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January 11, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-11

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Mtacon, Sister Ship Of Akron, Nears Completion



U. S. S

In heritei

; .

v~e Ea4rs
From Apre

tin is constructive notice to all members of the
at the office of the Assistant to the Pregideant until

Y, JAlJARY 11, 1931

No. 77

President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students of the Uni-
versity on the first two Wednesday afternoons of each month from four
to six o'clock.
.aculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Faculty
of this College on Tuesday, January 17, at 4:15 p. m., in Room 348 West
Engineering Building. Professor Johnson O'Connor of Stevens Institute of
Technology is to address the Faculty at that time.
. niversity Broadcast-Wednesday, Jan. 11: 2 p. m. "Beethoven" by
Otto G. Graf, Instructor in Germain. German Folk Music by the Deutscher
Verein of 'University of Michigan.
University Wompen: All women students who intend to change houses
at the end of this semester should advise the househead and the Office of
the Dean of Women 6f this intention before Saturday noon, January 14,
(fdourweeks before the beginning of the second semester).
Alice C. Lloyd
M. A. degree candidates in history may take a language examination
Thu.rsday, January 19, at 4:00 p. m., in Room 1009 A.H. Book reviews from
the standard historical reviews in the various languages will supply the
texts for translation. Arthur S. Aiton
Candidates for Master's Degree in English: The examination in French
or German for candidates for the Master's degree who have not satisfied
the requirement will be given on Saturday, January 14, at 9 o'clock in Room
2225 A.H. W. G. Rice
Phi Eta Sigma:. The latest issue of Forum, : the national Fraternity
maazine, is pow out. Members may get their copies by calling at the office
of the Dean of students, Room 2, University Hall.
Sophomore Cabaret: Last chance for money to be refunded to girls
in the entertainment. League 4:15 today-
Badminton-Women Students: Women students may play badminton
in Barbour Gymnasium at the following times-Wednesday, 10 a. .-4
p. m.Satrday, 8 a. m,-10:30 a. m., 12-3 p. m.
Students wishing to play after 3 o'clock on Saturdays may do so by ar-
rangement with Miss Burr.

Can you wiggle your ears:? Prof.
R. C.. Ilussey of the geoogy de-
partment blasted the school-boy-
-ish pride of those who have ac-
complished this feat when he ex-
plained to his class in historical
geology that the abily to use
muscles merely means that the in-
dividual has inherited a trait of
one of our remote ancestors, the
ape. In other words the ear-wig-
gler is more or less of a throw-
Professor flusgey also cleared up
'this matter of "hair standing on
end." Matter-of-fact scientists ex-
plain this phenomenon by saying
that involuntary muscles at the
roots of each hair are caused to
function by some violent shock.
This is just another "vestigial" or-
gan that tends to prove that man
i descended from the ape, it was
Clarence New, Writer,
Succumbs In New York

-Associatecd Press Photo
The huge-U. S. S. Macon, sister ship of the giant Akron, is virtually; completed. All fuel tanks have been
installed, two of the four fins are in place, and instruments in the control car soon will be installed. -After
it is finished in March and accepted by the Navy, it will be based at Sunnyvale, Cal.

Gang. and Lit. 165, A beginners' course
given the second term..

In. modern literaryl
W. H. Worrell 1

Stiletto Is Only
Clew In Bronx
Bab Stabbing
I NEW YORK, Jan. 10.-,(/P) - A
black-handled stiletto, with a blade
six inches long, was the only clew to-
day as detectives hunted a killer who
murdered a baby boy in his crib.
Frank Michael Cammarano, four
months old, was sleeping in a dark-
ened room in the Bronix Monday
ight. His father, Amando, 25,,was
at night school, learning the plumb-
ing trade. Other relatives chatted in
an adjoining room.
Silently the killer crept onto a
porch at the rear of the Cammarano
pome, The baby slept quietly as a
pair of window curtains nearby part-
ed and a hand thrust into the room.
It grasped the, stiletto.
Slowlythe long knife descended, a
if the killer outside in the dark hesi-
tated at the deed. It infilicted a su-
perficial wound, then another. A
third time it descended forcefully,
ruthlessly, plunging into the infant's
breast and pinning the tiny form to
the mattress.
Teresa Cammarano, 16-year-old
aupt of the baby, thought she heard,
a noise and stepped into the room to
i investigate. She saw the knife quiv-
ering in the child's body and
screamed. Other relatives ran in-all

Little Work Done By,
'hi Betes, He Claims
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 0.-The
convention picture of Phi Betes as
horn-rimmed, brief-case-toting burn-
ers of the twilight kilowatts is ab-
surd, according to Professor W. R.
Wilson of Washington University,
who claims that members of Phi Beta
Kappa do 20 per cent less work than
does the averageundergraduate.
While the average student spends
100 minutes each week per credit
hour, "A" undergraduates study only
80 minutes, according to a .recent
psychology survey. ProfessoruWilson
says this is possible because the
brighter students study "faster;"
that is, they turn out more work
per unit time than the average stu-
except the mother, Josephine, who
was held back so that she might not
Police, calling it the most inhuman
crime in a long time, said it looked
like an act of revenge or jealousy
but they could find nothing to sup-
port such a theory. The stiletto, the
crib and the window sill were car6-
fully dusted with fingerprint powder
but it was not believed the police
found any prinlts.

z Power
Arch to

11: The special bus for the inspection of the
tation of the Petroit Edison Company will leave
y at 1:05 p. m. precisely. Alfred U. Lovell

L Association Lecture Course: Dr. Will Durant speaks tonight
[ill auditorium on the subject "The American Crisis." Tickets
t Wahr's until 4:30 p. m. The Hill auditorium box-office will


at 7 p. m.
neh Lecture: Mr. C. E. Koella will give the second lecture on the!
rancais program: "Le Rire che2 Courteline," today at 4:15 o'clock,
03, Romance Language Building.
gets for the series of lectures may be procured at the door.
ar.- -. -XHIBTON
siou of 'Fine Arts apnounces. an exhibition of Japanese:Oini-ye wood
ints. Open daily through Sunday, January 22, Alumni Memorial
M.E. Student Branch. will hold a meeting at the Union at 8:00 p. m.
A. N. Goddard, chairman of the Detroit Section of the AS.M .
;he principal speaker. He will be accompanied by several other offi-
i members of the Detroit Section.
those interested are cordially invited to attend. This will afford a
portupity to get acquainted with the officers of the Detroit Section
'efreshments, which will be served after the meeting..

Milstein Climbs
To Fame Since
Leaving Russiia
Young Violinist To Play in
Hill Auditorium .During
Fourth Tour Of U. S. A,
The progressive story. of a great
triumph is the chronicle of Nathan
Mlstein's eight-year climb to musical
"Nathan the Wise," the young Rus-
sian violinist who will play here Jan.
16 in Hill Auditorium for the Choral
Union Concert Series, came out of
Russia in 1925. Forced to leave his
precious Guadagnini violin behind, he
arrived in Berlin, without a violin,
money, or connections. It was only a
short time, however, before a backer
appeared for a debut concert, and a
patron offered him a Stradivarius.
His first Berlin appearance, say
critics, definitely established him as
one of the first talents of the new
generation. From Germany he went
to France, where in Paris he repeated
his Berlin success. Du ring, the past
five years,' Mr. Milstein has toured
all of France, Belgium, Spain, Portu-
gal, Italy, and South America. Al-.
most every summer, however, he has
gone into retirement, rehearsing his
repertoire with Ysaye.4
In the season 1928-29, Mr. Milstein:
played twice with the Amsterdam
Concertgebuow Orchestra u n d e r
Monteux, with the Residenz Orches-
tra of the Hague, twice at Scheven-
ingen under Schneevdigt, with the
four orchestras of Paris, the Colonne,
Lamoureux, Conservatoire, and the
new Orchestra Symphonique de Par-
is; in Antwerp, and Ghent, twice in
Monte Carlo with orchestra, twice
with thedAugusteum Orchestra in
Rome,, and under Arbos in Madrid
and Bilbao.
Coming to America for the first
time in 1929, he proceeded en an in-
troductory tour which included ap-
pearances with the Philadelphia,
Portland, Los Angeles, St. Louis, and
New York Philharmonic-Symphony
Orchestras. Since then he has been
to America twice, and will appear on
his fourth concert tour of the United





NEW YOR~K. Jan. 10.-(')-The
author of the longest series of fic-
tion stories involving the same char-
acter everwritten in America is dead,
but his "Diplomatic Free Lance" goes
marching on.
Clarence Herbert New, 70, for
whom funeral services will be held
Wednesday, wrote the first of his
"Adventures of a Diplomatic Free
Lance" in 1909, and the character
has continued to live, month by
month, with only two interruptions,
in the pages of a magazine.
The "adventures" missed an issue
in 1916 when the writer's hand was
bitten off by a bear he was feeding
at Central Park zoo. Again, a few
years ago, the "Diplomatic Free
Lance" stopped temporarily when
Mrs. New died.
Altogether, New wrote more than
threegmillion words recounting the
intrigues and narrow escapes of his
" :Free Lance," incorporatinlg into his
yarn-spinning many of his own ad-
ventures in far away corners of the
In recent years New has been writ-
ing ahead of schedule, so that theI


Camlpu-s Ve
Of University Is Best
He 1as Ever Seen
One of the features of the next
issue of the Alumnus, official alumni
publication, will be a reproduction of
the latest air view of the Michigan
campus, according to T. Hawley Tap-
ping, general secretary of the alumni
association, who described the pic-
ture as the best he had ever seen.
Alumni throughout the country
wxill be urged to purchase copies of
the picture to hang in their offices
and to present to their local prepara-
tory schools-so that the beauty of the
campus may become even more wide-
ly known, Mr. Tapping said.
Another movement connected with
these pictures is being started by
Daniel F. Lincoln, '34L, who took his
pre-professional work at Colgate
University in H$amilton, N. Y. Lin-
coh, in -connection with six other
alumni of Colgate who are. at present
enrolled here, plans to donate one of
the pictures to be hung in the main
hall of his former school.
ie is also planning to send one
to his home town, Jamestown, N. Y.,
to be placed in the high school there.
He is being supported in this by 16
other residents of Jamestown now in
school here.
"adventures" will continue for several
Besides this work spanning 23
years of virtually continuous publi-
cation in a single magazine, New
wrote many books and stories, using
not only his own name but the pen
names of Culpeper Zandtt and
Stephen Hopkins Orcutt. Several of
his more than 200 short stories were
adapted to the screen.
iis active life included construc-
tion engipeering, exploring and jour-
nalisn, He sailed the seven seas and
penetrated African jungles and tht
Aucralian bush.

Zulu natives in South Africa are
so proud of new and second-hand
army uniforms -from the United
States that they may be seen on hot
afternoons wearing heavy overcoats.


al Fngineering Seminar: Mr. ..Peter J. Merkus will be the,
,he Seminar at 4 p. m. in room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. on "The Eval-
is Used in Water Gas Manufacture."
d and Blade regular meeting at 7:15 p. m. in Roqm, 2054 Na-
e Bldg. At 8:00 Professor W. H. Hobbs will give an allustrated
lkes Land Rediscovered." The public is invited.

Le Cercle Francais: The group picture for the Michiganensian will be
aken at Dey's Studio at 12:30 noon. Please be on time. It is advised that
nen wear dark suits, and that women wear solid colors in preference to
Any members who have not paid their dues are expected to do so at
Alpha Nu Ensian picture will be taken at Spedding Studio at 5:00. Pay-
ment of semester dues necessary for appearance in picture.
Phi Sigma.: Initiation at 8 p. m., Room 3024 Museums Building. Dr.
1ewis, Department of Physiological Chemistry, will give the Initiation ad-
Tress, "The Chemist and the Nation's Food Supply."
Sigma Rho Tan: Meeting at the Union, 7:30 p, m. Prof. A. H. White
mill speak on "Technocracy, the Rule of Science." Everyone invited.
Women-School of Education: .All women in the School of Education.
re invited to attend a meeting at 7:30 p. in., in the Library of the Element-
ry School. Dr. John Sundwall will talk on his recent trip to Russia.
Freshmen Mens Glee Club will meet in the Musical Activities Room in
he Union at 5:00 p. m.
University Girls' Glee Club usual weekly rehearsal at the League at
:0 p. mi. in their Glee Club room.

3 p. m. in Lounge 2 of the Michigan League. Mr. A. A. LatPlant will talk on
"The Care of the herbaceous border."
Geological and Geographical Journal Club meeting on Thursday even-
ing, January 12, at:8 p. in. in Room 2054 N.S. Prof. S. D. Dodge will speak on
"The Evolution of Geographic Thought." 'All interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Prof. P. A. Cushman will give, a paper
on "Tabulated Recapitulations as a Means of Presenting Engineering
Ideas;" Mr. E. E. Weibel will review the literature. Meeting will be held- in
Room 445 West Engineering Building on Thursday, January 12, at 7:30
p. m. Those interested are cordially invited to attend.
Forestry: Dr. S. A. Wilde, of the University of Wisconsin, will lecture
on the relation of soils to forests and forest management on Thursday and
Friday, January 12 and 13.
Thursday, 11 a. in., Room 2039 Natural Science Building.
Friday, 10 a. in., Room 2039 Natural Science Building.
Classes in the School of Forestry and Conservation will be dismissed
so that students may attend these lectures. Others interested are very wel-
Quarterdeck Society will meet at Dey's Studio promptly at 5:15 p. m.
Thursday, January 12.
Interfraternity Council: The regular January Council meetirg will be
held Thursday, January 12, at 7:30 p. M., third floor of the Michigan Union.
"Industrialization of Russia" by A. H. Hoski, University of Michigan
graduate (E1915), who spent two years in Moscow as superintendent of
the cold metal stamping division of an automobile plant. Natural Science
Auditorium, Friday, January 13, at 8 p. m. Public invited.
Polgnia Circle meeting Thursday, Jan. 12, at 7:30 in the League.
Board of Representatives will hold a meeting at 4:00 p. m. in the Grand
Rapids Room of the Michigan League on Thursday, January 12.
Recital of Poetry: Students from the classes in Oral Interpretation will
give a program of readings from poetry Thursday evening, Jan. 12, at 7:15
sharp in Room 302 Mason Hall. The public is cordially invited.
Michigan Interpretive Arts Society: The program arranged for Janu-
ary 12 is postponed until January 19. Members of the Society are invited
to attend the recital of poetry to be given by students from the classes in
oral interpretation on Thursday evening, January 12, at 7:15 in Room 302
Mason Hall.
Home Making and Art Group---Michigan Dames: Thursday evening,
January 12, The Home Making and Art Group will meet promptly at eight
o'clock at the Michigan League Building,
The Student Branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
meets January 12, at 7:30 p. m. in Room 248 West Engineering Building. A
film "From Coal to Electricity" will be shown through the courtesy of Stone
and Webster Engineering Corporation.
A student, Martin E, Berman, will give a talk on "Synchronous Motors."
All interested are welcome.

Place advertisements with Cla s1led
Advertising DepartmenIt. Phone 2=1214.
The elassified cohlns close at three
o'cloek previous to day of insertion.
Bo', numbers may be secured at Yo
extra' chage'
Cash Ii advance.-lc per reading line
(on basis of five average words to
line).for one or two'insertions.
MiXncuum 3 lines per n9wrtion.
10c per reading line for three or more
insetions.-e adr n
Telephone rate-15c per reading line
for oneor two iions
14c per reading line for three or more
10y 'O'isount ifpaid, within ten days
from the date -of last insertion.
Minimurn three lines per' insertion.
By contract, per line- linies daily, one
mionthl.. ............... ..$
4 lines E. O. D.,,2 months.......8c
2 lines daily, college year........7c
4 line: E. . D., college year......c
100 lines u~sed as deslired.........9
306 linies 'used as' desired.......... se
1,000 lines used as desired.........c
2,000 l~ines used as desired........ 6
'rhe ab~ove rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per lIie to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add
10c per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point type.
TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty.
M. V. Hartsuff, 9067. 40c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
Theses. C. Heckart, 3423. 35c

A4 PicsreY


ROOMS-Two single rooms at $2.00.
One double room for $3.00. 808
Catherine. Call evenings. 235
WASHIN--And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guaranteed satisfaetory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darnled: 13c
library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music'House. 10:30 to 5:30.
paper, paint. Samples, estimates.
oe Decorators since 1905. Dial
8107 or 7600, 30c
FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001. Open evenings. 19c

Upper Peninsula Gets
$2,000,000 R.F.C. Loan
MARQUETTE, Jan. 10.-(AP)-Up-
per peninsula counties have been
granted a $2,000,000 loan from the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
to finance relief work for a nine-
month period.
The announcement was made Mon-
day by Prof. Andrew T. Sweet of
Houghton, chairman of the fifth
zone, Michigan Trade Recovery Com-
mittee. The first three-month period
will end Feb. 28, Prof. Sweet said.
Then a new 90-day agreement will
be drawn up with the various coun-
ties, based upon local conditions.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10.-()-Grant
M. Hudson, of Lansing; Mich., was
elected chairman of the Allied Forces
Monday to succeed Dr. Daniel A. Pol-
ing, resigned. Dr. Poling, who de-
clined to reconsider his resignation
submitted at the November meeting,
will serve as a member of the execu-
tive and administrative committees.
Mrs. Rushmore Patterson of New
York and Washington was elected
vice chairman of the administration
comn-ittee. The executive committee
voted support of the eighteenth
amen dent and opposition to the re-
pealO resoluttion reported out by the
Senate judiciary committee.
Have You Your Ticket for
Anna Cbristie I

LOST-Blue cloth-bound notebook
9x11. Contains Political Science
material. Finder please call 2-1848.






Mey and
A4 Snappy C7omedy with

To Love Her Boss
She knew his wife neglected
himn... knew he starved for
affection. As his secretary had
she the'right to give him the
love his wife denied him? .
Kathleen Norris'

Band: Rehearsal at Morris Hall, 7:15 sharp.

i Club meets at 7:30 p. m. in the League. A program has been
d all who are interested are invited to come.



Club: Important business meeting at 7:30
mbers having L.I.D. lecture series tickets should
g. All persons desiring these tickets should pro-
>f this meeting.




sity of MWichigan Radio Club meets at 7:30 p. m., Michigan Un-
. L. Osborn, of Detroit, will speak on "Transformers for Ama-
ryone interested is invited.
Society picture for the 'Ensian will be taken at 4:45 4t Dey's
y Club: Iniportant meeting at 4:00 in the League. Pictures will

Harry Langdon Comedy

' Y

I .-

Hele e n ison





111 PT-rrnA'V n.n(i ATTTR.DAY 1111



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