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November 13, 1932 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-13

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Man Visitors.
Return To City
For Week-End
Goveruor - Elect Comnstock
Is House Guest Of Zeta
Psi Fraternity
Fraternities will be busy this week-
end entertaining this year's last foot-
ball visitors.
A large number of alumni are
guests at the Alpha Rho Chi house
this week-end.' They are: Ward
Davenport of Lansing, Raymond C.
Perkins of Royal Oak; Roy Webber
of Birmingham; and Carl Kressbach
of Jackson. Those coming from De-
troit are: Samuel Holmes, David H.
Williams, Jr., Glenn E. Rontier, Wert
Rowland, Karl Kuhn, J. Russell Rod-
ford, Harper P. Fowley, Walter Lentz
and Claire Ditchy.
Guests of the Chi Phi house at an
open formal dance on Saturday
night, were Miss Betty Spray, '36,
Miss Julia Edith King, '34, Miss Alice
Schroeder, '36, Miss Harriet Tyson,
'34, Miss Mary Phillips, '33, Miss Jean
Howell, '36, and Miss Edith Searle,
Guests from Detroit were Miss
Eleanor Zimmerman, Miss Maxine
Maynard, Miss Mary Ellwood and
Miss Virginia Graham..
Miss Mary Morgan, '35, Miss Jane
Neracher, '34, Miss Jane Bassett, '35,
Miss Jean Lightner, '36, Miss Mary
Marshall, '33, Miss Eileen Bowman,
'36, Miss Mary Hutchinson, '35, Miss
Florence Bingham, '36, Miss Jean
Perrin, '33, Miss Dorothy Stoddard,
'36, Miss Helen Farley, '36, Miss Jean
Shaw, '36, Miss Martha Neuhart, '34,
and Miss Julia Ant Folger, of Toledo,
were also guests of the house.
Patrons of the dance were Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew, J. Locke, of Detroit.
Delta Upsilon fraternity were host
to many guests and alumni'over the
week-end. The list includes Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Black, '12, and Henry
Brooks, '32, all of Detroit. Guests
from Chicago were Edwin J. Cote,
Lawrence Heide, T. Lawrence Carr,
Ed. Holzberg, and obart Gunning.
Phi Epsilon Pi gave .a. house-party
this week-end. Friday night a for-
mal dance was held, and last night
they had an informal dance with the
house decorated as a saloon. There
were swinging doors, a real bar, and
barrels for tables in pre-prohibition
style. The Stevedores orchestra play-
ed for both dances. Chaperones for
the house-party were Dr. and Mrs.
Jerome Conn, Mr. and Mrs. Myron
Weingarten, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Op-
penheim, Prof. and Mrs. Louis C.
Karpinski, and Mrs. Rosenthal.
Week-end guests were 'E 1 a i n e
Schlesinger, Helen Ehrlick, Jane
Fecheimer, and Lois Meyers, all of
Detroit; Jane Taussig, Alice Newman,
and Janet Kahn, all of Cleveland,
Ohio; Ruth Dicker and Caroline Rice
of Chicago, Ill.; Charlotte Felman,
Petoskey, Mich.; Bernice Kavinoky,
Buffalo, N. Y.; Jean Rosenthal of
Kansas and Evansville, Ind.; Frances
Levison, Toledo, Ohio; Catherine
Rosenberg, New York City, Terry
Fiske, and Helia Fishman.
Pi Lambda Phi held their formal
pledge dance last night. Guests were
Elaine Schlesinger, '33SM, Phyllis
Stewart, '36, Helen Grossner, '35,
Edith Lewis, '33, Terry Fiske, '33,
Hila Laine, Jane Newmark, '34, Flor-
ence Kemp, '36, Jane Gerstman, '36,
Jean Rosenthal, '33, Judith Lasser,
'36, Phyllis Jacobs, '36, Harriet Fish-
man, '35, Heila Fishman, '33, and
Miriam Stark, '36.

Chaperones were Dr. and Mrs.
Philip Jay, Ann Arbor, Mrs. L. Kosit-
chek, Lansing, Mich., Mrs. H. Rosen-
berg, Chicago, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. A.
Greenstone, Detroit, Mich.; and Mr.
and Mrs. H. Winegarden, of Flint,
Theta Kappa -Nu is entertaining
Thomas MacNaughton of Green Bay,
Wisconsin; Thomas Owen of Chi-
cago; -Frank Marks of Grand Rapids;
Robert Hayes of Saginaw; and Ray
Hunt of Battle Creek as house guests
this week-end.
Governor-elect, William A. Coin-
stock, '99, was the guest of honor l
at dinner at his fraternity house,
Zeta Psi, Friday night. He remained
over for the game Saturday, return-
ing to the house afterwards.
r 1


Guests and Alun
Sororities For L
Alpha Epsilon Phi wishes to an-
pounce the marriage of Margaret Lee
Friedman, '34, of Butler, Pa., to Ed-
ward Friedman, of New York.
The sorority would also like to an-'
nounce the engagements of Jane
Cohen, '32, of Rochester, N. Y., to
Harold Goldman, also of Rochester,
N. Y.; Lucille Grossman, '31, of
Corpus Christi, Texas, to William
Stern, '26, of Detroit; and Julia Ruth
Brown, '26, of Detroit, to Leonard
Cramer, of New York City.
An informal dinner was held
Wednesday night for the following
guests: Miss Alice Lloyd, Mrs. ByrlI
Bacher, Miss Jeannette P e r r y,
Miss Helen Parmenter, and Miss
Ellen Stevenson. Mrs. I. L. Sharf-
man, Mrs. Raphael Isaacs, patron-
ol d Dance;
Entertain Many
Football Guests
Many women from Helen Newberry
Residence have gone home to spend
the week-end or are visiting friends.
Helen Stram, '36, has gone to Detroit,
Mary Elizabeth Windt, '33, to Grand
Rapids, Christine Bradshaw, '35, to
Beaver, Pa., Elizabeth Kanter, '35,
to Detroit, Isabella Currie, '35, to De-
troit, and Helen Clark, '35, has gone
to Detroit as the guest of Mary
Wood, '35.
Several alumni are returning for
the Michigan-Chicago game as guests
of women in the dormitory. Marie
Greenwald, '32, is returning from
Whiting, Ind.; Elizabeth Robertson,
'32, from Romeo, Mr. and Mrs. Joel
Riley, '32, from Detroit, Edith Har-
with, '32, from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Greenwald, '24, from Gary,
IInd., are returning for the game.
Other guests include Miss Virginia
Dubrul from Marygrove in Detroit,
Miss Lanita Bloss from Chicago.
Helen Newberry gave an informal
dance last night. Mrs. Florence
Towsey and Miss Eunice Van Camp
were chaperones and Ellen Sarah
Place, '34, was in charge of the ar-
rangements. The decorative scheme
for the affair was that of toyland.
Al Cowan's orchestra furnished the
dance music.

RWomen Entertain Guests Dean Alice Lloyd Speaks
nnaeRetrnToAt Dormitory Open-House, t W.S.G.A. Convention
ast Hio ne Gam e Betsy Barbour held open house to Representatives to the convention
the residents and their guests Sat- of the Women's Self Government As-
urday afternoon following the Chi- sociation met yesterday in Ypsilanti.
esses, Mrs. Philip Jay, Mrs. Minnie cago game. Mary O'Brien. '35. and Members of the convention group
Mahrer, house mother, and Mrs. G. Alice Stryker, '33, poured. were led in discussion by Miss Fritch
Reich were also present. The din- Severyk e r omred o m r reAl indis sSon ofY s i ti,
ner was carried out in the M-Hut haSeveral women fiom the dormitory of Albion, Miss Stork of Ypsilanti,
style with cafeteria service. Games , and a representative of Michigan
and dancing were held afterward. Laur Brke, 36, t Harsen s LaniState. After the. student speeches,
Guests for the week-end are Eve- Betty Burns, '36, to Grosse Pointe; Miss Alice Lloyd, dean of women,
lyn Edgert, Cleveland, O., Charlotte Dorothea Davenport, '35, to Detroit: summed up the points that had been
Feldman, Petoskey, Mich., Pinky Frances Drake , '35 , to Monroe ; Jean s ed h
Ehrlich, Detroit, Mich. Laitner, k 3 to i Eizabetpresented
THETA PHI ALPHA Nicol, '36, to Detroit, and Evelyn Mrs. Frederick Fisher, wife of Rev-
Theta Phi Alpha entertained sev- Radthke, '33, to Manistee. erend Fisher of Ann Arbor, talked
eral guests over the week-end. They Guests of the women in the dormi on "The World's 1932 Challenge to
were: Kathleen Beck from Toledo, tory include Miss Jeannette Wolff of American Womanhood."
and Isadine O'Brien from Cleveland. M
The an amna O'Be from Cleveland. Michigan City and her sister, Miss Delegates from the University
iThe alumna guests were: Irene Fin- Marian Wolff, Miss Justine Ullrich were: Helen DeWitt, '33, Evelyn
Inigan, '28, Alice Shea, '29, Ruth of Mt. Clemens, Daphne Hein of I Neilson, '33, Jean Botsford, '33, and
Brady, '28, and Mrs. John O'Hara. Riverside, Ontario, Mrs. Claude Harriet Jennings, '34. Approximately
PI BETA PHI Cummings of Battle Creek and Miss 13 colleges of the the state were rep-
Pi Beta Phi held a tea dance for Elizabeth Page of Chicago. resented by 65 delegates.
the pleasure of the members and
I their guests after the game Saturday
Hortense Gooding, '32, of Cincin-
nati, is among the alumnae return-
ing to the house this week-end. Other
house guests include Eleanor Wilson,
of Chicago, and Margaret Glover of
Decatur, Illinois.
Eloise Leonard, '32, and her mother
of Saranac Lake, New York, were
the guests of Alpha Chi Omega this
Janice Joillet, '32, of Howell, Mich.,
will return to the sorority for the

Formal Dinner Held
Martha Cook Dorm
Martha Cook is entertainini
ty five guests, alumnae, frien
relatives of the residents, o
Thursday, at a formal dinn
Alice Lloyd, dean of women, a
Byrl Bacher, Miss Jeanette
Miss Ethel McCormick, and I%
len Stevenson, were ente
Jean Perrin, '33, was chair
charge of arrangements.
chrysanthemums and tapers ti
were used in decorations.
ew, Seood- azt Reb
9nit -Corona, No2seles
Uiderwood , Bai
4. St., AnnA
1 S. State St.., Ann .A

g twen-
nds, and
ver the
er, Miss
nd Mrs.
Miss El-
man in
o match

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