01
M1ajor Blazes Wipe Out Chri
Teachers" Collections ; W
Rare Books Bftrned Ni
MT. PLEASANT_. Jan. 11.-(APj-- ' SE_
F ire has licked its destructive way Chrim
trough at least 40.000 books. of the prose:
Central. State Teacher's College in Ur ite
the course of the only two major' fires menti
in the history of the ilstitution- j press i eeigo h diitaini
IBuilding Dec. G, 12, and the razing club,
of the Training School Jan. 8, last. tion,l
IIThe earlier, blaze. was by far the is he,
more costly in this respect since the last n
30,00 volune college ,library was' while
Iwiped out. At least 5,000 other books ;A
in private libraries of instructors, de-1 nadn
partmnental . Librariesandfld ockers o sas
studtnts also .,t;ee lost- in -the 1925 ibe
conflagration. they
Another 5,;000 book s were destroy- under
cad in the recent .fie. I the Junior by we
Hiigh School Library. alone; were 3,- henc
000 books., Another .thousandznay 'be H
accounted for by textbooks, the prop- si,,ty
erty~ of the Trainirg Scool, loaned ;Amer
to the 27?0 studeits. 1rathe
The private libraries of the 13 in- i
structors, who had itheir offices in this oe
building, were. filed vitkhmany of. mi
the rarest books oii child education iinaliI;
on the 'Campus. 'Anmon the heaviest :"son 01
losers_ were Supt. P. G. Lantz, Mrs.' the l
Jessie A. McLean, principal, and Mrs. In.
Ruth Orgain, kindergarten critic. iAle
.Miss 'McLean and Miss Ethel Prae- "Slav
ger. fouirth grade critic, had spent loqizl
three years in work~ing up~ a volue cntc
of original fourth gradle stories. These educa
just had been completed for publica- the 1)
Lion: The. co-authors estimate that In
it vwould tape two people more than a ;"h
year to duplicate the effort which! absor
had gone' into this collection, !Thet(
Miss Margaret Koopman, principal very
of. the junior high department, lost God
an entire series of original writings In mysthfilofscasiee.Ohrinfspr;
'st.Vuctorslost their n~otes, records and ene
adaptations of courses, festat
All appointment office and fresh- Th
men personnel~.records. were included, a yell
Because of. the vast, amount of thi spare
type of inam~able material, the fire tee
still continued to smnoulder 36 hoursthL
after the outbreak of the blaze. La
dance is to be givens
jat Chi Omega. Al
;tra will furnish the
g flowers in tall vases
e house.
Beta wishes to an-
aging of Mary Earn-
oit; Betty Chapman,
1.Y.; and Virginia
ant Ridge. Guests at
yr Esther
Adequate closet space is a problem'
which confronts every college womali,
for it, is~ in this- limited' room that she
contrives to keep her entire .winter
wardrobe and perhaps some of her
spring clothing.. .She must find room
for hats, shoes, and cumbersome eve-
ning wraps. That is wh iy we believe
that a little clever shopping can prove
of use throughout the four years of
a stay on campus.
First of all,' no closet is complete
without equipment for keeping shoes
in a minim-um of space and still have
them neatly arranged. There are two
tiered metal stands which easily hold
eight pairs of~ shoes, four on the top
row and four on the bottom. 'The
whole takes up only a small part 'of'
the allotted space. Then, w;hen t here;
are numerous hats- to be kept, in
shape, the most advisable things to
hav~e. are the gayly painted individual
hat-stands which may be fastened to
the top shelf within easy reach. A
'hat box~ may be tucked away, to keep)
soft fabric hats in.
B Iuilt-In Dlrawers 0. K.
If there are built-in drawers in the
closet, -so much the better.- There is
fainple room ini them for storing out-
of-season clothes, heavy towels, and"
extra, bedding,
'Dres-ses and coats mnay 'be hung.
conveniently by a rod extending
across one 'end of the closet, or tvvo
rods if it is necemsary and the space.
is small. Ev ery girl .probably places
her clothes in certain well defined di-
visions.. The space' nearest, the door
'33 of
a t he
t y L,
is of ten -taken up with school clothes
and coats, in the next part may ap-
pear silk frock:s, and b'nack in the cor-
ner come the carefully covered wraps
and fortm,'s. She can't be too fuusy
about shielding therse clothes from
dust and damp slickers, Clothing
bags are- the most advisable precau-
tion. One bag holds six or seven
dresses, and accomodates short wraps,.
Other Conveniences
T here are small clothes hampers,
decorated with Godey prints in har-
monizing colors that should fill the
last corner in the closet. Perhaps
it may be tucked under a shelf or just
inside the door. At any rate it is a
convenience with which every closet
should be equipped.
Don't forget that big sewing bask~et
that goes, on the second shelf. Of
course whe realize that what is in the
sewing basket is more important than
the basket itself, but, nevertheless, it;
i s important that there be one filled
vith darning equipment 'and other
first- aid devices.
Mosher- Jordan
H~old Wekly Teao
Mosherx-Jordan's weekly tea will be
given in Jordan Hall this afternoon.
Mrs. Reubfen Peterson and Mrs. 1
Eenary Bates will pour. Wolnen fromt
the dormitory who will serve are
Jane Service, '36, Jane Gerstman,
'36, Josephine Day, Catherine
Thompson, '34,, Rosalie Resnickc, '36,
and Mary Coverdale, '36Ed. Elizabeth
Spray, '36, is in charge of the ar-
rangeinents, while Mary TX. Snyder,
'34, is chairman for today's tea.
Flowers and f aper will be used to
decorate the table.
Initiationl Ceremonies Of~
Honorary Society Held
IiitoceeoisfrEama Phi, national honorary classical
sorority, were held at 7:45 p. m.
Tuesday in the Grand Rapids room
of th~e League. 'Those honored were
Dorothy Emery, Gr:ad., and Mabel
Sutton, Grad.
A special musical program was
planned for the entertainment of
new initiates and active members.
'Hazel Wright, '339M, and Mary Annb
Mathewson, '34SM, presented a duet
and Charles Law, '33SM played sev-
eral violin selc Tins. Reports of the
rf tional convent ion of the, sorority,
hedla tyea i l'Ii Tennessee. were
read and expla neid !by Louise Kraiuse, <
35 M.k
-As-sociated Press Photo
Va hOInS for women in favor of the
repeal movement have begun to ap-
pear. The crepe fabric is a print in- I
corpeirating a small design mnade -up
of the words "Repeal 18th Amend-.
ment." T.lhe designer of Lhis unique
pattern is unknown, but ant interest
in the country's welfare was evident-
ly present
Smart ,#Frocks
Seen At Detroit
Junior- League r
Any large gathering of socially
prominent women may be expected to
reveal a host of striking costumnes,
and the meeting of the Detroit Jun-
ior League, Monday' afternoon was
no ei:ception. A frock of delph' blue
cut on smartly simrple lines and worn
Iwith a sniall?1 soft hat of a darker
blue with a knot of the dress color
over the right eye was. especially
noticeable. With this costume was
-worn a gray fur sports coat and
matching accessories of the same
Another smart outfit was a beige.
and green plaid wool dress worn .un-
'der a. full length sports coat of the'
same green, collared in beige fox. Ac-
companying this costume. were a
small brinmed hat of the dress mia-
terial and brown shoes andi bag.
The vogue of matching frock and
hat wras noticed in still another cos-
tuinea dress of mnustard crepe. and
short tucked: cape tied with a brown
velvet bow. ,A small hat of the tuck-
ed cr-epe with a wide bow of brown
v eivet was cocked over the right eye.
MNICht(H, Germany; Jan.,1:1 .--(RP)
-The oldest. German journalist,
Prof. Hugo Zoeller, 81 years old, died
ioday. He mnade several voyages
arou.nd. the world accompanied. by
the late Prince Henry, of Prussia. He
visitedf the'tUnited States in 190)2 an'd
went to Sou~th America twice. H~e
wrote books on the Anidesi and Pam-
pas while in N~ew Guinea and neigh-
b~oring' islands.
And Sale.
250 Pairs5 of -Fashionable
Pumps, Oxfords '
Le, waw
ted to-
of af
e on
the lectures ryas to
,ulbertson contract
V'r. Mathes became
:et niational bridge
;e evening lectures
axi audience of
'ternoon lecture by
ceording to Ethel
Il director of the
St udents Give
Informal Tea
For tealdis
Students in the landscape design
department of the architectural col-
lege entertained at an 'informal tea
from 4 to 6 p. in. yesterday in the
Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the
League, in honor of Prof. Aubrey.
Tealdi and Mrs. Tealdi of that de-
partment. Professor. Tealdi and Mrs.'
Tealdi were married during the
Christmas holidays and will leave for
an extended tour at the beginning
of next semester, takinlg advantage
of Professor .'Tealdi's .90bbatical leave.
Members' of the fa cult of the land-
scape ,dpartment and stuidents Nwere
present at the aff-air. Jle sss Boiiirquii,
S8pec., prF~eci0ife t thetea table,.
which was decorq,,tedl w1i ' :i ad )labr
and yellow taper's.
Liberal Theo0'logy Found
O't Wane, S *yS Duiisen
NEW FORK, Jan. 31.-(A')-People
no longer are going to, ask, "Is there
a God"? so much as "What is God
like"?- believes Dri. Henry P. Van
Dusen, of Union Theological Sema-,
inar y.
Hee sees a mounting distrust of
liberal theology. The gradual solu-
tion of the conflict between science
and religion, he says, is one of the~
most important theological trends ofi
the time.
Humanism is passing, he. says, 1
partly because of the positive sutp-
port for a belief in God which has
recently {no ce fom the most emai-
nten t m e x f s i n e
for o ii' opening week Only
r $2.00
0pen Evelings
615 E- Liberty D Iial 7400
Made for
Regular $5.85 and
Retail Selling
JOT an odd lot clear-
L ance - but a mar-~
Vvefous group of complete
sizes selected from a man-
*ufacturer's stock made
for regular retail selling
at X5-,85 and -$6.50.
Where To Go
Motion JPictures: Michigan, "Me
and My Gal"; Majestic, "S$econd
Handl Wife"; Wuerth, "Let -Us Be
Danuces: Tea dancing, Leaguc,
grill rooin, 3 to 5 p. in.; informalj
dancing, grill room, 9 to 10:30 p. mn.
ExhibiAts: TJapanese Nwood block
prints, Alumni Mfemorial Hall.
Pregras: Poetry, rc,.Uial,.by stu-
dents in oral interpretation classes,
Room 302 Mvlason .Hall, 7:1:5 p. in.;
discussion lpdi by Dr. Frederick. B.
Fisher, 'Wesley Hall?, 4' p. in.
Athletic Events:~ Interfraternity
handball finals, intl'amUra~l building,
9 p. in.; open swimming meet, inltro,-
Q , , t
, .t
f . : ..
, ,
Choice of Entire stock of
"' ,
Choral Untion Series-
Monday,;Jan. 16,
111 own br -black kid -oxford, tie'ad
strap Atyles .. . all niew this season!
Sizes' anid widths are.practi1)ally
complete, but if your size is not here
we -'~iill~order for you at the special-
saile price, $6.85.
One Special grotip at $4.85