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January 12, 1933 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-12

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i i the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
a. m. saturday.
THURSDAY, JANIUAYi 12, 1933 No. 78

Grandson Of Premier Mussolini

German Legendary Characters
Misconceived By Modern Era



To Ai,


To the Members of the University Council: The next meeting of the
ncil will be held on Monday, January 16, at 4:15 p. m., Alumni Memor-
[al, Room "B." Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary

Broadcasting, January 12: 2 p. m. "The Electron Theory"
endack, Associate Professor of Physics. (For High Schools).
rsonality of English Essayists" by Eric A. Walters, Assistant


Professor of English.
University Women: All women students who intend to change houses
at the end of this semester should advise the househead and the Office of
the Dean of Women of this intention before Saturday noon, January 14,
(four weeks before the beginning of the second semester).
Alice C. Lloyd
To All Men Students: Students intending to change their rooms at the
end of the present semester are hereby reminded that according to the Uni-
vrsity Agreements they are to inform the householders of such intention
a least tWo weeks prior to the close of the semester, that is by January 27.
xt is advised that notice of such intention to move be made at once.
F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean
Householders: Householders having rooms for men students available
for the second semester are requested to list them in the office of the Dean
of Students, Room 2, University Hall, as soon as possible. Dial 6115.
Available light-housekeeping rooms and apartments should also be
listed. F. B. Wahr, Assistant Dean
School of Education Qualifying Examinations: The next series of qual-
iflig exainlnations in subject matter required by the School of Education
will be held Saturday morning, January 14, in the auditorium of the Uni-
versity High School at 9 o'clock sharp. All students expecting to do directed
teaching next semester are required to take one of these examinations. It
is highly desirable that such students shall consult immediately with the
istructor having charge of the special methods course in the subjects in
which he expects to do directed teaching. C. O. Davis, Secretary
M. A. degree candidates in history may take a language examination
Thursday, January 19, at 4:00 p. in., in Room 1009 A.H. Book reviews from
the standard historical reviews in the various languages will supply the
texts for translation. Arthur S. Aiton
Reading Examinations in French: An examination to test the knowl-
edgeof French required for the degree of Ph.D. will be offeied to candidates
1h the departments listed below, on Saturday morning, January- 21, in
Rooi 108 R.L., from 9 to12. Candidates should register at least one week
in advance at the office of the Department of Thomance Languages, 112
R.L., between the hours of 8:30 and 12.
This announcemnent applies only to candidates in the departments of
Groups I and III; i.e., Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures, His-
tofy, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Education.
Tryouts for The Rivals: There will be a reading of The Rivals for stu-
dents in Play Production courses today and Friday at 4 o'clock in the Lab-
oIatry Theatre. New students planning to elect courses the second semes-
tei are also eligible to tryout.
Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Prof. P. A. Cushman will give a paper
on 'abulated Recapitulations as a Means of Presenting Engineering
a."1Mr. E. E. Weibel will review the literature. Meeting will be held in
Rooi 445 West Engineering Building at 7:30 p. n. Those interested

German mythological characterst
have been greatly corrupted by the
modern ignorance of the old legen-
dary figures of the Nordic pantheon,
according to Prof. Norman L. Willey
of the German department, who
spoke yesterday over the 'University
Broadcasting Service.
"We frequently see pictures of Thor
riding through the clouds, with a
modern sledge hamner in his naked
hand, in an elegant Roman chariot
of the kind Ben Hur might havey
used," said Professor Willey. '"These
tWo things are glaring anachronisms.
The artist might quite as accurately
have seated Thor at the wheel of a
M-model Ford as to depict him
standing in a Roman chariot."'
Professor Willey told holyWodan,
contrary to most of the pictures
which represent him as a handsome
Swed eattired in a glittering boiler-
iron hat, such as was u ed in the
Thirty Years' War, and provided with
two perfectly good eyes, n reality!
was always depicted as old and-
white-haired, wearing .a .broada
brimmed hat pulled -far down on his
forehead to conceal the fact that he
had only one eye.
"Thor lives with us today,"' said
Professor Willey." Every year we see
sce him on our streets with his lux-
uriant whiskers and his -red gar-
ments, but his goats have become,
reindeer and his hammer has turnedI
into a Salvation Army kettle to re-
ceive the nickels of the passers-by.'
The reason 'that we do not know-
ingly eat horse meat today, said Pro-
fessor Willey. is that hor ses were
eaten at the feasts of the old gods,
and missionaries of the White God
presciibed this kind of meat because
it was a delicacy especially associated
with heathenism,
Professor Willey told of the old
Germanic conception of heaven, or,
as they called it, Walhalla. "It is
characteristic -of the religions of hot
countries that their heaveis are cool,
while the religions of cold countries
always have a heaven..that is well
heated. Thus Walhalla, as our Nor-

dic ancestors . conceived it, was a
brightly lighted banquet hall with a
cheerful open fire in the center.
There was a never-ending supply of
boiled pork, and mead, a drink of
considerably higher alcoholic content;
than near beer, flowed constantly
into an open tank.
"There was no harp - playing
among these stern warrior souls, for
only those who died fighting could
come to Walhalla. Instead of form-
ing quartettes and glee clubs each
morning theyent out to he plain
and fought all day long 'and killed'
each other off. But, with each sun-j
set, the dead arose again:to fight on
the following day.
When what corresponds to the Last
Judgment cornes to the German gods,
they wilt 'gather and fight against the
forces of darkness, said Professor
Willey. After three years of lawless-
ness; three years of darkness and un-
broken winter, and other cosmis ca-
lamities, the forces of evil Will'gather
to attack the gods, he said. '
"The gods will then arm them-
selves and ride to the Thing. or Con-
gress, Jura Fas we do today when dis-
aster threatens the cormow ealth,
but unlike us' they hill-not content
themselves with appointing an alibi
committee and discussing, two per
cent beer. They wvill form their bat-
tle-line ..with the help of' all the
valiant souls'who have died in battle,
and they will pioceed against the
threatening invaders."

(Continued from Page 1)
accept his program, presented to
President Ruthven Wednesday. The
program, it is understood, demanded
use of football returns and state ap-
propriations for student relief and
reduction of all faculty salaries to a
$5,000 maximum. Gropper also
charged the administration with
threatening to expel a member of his
league, stpposedly Cheyfitz, before
Wednesday's "protest meeting."
Cheyfitz, who took the stump to
outline the nlatform of the National
Student League, warned his hearers
that the world is on the verge of an-
other war. Interpolating his discussion
with frequent derogatory allusions 'to
The Daily, which he referred to as
"Gilbreth and his gang," he present-
ed the following program, which, he
said, 'could be carried by no other
agency than the league:
(1) Lower tuition fees and a £Cre
college in every city.
(2) Academic freedom for instruc-
tors and students.
3) Abolition of all forms of com-
pulsory religious services.
(4) Abolition of the 1-. 0. T. C.
(5) Full social and political rights
for negroes and other minorities.
Gropper predicted in a closing
speeeh that protest meetings on cam-
pus would be the "order of the day"
until the demands of the league are

-AssoclatedPress Photo
Here is a recent picture of Countess C ano, daughter of Premier
Mussolini, and her son Fabrizio. Picture was taken In Shanghai, China,
where the countess' husband, Conto Claio di Cortellazzo, is Italian min-
ister to China.
Woman Conductor Of Symphonic
Orchestra Is Praised By Critics

.. :;. .:.. ._r . . :..,




fi x ; . ...,. , , : x..,,.... ; ..

phIical Journal Club meeting at 8 p. m. in Room
ge will speak on "The Evolution of Geographic
re cordially invited to attend.

ical Science Journal
00 to 5:00 p. m.

Club meets ifs the Political Science Seminar

f the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Room 248 West Engineering Building. A,
ity" will be shown through the courtesy of Stone
erman, will give a talk on "Synchronous Motors."


ouncil: Regular January Council meeting will be held.
lor of the Michigan Union.
Students from the classes in Oral Interpretation will
3dings from poetry at 7:15 sharp in Room 302 Mason
rdiallyminvited '
ety will meet at Dey's Studio promptly at 5:15 p. ni.

NEW YORK, Jan. 1l--()-A
woman on the podium was the nov-
elty in symphonic conducting which
won today the admiration and a-
proval of New York critics.
There were some misgivings mani-
fest when Antonia Bic, Califoi'nia-
born, lifted her baton and directed
the 175 menbers of the Musilans'
Symphony Orchestra in the first bars
of Beethoven's "Lenore No: 3" at the
Russia, Nation
Of Hopes, Says
John Sundwall
Studies Health, Welfare
Activities, Educaion On
Russian Trip
Russia is pictured as a nation of
hope in a talk given last night by
Dr. John Sundwall, director of the
Division of Hygiene and Public
Health, before a group of women' stu-
dents in the School of Education. Dr.
Sundwall described his observations
and experiences while on a recent
trip to Russia, with particular refer-
ence to physical welfare activities,
health, and education.
"One cannot help having a good
deal of sympathy for Russia," Dr.
Sundwall said, "if one can see and
understand the' ideal toward which
the Russians are'striving and cai
appreciate the disappointments to
which a young nation is subject."
"I have nothing startling or sen-
sational to relate," the speaker de-
clared. "During six weeks of travel
L studied social welfare in the schools
and industries of Leningrad, Moscow,
Dnieproistroy, Sebastopol, Ya1 t a,
Odessa, and Kiev.".
-The education and health work in
particular measure up to 'similar in-
terests in other countries, Dr. Sund-
wall 'asserted, commenting that the
Russian Soviet especially has made
"remarkable progress" toward the de-
crease of illiteracy. The percentage
of the populace which can read and
write 'is now from 60 to 70, whereas
before the Soviet regime 60 per' cent
could do neither, he said.
This decrease in the illiteracy rate
is being accomplished through the
public schools and adult education,
Dr. Sundwall said. Large industrial
centers have well-established school
systems which are now extending to
the peasant classes.
Snioot, Dean
f Senate, Is
71 Years, Old
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 -()
The dean of the Senate-Reed Smoot
of Utah-was 71
years old yeteray.
Birhay gret-
>ing Came to- h1im
y r ..v" t fo r the la s t t in
as a member of
Congress. His 30
years of service'
ends on March 4
when a Democrat
takes his seat.
Snoot, c - au-
thor of the faw-

Metropolitan Opera House Tuesday
night, butt these- misgivings swiftly
dissolved as it became apparent that
the young woman was authoritative
both in ~her understanding. of the
score and-her ability to get it played.
Miss Brico, who is only the third
woman to direct a symphony orches-
tra before a New York audience in
recent years .(Mrs. Ethel Leginska
and Miss' Emma' Steiner were the
tothers), also conducted Tchaikov-
sky's Fourth Symphony, using a
score bearing the composer's own
markings. She directed, too, the
Richard Strauss "Burleske," with 17-
year-old Poldi Mildner as piano
In "Burleske" her success with the
orchestra was not so happy, a fault
easily ascribable to the trickiness of
the Strauss score and the fact that
the huge orchestra, composed of un-
employed musicians, has a constantly
changing personnel which militates
against the smoothness that is at-
tainable only in a pernanent organi-
Miss Mildrer, a slender and at-
tractive Vienna miss, was required to
play two encores. tier technical skill
and seeming sang froid in the play-
ing of the difficult Strauss opus win-
ning long applause.
Serge Prokofieff, Russian com-
poser, directed the orchestra in the
playing- of his own "Suite Du Bal-
let Chout," a brilliant group of num-
bers to the playing of which the
orchestra responded enthusiastically.


Dorr Explains
Election System
Faults ini the present systemi of
electing our President were explained
yesterday by Harold m. Dorr, in-
structor in' the political science de-
partment, in a radio speech over
the facilities of the University 'Broad-
casting Service.
"The system is criticized," said Mr".
Dorr, "because it favors the small
states, since every state, regardless
of its population, is entitled to be
represented in Congres by two sen-
ators and one representative,m and
consequently has three Presidential
votes." Mr. Dorr showed how Nevada,
with the population of about 90,000
people, casts three' electoral votes,
while New York, with a population of
over 10,000,000 casts only 47 electoral
"This gives to Nevad" one presi-
dential vote to every 30,000 of its
population,uwhile New York is lim-
ited to one vote for approximately
every 213,000 pctsn s," hie said:
"A second criticism" is raised
against the systei because it is- un-
democratic," declared Mr. Doar. "To-.
day there is a general feeling that
the people are qualified to choose
their President directly and should
be allowed to do so."

Place advertisements with Classified
Advnrtising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock pre ious to day of insertiot.
Box in mnbers may be secured at no
Cash in advance--Uc per reading line
(on basais of five average words to
extrca charge.,
line) for one or two insertions.
minimun 3 lines 'pe insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for one or two insertiolls.
1,c per reainlg Ble for thiree or more
10'1; cdiscoutnt if paid within ten days'
from the elate of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per iisertion-
By contract, per nie-2 lines daily, one
4 lines E. O. D.. 2 ionths..........Sc
2 lines daily, college year........7c
4 lines E. 0. D., college year ....... 7
1001ine a used as deaire '.........9c
300 Ulines used as desired...........8c
1,000 lines used as desired........c
The above rates are per reainkg line,
'based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, uipper and. iower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add c per line to above for
mold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c- per, linie to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for ?1 poit type.
TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty.
M. V. Haftsuff, 9067. 40c-
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
These. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
STEAM HEATED Suite for one man,
2 otherroomers, 107 Forest. 13c
ROOMS-Two single rooms at $2.00.
One double room for $3.00. 808
Catherine. Call evenings, 235

Northwestern Opens New
Library During Vacation
EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 11. - (Big
Ten)--The newest addition to the
Northwestern University campus is
the $1,250,000 memorial library,
opened during the Christmas holi-
days. The main reading roam of the
library seats more than 2,000.
The library was made 'possible
through the will of the late Charles
Deering, supplemented by bequests
from his widow and daughters. It is
modified Gothic in structure and
stands in the most prominent posi-
ttpn on the campus, facing Sheridan
road and backing on Lake Michigan.



WASHING-And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
STUDENT - And family washing
c work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
HAVE-Your' snap shots developed
at Francisco Boyce. 7l19 N. Univer-
sity. Hete fine work is the tradi-
tion. 29c
BARGAINS-Overstuffed chairs $3
to $9. Davenports $10. Study tables
$2. Lamps $1. A & C Furniture,
325 S. Fifth Ave. 22c
S. U.-Shoe Repair Shop. Repairing
while you wait. Reasonable prices.
Hats cleaned and blocked. Shoes
shined. Open evenings. 199c
paper, paint. Samples, estimates.
Home Decorators since 1905. Dial
0107 or 7600. 30c
UPHOLSTEING -Fine furniture
repairin ,refinishing, and uphol-
stering. Also antiques'. P. B. Hard-
ing, 966 Canal, Phone 3432. 31c
FIhTANCE CO.-Is selling late model
'cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001. Open evenings. 19C
LOST-Blue cloth-bound notebook
9xl1. Contains Political Science
material. Finder please call 2-1848.




lMichigan Technic Stai Meeting in the office at 7:30. The Chairman'
the Slide Rule Dance will be nominated. Importantthat all be there.
Board of Representatives will hold a meeting at 4:00 p. m. in the Grandj
)id Room of the Michigan League.
Poloia Circle meeting at 7:30 p. m. in the League. All members are{
d6 'o6i e as this will be the last meeting this seinester.I
University Symphony Orchestra: Very important orchestra rehearsals
rsday at 3:00;. Friday at 3:00 and Sunday morning at 9:30 at the Music
001 Annex. Everyone niust be ]iresent.
Varsity Glee Club mpeets at7 :30 in the Union.



Dr. Frederick B. Fisher will take charge of the Fireside Hour discussion
at 4 o'clock at Wesley Hall.
HomeM Making and Art Group-Michigan Dames: The Home Making
and Art'~Group will meet promptly at eight -o'clock at the Michigan League
Foestry: Dr. S. A. Wilde, of the University of Wisconsin, will lecture
on the relation of soils to forests and forest management on Thursday and
Friday, January 12 and 13.
Thursday, 11 a. in., Room 2039 Natural Science Building.
Friday, 10 a. m., Room 2039 Natural Science Building.
Classes in the School of Forestry and Conservation will be dismissed
so that students may attend these lectures. Others interested are very wel-

Me and
A Snaoppy Comedy Pith





"TIRED 'rEi~T"
flarr 'Langdon CcImedy

tion of Russia" by A. H. Hoski, University of Michigant
, who spent two years in Moscow as superintendent of
amping division of an automobile plant. Natural Science
104- - .. ,,J - 4 0 11.1 -- -A4


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