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January 11, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-11

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it igan


Iowa Gives Two Mo
To The Rules.'



Talks Here Tonight

Will Durant




Operating Ex-
i Ann Arbor
Lt 46 Per Cent;

ent In


H~~ee Toih
Noted Author Will Discuss
'The American Crisis,
At Hill Auditorium
Gained Recognition
First "At Columbia
Fame 'Came With Printing
Of Best Known Book,
'Story Of Philosophy'
Will Durant, extensive lecturer and'
author of numerous philosophical
works, will speak at 8 p. m. today in
Hill Auditorium in a topical address,
"The American Crisis."

lon Is
or Drop

)n Of Borrowing
Also Seen For
n Towns In Lat-
w Review
uction in municipal op-
ases approximating 46
an Arbor and averaging
throughout the state,
al destruction of muni-
ig power in Michigan,
by Prof. E. Blythe Sta-
Law School, as results
maitation amendment to
stitution ratified in the

Jude Seabury
To Speak On
Founders' Day


Of Jimmy
Will Address

estimation by Professor Stason
.e effect of the amendment on
inances of the state and its po-
I subdivisions, together with a
iption of some of the legal prob-
with which the legislature will
>nfronted in adjusting the tax
ture to the conditions of the
amendment, are contained in
current issue of the Michigan
Review, which appears today.
ductions in revenues of the state
nment and its local subdivi-
, Professor Stason believes, will
nt to about $98,000,000, from
931 figures, and at least $70,-

Lawyers At Banquet
Judge Samuel Seabury, closely as-
sociated in the mind of the public
with the resignation 'several months
ago of Mayor James Walker, of New
York City, will be 'the principal
speaker at the annual Founder's Day
Banquet atthe~Law club, which "will
take 'place' April 21, Prof..broY4r C.
Grismore, secretary of' le club, an-
nou-nced yesterday.
The banquet, always an outstand-
ing event on the club's calendar, is
held each spring in honor'of the late
W. W. Cdok, former'New York City
lawyer and a graduate of, the ?law
school, here, whose'enormous. gifts
are responsible' for the law building
"" ral

Speaking in the fourth presenta-
Lion of the Oratorical Association
lecture series, Mr. Durant is expected
to present a colorful exposition of his
views regarding America today, it
was learned yesterday from the as-
Will Durant first became promi-
nent for his work when teaching at
Columbia University. A lecturer of
wide experience, he broke all records
of the . Bureau of Lectures of the
Board of Education of New York in
1917; wlen he gave a series of 20
addresses which drew capacity au-
diences of 1,300 to each lecture
throughout the course. He has given
several. complete courses for the
Kansas City University exteision di-
vision; his audiences there in 1920
grew from, 450 at the first lecture to
850 at the fourth.
In 1923 he gave 40. addresses in
35 days in Kansas City, nearly all in
the same hall, and drew an average

Students Protest
Good Will Drive,
All Two Of Them
A mass protest meeting, scheduled
to be held in front of Alexander G.
Ruthven's office yesterday by the
National Student League, "to de-
mand immediate relief from the Uni
versity, and state funds for the needy'
and starving students on the cam-
pus," turned out to be only a
'smarty's party" for Leon Gropper
and Edward T. Cheyfitz, the twoagi-
tators, to which nobody came but
several score of curiosity seekers.
Mr. Gropper, an assistant in the
physics department and on the Uni-
versity payroll, who spoke from a
chair placed in the hall outside the
President's office, had scarcely fin-
ished telling his audience that "the
Student Good Will Fund is nothing
more than an attempt to push the
responsibility of the support of the
needy students on to the backs of us
students who have also been hit by
this crisis," when he was informed by
three very large custodians that Dr.
Ruthven wished to converse with
Mr. Gropper replied that he would
be very glad to talk to the president
when he had finished his lecture.
However, the catodians seemed to
think that the appointment withhDr.
Ruthven was more important than
the speech, so Mr. Gropper, shouting
to the crowd about violations of the
right of free speech, was escorted
into the president's private office.
Several minutes later he appeared
with the official sanction for his talk
and, morally assisted by Cheyfitz, a
junior, againi took his stand on the
chair. Following a short address to
hecklers, whom he termed "sneaks,"
he told his audience that he had
been called- "impolite" by. Dr. Ruth-
kHe then outlined a three-fold plan
for student relief:
(1) "Demand that the Board of
Regents request an appropriation
from the. state legislature, which
meets today.
(2) "All salaries o the staff above
$5000 be cut.
(3) "An appropriation from the
. He concluded with the statement
that Dr. Ruthven' had refused to
petition the I'.cislature for this so
-the National 'tudent League would-'
send a dle'gation ft"altsing.
apanese Fit
Chinse Trops
PEIPING, Jan. 10.-(P)-A battle
between the Japanese ad Chinese
armies of possession of Chiumen-
kow Pass in the Great Wall of China,
one of the important gateways lead-
ing from China into the Province of
Jehol,. got under way this morning
and still was raging this afternoon.
- The Japanese advance, . in ; which
cavalry, infantry, and artillery par-
ticipated, started at dawn. The first
contact was with Chinese cavalry.
Delayed dispatches from Gen. Ho
Chu-Kuo, Chinese commander, said
that fighting still was going on late
this afternoon.
Japanese airplanes were assisting
the attackers by bombing the Chi-
nese lines. The assault column con-
tained troops of the Government of
Manchukuo as well as regular Japa-
Manchurian headquarters in Pei-
ping reported that at 5-p. m. a Chi-
nese cavalry brigade still held the
southern end of the pass and at that
point there had been as yet no con-
tact with the Japanese.

Chinese officials expected that the
full force of the Japanese drive to
gain possession of the pass would
be felt tomorrow.


nal eco-

age 'att(

of 860. During his na-
our last season, his aver-
Lnce was about 1,500.
ry of Philosophy," his
St'orical work, catapulted
me overnight, Issued first
ecanme a best-seller with-

Fund Drive
A pproaches
Solicitors Receive Good
Response In Nearly All
Cases, Elliot Reports
Several Donations
Of Clothes Made
Fraternity Solicitation To
Begin Under Direction
Of James Inglis Today
With workers of the Good Will
drive beginning intensive solicitation
yesterday the fund neared the $1,00'
mark. Two honorary organizations
have voted subscriptions to the fund
in addition to the amounts to be
given by the members individually.
Only preliminary reports of prog-
ress of the drive were available last
night and these showed approximate-
ly $110 to have been collected by
workers in three districts. No reports
from team captains were made yes-
"Solicitors are meeting with an en-
couraging response in almost every
instance," said assistant chairman
William Elliot, '33, "but in view of
the fact that workers have just be-
gun to solicit, reports of their collec-
tions have not yet reached headquar-
"Workers should inform their team
captains daily of contributions col-
lected," Elliot continued, "in order
that progress of the drive may be re-
Fraternity, solicitation will begin
today. Several houses have reported
blanket assessments and these are
expected , to be added to y the can-
vassing of workers under the direc-
tion of aYmes Inglis, 33.
The soliciters have repeatedly ex-
pressed aplpreclation for the generous
attitude of the student body. Dona-
tions 'of one dollar or more are most
general and a genuine spirit of o-
operatIon in this all-student move-
mert has been shown.
everal 'donations of clothes- ~wii
made yesterday and in one Instance
a new and unworn dress was given.
"It is the wrong size," the girl ex-
plained to the Union underclassmen
doing the collecting. These clothes
have, been reconditioned and are be-
ing dispensed through the deans' of-
Ruthven Talks
Before Y.M.C.A.
Banquet Here
Emphasizing the necessity for co-
ordination of the intellectual and
spiritual factors in a college curri.
culum, President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven last night outlined a three-point
program for the modern educational
institution in a speech at the 'annual
Founders'. day banquet of the local
Y:L MC. A.
"The student's mental equipment,"
Dr. Ruthven said, "should be integ-
rated into a personal religion or' phil-
osophy, which may be derived from
and expressed through practical ex-
perience in communal living, religi-
ous activity and a mental and spirit-
ual adjustment."
Dr. Ruthven pointed out that the
first point, community living, had

been entirely understressed in the
past. "A working philosophy of life,"
he said, "must represent the adjust-
ment of the individual to his environ-
ment and in man this is a social
environment. No single approach tp
the- problem of life is adequate. In
the past we have stressed training
in special skills but have failed to
develop -practical experience as the
Biasis for co-ordinated thinking on
life's essential problems."
Sigma Xi To Start Loan
Fund For Grad School

Postpone Meeting Of
Council To T omorrow
The Interfraternity C o u n c i l
meeting, scheduled for tonight,
has been postponed until 7:30 p.
m. tomorrow. Postponement was
made necessary because of a rul-
ing which requires the announce-
ment of the meeting to be printed
in the Daily Official Bulletin on
three consecutive days before it
is held, according to Charles Jew-
ett, '34, secretary.
Backers of the movement to
permit freshmen to live in frater-
nity houses the second semester
are ready to present their argu-
ments to the Council, it was learn-
ed last night. Indications so far
indicate that the new proposal will
pass the Council with a consider-
'able margin. If such action is
taken, the Senate Committee on
Student Affairs will meet within
the next week to decide on the
question, according to those in
contact with officers of that body.
Democrats In.
Senate Debate'
On Relief Bills,
Huey Long Reads From
Bible In Carrying On
Filibuster Against Glass
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-()-
Lines of demarcation between groups
that supported Franklin D. Roosevelt
opened wide today in debate on the
farm relief allotient plan in the
House and the Glass banking bill in
the Senate.
Although it is sponsored by their
party, Democrats from the cities
joined House Republicans in assail-
ing the farm relief measure. Against
the wishes of Democratic leaders,
amendments adding peanuts and
dairy products were tacked onto the
bill. Rice was also included in its.
scope, although there was no objec-
tion to'that from those in charge of
the legislation. A motion which
would kill the entire bill was pend-
ing when the House adjourned.
In the Senate, Huey Long carried
on a filibuster against the bill of the
senior Democrat from Virginia, ob-
jecting to its branch banking pro-
vision. Reading from the Bible, wav-
ing his arms and declaiming drama-
tically, the Louisiana "kingfish" di-
gressed now and then to lambast the
He was joined in his opposition to
the branch banking provisions by
Sen. Bratton-(Dem., N. M.) and Sen.
Thomas (Dem., Okla.).
As a result, the Senate laid aside
the bill late in the day and took up
a supply measure.

Will Judge E-
Its Merits;
Should Not I
After Large
William A. Comstoc
first definite step
out his post-elect
freeing Michigan's
He instructed W.
will take office next
missioner of pardor
compile a survey
term inmates of the
stitutions whose re
elude other law vie
The number was
and Debo said he e:
Ligation to take abc
Governor Comstc
would act upon eac
upon its merits wh
becomes available,
ing some and paro
He reiterated tha
state should not ho
oners in view of t
'his -law in the Nc
mnd that,, "I intend
nates of Jackson,
iuette prisons as s
Michigan voters


Of Dry
Comstock To 1
Definite Step
Carrying Ou
Given After

Asks Fo
Of Fi

ourses delivered
Temple School



rt for I ministrative structure.
e, will came so damaging t
mayor and his associf
long- inthe'way of prover
n de- presented. Before Jud
n end finished with his cas
,, he resigned under fire. E
h judge made it knovn
Us ings had included pith
writer ed material that wouli
writer involved those he soug
how fore the public eye.
antsd Judge Seabury has
anced ber of the New York
court and once was
tt governor.

"epeatecd viola
be expected to
jute," will not
He added, h
.irst naroles v
?alm. original

us i Incu-
e further
bring be-

)osal p
be fin,

been a mem-
state supreme
candidate for,


to Inc

dment will
barrier to
except by
itional au-
ason hints
the state's
bly unin-




Spain Declares
Martial Law In
Unruly Districts
MADRID, Jan. 10.-(A)-The gov-
ernment announced tonight, that
martial law would be established in
the provinces where the anarchist
uprising still is under way.
Cabinet ministers did not. specify
which provinces would be affected,
but it was understood the action
would be taken in Seville and Va-
lencia, where sporadic outbreaks were
reported late today.
Late dispatches said that the ex-
tremist hotbeds in Barcelona, Seville,
Valencia, and Murcia, apparently
had been quieted by extreme ,pre-
cautionary measures exercised by
government forces.
Dispatches from the northern sec-
tions of the republic indicated that
all was tranquil there. Madrid-so far
has not been affected in any respect
by demonstrations.
Unofficial estimates of the casual-
ties in the fighting, which broke out
Sunday, placed the dead at 38 and
listed 100 as wounded.
fTwo Members Named To
Student Affairs Committee'
New members of the Senate Com-,
mittee on Student Affairs, to succeed.
Fred B. Wahr, assistant dean of stu-
dents and professor of German, and
Dr. Frederick A. Coller, director of
the department of surgery in the
Medical school, were announced yes-
terday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the president of the Uni-

-His latest book is "The Story of
Civilization." Other works' from his
'pen are "Tiansition," "The Mansions
of Philosophy," "The Case for India,"
and "Adventures in Genius."
'Unofficial' Makes
Appearance Today.
The edition of "Unofficial," expos-
ing magazine, which goes on sale
today for the first time, is limited to
800 : copies, it was announced last
night by the editors, Frank B. Gil-
breth, '33, and Beach Conger, Jr., '32,
who urged students to obtain their
magazines before the edition is ex-
hausted. Men will sell the publica-
tion at four points on campus, and
copies will be obtainable at Swift's
Slater's, Wahr's, The League and The
Union.- .
"Diagonal," the well known "Walter
Wichell" column edited by Barton
Kane, will be featured in this new
magazine.: In addition, articles of an
expository nature have been contrib-
uted on "Why We Missed the Rose
Bowl Game," "The S. C. A. Racket,"
"Have We a Drinking Problem," and
"Hams and Censorship."
"Unofficial" is priced at fifteen
cents, and will remain on sale for
two days only. ' r

DETROIT, Jan. 10.-()-A joint
statement of the Michigan Crusaders
and the Michigan branch of the
Women's Organization for National
Prohibition Reform today opposed a
resolution now before the United
States Senate calling for repeal of
the Eighteenth Amendment.
In addition to the joint statement,
Mrs. Frederick M. Alger, chairman
of the Michigan branch of the wom-
en's organization, sent a telegram of
protest against the resolution to Sen-
ators James Couzens and Arthur H.
The telegram read:
"The Michigan branch of the
Women's Organization for National
Prohibition Reform believes it abso-
lutely vital to the success of our
temperance program that the con-
templated bill for repeal, with Fed-
eral control, to be ratified by .state
legislatures, should be defeated. It is
contrary to the platforms of both po-
litical parties and in direct opposi-
tion to the principles upon which
our organization was founded."


Aspects Of Technocracy To Be
Discussed By Ose a r Ameringer

artment; and "The
' in Wills-A Sug-
Method," by Prof.
)f the Law School,
rd, Jr., '33L., and
'f, who is- a grad-
Columbia Univer-
ng the comments is
1 Constitution and
igations," by Prof.
of the political

Groups Oppose
Senate Repeal Plan

.life sentence was m
'ime upon a fourti
,he law was char
'iquor law violations
was later commute
and a half to 15 yi
Gov. Fred W. Greer
"Any one sentenc(
a pint of gin shoul
the earliest possible
ernor Comstock sai
Michigan have shc
they are opposed to
visions in the law."
Plan In
In Co-op
Food F
Eight New M
Day In Las
Have Been

Aspects of technocracy will be dis-
cussed by Oscar Ameringer, editor of
the American Guardian and Veteran
in the American labor movement,
when he appears at 8 p. m. Monday
in Natural Science Auditorium to
present a lecture sponsored locally by
the Council of Religion, the Michigan
Socialist Club, and the Student
Christian Association.
The address is the first of a series
of eight open-forum lectures arrang-
ed as part of a nation-wide program
by the League for Industrial Democ-
The editor's familiarity with the
economic facts and philosophy
underlying technocracy was consid-
ered in selecting Mr. Ameringer to

editor met with many of America's
coal operators, leading economists,
and members of the United States
Department of Mies and Minerals,
urging the integration of the coal
industry along the lines now pro-
posed by the Technocrats.
Other speakers on the series and
their topics' are: "Men and Ma-
chines," by Leo Krzycki of Milwau-
kee; Jan. 23; "Education Limited," by
Rabbi Sidney Goldstein of New York,
Jan. 30; "The New Proletariat," by
Prof. Paul Douglas, economist at the
University of Chicago, Feb. 6; "Men
and Land," by Benson Y. Landis of
the Federal Council of Churches;.
"The Literary Revolt," by Prof. Rob-
ert Morss Lovett of the University of

Sigma Xi, honorary scientific fra-
ternity, which met last night in
the Natural Science Building, voted
$250 to be used for the establish-
ment of a loan fund in the Graduate
School, and inspected exhibits of the
mineralogical and geological depart-
Dean Edward H. Kraus gave a
short informal talk on the history of
the two departments, stressing the
fact that they were probably the old-
est departments in the University, a-

Abolition Of The R.O.T.C.
Recommended By Adelphi
A resolution "to abolish the R. 0.
T. C. on the Michigan campus and
to use the funds now provided for its
maintenance for welfare work, in the
belief that education is better than}
training for 'war" was passed lastj
night at the weekly meeting of the
Adelphi House of Representatives.
Thirty members passed the resolu-
tion by a vote of three to two.
Manuel Levin, '36, the Adelphi rep-
resentative at the National Student'
Congress Against War, held ,during
the Christmas holidays in Chicago,
spoke on events of the congress.

Plans are under w
the kitchen facilities
ative Boarding Hour
where.420 students ca
each meal, according t
ment last night by
Grad., member of the
Increased members
of eight new membe
the past five days wZ
of the reasons for pr
anent. The present
now 204, almost the
The increase in n
attributed to the fact
is now required for r
that meal tickets car
breakfast, lunches,
combination of the tl
are missed need not


was said.
Plans for the e
discussed at a m
of Servants and o
tonight at Lane H
ship is increased
be a "substantia

The Daily-


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