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November 13, 1932 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-11-13

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SUNDAY, NOV. 13, 1932

Play-By-Play AccountOf Michigan's 12-To-O Victory Over A





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defend.the.. South.goal. bau&:tCU sly Mu.J ll _____________ ________ua
Newman took the ball on the 15- time out. Page was stopped by Aus- It fell incomplete. Birney punted toj
Newan ookthebal onthe15-tin and Cantrill for no gain. Birney Newman, who caught the ball and+
yard line and ran it back to the 38- punted and Newman signalled for a
yard marker. Petoskey was tackled fair catch on the 42-yard line and was downed on Michigan's 36-yard
for a three-yard loss. He lost another. made it line.
Everhardus punted. Sahlin picked up Petoskey lost a yard on an at- Fay lost one yard on an attempted
the bounding ball on his five-yard tempted play through opposing left run around left end. Petoskey plung-
line and ran it back to the Chicago tackle. Pay struck inside the Ma- ed over center for three yards. Ever-
22-yard line. roon right end for a two-yard gain. hardus punted to Summers who
Zimmer took the ball out of bounds Chicago was offside on the next play caught the ball on his nine-yard line ;
after a three-yard gain. Ward tackled and drew a five-yard penalty. Pe- and returned the ball to the Chi-
Sahlin for no gain. Page punted to toskey found a stone wall at left cago 23-yard line. It was a 53-yard
Newman, who caught the ball on his tackle. Everhardus punted out of kick.
36-yard line and made a nine-yard bounds at Chicago's 15-yard line. Ward tackled Summers for a twon
return. Sahlin failed to gain at center. On yard loss on an attempted end run.
Summers failed to gain at center.
The ball was near the sidelines theex ay, rthou he Pgaie Bernard made the tackle. Birney
when Newman went out of bounds three yards around Ward. Page, run- punted and Newman caught the ball
for no gain on the 44-yard marker. ning from punt formation, roundedputdadNw ncugthebl
Michigan's right end for a first down on Michigan's 37-yard line. He was
Newman was tackled in an attempt tackled in his tracks by Spearing.
to pass. Chicago was off side on the onMaroon's 29-yard marker. It was Fay broke up a pass thrown by
next play and drew a five-yard pen- the first play to make a down in Page. Sahlin found a hole at Mich-
alty. the game, a gain of 10 yards being ia'ag.lftckeorivyrd.C-
Fay took the ball on the next made. Zimmer ran the ball out of igan's left tackle for five yards. Chi-
bounds for a one-yard gain.s backfield was mixed on signals,
play off left tackle for two yards. for ane-yard gn, and a pass bounded back to the Ma-
Everhardus punted to Zenner, who Pa aied o yads oroon 35-yard line, where it was
caught the ball on his own 10-yard play as the period ended. downed by Summers.
line and was tackled by Williamson Sn Summers then punted to Fay who
on the 17-yard stripe. Sahlin cut SECOND PERIOD caught the ball and was downed on
through Michigan's right tackle for Chapman went in for Williamson the Michigan 30-yard line.
five yards. 2ernard felled Sahlin on the Wolverine squad. Petoskey made two yards. Ever-
for no gain.. Birney punted out of Zahlin gained a yard after trying hardus struck through right tackle
bounds at Michigan's 43-yard line. to reverse his field on a wide end for another. Michigan took time out.
Everhardus gained. three yardsatrun. Birney punted and Toigo down- Everhardus punted
Chicago's right end, but the ball was eon Michigan's 15-yard Summers took the ball on his 17-
called back and the Wolverines drew line. Everhardus gained four yards in yard line and ran it back to the 28-
a 15-yard penalty for holding. Fay a line plunge. Petoskey added three yard stripe. Page made three yards
gained four yards through right more through the Chicago right through Michigan's right guard.
tackle. Everhardus' punt was partial- tackle. Hildebrand tackled Sahlin for a
ly blocked by Ziiimer and the ball Everhardus punted over Zenner's three-yard loss. Newman fumbled
went out of bounds at Chicago's 47. head. Zenner had grazed the ball and Birney's punt, but recovered and
yard line. was downed by Pe- was downed on Michigan's 27-yard
Wistert tackled toskey on the Chi- line.
Zimmer for one cago 15-yard line Chicago drew a 15-yard penalty for
yard loss. Sahlin It was a 63-yard holding, which gave the ball to Mich-
hit Austin's tackle punt. Zimmer way igan on the 46-yard line. Fay made
for one yard,. Zim-r injured on the thiee yards through the line. Fay
mer attempted a play and took tim f..lost three yards on a wide end run.
wide end-run, but out. Summers re Newman's long forward pass to Wil-
was tackled by Pe- placed Z i m m e r. liamson failed. It was broken up by
toskey and Ber- S u m m e rs made Sahlin.
nard for a two- one yard at Mich- Everhardus punted high to Sahlin,
yard loss. igan's center,' but who took the ball on his 10-yard line
Birney punted to ~1 Q the ball was called and made a nine-yard return. Savage
Newman,n.who back and Michigan made the tackle othe 10-yard line.
caught the ball on Michigan's 22- drew a five-yard COX Page failed to gain as the half ended.
yard line. Three Chicago tacklers penalty for being offside. Score: Michigan.6; Chicago 0.
were about to stop' the Michigan Page gained a yard at Michigan's THIRD PERIOD
quarterback, but he waited until they left side. Summers threw a pass Michigan elected to kick off at the
were about to charge, then side- which Everhardus nearly intercepted. I start of the second half. Petoskey
Children's Week in Bookand

made the boot. Sahlin caught the ball
on his goal line and made a brilliant
return to the Chicago 36-yard mark-
er. He was nearly in the clear for
a touchdown, but finally was tackled.
Everhardus punted to Summers,
who was tackled as he made the
catch by Capt. Williamson on the
Maroon 12-yard line.
Page made three yards through
Michigan's left guard. Wistert and Pe-
toskey tackled Summers after he had
gone one yard. Birney got off a poor
punt, which was downed by Gabel on
Chicago's 40-yard line.
Michigan was offside on the next
play and was penalized five yards.
Capt. Page broke up a forward pass
thrown by Newman. Newman threw
another pass toward Fay. It failed
and the Wolverines took a five-yard
Everhardus dropped back to punt
formation, but instead of kicking
took the ball around Chicago's left
end for 17 yards to the Chicago 32-
yard line.
Petoskey stepped through left
guard for two yards, but the ball
came back and Chicago drew a five-
yard penalty for being offside. New-

man slipped inside of Chicago's left
end for a seven-yard gain and a first
down on Chicago's 48-yard line.
Michigan drew a five-yard penalty
for having a backfield man in mo-
tion. Newman
completed a for-
ward pass to Ever-
hardus, wo was
forced out of
bounds at Chi-
c.a g o's4 y a r d
line. It was a 13-
yard gain.
Everhardus was
held for no gain.
Newman's next
vlS-rar pass failed. Ever-
t T hardus punted
over the Chicago goal line and the
Maroons put the ball in play on the
20-yard marker.
Mendenhall failed to gain. Chicago
drew a 15-yard penalty for holding.
This took the ball back to the Ma-
roon five-yard line. Birney stood on
his end zone and kicked to Newman.
Cassels of Chicago downed the ball
on the Chicago 37-yard line.
The ball was called back and
Michigan drew a 15-yard penalty for

roughing the kicker, giving the ball
to Chicago on its 20-yard line. Flinn
failed to gain as the period ended.L
Score: Michigan 6; Chicago 0.
Birney got off a quick kick to New-
man, who was tackled on Michigan's
41-yard line. But Michigan was off-
side and was penalized five yards
after the ball had been called back.
Flinn gained one yard inside of
Cox. Birney fumbled, but recovered
after a two-yard loss. Birney punted
and Cassels downed the ball on
Michigan's 47-yard line.
Newman took the ball inside of
his own right end for seven yards.
Fay went through center for a first
down on Chicago's 41-yard line. Chi-
cago drew a penalty for a defensive
man using his hands. It then became
first down on the Chicago 36-yard
Flinn tackled Petoskey for a four-
yard loss. Everhardus gained a yard
through right
guard. The ball -
was on the 29-yard
line. Petoskey was
tackled by Cassels '
after making a
o n e-y a rd gain.
Everhardus punt-
ed over the goal
line, and the ball
went in play, on
Chicago's 20-yard
line. tlttpQeRqND
Mendenhall gained two yards at
Michigan's center. Flinn gained four
more through Michigan's left guard.
Flinn again took the ball through

the Michigan tackle for one yard.
Birney punted to Newman, who took
the ball on the Wolverine 29-yard
line. He was tackled by Summers
after a return to the 38-yard marker.
Newman took the ball out of
bounds for no gain. Everhardus
gained one yard through right guard.
Everhardus punted to Flinn, who
caught the ball and was tackled by
Williamson on Chicago's 22-yard
Mendenhall lost two yards on a
wide end run. Danm tackled Flinn
for no gain. Birney punted to New-
man, who returned to the Chicago
48-yard line. Petoskey then,, gained
three yards through Chicago's right
side. He failed to gain on the next
one. Petoskey made a nice run
around the left end to the 30-yard
line, but the ball was called back and
Michigan got a five-yard penalty for
being offside. Capt. Birney was in-
jured and Chicago took time out.
Everhardus, running from punt
formation, made two yards around
Chicago's left end. He then punted
and the ball went over the goal line,
so was in play on the Maroon 20.
yard marker.
Marcovsky intercepted a forward
pass thrown by Summers and Michi-
(Continued on Page 2)
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