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January 12, 1933 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-12

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Wolverines Will
Meet St. Mary's
Tomorrow Night
Visitors' Lineup To Have
Array Of All-Americans;
Prelesnik Will Start
Crossman To Play
Lowrey To Maintain Same
Michigan First Team;
Sherf At Defense
Fortified by another short series
of orkouts, Michigan's hockey team
wll meet St. Mary's College in a
gamc here tomorrow night at the
Var'dy rink. The visitors hail from
Wtnona. Minnesota, and this is the
Wist time they have scheduled the
Not well known here, the St. Mary's
.xtet has an imposing array of tal-
aut including several near-All-Amer-
imms of last season, and Leo Preles-
pik, whose two older brothers broke'
into the professional game this sea-
son wti l the Olympics of Detroit.
They have a reputation for the rug-
ged and rough type of play which
characterizes the game on the Amer-
ican side of the line.
'inionat in Iron Country
Wino'a is up in the iron country of
Minnesoto Jut the Winona outfit
will meet1a sextet of "iron men" from
Michigan. The Wolverines frequent-
ly battle through. a tough contest us-
ing only one or two spares for short

Regains Old Form

Novice Boxing
Meet Off; Only
20 Men Enter
Larsen Plans To Enter
Team In Tourney Set
For End Of February
The Southeastern Michigan Ama-
teur Boxing tournament, novice divi-
sion, scheduled to be held at the local
Armory Jan. 17 and 18, has been in-
definitely postponed, according to an
announcement by Vernon Larsen
Larsen, who has been coaching the
University boxers, said that the post-
ponerment was due to the fact that
only 20 entries had been received. le
feared that the meet's proximity to
final examinations would keep many
students from competing.
Although this meet has been post-
poned, University boxers are continu-
ing to work out in anticipation of a
Golden Belt tourney to be held in
Ann Arbor during the last week of
February. Plans have not been com-
pleted, but Larsen said that it would
be a team event, with a team from
the University competing against ag-
gregations from the Boys' Club of De-
troit and teams from Flint, Jackson,
Battle Creek, Lansing and Kalama-
Kalamazoo will probably send a
formidable team: composed largely of
students at.Western State Teacher's
College, while Boys' Club fighters
hold a prominent place among De-
troit amateurs.
Larsen should be able to enter a
strong team if several cripples recover
in time to compete. Among these are
Joe Oakley, Harvey Bauss, and Lee
Shaw. Oakley and Bauss are con-
valescing from wrestling injuries
while Shaw fractured his thumb in
the recent boxing tournament.

Newman, Back From Coast Trip,
Is Modest About Newest lonors

Co-Captain Emmy Reid, who, after
a slow start this season, is now -
ing an excellent game, will lead the
Wolverine pucksters this Friday night
against the skating team from St.
Mary's of inona-.
Handball Singles Meet
To See Opening Today
Today sees the opening round of
the annual All-Campus handball
'in'les tournament at the Intramural
Building. There have been 54 entries
received for the tournament.
. Nils Lundberg is the defending

"The East lost because the West
made more points," is harry New-
mans terse explanation of whyehis
recent trip to the coast was not a
success, athletically speaking. "Or,
perhaps," he added, "the west had a
better backfield."'
Harry himself, as is perfectly well-
known, didn't play his usual position
in the all-star intersectional classic.
Because of the aggravation of an old
ankle injury which kept him out of
several practices, he was shifted to
halfback, fron which post he called
the signals.
Work-outs were held in Paolo Alto.
After a period of practice under for-
eign mentors, Dick Hanley of North-
western and Andy Kerr of Colgate,
Newman says he still prefers Harry
Kipke and his style of coaching to
that of the older directors.
Gil Barry Was Star
As to the contest itself--"The star
for the Eastern team," says Harry,
"was Gil Berry, captain of the Illi-
nois 1932 eleven. It seems to me,
however, that Christianson of Utah,
Fullback for the West, was the best
player on the field that. day."
Newman enjoyed the trip, at least
apart from the game, very much, The
players were not strictly supervised,
and were allowed to eat what they
chose. They stayed at the President's
Hotel in Paolo Alto. "And we had
books with us. I studied some Rus-
sian lit," (says Harry).
His roommate and chief com-
panion were Bob Rowe of Colgate.
They did considerable traveling, vis-
iting Los Angeles, Hollywood, and
San Francisco. One of the parts
Harry enjoyed most was the flight
in relatively rough weather between
San Francisco and Los Angeles.
In a tour of some of the Hollywood
movie lots he met several celebrities,
among whom he found Al Green, di-
rector of "Disraeli" and "The Green
Goddess," the most interesting. Other
famous ones to whom he was pre--
sented were Barbara Stanwyck, Doug
Fairbanks junior, James Cagney, and
Joe Brown.
Movie Rumor Untrue
Since his return from the coast,
the Wolverine quarter has been bor-
barded with questions about a movie'
contract which he was offered, ac-,
cording to reports. This he denied
"The statement is absolutely un-
true. I 'vas not approached on the
subject, and have no idea how the
false rumor got started," he averred.
He' is not sure about what will f


Eight Football
Trophies To Be
Newman And Petoskey
To Receive Individual
Gridiron Awards

Final Han(


Trnoihie , mre of them than have
ever been given out at one time pub- snlsn
licly here, will be distributed in a The s
a , which th
"Trophy Night" ceremony, between will be r
the halves of the Michigan-Illinois represent
basketball game Saturday night, while Ri
Prof. Frank Dickinson of Illinois, the titlei
originator of the Dickinson rating teresting
system by which Michigan was des- Kappa L
ignated as the year's national chain- its leadi
pion, will present the Rockne Memo-
rial Trophy to Coach Harry G. Kipke. F g
if the governor attends he will pre- Fros
sent the all-players charm and gold
football to Harry Newman, awards
which designate Newman as the most
valuable player in the country, a se- Coach
lection based on .ratings by football wrestling
players from all large colleges and at the
universities. He also will present the preparati
Douglas Fairbanks trophy, the award meet wit
which goes to Michigan for a year Accord
because of the choice of Newman as the men
the All-Players' All-American. Austin F
The Chicago Tribune trophy, nam- pion at7
ing Newman as thenmost valuable titleholdc
player' to his team in the Big Ten, had any
will be presented by Harvey Wood -Outsta
ruff of the Tribune. It is a large sil- squad be
ver football. Carl Pal
Director Fielding H. Yost will pre- men who
sent to Newman the gold football tice are
which designates him as a member Don,"Ha
of Grantland Rice's All-American John C
team, chosen for Colliers magazine. Butler a:
Newman and Ted Petoskey also will pound c
be recipients of sweaters and charms pounds;
emblematic of their having been Ralph N
named on the All-America team
chosen by Glenn "Pop" Warner,
Jesse Harper, Bill Alexander and A
Eddie Casey.

at 9 ..
holder of
Kappa Ep
ties in th
one mat
took the

h thi
ing I
on t
135 X

Lzl inatch idl ti
tournMt- w
-. today at the
Alpha Kftp
the athletic c
psilon are thet
he finals and e
ch. Alpha Ka
doubles -.matel
Epsilon captur
econd singles :
Ze championshi
un off tonight,
ing Tau Ka
chard Becker w
for A. K. L. A
contest is expe
ambda -.attemp
in the fraterni
h Grapp
VIll Meet

Maize and Blue really clicked
.y in beating the O.A.C. outfit
Mitchigan's offence this season I
en moulded around four men.
nd Crossman are the most ef-
passing combination seen on
cal ice, while their efforts are
ed by David, right wing.
Offence Features Sherf
other division of the offence
es John Sherf, brilliant made-
efense man. His job is to make
like solo thrusts at the oppos-
fense -while the forward wall
His shots are sizzling and ac-
and he may ordinarily be
ded on for his share of the scor-
spite his defense position.
Chapman and Sherf, alter-
with Emmy Reid, form Mich-
defence inside the red line,
is unusually effective this sea-
Jack Jewell put the finishing
on a splendid series of games
the net with a perfect record

champion and is seeded number one
in the pairings. There are seven
other seeded players, ranking in order
as follows; A. Hillberger, I. Friedman,
Ben Gaida, W. Gimmy, M. Taylor, R.
Otto, and George Mercer.

come after college. No coaching of-
fers have been dangled in front of
him. "Perhaps I shall play profes-
sional football, but, I am not in a po-
sition to say anything definite on
that score now."
At any rate he hasn't broken train-
ing. I don't drink or smoke anyway,
and I shall keep in the same condi%.
tion that I've been in all season."
He returned from California with
more honors added to those he had
already re.ceived for his great playing
this fall. However, he refuses to dis-
cuss them. He attempts to change
the trend of conversation when it
approaches the lengthy list of the
All-Americans he has made.
"I feel just the same now as I did
before," he responds to -the query
of how it feels to be so famous.
If you can pin him down, he will
admit that he is. most proud of the
Douglas Fairbanks trophy, the cup
given to the most. valuable player in
the country as selectled by players
themselves. .
The "most- valuable football player
in the country" graduates from
Michigan this June. He will be sorely'
missed in the grid season to come.
His name, however, will lead those of
past Michigan luminaries, and will be
listed among those of. the greatest
of collegiate athletes..



s To Give

ition handball singles
be played Friday at the
Building between the
Detroit Hanna Y. M. C. A.
composed of Michigan
d alumni. The Detroit
will number 12 men.
us and four faculty mem-
:ompose the Michigan
graduates will be the
ers in the All-Campus
starting today. They are
'g, Hillberger, Friedman,
ny, Taylor, Otto, and
faculty men are Dr.
ldall, Jones, and Riskey.
Vills Of Illini
larass Court Five

COLLEGE HOCKEY is coming into
- its own. Recent.-eollege games at.
Madison Square Garden in New
York, have drawn better crowds than
the New York Americans, profes-
sional, entries, although the Amerks
are still in the running in the Na-
tional T-Hockey League. The Big
Three, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton
are thc most popular although Mc-
Gill University of Toronto, and Dart-
mouth also pull in the crowds.
Harvard practices and plays in the
Boston Arena, home of the Boston
Bruins. Yale is out of doors and Min-
nesota uses a city arena. Only
Princeton, Illinois and Michigan can
boast of home rinks indoors.
Illinois will probably be in the
conference with a team next year.
Via the grapevine the news reaches
us that considerable amount of ice
talent entered the school this year.
They have been playing intramural
hockey at Champaign for two years.
* * *
THE ALPHA SIGS are closely
watching the annual pre-season
scrimmage betwe(.n the Betas and
their kitchen help next Sunday
morning. Two years ago the kitchen
help defeated the Betas by one point
and the Beta team went into the
f nals of the playoffs and lost to
Alpha Sigs for the inter-fraternity
Last year the Beta quintet won
from their help by one point and in
the finals of the playoffs defeated
Alpha Sigma for the championship.
If the Betas can win again, the
Alpha Sigs are going into a severe
practice schedule. Both teams are
boasting veteran lineups. The Theta
Delts are also expecting a high place
for their basketball team.
* * * -

alties in a recent game against the
Olympics, two of them being majors.-
His brother Louis is'also playing pro-
fessional hockey although he, did not
go with Tony to Cleveland when both
were trying out for the Olympics this.
season. The 'third brother, Leo, is the
star of the St. Marys aggregation. He
likes his hockey rough and tumble
-like himself. - -

The Tobacco Groj


Freshman Puck Squad
Gets Initial' Slash
After ,Coach Ed Lowrey's first cut,
there still remain 30 candidates for
the freshman hockey squad.
Although the try-outs.have not had'
a very good opportunity to show their
wares as yet, there are five men who
are outstanding, thus far. They are
Parker Stetson; Lawrence David, Wil-
liam Onderdunk, Tom Hoyt, and
Richard McClean.

Burr, Pafter
. 603


Year .-

but that can't.affectChesterfieldwh
Production of tobaccos usable for cigarettes or "roll your own."
U. S. crop (average, 5 years, 1927-31) . 1,091,265,740 lbs.
U. S. crop (Govt. estimate, 1932) , . 751,601,000 lbs.
Estimated shortage, 1932 crop . . 339,664,750 lbs.


of worry. Douglas "Gaga"
emed to be at his best against
Iverines, both in football and
all, from the time his career
in 1927. He was followed by
Mills, a mound artist of the
baseball team, who usually
Ichig an in the palm of his
and. And now comes Coke
ub on the basketball team,
1ikely to be heard from.

ST. MARY'S of Minnesota can
boast an All-American player for
the last three years. Most of Mich-
igan's young stars go to St. Marys
for their college career, especially
those from the Upper Peninsula.
The Prelesnik brothers are known
as the roughest players in hockey.
Tony Prelesnik drew down four pen-

The manufdcturer of good ciga-
rettes does not depend on any one
year's crop. He knows that to keep
up the quality of his brand, he has
to carry on hand at all times a
large stock of the right kinds of
tobacco from several"years' crops.
The domestic tobaccos are kept
in large hogsheads, each contain.
ing about 1000 pounds, and are
allowed to age for two full years
-in other words, nature's method
of curing the tobaccos. Something
like ageing wine.
Liggett & Myers has about four
and a half miles of warehouses
used for storing leaf tobacco, to

make sure that its products are
uniform and are as good as can
be made.
To do this requires a great deal
of money-for example, there is
invested in the domestic and Turk.
ish tobaccos for Chesterfield ciga-
rettes over $75,000,000.
Smokers can be assured, regard.
less of the crop conditions, that
Chesterfield will be absolutely uni-
form-the same yesterday, today,
at all times. The cigarette that's
milder-the cigarette that tastes




from marked prices. Pigskin, Buckskin,
Suede, Mocha with wool and fleece linings.
These prices will mean quick action.
Priced as low as $1
featuring a line of new styles at

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W :s _ "' f1 t.'frir

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