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January 11, 1933 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-11

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Mat Selections
For State Meet
Puzzle Coach
Thomas Has Difficulty In
Reaching Weight; May
Enter 145-Pound Class
Oakley To Be Idle.
1Match Between Freshman
Squad And Varsity Is
Scheduled For Friday
Entering the two week period of
intensive training before the open-
ing meet of the season, Coach Cliff
Keen Is faced by several problems in
selecting a regular wrestling team
to face Michigan State, Jan. 21.
Abundant material in the heavier
divisions, where experienced wres-
tlers predominate, is matched by a
corresponding w e a k n e ss in the
lighter classes.
Chief among the problems is Cap-
tain Blair Thomas. Thomas, an ex-
perienced grappler at 135 lbs., re-
ported overweight this season and is
having difficulty in training down.
lIe may choose to wrestle at 145 lbs.,
although Bob Helliwell, a letterman.
on the 1931-32 squad is back to bid
for that position.
Oakley Coming Back .'
Joe Oakley, veteran grappler at
126 lbs. is back working out with
the squad but is still favoring an in-
jured leg. It is expected that he will
be kept idle during the match against
the Spartans, but Oakley expects to
see action on the. Eastern trip.
Another enigma is Dal Sigwart,
who won a. letter two seasons ago.
Sigwart has been unable to practice
much, due to pressing curricular ac-
tivities. Should he be able to reach
top form he may replace Oakley in
the first match,.or may even put
up a'scrap for the 118 lb. jQb, al-
though Jimmy Landrum appears to
have the call at that weight. f

Wrestling Captain


Swimmers Will
Visit Food City
For Tank Meet
Ten Men In Exhibition At
Battle Creek Set For

Coach Hoyt Uncovers New
Tdleint In Distance E

I between the
amen for Fri-
aaY Helps ettle
fifteen bouts

Blair Thomas, captain of tae wres-
tling squad and winner of two titles
in the 135 pound class, is having dif-j
ficulty in making his weight this
year. After reporting overweight, he
may choose to wrestle in the 145
pound class rather than train down
to 135 pounds. Should he make this
choice, Thomas will be competing
with Helliwell, another veteran.
Two Iowa P1ayei'
Deelaxed 1 +li ;111
I IOWA CITY, Ia., Jan. 1-()--Ed-
ward .Break. and Ivan 'Blackmere,
University of Iowa basketball players,
were ruled "technicallyineligible" by
the Western Conference 'eligibility
comnittee, according, to! a telegram
received today by Dr. E. ,H.. Lauer,
Hawkeye athletic director..
The two players barred from com-
petition by -the eligibility commit-
tee of the Iowa athletic board'Dec.
30 after an investigation by Maj.
John L.' Griffith, Big, Ten commis-
sionerbased on information that had
been filed against them.
The Hawkeye athletic board, how-
'ever, reversed action of its committee
Jan. 3 and allowed Break and Black-
mere to play against North Dakota
State pending a decision by the con-

the Illinois basketball game. By
outshooting them from the floor, 7
to 6, the two-point advantage would!
have won most games. But Michigan
committed 11 fouls and Illinois made!
10 of the shots for the extra point.
Illinois committed seven and Mich-j
igan made three. The, foul line told
the story, 10 points to three.
Last year the Wolverines made
about 50.per cent of their fouls. This
was the first time that a Maize and
Blue cage team dropped below 75 1
per cent for many years. So far this
season they have dropped further,
to about 33 per cent.
Any basketball quintet spots the
home quintet about seven points, ac-
cording to most critics. If this is
true, and considering the foul line
statistics, Michigan is about due to
take Illinois into camp by about a
10-point margin. However in basket-
ball anything can happen. One
freshman cager expressed it, "There
is absolutely no justice in basket-
W HILE CAPPON'S team was bow-
ing to the Suckers, Coach Rayt
Courtright's squad took a beating at
the hands of Ray Fisher's freshmen,
Monday afternoon, 30 to 16. Fisher
started his second yearling team
against the Bee's for the first 20-
minute period and were kept on the
low end of the half-time score, 12-5.
Then Dick Evans, George Ford, and
Co. were sent into the fray and pro-
ceeded to make 12 -points before the
Bee's were able to score. Ford wasl
hot and his teammates kept feeding
him to pile up the 25 to 4 second-
half score.
Coach Fisher has one of the best
teams he ever coached in' this. year's
cagers. He has two .excellent guards
and three men on the front wall that,
appear to rival those of the Varsity.
THE STATE of Michigan can
boast of two hot. hockey teams.
Two squads that hail within its bor-
ders are piling up large scores
against opponents that are doped to
pUt the lid on their sprees. The Red
Wings in Detroit took three teams
into camp within four days, which in
their competition, is record-break-
ing hockey..
Coach Lowrey's ice-men have been
doing the 'same thing. He keeps his
team at high-scoring pitch through-
out 60 minutes of gruelling hockey
without three front lines, as most
college teams have. How they stand
it has been the wonder of every op-
in John Sherf Michigan has a
one-man offense 'and in Emmy Reid
and Keith Crossman, the cleverest
passing duo in this part of the coun-
try. Ted Chapman just turned in his
best game of his career against O.
A. C. Although he does not draw
down the column inches, because he
is a defense man, he is extremely
'valuable to the team.

T. MARY'S of Minnesota are
starting their annual eastern
trip against Michigan Friday. They
will play Harvard, Dartmouth,
Princeton, Yale,:Clarkston, New York,
Crescents and the Atlantic City Club.
Last year this trip through the
East won an All-American berth for
their rangy center, incidentally over
Jack Tompkins. They have a fast
skating aggregation and as the game
begins their jaunt, first-class hockey
is guaranteed.
SarAzeii In Favor
Of Eight-Inch Cp
) 101 i

In John Jewell, Lowrey has a jewel
of the first water. The star goal-ten-
der shows every indication of sur-
passing Jack Tompkins who won the
All-America berth..


LOS ANGELES, Jan. 10.-A,)-
Gene Sarazen believes golf's greatest!
need of the moment is a greater?
thrill and he thinks he knows how to
supply it. His suggestion is make the
cups bigger.
Golf now is too tame," said the
open champion of the United States
and Great Britain.
"Good players knock the ball on
the green in two strokes and then
take two puts for a par four. If we
had more one putt greens the game
would be much more interesting to
watch and play.
"My idea would be to make the
cups eight inches across instead of
4 3-4. What a difference that extra
3 1-4 inches would make! It would
work distinctly to the advantage of
the star player, and I'll tell you why.
"Say a crack player and one just
average are playing. The average
player puts his ball on the green say
20 or 25 feet from the cup. The ex-
port is closer, say 12 to 15 feet. But
each will take two putts and halve
the hole. If the cups were bigger,
the average player would take his
twvo putts from. 20 to 25 feet but the
exuert from 12 to 15 feet would
knock his in every time. There would
be the thrill.
'"In Florida some time soon we are
going to have a 72-hole tournament
with the cups eight inches. I be-
lieve some good player well on his
game will play four rounds all under
70. An expert hitting his shots will
get within 10 or 12 feet of the cup on
many holes and he will knock in just
about every one of the putts the first

Battle Creek fans will get the first
public glimpse of the 1933 edition of
Matt Mann's National Champion
swimming team tomorrow night
when they will give an exhibition in
that city.
The squad of 10 men and Mann
will travel to the Food City by auto-
mobile, leaving Ann Arbor at 3:30
p. m. and returning that same night.
Mann yesterday listed the men
whom he will take on the trip. They
are: Capt. John Schmieler, Louis
Lemak, who bettered the world 50
yard breast stroke record in prac-
tice this Week, James Cristy," Dick
Degener, Fred Fenske, Dave Conk-
lin, Henry Kamienski, Reeve Bailey,
Dan Marcus, and Frank Kennedy.
The coach said that Taylor Drys-1
dale would not make the trip since
an incomplete has made him inelig-
The team will make its first local
appearance only one day later when
all its members will compete in the
Open swimming meet to be held at
the Intramural Pool on Friday night.
Referring to Friday night's meet,
Mann announced yesterday that the
water polo game scheduled for that
night will be between the Varsity and
St. Clair Athletic Club from Detroit.
The two met twice during the 1932
season, each winning a game, so Fri-
day's tussle promises to be something
of a grudge match.


Tomorrow Night





Sloe Sa

Something new in the way of track
talent has turned up at the field
house this season, and it isn't the
sort of thing that saddens the sport
critics about town either. Michigan
appears to have a group of ui: league
distance men for the coming can-
paign instead of one man in each
event as in the past.
Heretofore Michigan fans have
had to pin their entire hopes for
points in the mile and two miles
upon single entries, but from early
session dope this year it would look
as though Coach Hoyt will have difri-
culty in placing all of his distance
In support of the ajove contention,
one need only mention the practice
times turned in at this early date.
The veteran "Doc" Howell has al-
ready turned in a fancy three-quar-
ters around the 3:14 mark. and the
newcomer, Don Boylan dropped the
figure considerably with his 3 12 last
Saturday. Either one of these per-
formances might be calculated to set


AT 10% to )50% REDUCTI

Wom en's Bowling Tilts
Will begin Next Week
Bowling reaches the heighth of the
.season for the women when the
finals of the Women's Intramural
Xandicap tournament are played
next week.
Each entrant must turn' in two
handicap scores by Saturday to Ber-
tha Desdenberg, who is In charge of
the alleys. The alleys are open every
afternoon from 4 to 6 p. m. and every
evening from 7 to 9 n. m.
Five points will be awarded each
house for every woman entered in
the tourney. To date Sorosis has the
longest entry list with 16 contestants.
This gives them 75 points to start


Entire Stock
Tinted Free

$4.45 pair


up a mile around 4:25, which is
in anybody's leawue.
In addition to these two perfo
ances the distUncc group also
cludes Howell's younger brother,
who already wears an "M"
Childs will apparently mak
strong bid too, in view of the
that he ha; every requisite ex
experience. The coach expects th
here. Mutt and Jeff, alias
Wacker and Dick McManus ha
equaled Boylan's times, but McN
us has several good performane
his credit from last season.
In the two miles the main th
are "Ichabod" Hill and Archy
Millan. Hill is a conference ch
pion possibility while McM:
seems to have found himself
season and is expected to worry
nine other coaches than Hoyt.
The Great Lakes and their
necting waters have more than


lbs. and Jim Vier-
, along with Don
U. champion ..in
re expected to put
he yearlinig grap-

115 South Main

Ann Arbor

am is the
id the fullf
pplers will
time thatk
served his
irst being


Only A Fe Days Remai O





7 - " :
k '




a Cappon gave theI
1 team a rest yester-
ad them shoot foul
their eyes for the
lois this Saturday
3, however, was held
d third teams. Both
ed into red and blue
r with Allen, Petrie,
n~d Teitlebaum, and
lack, Kositchek, Re-
d Borgmann. The
f this game were

rs weak,

itlebaum were the
s of the scuffle, the
eral baskets and the
in many assisting
did a good game of
ld Petrie scoreless
oul shot. Borgmann
nds and the thirds
ie matter of foulj
o free throws were
thirteen tries.

/W eServe .,eServe d Agdi&
N ow $1 4.75 lii N ow $18.75
Extra Trousers $3.75 Extra Trousers $4.75
Formerly Priced at $25.00 Formerly Priced at $30.00
Buy Now for Spring
NOW ata Great Saving
$15.50 $18.50 $12.50 $14.75
Formerly $20.00 to $25.00 Formerly $16.50 to $25.00
Taken from $25.00 Suits
FELLOWS - Here's your opportunity. to select an extra pair
of trousers, all-wool worsteds and cheviots in various colors
and patterns. Take advantage of these while they last.
1. Botany Wool Ties-We've arranged with the Botany Mills to
offer a fresh assortment of these ties for only 79c, 2 for $1.50,
formerly selling at $1.00,
2. Silk Hose-Made by one of the largest manufacturers in the
country, discontinued patterns-29c, 4 pair for $1.00. Values
to 75c.
3. Flannel or 'Broadcloth Pajamas-$1.29 and $1.55. Values to $2.95
4. Shirts-Stock up now, while they last. $1.29, 2 for $2.50. Values
to $1.95. (Broken sizes and sleeve lengths.) More Shirts, $1.00,
2 for $1.95. . Values to $1.35.

We have j

ust received 500 volumes of the popular DOLLAR BOOKS which
are even more popular at our SALE PRICE of 77c.


FREE! Inquire at either of our two stores concerning the FREE
o!Offer of a complete st of JAMES BRANCH CABELL,
comprising 18 volumes, beautifully bound and limited, at the publish.
ers' price of $180.00. This set will be given away FREE Saturday, Jan-
uary 14th, at 3 P.M.
An added feature in this week's sale is a table of reference books of espe-
cial appeal to professional students, and at prices which will astound you!
Hundreds of unmatched buying opportunities al this week, and we heartily
invite your inspection of this HUGE SALE!

Many hundreds of our patrons have been pleased with the many fine buying
opportunities being offered in this GIGANTIC STOCK REDUCING SALE!

" At Both Ends of the Campus"


State Street

East University Avenue

-.-- -



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